Could you be a Snow Angel during Storm Emma?

The dangers of icy and wet footpaths can result in older and vulnerable people being left stranded in their homes during bad weather. Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking, is urging councils, businesses and neighbours to be ‘Snow Angels’ and grit pavements outside of homes and on high streets as the poor weather continues.

Councils have a legal duty to ensure that safe movement along the footway is not endangered by snow or ice and Living Streets wants to see clear pavements serving key local destinations given the same priority as key roads.

The charity is also calling for councils to help residents do their bit by making sure grit is available, encouraging people to clear the street outside their property and helping organise volunteer teams of Snow Angels.

Snow Angels are people who help to clear snow and ice from pavements for local neighbours and relatives who may not be able to do it themselves.

Joe Irvin, Chief Executive, Living Streets said: “Each year thousands of people in the UK are admitted to hospital after slipping on ice or snow. This prevents a lot of people from leaving the house during bad weather, which can result in loneliness and all the health problems associated with not being fit and active. 

“We hear a lot about the importance of gritting and making roads safe for drivers, but pavements and the people using them are often overlooked. If it’s safe to do so, we’re urging people to think of their neighbours by clearing a path for them as the poor weather continues.”

 Alan Benson (below) is a wheelchair user. He finds getting around in icy weather very difficult and in the past has not left his home for a month due to a fear of falling out of his chair.

Alan said: “I had my very own Snow Angel once; I don’t think they even realised. I lived in a block of flats and one winter it snowed heavily. It was particularly treacherous and very nasty. Someone kept clearing the outside path from the front door so I could get out. I’m forever grateful; it was such a generous act.

“I think it would be great if people became Snow Angels this winter. It can make such a difference to people’s lives.”

Sophie, Michael and Hannah Thompson (below) are Snow Angels in their village, just outside Elgin in Scotland. Together with their dad, Chris, they clear paths with a homemade, push-along plough.

Chris said: “The children push the plough about 100 metres up and down our street to help clear access to our elderly neighbours’ houses.

“They know how the snow and ice can create problems for our neighbours and stop them going out to the shops or to see friends. They like to help me as much as they can to make sure they can still get out and about in the bad weather. Plus, they enjoy being able to build a much bigger snowman with the snow they collect.”

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