Mum, I’m bored …


We’re just one week into the school holidays – only SIX weeks to go! See below for a list of what’s available locally to keep your little darlings amused …

Summer Programme 2015 All in One



Alex McLeish and Yogi Hughes to support world record bid at Spartans

A game of two halves? Try a game of FIVE DAYS!


Imagine running the equivalent of nine marathons back-to-back; imagine burning over 18,000 calories per day while only getting one or two hour intervals for a ‘quick nap’; imagine playing a full season of 90 minute fixtures within four days – that’s the Herculean task facing 36 hopeful World Record Breakers in North Edinburgh this weekend!

Friends, family and teammates of the late Falkirk defender Craig Gowans have been embarking on a gruelling training regime in preparation for their challenge to break the Guinness World Record for the longest 11-a-side football match.

The record was broken just weeks ago at St Mary’s – the 30,000 all-seater stadium and  home of Southampton FC, but from the 4 – 8 July, Ainslie Park, home of The Spartans FC, will play host to one of the most ambitious of Guinness World Record attempts as the team aim to smash the current record.

The Craig Gowans Guinness World Record Match has support from a number of high-profile football associations and charities such as the Scottish Football Association, Football Aid, The Sick Kids Friends Foundation and the Hibernian Football Community.


A number of celebrities will also take part in the event, including ex-Rangers, Hibernian and Scotland boss, Alex McLeish. McLeish himself will be acting as a guest manager for the record attempt, while the current Scottish Cup holding manager, John Hughes, will also be there, showing his support.

Former teammates of Craig and current professional footballers, Scott Arfield and Thomas Scobbie have also lent their support to the World Record attempt.

The event has attracted much attention since the plan was formulated by the Craig Gowans Memorial Fund, a fund set up by Craig’s family and friends following his tragic death to ensure that his memory is used as a driving force for good.

Craig, a former Daniel Stewarts and Melville College pupil, died during training aged just 17, when a 20ft long pole used for transportable nets he was instructed to carry came into contact with power lines.  He had signed his professional contract with the club just two weeks prior to the accident.


Since the charity was formed in April 2007, the fund has raised more than £80,000, supporting charities such as the Children’s Hospice Association Scotland (CHAS), the Sick Kids Friends Foundation (SKFF) and the Chesney Trust.  The fund has also contributed towards building state-of-the-art educational facilities for children and young adults in places such as Malawi.

The two 18-man squads have already smashed their £37,000 fundraising target, inspired by Craig’s professional number at Falkirk, number 37, and the total continues to rise.

The money raised will be used to fund enhancements to the new Sick Kids hospital at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh at Little France, specifically a state-of-the-art Snoezelen room in Craig’s name. The space will be a calming room with multi-sensory equipment providing a relaxing and stimulating space for children with sensory impairments.

The Craig Gowans Guinness World Record Committee, made up of Craig’s school friends Jonny Wallace, Dario Alonzi, Eoghan Molloy and Chris O’Shea, are working hard to ensure the event is as successful as possible and raises as much awareness as possible.

Members of the public are invited to the kick-off of the world record attempt at 1pm tomorrow (Saturday 4 July) and to support the players throughout the match until the full time whistle on Wednesday (8 July).

Anyone who would like to check the progress of the World Record attempt can get in touch through the website –,

on Twitter – ♯

and on Facebook –

Donations can be made via JustGiving:

For further info contact Jonny Wallace at


Forth’s youth told: think BIG!


Think BIG. Think bold. Be creative. And there’s no such thing as a daft idea! That was the message to participants at an event held at Pilton Youth & Childrens Project last week – and the results of the day’s work will help to guide youth service provision across Forth Neighbourhood. 

Organised by Forth Neighbourhood Partnership and Total Craigroyston, YouthTalk brought together young people from across Forth with community representatives and decision makers to discuss three key issues.

‘Positively Engaging Young People’ is one of Forth Neighbourhood Partnership’s main priorities and Convener Cllr Cammy Day explained to delegates: “We want young people’s views and aspirations to influence decisions that are taken locally and to listen to their suggestions about how things can be improved for them. We want them to have a real say in the future of this community and how it develops over the next ten or more years”.

A background report to aid discussion was prepared prior to the Youth Talk event. During the review young people across Forth were approached in schools, libraries, at youth groups, basically anywhere they assembled – and asked their opinions on the area. North Edinburgh Young Peoples Forum organised and conducted a survey in four local High Schools and the local Street Work team also gathered views: all told around 1400 young people gave their opinions on their local community -what they like, what they hate and what Forth needs to make it better for young people.

Assisted by motivational speaker Mike Stevenson from Thinktastic, Wednesday’s YouthTalk event saw young people and ‘seniors’ working together in small groups to discuss three ‘ideas’:

How do we involve more young people in positive activity?

How do we better promote the positive contribution our young people make in their community?

What should an ideal youth-friendly community look like – and how do we get there?

Once participants got into the swing of things, the conversation – and the ideas – began to flow. Some of the ideas generated – for example a common social media address for local youth groups to share information, and an annual celebration of young people’s achievements – proved very popular and could be acted on almost immediately. Others, however, may take longer – you did ask the young people to think BIG, Mike!

All of the ideas generated – big and small – will be recorded and a report of the YouthTalk event will be circulated in due course. It will make interesting reading!

And finally, thanks so much for the warm words and that round of applause for the NEN – it was really touching and much appreciated!

Be part of sporting history!

Volunteers needed to aid local world record attempt 


The Sick Kids Friends Foundation (SKFF) and Craig Gowans Memorial Fund are recruiting hundreds of volunteers to get the ball rolling at an upcoming World Record attempt for the longest 11-a-side football match of all time.

Friends, family and teammates of the late Falkirk defender Craig Gowans are hosting the Guinness World Record attempt in memory of the young football star, and require the help of a vast range of volunteers to help make the event a success.

The Memorial Fund was set up by Craig’s family and friends following his tragic death to ensure that his memory is used as a driving force for good.

This four day mega-match will take place at Ainslie Park, Home of Spartans FC, from 4 – 8 July, with all proceeds going to the SKFF.

The participating players aim to complete at least 103 hours of football in order to beat the current World Record which was recently set in Southampton. In order to complete this mammoth football challenge the charity are calling for people of all skills to support the fundraising efforts.

Volunteers needed include referees, stewards, physiotherapists, general helpers, as well as people to assist with the event setup and tidy up.

The Craig Gowans Guinness World Record Football Match is expected to raise more than £37,000 for the Foundation. The money will be used to open a state-of-the-art Snoezelen Room in Craig’s name at the new Sick Kids Hospital in Little France. This calming space will use cutting edge multi-sensory equipment to provide a vital, stimulating area for young patients with sensory impairments.

Jonny Wallace, one of Craig’s closest school friends and an advocate of the Craig Gowans Memorial Fund said: “We have organised many fundraisers in the past in memory of Craig but this epic match will be one of our biggest challenges to date and we need help from lots of volunteers for the event to run smoothly.

“Volunteers make all the difference to the success of our events and we would really appreciate any level of help for our upcoming World Record attempt whether it is for one day or all four.”

Rachel McKenzie, Head of Voluntary Fundraising at the Sick Kids Friends Foundation, said: “We’re extremely grateful that the Craig Gowans Memorial Fund has chosen to raise funds for the Foundation. Their upcoming world record football match looks set to be a very demanding challenge and we urge anyone that can help them during the event to show their support and sign up for a volunteer’s role online.”

To register as a volunteer at the Craig Gowans Memorial Fund World Record Breaking Football Match


or email Jonny Wallace at

It’s Power of Food Festival weekend!


It’s here! Edinburgh’s community gardeners take centre stage this weekend as The Power of Food Festival takes place at venues and locations across the city.

PoF Programme

 For further info visit

Celebrating our own ‘phenomenal women!

Getting together, Making A Difference exhibition opens


North Edinburgh’s Womens International Group launched their eagerly-anticipated Gettting Together, Making A Difference exhibition with song, speeches, films, discusssion and even a little poetry at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre today.

The exhibition highlights the work carried out by local women activists over the years to improve conditions for the people living in ourNorh Edinburgh communities.

The event was all about the importance of solidarity and community spirit, mutual support and the need to keep up the fight to save local services. It’s an argument that was eloquently made in the past by activists like Jenny Marrow, Evelyn Preston, Maureen MacMillan Gwen Crystal and Sandra Purnell -strong voices sadly no longer with us.

You get the impression, though, that the fighting spirit still burns just as brightly in the hearts of our current activists – both the young and the vastly experienced, all of whom packed Royston Wardieburn today. I’m sure Jenny, Evelyn, Maureen – all of them – would have loved this celebration.

Me? I was just proud to be an honorary woman for the day!


More pictures on our Facebook page!


Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I’m telling lies.
I say,
It’s in the reach of my arms,
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It’s the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I’m a woman

Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can’t touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them,
They say they still can’t see.
I say,
It’s in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.

Now you understand
Just why my head’s not bowed.
I don’t shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing,
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It’s in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need for my care.
’Cause I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me.


Craigroyston: Edinburgh’s most improved school!

92.8% of Craigroyston leavers move into training, further education or employment


It’s official: Craigroyston Community High School is the most improved school in the city! The local high school has shown a remarkable improvement and that’s down to a ‘can do’ partnership approach and sheer hard work.

The latest School Leavers Destination Returns figures just released by Skills Development Scotland reveal that of the 68 pupils who left Craigroyston, 63 (92.8 per cent) went on to positive destinations – that’s into work, training or further education. The figure compares favourably with last year’s figure of 79.5% – even someone with my basic arithmetic can work out that’s a great result!

Craigroyston head teacher Steve Ross believes that too many students fall out of education too early, and the school’s approach from S3 onwards is to offer a range of vocational options alongside the traditional core academic subjects. While some vocational choices are taught by Craigroyston staff others are delivered by Edinburgh College and a range of business partners.

This aim of this partnership approach is to provide students with a clear path to a job, an apprenticeship or a college course when it’s time to leave school. There’s sustained support for all students, ensuring that the young people are equipped with the skills – and the attitude – needed to hold down a job, college place or apprenticeship.

Understandably the whole school community is delighted with the latest results.

Deputy Head Karen Smart said: “We’re definitely on the rise, and I think that’s down to really good partnership working and a lot of hard work by everyone involved.

“There have been eight meetings with partnership agencies over the course of the year and these have been rigorous and really effective – every one has arrived with the right information, communication between the different partners has been excellent and we’ve worked closely together to ensure that the right person is there to provide support for the student when it’s needed.

“Our school is all about employability and acquiring appropriate skills throughout the curriculum, ensuring that pupils will be university, college or job-ready at the end of S6 and always with getting a job at the end. Our S1 pupils understand that they will be with us until the end of S6. These latest figures show that the approach we are taking is having a positive effect.”

Pupil Support Teacher Claire Stewart agrees. “Every student is very different and we’ve been working hard with every one of them to develop the skills they need to progress. We make sure that the support is there throughout: if we find gaps in provision, we fill them and, if it becomes clear that something isn’t working and a problem has arisen we’ve quickly addressed it. The students understand what we are trying to do and they are at the heart of the process – we’re working to achieve positive results together.”


S6 students James and Emma took part in a recent networking event involving the school and a wide range of businesses and organisations; a good opportunity to meet potential employers and find out what options are available when the time comes to decide on a career.

Both James and Emma have just finished their exams and now there’s the anxious wait for the exam results in August.

“It was a well-organised event and a lot of companies were there,”said James. “There’s a huge theme of employment at the school now and it means you are focused on thinking about plans for the future. I’m very interested in the performing arts and that’s a definite possibility for me, but I will keep my options open. Even if I did become a student, I would probably still be looking for part-time employment while I was studying so there’s a lot to consider.”

Emma said: “I’ve enjoyed the curriculum change, the more academic courses alongside free choice subjects. It’s a mix you don’t get at others schools and it’s a really good idea. Not everyone wants to go to university so this works well for most students. I think most students appreciate the change that’s happening at the school.”

The S4, S5 and S6s all work together, too – and it’s led to some healthy competition!

“It’s been noticeably different over the last couple of years, but it’s definitely a change for the better. It seemed a bit strange at first to be working with the older pupils, but you soon realise you are all on the same side,” Emma added. “As an S4 you get more responsibilities and working with the older pupils makes the transition smoother. It felt a bit strange when our last S6s left – some of those students were your role models. Then you realise that you are the seniors now – and younger pupils will be taking their lead from you!”

James recalled a chance encounter with one former pupil. “Some of the guys who left have really surprised me. A few days ago I bumped into one of the seniors who left last year, although I didn’t recognise him at first. He was dressed in a suit and tie and looked really, really smart – and I thought: good luck to you, mate, well done!


Total Craigroyston was set up two years ago to improve outcomes for children and families in the neighbourhood around Craigroyston Community High School.

It does this by working to strengthen local public services, strengthening support for families and by building on the strength of the community through supporting local activities and initiatives.

Total Craigroyston manager Christine Mackay said: “These results are fantastic and are the result of good solid partnership working. Getting into work, training or more education after leaving school is really important to help young people have a good life and to be able to contribute to society. The school and all it’s partners work really hard together to make sure that all our youngsters take a good solid step into their future after leaving school.”

Edinburgh Guarantee spells success for school leavers

Stephen Ramsay - Edinburgh Guarantee case study.

More school leavers than ever in Edinburgh are moving into work, education, or training, thanks to the strong partnership that has developed between the public and private sectors through the Edinburgh Guarantee.

Figures published by the Scottish Government today show that the success rate of school leavers in Edinburgh achieving and sustaining a positive destination are at the highest rate ever. The figure is up 10 per cent since the Edinburgh Guarantee began four years ago and is now at 93.1 per cent. The Capital is now the best performing city in Scotland and is 12th out of all local authority areas, which puts us well above the national average.

The statistics show that more school leavers in Edinburgh are getting into jobs compared to September 2013 with over one in four of school leavers in employment at the snapshot taken in March. Just over 40% are getting into and sustaining places in Higher Education while over a quarter of school leavers opt for Further Education.

The majority of schools improved their performance since September 2013.

The largest increase was at Craigroyston Community High school up 13.1 per cent (see separate article), Currie performed extremely well with their figure now sitting at 97.9 per cent, and Firrhill and Gracemount were up by 6.8 per cent.

This success has been underpinned by the active support of the city’s employers in recruiting young people into their businesses, with 350 opportunities offered since April 2015.

Sue Bruce, Chief Executive, the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “Today’s figures will be welcomed across the city by young people, employers in the private, voluntary and public sectors and those working in education. Giving young people the best start they can have in life is a key priority and I am delighted that the Edinburgh Guarantee is playing such an important role in securing the future success of our young people in the city.”

Cllr Paul Godzik, Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee, said: “Whether it’s employment, apprenticeships or training, young people need to move out of school and into a positive destination quickly. It is really encouraging that there has been such an improvement in the figures this year as moving on to make a new start in life is the boost young people really need to raise their self esteem at this critical point in their lives.”

Cllr Frank Ross, Convener of the Economy Committee, said: “Ensuring that Edinburgh’s young people have opportunities is vital for the economic success of our city. These year’s figures demonstrate that initiatives such as the Edinburgh Guarantee are making a real difference to many young lives. I am confident that with sustained investment we’ll continue to drive up this figure and see many more young people taking a positive next step in their lives.”

Stephen Ramsay (pictured top) , panel beater modern apprentice at DSL Motors, said: “When I was at Craigroyston High School I was invovled in a Formula 1 project and I really enjoyed it. My career advisor helped me with an interview for Edinburgh College and I am now a modern apprentice doing a four year course in Automotive Paint Refinishing. As soon as I left school I wanted to get involved in this trade and I want to work in this field until I retire.”

A positive destination is defined as a place in Higher Education, Further Education, a job, paid apprenticeship, or work-focused training.

Click here for a short video featuring Cllrs Burns, Godzik and modern apprentice Stephen Ramsay.

Crumbs! PCHP cake will put North Edinburgh on the map!

cake mapbeingbuilt

Pilton Community Health Project will be producing a cake to highlight the best of North Edinburgh as part of this month’s Edinburgh’s Cake Fest – and they could use your help!

PCHP’s Community Development Manager Anita Aggarwal explained: “We are delighted to have been asked to contribute a cake to Cake Fest – they are building a map of Edinburgh made in cake!

“A master cake decorator (a member of the Sugarcraft Guild) will be with us on Thursday 18 June from 9.30am – 1pm to help us decorate our cake, which will be our building and a community garden – hopefully decorated with symbols and figures that represent the best of the area.

“Drop in anytime between 9.30 and 1 to contribute to the cake which will be displayed at the Botanics. Let us know if you need a creche.”

“You can see all the entire map of Edinburgh made from cake at the Botanic Gardens on Sunday 21 June – its all free and the cake will be shared around from 5pm.”

And what exactly is Cake Fest Edinburgh? Well, it’s part of The Year of Food and Drink Scotland 2015 events and, simply put, it’s a free day of cake, entertainment and Scotland’s best food and drink!

Sunday 21 June 2015 is Midsummer’s Day, and on Inverleith House lawn in the Botanic Gardens, Cake Fest Edinburgh will build a giant edible map of the city including over 50 magnificent landmark buildings in cake! Join us to witness this marvel, explore the gardens and sample delicious local produce.

There’s street food and a producer’s market from 10am and throughout the afternoon there will be workshops for the kids and free entertainment all day and evening long. From midday, the cake map will be assembled – careful, now! – and by 5pm the cake map will be complete …

Once the cake map is complete it will be left for all to admire whilst each baking team casts its vote for the Bakers Choice cake. Shortly after 5pm the winner will be announced by a very special guest – and bakers will then be invited onto the map to cut up their cakes to share with onlookers, all for free!

cakefest logo

This event is for all the family and free to attend. For further information visit