Care Inspectorate is looking for young volunteers

We’re looking for young people with a personal experience of care to volunteer with us.  So, if you have used a care service, you could be just who we are looking for.  

You don’t have to have qualifications – personal experience is what counts.  You must be aged between 18-27 to apply.

Download our information leaflet here.

Complete our application form here.

Hear what some of our young inspection volunteers said here.

If you would like to find out more about becoming young inspection volunteer, need help to complete the application form or would like us to post you an application form – please email Julie Brown at

Care workforce specialist answer to sector’s staff problems

Radical changes need to be made to the planning and recruitment of social care workers in Edinburgh to offset an impending care crisis.

With the role and value of social care at unprecedented levels owing to the pandemic, Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership [HSCP] is being urged to look at digital workforce mapping technology to support the care of the region’s most vulnerable citizens.

The call is being made by innovative care workforce specialist Netli who has developed a range of solutions – working in consultation with multiple industry organisations – to resolve the serious challenges faced in Edinburgh.

Netli has provided Edinburgh HSCP with a detailed proposal offering to support the provision of local care services and is seeking talks with senior officers and department heads to outline the plan in more detail.

The move follows a call in an Independent Review for a National Care Service to be formed, which also underlined the importance of better workforce planning and development to reduce the impact of ever-worsening recruitment and retention problems.

It is estimated that 36,000 people in Scotland do not have access to the care they need. Care UK estimates over 1.4 million people across the UK currently have unmet care needs, with delayed discharges due to the lack of social care costing the NHS more than £500 every minute.

Stephen Wilson, CEO and co-founder of Netli, said that as the sector is not growing fast enough – due to inherent difficulties with recruiting and retaining staff – it is unable to keep up with the increasing demand for care services caused by an ageing population. A care crisis is not just looming, but is happening right now.

Stephen said: “People are already being denied vital care – but that position is only going to get worse if we don’t change the failed ways of the past and look to digital technology to sort out this workforce problem.”

Netli’s solution involves collating workforce data from care providers and making this available to HSCPs like Edinburgh HSCP in real-time. This would offer detailed information to help HSCPs with current and future workforce planning, identifying risks and threats within the industry, comparing and benchmarking against regional and national data, and identifying the necessary supports for care providers.

Stephen Wilson, CEO and co-founder of Netli, said: “Our proposal will enable HSCPs like Edinburgh HSCP, and those across the country, to gather and access valuable data which will help them to understand how to better manage the planning, recruitment and retention of social care staff.

 “For example if we can monitor what impact Brexit, Covid or a closure of an individual care provider will have, it means you can react and impose a solution before serious damage is done.

“Having continual access to real-time workforce data, combined with the other integrated workforce tools we have devised, will help to attract applicants to the care sector, improve staff retention and mitigate the risk of provider failure, lost revenue and unmet needs.”

Around 206,000 people work in social care in Scotland, but the Scottish Social Services Council predicts the social care workforce must grow by 2.2% each year.

However, the sector had around 14,000 vacancies and growth has stalled at just 1.2%. It comes as the Scottish Government acknowledges that “recruitment and retention of staff working in the social services sector has long been seen as key to improving service provision, standards and outcomes”.

Stephen said: “The facts speak for themselves: we need to radically improve the way we manage and process recruitment in the social care sector.

“But, crucially, as well as the pandemic shining a new light on the importance of good social care, it has also provided a platform to showcase a career in social care like never before.

“The new respect and value that social care now has should act as a trigger to encourage people in say, retail, hospitality or travel who have lost their jobs because of the pandemic, to take up new roles in social care.

“So when the UK opens up post-Covid, social care can be a key sector to support the economic recovery of the nation. “

Netli plans to contact all HSCPs in Scotland – as well as consulting with the Scottish Government – with the aim of securing country-wide support and take-up of its services. They also want to speak to care providers who can become ambassadors to press for change with local authorities.

Stephen added: “We believe we can play a key role in helping HSCPs and Scottish Government to ensure the continuous provision of consistent and uninterrupted care in communities across the country.

“Every person employed into the care sector will positively impact the lives of at least three people in need of support. This year, Netli wants to help at least 10,000 people to gain employment in the care sector who, in turn, will support 30,000 people.

 “But if we secure the wide scale take-up from local authorities, and from those in Scotland, that we are looking for, we could see 100,000 jobs being created.”

Netli’s proposal to Edinburgh HSCP  – titled ‘The Continuous Provision of Consistent and Uninterrupted Care’ – consists of three integrated solutions to cover the entire lifecycle of the care workforce: – a job board specific to vacancies in care, developed to increase recruitment into the sector;

Workforce – an end-to-end recruitment and HR system built specifically to speed up and improve the recruitment and retention process for care providers; and

Workforce Portal – a database of available care workers, giving care providers 24/7 access to a permanent pool of staff to reduce the risk of staff shortage.

The company, which rebranded to Netli from its previous name Novacare in preparation for its planned expansion this year, has developed its product offering over the last five years in direct response to the care industry’s demands for bespoke support and solutions.

LOVE Care expands into child residential care

A leading Scottish care provider has expanded into residential care after acquiring a new home in Airdrie, where it will offer residential care services for children.

The house is currently awaiting the green light from the Care Inspectorate to be used as a residential home.

Based in Hamilton but active across Scotland, LOVE Care have been offering a wide range of professional care and respite services, tailored to individual needs and undertaken by highly trained carers.

This step into residential care comes after a continuous expansion of LOVE Care’s service portfolio during last year amid the growing demand of their provision in Scotland.

LOVE Care aims to provide 24/7 tailored care services to kids with social, emotional and behavioural needs for whom residential care is the only option.

As part of SQA accredited learning and training centre LOVE Group, the care provider will complement its residential services with educational support in line with the services that it already provides in local authorities including South Lanarkshire, Glasgow, Stirling and Edinburgh. It will also offer holistic therapy and wellbeing services to those in the home.

LOVE Care has previously been vocal about the need to improve the care sector standards in Scotland and ensure that not only the services offered are up to the highest standards but that carers themselves receive high levels of training and fair wages.

As such, LOVE Care train their staff following a unique hybrid model where workers are not only trained in residential childcare but also put through Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) accredited training in education delivery, providing them a greater level of formation to interact with children.

LOVE Care is a national living wage employer and facilitate internal routes to additional training and promotion within the organisation and the overall sector, making the prospect of a career in the care sector more attractive to possible applicants.

Lynn Bell, CEO of LOVE Care (pictured) commented: “We are delighted to expand our services into residential care. This will allow us to be providers of every tier of care services to vulnerable children in our country.

“Our aim as a social business is to bring love and support into children’s care services, ensuring that no matter what their background is, our children will be given the best possible start in life.

“We offer unique family support plans for children in our residential homes as well as a range of resilient support plans to enable their future success through a number intensive and holistic therapy and wellbeing services.

“We strongly believe in the need to improve the care standards of Scotland and urge all providers to raise their game and look at solutions to create a sustainable and successful care sector.

“As an example, the career pathway we provide through training supports individuals gain the qualifications to move through the ranks of the care sector and help establish this as a career of choice, helping to improve people’s lives.”

New sign language video call service rolled out

New video call service removes barriers to participation.

The nationwide roll-out of a new online interpreting service will allow deaf people across Scotland to use sign language to contact public sector services.

The Scottish Government has announced today the extension of the current NHS 24 online British Sign Language (BSL) Video Relay Interpreting Service pilot to the rest of the public sector in Scotland.

The new Scottish Government-funded service, contactSCOTLAND, will mean deaf people can now speak to public services, such as their local council, doctor’s surgery and the Scottish Government, without the need for someone to call on their behalf. This project is unique in the UK and is the first nationally funded public sector Video Relay Service.

Minister for Sport, Health Improvement and Mental Health, Jamie Hepburn, welcomed the new contactSCOTLAND service which is available from today. He said:

“There are estimated to be around 6,500 people living in Scotland who use sign language and these people deserve to have the same access to services as everyone else.

“By extending this programme to cover all public sector services in Scotland, we are removing the barriers that some deaf people face when trying to get in contact with their local services.

“For the majority of people who rely on sign language to communicate, they need to arrange to have someone to call on their behalf. This new project will mean deaf people can video call an interpreter at contactSCOTLAND directly who will then speak to the relevant public sector organisation and act as an intermediary for the deaf person.

“This is a fantastic project and gives British Sign Language users equal access to public sector services, allowing them to enjoy greater participation in daily and public life.”

Andrew McCafferty and his  wife in are both profoundly deaf, The Greenock couple recently used the video relay service to call NHS 24 – receiving treatment that saved Andrew’s life.

He said: “My wife and l are profoundly deaf and use British Sign Language to communicate. It can be really difficult and frustrating to communicate with doctors, police officers and workman from the council that come to carry repairs in our home.

“Recently l took seriously ill and contacted NHS 24 through the online BSL interpreter service. The online interpreter assisted me throughout the call and later when l received treatment at the hospital, the doctors said the treatment saved my life.

“Being able to use contactSCOTLAND is amazing – it means my wife and l can understand what is being said, which makes us feel much more confident. This is a great service which Deaf people can use when they need it, no matter where they live in Scotland.”

Janis McDonald, Chief Officer, Scottish Council on Deafness (SCoD), said: “SCoD is proud to have been involved from the early days of the pilot work and sees many benefits to Deaf People wishing to access services that are readily available to hearing peers. It is terrific; accessible, discreet and confidential, designed with people in mind. Many have already received information and treatment because of it.

“We can see this type of access would have wider benefit – to help interaction with other public bodies and could be applied to many other situations of day to day life. It greatly reduces the inequality and access barriers Deaf, BSL Users face daily.

“We therefore welcome that the service is now being extended to all national and local public bodies ready to promote and support BSL and Deaf Users across Scotland and that Deaf users have access to public services like everyone else.”

The service is free and can be used to contact all public sector bodies in Scotland. It is not for emergency 999 calls. More information on how the BSL Video Relay Interpreting service works can be found on the contactSCOTLAND website

Quality! Edinburgh College cares



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Edinburgh College has been awarded a national Buttle UK Quality Mark for its commitment to supporting young people from care backgrounds.

The college was given the honour in recognition of its support for young people in and leaving care. Buttle UK – a charity that supports children and families living in poverty – recognises colleges and universities that make exceptional steps in helping young people to succeed in their studies and reach their true potential.

The award coincided with a college event organised by Edinburgh College Students’ Association (ECSA) to support students from care backgrounds. The Care Leavers’ Event underlined the college’s commitment to supporting care leavers and saw current students from care backgrounds take to the stage to share their stories and break the stigma attached to those who have been in the care system.

Two Edinburgh College students and another young person with a care background spoke in front of a large audience including Colin Beattie MSP, senior managers and guests from other local organisations including universities. Colin Beattie sits on the Education and Culture Committee, which was instrumental in passing the Children and Young People Bill that addresses looking after children in care and care leavers.

The event was held in partnership with the young people’s voluntary organisation Who Cares? Scotland, and saw the college and ECSA both sign the Who Cares? Scotland Pledge. This, along with the Buttle award, strengthens the long-term support Edinburgh College will provide to students with care backgrounds.

The Buttle award recognises the quality of the financial, pastoral and educational support Edinburgh College offers to young people in and leaving care. The college’s holistic approach to support, as part of its Transitions for Young People Leaving Care (TLC) project, ensures that additional help is not just offered by student support teams but is also embraced by all teams at the college. This approach, as well as working closely with Edinburgh City Council and ECSA, raises the aspirations of care leavers and gives them equal opportunity.

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Myra McCabe, head of Student Services at Edinburgh College, (pictured above with Kelly Parry) said: “Edinburgh College strives to reach some of the most under-represented and hardest-to-reach groups in our local communities. There is no doubt that the challenges facing young people leaving care are great, which is why we want to offer as much support as possible to give young people the chance to succeed.

“To be recognised by this national charity is a great endorsement of what we have achieved. Together with our recent Times Educational Supplement award in widening participation, we are pleased to be able to offer opportunities to those who need them the most or who would not normally consider college as an option. We are now one of only a handful of colleges in Scotland with the Buttle UK Quality Mark and we are delighted to have received the recognition for the real difference the college makes to our students and the local community.”

Kelly Parry (above), student president of ECSA, said: “I am delighted that the college has been awarded the Buttle UK Quality Mark. Care leavers are one of the most marginalised groups in society and are often overlooked and ignored. Over the last year, Edinburgh College Students’ Association and Edinburgh College have been doing some fantastic work to empower care leavers and give them the same chances and prospects as everyone else.

“The Care Leavers’ Event was unique because it was organised by care leavers for care leavers. By coming together to share stories and successes we send a strong message to other young people in care that they have the potential to achieve in education. This was the first time the students had addressed such a large and influential audience and they did brilliantly, speaking clearly and with passion.

“Signing the Who Cares? Scotland pledge is just the first step for us. We want to keep moving forward and to inspire other colleges and associations as well as wider society to really start delivering for care leavers and start transforming their lives.”

Twenty three-year-old Health and Social Care student Nathan Sullivan (pictured below) was one of the key speakers at the Care Leavers’ Event.

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He said: “I’ve been through many different types of foster care – from foster care to respite to living in a residential home – and the reason for this was because my mum had a number of different illnesses. She passed away when I was 14 years old and at this point I was placed into a residential care unit. I was passed from from pillar to post, was confused, upset and angry because I had no stability in my life at that time.

“I then started studying at Edinburgh College, joined the Edinburgh College Students’ Association and realised that I wanted to be a social worker. I’m doing all that I can to achieve this and, with the support from the college and the Students’ Association, I have now set up a peer group for care leavers to help to support many others like me in the future.”