Bield is ready for the next chapter

In-person engagement events return to inform housing services of the future

ONE of Scotland’s leading housing specialists is looking to the future as it returns to an in-person AGM after a two-year hiatus.

Sustainability and the cost-of-living crisis will both sit top of the agenda at Bield’s AGM – which is due to take place this week – with over 100 employees and members in attendance.  

The AGM will be held on 22 September at Edinburgh’s Apex Grassmarket Hotel, with a mixture of staff, members and Board members in attendance to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the industry.

Long-service awards will also be presented to celebrate loyal staff and recognise their outstanding contributions.

There will also be a new addition to the AGM in the form of a staff conference. The conference will be held on the same day to bring together staff who will be overseeing and implementing changes to policy and practice over the coming years.

Dr Lynne Douglas, Chief Executive, Bield Housing and Care.

Dr. Lynne Douglas, Chief Executive at Bield Housing and Care said: “This year we have been working on setting the direction for the next five years, listening to people’s views and pulling them all together into a coherent plan that we are excited to launch in 2023.

“The industry has weathered tough storms over the past few years and we are delighted to look forward and celebrate and acknowledge the hard work of our staff in person. Both our tenants and staff continually drive us forward to achieve the best we can, and that is what helps us through periods of uncertainty.

“We’re delighted to be back hosting our AGM in person and look forward to catching up with members to hear about their experiences over the last year.

“It’s also really exciting to be adding an extra element this year in the form of our staff conference. This event will play a vital role in contributing to our next strategy and shaping the Bield of the future, while providing an opportunity for staff to network and create connections”.

One key element to be discussed at the AGM is the need to focus on sustainability. Bield recently announced the launch of its Energy and Environmental Policy which commits to reducing its carbon footprint by 90% and reaching net zero by 2045 at the latest.

In addition, Bield has also created new sustainability-focused roles in the form of a Net Carbon Manager and an Energy and Sustainability Manager.

Dr. Lynne Douglas added: “There are positive changes and policies being implemented across the organisation which present a real opportunity for tenants and staff to shape the services Bield provide.

“We’re all very much looking to the future with optimism and these events provide a vital platform to discuss the opportunities and challenges ahead.”

Bield is a registered charity dedicated to providing flexible and high quality housing solutions and support for older people.  Bield Housing and Care has around 180 developments across Scotland, providing independent living for those over 50 years old.

To find out more about Bield, visit or follow on Facebook @bieldhousingandcare and Twitter @BieldScotland.

Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre AGM

Please join us at our AGM tomorrow (Tuesday, 23rd August) at 12pm.

Are you interested in becoming more active in your local community and shaping the future of your Neighbourhood Centre? We are looking for local people to join our Management Committee as a Charity Trustee.

In order to be elected on to our Management Committee you must be a member of the Drylaw Telford Community Association – membership is free.

Membership forms will be available at the AGM or drop in to the centre prior to the meeting.

Heart of Newhaven June Newsletter

Welcome to your June Newsletter

First of all, we hope you enjoyed the Picnic in the Park on Sunday 19th June in collaboration with the Friends of Victoria Park and the Victoria Park Allotment Holders. There seemed to be hundreds of people there, all having a great time. We hope you caught up with some old friends and made some new ones.

Next in the calendar will be our second Annual General Meeting. This will be held on Saturday 2nd July and members will be receiving their own invitation to attend in person this year, now that Covid restrictions have been relaxed. There will be more details in the members’ invitations.

If you think you are already a member, but have not received the AGM invitation by email in the last few days, please do get in touch with us to check your membership status by emailing .

Just a reminder that receiving this newsletter does not necessarily mean that you are a member. You might just have signed up to receive the newsletter but not joined as a member.

Check out our website for membership conditions, which are purely geographical. If you live in our area of benefit (there’s a map on the website) then you can become a full member with voting rights.

If you live outside the area then you can still become an associate member but will not be able to vote at the AGM.

Joining is free. If you haven’t joined and wish to, then you can find the form under JOIN on the website.

The Trustees look forward to meeting members in person, many of them for the first time, and discussing our exciting plans for the future.

We would also like to use this newsletter to introduce you to a new member of our team. Bryan McCarthy joins us as our new Volunteer Coordinator.

One of our trustees, Christine McDerment has been on the other end of the volunteering email address up until now, but Bryan has stepped up and answered the call for some help.

Bryan is originally from Cork, Ireland, but moved to Edinburgh five years ago and has been living in Leith while working in criminal justice with Edinburgh City Council. “I have always enjoyed volunteering in my spare time and am excited to put my energy into coordinating the volunteering activities of Heart of Newhaven,” he says.

Now, a reminder: we are looking for volunteers to get involved in reminiscence training.

Sharing family stories is therapeutic and instructive, not to mention enjoyable. If you’re interested in helping to record people’s stories and memories, to then share with the community, then please get in touch. We have secured funding for this, so the training would be free for the participants.



Remember to check the website regularly for blogs.

The month of May saw a visit to the Scottish Fisheries Museum in Anstruther, with whom we hope to collaborate on exhibitions and events in the future. As well as their regular collection they also offer temporary exhibitions and the current one runs until 19th June.

You can find the blogs, including Culture & Heritage and View From The Chair, under BLOGS on the website.


Scran Academy AGM this evening

We have our AGM/Graduation at Fetlor Youth Club today and it would be great if some of our local partner were able to attend to help us celebrate what the young people have achieved and some of the plans for the future.

Ian Midwinter

Chief Executive, Scran Academy


Invite to Stepping Stones North Edinburgh’s AGM next week

We are pleased to invite you to Stepping Stones North Edinburgh’s AGM on Monday 11 October 2021 at 12.30pm. 

This will take place via Zoom due to the ongoing Covid situation – for the link and further details please email:

​We very much hope you can attend and would appreciate your RSVP no later than Wednesday 6th October.

Zoe Jordan

Business Administrator

Stepping Stones North Edinburgh

Greenpeace Edinburgh volunteers target Tesco

On Friday morning, 5 stencilled messages, revealing that ‘Tesco meat = deforestation’ appeared outside the supermarket’s branches in Broughton Road, Earl Grey Street, Fountainbridge, Great Junction Street and Duke Street as part of an escalating nationwide protest before the supermarket chain’s Annual General Meeting.  

Delegates arriving for Tesco’s Annual General Meeting were greeted by activists holding giant letters spelling out the words ‘FOREST CRIME’ 10 metres wide at Tesco’s Welwyn Garden City headquarters on Friday morning.   

Thousands of personal, passionate and urgent pleas from Tesco customers for the supermarket to end its part in deforestation of the Amazon rainforest and other areas of Brazil were handwritten on the 1.5 metre high letters.

Two activists also read messages through loud hailers outside the meeting. In total 10,000 messages – many threatening a boycott of the supermarket if action wasn’t taken – were received by Greenpeace and delivered to Tesco as part of the peaceful direct action. A further 250,000 people have signed a petition calling on Tesco to drop forest destroyers. 

Throughout May and June, Greenpeace volunteers also left stencilled messages outside more than 270 stores. More stores will be targeted with a series of peaceful direct actions over the coming months calling out Tesco’s role in deforestation and fires across Brazil to cut through the supermarket’s greenwash.  

Ellie said: ‘“When you buy a chicken from Tesco Duke Street in Leith, it won’t mention the forest crime that took place to produce it. Tesco’s chicken supplier is owned by a company notorious for destroying the Amazon rainforest.

“And Tesco’s chicken is reared on soya that’s driving deforestation and fires across Brazil.  

“Indigenous peoples are facing an assault on their rights as forests like the Amazon are being slashed and deliberately burned for industrial meat production. It’s killing wildlife, the risk of future pandemics is increasing and it’s playing havoc with the climate.  

“10,000 shoppers have sent personal pleas for Tesco to drop forest destroyers from its supply chain – many threatening a boycott if it doesn’t. Tesco can’t afford to ignore them and we won’t stop campaigning until Tesco stops greenwashing and takes action.” 

Despite Tesco claiming to have met its deforestation targets, its meat is not deforestation-free. It buys British chicken and pork from suppliers owned by notorious rainforest-destroyer, JBS. 

JBS recently admitted it would accept deforestation in its supply chain for another 14 years. And Tesco continues to sell more soya-fed, factory-farmed meat than any other UK supermarket.

It has already failed to keep its promise of zero-deforestation by 2020 and its plans to buy soya ‘only from deforestation-free areas’ by 2025 are meaningless given the complete collapse in 2019 of talks involving traders like Cargill to agree protection for whole areas from soya.  

Ellie continued: “Are we really willing to let Tesco get away with such blatant greenwash when doing a weekly shop? Join us to take part in the protest from home by calling Tesco’s head office to demand it stops greenwashing and drops forest destroyers from its supply chain.

People who would like to take action at their local Tesco store can also apply for a free action pack at to receive a whole host of resources to help them get Tesco’s attention. 

North Edinburgh Arts capital project update & AGM

Dear North Edinburgh Arts Friend, 

North Edinburgh Arts Board and Director have been working in partnership with Council officers to develop the Planning application for the MacMillan Hub submitted last week.

Details and a link to the full application on the planning portal can be accessed here:

NEA are continuing to work on the costs and timetable for the MacMillan Hub, focusing on the extension and refurbishment of our building as an integral part of the Hub. Our Fundraiser, Roger Horam at Red Lynx, and Board continue to apply for funding and have had positive meetings with a range of statutory and third sector funders. 

On 3 June 2021 the Council agreed to put forward NEA for consideration as part of the Scottish Government Regeneration Capital Grant Fund. On 10 June 2021 the Council agreed to put NEA, as a key part of the MacMillan Hub, forward for the UK Levelling Up Fund.

This fund needs support from our local MP, and we thank Christine Jardine MP for her support. We would be grateful, too, for your support of NEA’s ambitious plan, and welcome any input you may be able to make, on behalf of our community,  to decision makers at both the Scottish and Westminster Governments who will be assessing our applications for funding.

If you have any questions or want more information please get in touch with us by emailing our Director Kate Wimpress at

I also would like to invite you to our forthcoming General Meeting on 21 July 2021 at 6.30pm, most likely to be held via Zoom, and would be pleased to speak with you then if you are able to attend. 

Yours sincerely

Lesley Hinds

Chair, North Edinburgh Arts
on behalf of the North Edinburgh Arts’ Board of Trustees

AGM invite from Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden

Dear Friend of Granton Castle Walled Garden,

We will be holding our AGM via Zoom on Wednesday 26th May from 5:30 – 6.30pm.

It is open to everyone who would like an update on the progress of the charity.

If you would like to attend, please email and we will send you the Zoom link the day before. 

If you would like to have a say in what goes on and be able to vote, we would ask you to become a member, which is free and can be done by filling out the attached form (below) and returning it to us via email, post or in-person. 

We look forward to seeing you if you can make it!

All the best,

Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden 


Postal Address:

Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden

c/o Social Bite Village, 23 West Shore Road

Edinburgh, EH5 1QB.

Fresh Start online AGM set for Tuesday 8th December

Fresh Start Annual General Meeting 8th December 2.15pm, via Zoom

We will be hosting the Annual General Meeting of Fresh Start (Scotland) Ltd this year via Zoom web link on Tuesday, 8th December at 2.15pm.   Unfortunately, due to the pandemic and current restrictions in place, we are unable to hold the meeting face to face and instead, ask that you join us virtually.

The formal business of the AGM consists of a presentation from the Convenor, Lindsay Wallace, on the activities of Fresh Start over the past year, together with a presentation of the Report and Accounts for 2019/20. 

This will be followed by a short presentation from Biddy Kelly, Managing Director, and video showing what has taken place over the past year.  The event will be finished by 3pm.

We would kindly ask that any questions are submitted prior to the event if possible but may be asked on the day either via the chat function on Zoom or afterwards via email.

To join us via Zoom, please click on the link below:

Or alternatively, visit

Select ‘Join a Meeting’ and enter this code: 862 2570 1177

When prompted, enter this password: 594344

It is a great opportunity to catch up on all the latest from Fresh Start and see some friendly faces and would love to you join in.

If you would like to view the Company’s accounts prior to the meeting, please click here or email us to be sent a copy.

If you can attend, please let us know, by telephoning admin on 0131 476 7741 or by replying to this email  by Friday 4th December.  If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you cannot attend. 

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you.

Kind regards,


Carrie-Ann Scougall

Business Manager, Fresh Start

22-24 Ferry Road Drive

Edinburgh  EH4 4BR

Direct Line: 0131 370 9000

Head Office: 0131 476 7741