RNIB Talking Books appeal gets most votes from Edinburgh Tesco shoppers

Tesco community champion April Waters (pictured above, right) presents RNIB Scotland volunteer Hazel Kelly (left) with a cheque for £4,000, after the sight loss charity came first in six Tesco store’s ‘Bags of Help’ initiative, including Hermiston Gait and Corstorphine. Shoppers voted with special tokens for their favourite cause. Continue reading RNIB Talking Books appeal gets most votes from Edinburgh Tesco shoppers

Holyrood Hotel helps injured cyclist on road to recovery

Macdonald Holyrood Hotel is helping a former school teacher cycle more than 1,000 miles around Scotland as he sets off to raise awareness of debilitating head-injuries and the importance of wellbeing, following his own accident. Continue reading Holyrood Hotel helps injured cyclist on road to recovery

Amazon team makes special Easter delivery to Edinburgh Women’s Aid

The women and children supported by Edinburgh Women’s Aid have received a delivery of more than 200 Easter eggs thanks to a donation from the team at the Amazon Customer Services Centre in Waterloo Place. Continue reading Amazon team makes special Easter delivery to Edinburgh Women’s Aid

Dogs Trust free event: Local dog rescue needs your help

Volunteer recruitment event at Dogs Trust in West Lothian

Dogs Trust West Calder is hosting a volunteer recruitment event on Sunday 19th May 2019 open to anyone wishing to help make a difference to the lives and welfare of dogs. Continue reading Dogs Trust free event: Local dog rescue needs your help

Leonardo staff engineer super support for MND Scotland

Employees at aerospace giant Leonardo at Crewe Toll handed over a cheque for over £21,000 to their outgoing nominated charity MND Scotland recently, marking the culmination of two years of fundraising for them. Continue reading Leonardo staff engineer super support for MND Scotland

Music for a Spring Evening at St. Serf’s

Charity concert to support Save The Children

Enjoy an evening of outstanding entertainment featuring baroque, traditional Scottish music and jazz. Starring Richard Michael and supported by Joanna Duncan and Hilary Michael this concert has music for all tastes. Continue reading Music for a Spring Evening at St. Serf’s