Healthy advice from GIC

Granton Information Centre (GIC) has extended their service at Muirhouse Medical Group. GIC’s Michelle Lee can now be found at the Muirhouse Avenue centre on Mondays and Tuesdays from 2 – 4pm.

 GIC have provided an advice service in local GP surgeries for many years, and have had a presence in the Muirhouse surgery for almost two years. The extra hours at Muirhouse became possible when the Muirhouse practice was extended, and it’s a service that patients registered at Muirhouse are using in increasing numbers.

“There’s as much of a demand for the service as there has ever been – perhaps even more so”, said Michelle, who has been with GIC for eight years. “The advice service has been getting particularly busy on Tuesdays, and having the additional day here makes a great difference.”

Muirhouse Medical Centre’s Gillian Anderson said: “Michelle is very much a part of our team – she’s been added to our appointment systems and participates in our six-weekly staff team meetings. It’s great to have Michelle here in the practice to give advice – updating staff on changes to legislation and other issues that may affect GPs – to the comprehensive service she provides to the local people who are registered at this practice. There are a lot of questions on benefits and entitlements that we couldn’t give the answers to, so it’s very useful having Michelle here to explain complicated things in a way we can all understand.”

One patient who particularly appreciates GIC’s GP surgery service is Alan, who lives in Muirhouse. Alan, who suffers from depression, turned to Michelle for help when his mother – who was also his carer – suddenly died last Christmas.

“I didn’t have a clue what to do – my mum had always done everything and I really didn’t know where to turn or where to start. It took me a long time to get over the shock of losing my mum and things sort of drifted – I got into a mess and I didn’t have a clue how to sort things out. It affected my health, which was not that great anyway, and I was so lucky that my GP was able to offer GIC’s advice service, saying we’d be able to get things sorted.” At this point I had been refused Employment & Support Allowance due to failing a Work Capability assessment; I had a funeral to organise and to pay for and had accruing council tax arrears and I had no money coming in.”

He went on: “When I spoke to Michelle it was a weight off my mind – it was amazing just how much better I felt just being able to share things with somebody, because I really didn’t have anyone else to help me, no-one else to turn to. I’m not exaggerating when I say that Michelle was my lifeline – she has supported me all the way through. Things were a mess – far too complicated for me – but with Michelle’s help things are looking up now – it’s a whole lot brighter, when just a wee while ago everything seemed hopeless.”

Michelle said: “Alan suffers from severe depression, and when he found himself alone he found it impossible to cope with forms, bills and paperwork. He found himself with an outstanding funeral bill, no money coming in because his benefits had been stopped and there were various other complications. It was a set of circumstances that anyone would have found daunting – never mind someone who had recently lost their mother. Fortunately, we have been able to systematically deal with all of the issues Alan faced, and things that once seemed insurmountable have been resolved. It is not an easy process, but we’ve got there. Alan has started to get his life in order, and he’s feeling better and more positive as a result.”

Michelle explained to Alan that she would assist with appealing the Employment & Support Allowance decision and would also assist with making an application to British Gas Energy Trust for help with the outstanding balance for the funeral. Michelle also identified a possible entitlement to Disability Living Allowance.

The Employment & Support Allowance decision was overturned at the appeal stage and Alan was placed in the support group. His weekly income increased from absolutely nothing to £105.05 a week, and he also received an additional backdated payment of £681.00.

The British Gas Energy Trust application was also successful and Alan was awarded £1960.80 to clear the outstanding balance of his mother’s funeral costs.

The initial application for Disability Living Allowance was unsuccessful, but GIC successfully appealed the decision and this increased Alan’s weekly income by another £41.10 – in total Alan’s annual household income has increased by £7,599.80!

Alan’s life has been turned around. “I’m starting to get out and about a bit more, which is hard to believe,” he said. “I can honestly say that, without this service, I really don’t think I would have been here to tell you this story. Seriously, it was that bad but things are getting better. I can never thank Michelle enough for everything she’s done for me and I count myself so lucky that my GP told me about the advice service.”

Granton Information Centre’s GP Surgery service is also available at Crewe Medical Centre on Tuesday mornings between 10.00am and 1pm.


Fire safety advice for freshers

As a new academic term starts Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service is urging students to put fire safety at the top of their agenda for the years ahead:

Part of becoming a student is enjoying the freedom of being away from home and living with new friends. This can be a very enjoyable experience but it can also be daunting.

Living in halls of residence or rented accommodation means that you are responsible for looking after your own health and safety. Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service work with universities and colleges to ensure that halls of residence are safe places to live, through the provision of free home fire safety advice for residents and ensuring that fire-warning systems are installed and maintained correctly.

As a resident within halls of residence, you have an obligation to ensure that the fire warning system and firefighting equipment are only used in an emergency. Unwanted false alarms caused by deliberate or malicious actuation of fire warning systems is a criminal act, which may result in prosecution, but more importantly, may lead to a delay in fire appliances responding to a genuine emergency elsewhere. Your university or college may also consider appropriate disciplinary action against students involved in such activities.

Whilst partying, smoking and drinking are all part of a student lifestyle, it is important to remember that this could put you at a higher risk of fire.

Make sure you know what to do if fire breaks out. Our advice is to get out, stay out and call 999 asking for ‘Fire’. Never attempt to tackle a fire yourself. If you are trapped by fire, get to a window if possible and dial 999. Fire Control will give you fire survival advice until firefighters can reach you.

Cooking and cigarettes are two of the most common causes of fire. In student accommodation, we are also often called to fires started by candles and tea lights. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Don’t cook or smoke under the influence of alcohol and never leave candles unattended. If you have been drinking heavily you may be slower to respond in an emergency.

Tips on keeping your accommodation safe

  • Never leave cooking unattended
  • Never leave candles unattended
  • Keep candles away from flammable surfaces or textiles
  • Don’t cook or smoke indoors when you’ve been drinking alcohol
  • Don’t overload plug sockets
  • If a fire starts get out, stay out and dial 999
  • Practice an escape route with your housemates
  • Check furniture has the permanent fire resistant label
  • Take extra care with cigarettes and smoking materials. Don’t smoke in bed.
  • Extinguish cigarettes properly before you go to sleep
  • Switch off electrical appliances, like mobile chargers and hair straighteners, when not in use
  • Secure portable heaters up against a wall, so they don’t fall over. Keep them away from curtains, furnishings, never dry clothes on them.
  • Know your escape route in an emergency. Make sure you and your housemates know the quickest way out in the event of fire and consider an alternative route in case your usual one is blocked.
  • In all properties, the landlord must ensure gas appliances are installed and maintained annually by a registered plumber.
  • Know your rights. Landlords are responsible for supplying safe gas appliances and electrical wiring

Free home fire safety advice is available here: and a free home safety visit can be arranged by calling 0800 169 0320 or by emailing

Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service

Extreme weather safety advice from Lothian Fire and Rescue Service

Firefighters and control room operators faced a busy weekend as much of the Lothians and Borders experienced torrential rain showers and several flood warnings were in place.

With the rain looking set to continue, Alex Hume, Community Safety Group Commander for the Service said: “The extreme weather has been keeping the emergency services across the country very busy, and our crews are no exception. Our firefighters are trained to perform rescues in flood situations and have done so commendably over the past days. The Service’s control room personnel have also coped well handling an increased volume of calls.

“As the rain continues to fall, we would advise residents to follow our flood safety advice. Avoid entering floodwater whenever possible, whether you are in your vehicle or on foot, as there may be hazards you can’t see such as displaced manhole covers, and it’s almost impossible to tell how deep the water gets. Try to avoid contact with floodwater as it could be contaminated with sewage and bear in mind, electricity passes easily through water. For further advice please visit our website:”

Spring clean your finances on Dosh Day!

Lottery-funded Money Matters is offering a free opportunity to get your finances in order on Dosh Day – 21 March – at North Edinburgh Arts Centre.

Come and talk to representatives from:

Citizens Advice Bureau,Edinburgh.

Castle Rock Edinvar H.A. financial inclusion team.

Specialist Energy Advisor – advice on reducing your gas and electric bills.

North EdinburghCredit Union

LGBT – promote health of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Also information and advocacy.

Healthy Living – help with stop smoking, healthy eating and drink awareness.

Adult Education – help with reading and writing.

JobCentrePlus – help in finding a job.

Volunteering and work information.


Money saving ideas and a day of free advice from a range of organisations, plus free giveaways, free prizes, free things to do in Edinburgh, and more.

on Wednesday 21 March 2012, from 10.30am till 3pm,

 at North EdinburghArt Centre, 15A Pennywell Court.

(next to Muirhouse library, walk through Muirhouse Shopping Centre)

Lothian Buses – 27, 32 and 37