Have your say on North Edinburgh’s active travel connections

Residents in north Edinburgh are being invited to help shape a key project to improve connections and public spaces in their local community.

The city council is asking people from across Muirhouse, Pilton, Granton and Drylaw to contribute to the future of Pennywell Road and its links to existing paths at Crewe Toll, Gypsy Brae, Silverknowes and West Granton Access Road.

Through the North Edinburgh Active Travel (NEAT) Connections scheme we’re proposing changes to Pennywell Road and the surrounding area. These include increasing space available for walking, cycling and wheeling, making it easier to access local shops and community spaces without the use of a car and working with members of the community to improve public areas and green spaces.

We’re seeking feedback from residents via a dedicated Commonplace map, a tool recently used as part of Spaces for People engagement, which attracted more than 4000 comments.

This will help to identify existing problem areas and opportunities for new crossings, green spaces or where other improvements could be made.

Transport and Environment Convener Councillor Lesley Macinnes said: This project will create a much more welcoming, relaxed environment for those travelling on foot, bike or wheelchair.

“We’ve already seen how temporary Spaces for People initiatives across the city have encouraged people to walk, wheel or cycle and we want to see this happen long-term, with the associated benefits to health and the environment.

“Of course, we want any changes to work for all the people who live and spend time in this area, which is why we want to hear what they think and where improvements can be made. By sharing their thoughts and ideas they can help shape the final design, which will make travel to nearby schools, shops and local areas much easier and safer for pedestrians and cyclists.

Interim Head of Infrastructure Delivery for Sustrans Scotland, Chiquita Elvin, said: “Despite being close to existing walking, cycling and wheeling routes, such as the North Edinburgh Path Network, it can be challenging to access them for Muirhouse and Pilton due to the volume of traffic and the focus on roads in the original design of the area.

“We want the local community to tell us how we can make walking, cycling and wheeling easier for them, be that with new path connections, wider pavements, dedicated space for cycling or new crossings. These changes have the potential to transform how people get around North Edinburgh and every opinion matters.”

As well as benefiting local residents, changes could make it easier for travel to Craigroyston Community High School, Craigroyston Primary, Oaklands Primary, Forthview Primary and the new civic centre being developed at the former Muirhouse Shopping Centre.

In addition to the Commonplace website locals can leave their feedback on maps displayed in the North Edinburgh Arts centre café

NEAT Connections has been funded through Sustrans’ Scotland’s Places for Everyone programme, with support from Transport Scotland.

Separate temporary measures to make cycling safer and easier on Pennywell Road, Muirhouse Parkway and Ferry Road are currently in place and have been implemented through the Spaces for People programme.

Edinburgh unveils plan for ending poverty by 2030

Edinburgh skyline

The city council has unveiled a ten-year delivery plan outlining the actions it will take to help eradicate poverty in the Capital by 2030.

Published just under two months since Edinburgh became the first UK local authority to set a target date for ending poverty, the End Poverty in Edinburgh Delivery Plan 2020-2030 will be considered by the Council’s Policy and Sustainability Committee on 1 December. 

It sets out key actions to be taken by the Council over the next decade in response to the final report from the Edinburgh Poverty Commission, which was published in September this year. 

Preventing poverty through people-focused and “poverty-proofed” Council services, helping households maximise their incomes, establishing Edinburgh as a Living Wage City and pressing the UK and Scottish Governments for changes to housing investment and social security policy are among the priority actions outlined in the delivery plan.  

Council Leader Adam McVey said: “Tackling poverty and inequality in our City drives the choices we are making as a Council. We have to act decisively if we’re to eradicate poverty in the Capital by 2030. The first iteration of the delivery plan, just weeks after we received the final recommendations from the Edinburgh Poverty Commission, is the next major step towards that aim. 

“The ongoing impact of the Covid19 pandemic has hit those on lowest incomes hardest, this should challenge all of us to join the fight to end poverty in Edinburgh. We’ll be ensuring this is central to the choices we make when setting our budget and refreshing the Council’s Business Plan in early 2021.

“This isn’t something the Council can achieve in isolation, however, and this plan is only the first step towards meeting the call to action the Commission has set for us all. The next year will be critical in making sure we pull together and start the long-term work we need to do to end poverty in Edinburgh.

Depute Leader Cammy Day said: “It’s estimated there’s as much as £80 million in unclaimed benefits in the city. Making sure people are able to access all the financial support they are entitled to is one vital step we can take towards ending poverty in Edinburgh.

“The Edinburgh Poverty Commission report showed us that there are already a number of excellent support services working hard in this city to help Edinburgh residents do just that, but there is much more we need to do. Eradicating poverty in Edinburgh will take a massive collective effort – a ‘whole city approach’ – and this new delivery plan will see us working with our partners across the city to extend these supports and make sure high quality services to prevent or help people out of poverty are embedded in every community in Edinburgh.

“We’ll also continue to press the Scottish and UK Governments hard on making essential changes to housing investment and to social security policy and implementation to build a stronger support system for Scotland that, to quote the Edinburgh Poverty Commission report, ‘is based on a fundamental objective of providing income security sufficient for people in Edinburgh to live free of poverty‘”.

The End Poverty in Edinburgh Delivery Plan 2020-2030 highlights 13 priority actions needed to accelerate progress towards the goal of ending poverty in Edinburgh by 2030, and 44 actions identified for delivery and implementation through existing or forthcoming mainstream Council plans and strategies.

The Plan’s actions span seven ‘action areas’, as outlined in the final report from the Edinburgh Poverty Commission: 

  • The right support in the places we live and work
  • Fair work that provides dignity and security
  • A decent home we can afford to live in
  • Income security that offers a real lifeline
  • Opportunities that drive justice and boost prospects
  • Connections in a city that belongs to us
  • Equality in our health and wellbeing

If approved by councillors on the Policy and Sustainability Committee on 1 December, the Delivery Plan will then be implemented, with a detailed progress monitoring framework brought back to Committee within two cycles. 

In October, the Committee agreed to endorse a Team Edinburgh approach with other partners and organisations to become the first UK local authority to commit to ending poverty by a specific date.

On the day the Capital Coalition made their announcement on poverty targets a protest was taking place in Muirhouse, one of the capital’s poorest areas.

Living Rent campaigners staged an ‘Enough is Enough’ event to highlight the intolerable conditions council tenants are living in.


Muirhouse residents highlight council’s repairs failures

  • This afternoon Muirhouse Living Rent members will be highlighting Edinburgh council’s home repairs failures in chalk outside Pennywell Road shops before hand delivering their demands regarding the repairs process within Edinburgh Council properties to council buildings on West Pilton Gardens
  • This action comes after repeated instances of residents’ repairs’ needs being ignored, delayed or delivered to a poor standard and seeks to call Edinburgh council’s attention to the wider repairs system
  • Tenants demand that Edinburgh city council introduce measure to improve delays, satisfaction and communication regarding repairs

Today, from 1pm – 3.30pm, Living Rent members from Muirhouse will gather to protest the failure of Edinburgh City Council to provide an adequate standard of repairs to council properties in the area.

Members’ will write a wall of complaints in chalk complying with social distancing measures to bring the council’s attention to the significant delays, lack of communication, and poor quality repairs across these properties which have left many residents living with long-term mould, damp, drafts, and leaks.

Information received from a Freedom of Information request shows that despite there being less than 5,000 council properties in the North West locality of the city, to date there are 1,390 uncompleted repairs jobs.

Residents also learned that in the last year alone, the council received over 2,815 repairs complaints relating to heating systems and 1,472 relating to plumbing works with the average time taken for a repair to be completed being 35 days – this is despite a 2019 Edinburgh council report revealing that 90% of homes in Muirhouse required repairs [1].

Ongoing issues with severe damp, mould, and leaks in Muirhouse residents’ homes is contributing to respiratory health problems with one resident being told by her doctor that her mould-ridden property was no longer safe for her and her child to live in.

Edinburgh council advice to residents suffering with extreme mould and damp is to ventilate and heat the property, but owing to the structural insulation problems across many of the blocks, heating the properties sufficiently is a costly process.

Some families across the blocks estimate their winter heating costs to be as high as £50/week – adding to problems of fuel poverty in an area where one in three children live in poverty [2].

Amidst a global pandemic, accessing secure, safe and quality housing is more important than ever, and residents fear that the upcoming winter will exacerbate the consequences of unaddressed repairs issues.

Following the chalk wall of shame on Pennywell Road, tenants will proceed to march down to the West Pilton Gardens Council offices where they plan to deliver their letter of demands by hand.

These demands include:

– A new system by which tenants must sign-off on all repairs jobs prior to the council closing the case
– Tenants to be given ‘repairs process’ satisfaction forms after the completion of each repair
– Having a named council employee who works in the repairs department who is designated to be responsible for all repairs cases across Muirhouse
– Tenants to be given a deadline for any second repairs visits within 24 hours of the first visit by a tradesperson or council worker
– Tenants request Edinburgh council provide a reasonable timescale within which all repairs should be resolved

Muirhouse tenant and Living Rent member, Shafiq, said: “I have been waiting for over nine months for a leak repair. My home is permanently damp and causing respiratory problems during a pandemic – and I’m not even living in the worst flat in my building!”

Another Muirhouse-based Living Rent member highlighted that “this type of behaviour by Edinburgh council shows the need for an in depth review of their system which is clearly failing tenants in the middle of a pandemic, when access to warm, secure and quality housing is crucial to health”.




[3] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-45508172

[4] https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/authority-acting-like-a-slum-landlord-wbncv9nr8

[5] https://nen.press/2018/09/13/slum-landlord-muirhouse-high-rise-conditions-insufferable/



📍Thurs 26th 13:00 at Pennywell Road shops: https://fb.me/e/LVcOQRcz

Living Rent Muirhouse members are inviting local residents and union members to draw in chalk their housing problems which are not being dealt with by their landlord – Edinburgh City Council.

Members and residents will then hand in a list of their demands about repairs to the Edinburgh City Council offices. This has gone on for long enough: Muirhouse Deserves Better!


– online tweets and fb posts for those shielding
– masks and hand sanitiser provided
– physically distancing measures enacted

Death of Muirhouse two year old: Man arrested

A two-year-old boy has died after being found seriously injured in a flat in Muirhouse Place West, local police have confirmed.

Chief Inspector David Happs, from Drylaw Police Station, said: “Around 9.30am on Saturday, 21 November, 2020, officers and emergency services were called to an address in the Muirhouse area where a two-year-old child was found seriously injured.

The wee boy, who has now been named as Julius Czapla, was pronounced dead at the scene a short time later.

“A 40-year-old man has been arrested in connection with this incident, enquiries are at an early stage and ongoing.

“We understand an incident such as this can cause distress and alarm to the local community. There will be a continued police presence in the area as we conduct enquiries.”

“Anyone with information that may assist the investigation should report this to Police on 101, quoting incident number 1010 of 21 November.”

Green light for ‘town centre’ regeneration projects

Funding for Pennywell Culture & Learning Hub and Granton Station

Five projects across the city are to benefit from the city council’s Town Centre Fund. Gracemount public realm, Craigmillar town centre, Westside Plaza Phase 3, Granton Station, Pentlands Community Space and Pennywell Hub have all been chosen to receive a share of the £1.454 million being allocated.

The funding for all of these local projects was passed at today’s City of Edinburgh Council full council meeting.

The money is part of £3.567 million of total investment that the City of Edinburgh Council received, over two rounds, from the Scottish Government Town Centre Fund. The funding seeks to drive local economic activity and invest in inclusive growth which supports town centres to become more diverse and sustainable, creating more vibrant, creative, enterprising and accessible places for their communities.

Local MSP, Ben Macpherson, has said that “the £747,000 investment for the Granton Station project will create a new destination in the heart of North Edinburgh for locals and visitors alike, and is an exciting aspect of the wider Waterfront development.”

Edinburgh Pentlands MSP, Gordon MacDonald, was also delighted to see “two brilliant local projects in Edinburgh Pentlands receiving the backing they need to take them another step closer to becoming a reality” as Westside Plaza Phase 3 and Pentlands Community Space were confirmed as they received £300,000 and £75,000 respectively.

The projects receiving funding also includes the Craigmillar town centre project and their bid to receive £170,000.

This funding will support them to turn a vacant site in the heart of the Craigmillar regeneration area into a hub for the local community and provide spaces for new and existing businesses.

The Edinburgh East MP, Tommy Sheppard, has said “This is an imaginative project that can help stimulate business in Craigmillar in a way that works with the grain of social distancing. It’s the kind of smart, targeted investment we need to bounce back from the pandemic.”

Commenting on the city wide funding, Convener of Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work, Cllr Kate Campbell, said: “We know that the impact on businesses from the pandemic has been especially hard, and that jobs and livelihoods are at risk. It’s important that we are doing everything we can to boost economic activity in our town centres so this allocation of additional funding to the Town Centres fund could not have come at a better time.

“We’re investing in public realm in areas of the city that we know have high levels of poverty. These are communities that need this investment.

“Most of these projects focus on transforming public realm. At Granton and Craigmillar this is going further, and creating a space that can be used for outdoor markets and pop up food and drink stalls.

“I’m really pleased that we are creating economic opportunities in the communities that will really feel the benefit. It’s about quality of life – creating public space that is safe, well designed, pedestrian and cycle friendly, and a place that people want to be. When we create spaces like this, we encourage people to use their local town centres in a way that’s good for the community and good for local businesses.

“The other benefit of these projects is that they all involve construction – so at the same time as benefiting communities, and improving public space, we’re also creating jobs at a time when they are desperately needed.”

Newsletter deliveries underway

The latest issue of North Edinburgh Covid Response and Recovery group’s newletter, EH North, is now being delivered.

Formerly known as North Edinburgh COVID-19 Food Share Group, members agreed to rename last week.

If you haven’t seen a copy of the newsletter yet, see below for content:

Operation Moonbeam: Enquiries ongoing following Bonfire Night incidents

Investigations are under way following a number of serious incidents across Scotland on Bonfire Night.  

Police officers and firefighters were attacked with fireworks and other objects being thrown at them. On other occasions, groups caused damage to cars and properties.  

In Edinburgh police received reports of anti-social behaviour in Pennywell Place.  Officers attended and a 16-year-old male youth was arrested and is subject of a report to the Procurator Fiscal.

In Hay Avenue, officers had to deal with a large group of youths throwing fireworks and bricks at them. A police vehicle was also damaged in this incident. Officers also attended Arthur’s Seat where groups of youths had gathered with fireworks and a bonfire was alight.

In Glasgow, officers came under attack in Dale Street with youths throwing fireworks at them. In Glenisla Street, a police officer was struck on the head with a firework. He was treated at the scene and continued his shift.

In Kendoon Avenue, police received a report of a vehicle on fire. Officers attended and the police car’s windscreen was smashed, resulting in an officer washing glass from his eye. He continued on duty and one man was arrested.

In Auchmead Road, Greenock, an unauthorised bonfire event resulted in firefighters and officers being attacked as youths threw fireworks and bottles. Public order officers were deployed to deal with the incident. A 15-year old male youth was arrested and charged.  He is subject of a report to the Procurator Fiscal.

Assistant Chief Constable Tim Mairs said: “As the Chief Constable has said, it is disgraceful and deplorable when officers and staff are subjected to violence during the course of their duties.

“Across the country, the overwhelming majority of the public enjoyed Bonfire Night safely and responsibly and I want to thank them for heeding our advice. However, I am disappointed at the level of disorder and anti-social behaviour seen last night. A minority of people’s behaviour has once again put lives at risk. It also places intense pressure on the emergency services and impacts severely on local communities.

“The evening of Thursday, 5 November, 2020, saw a number of serious incidents arising throughout Scotland that required Operation Moonbeam resources to support local policing colleagues.

“The majority of these incidents involved young people. To be absolutely clear, such actions are dangerous and cause harm to the public and emergency service workers. 

“We will not tolerate such acts and you may not have been arrested last night but rest assured, officers are carrying out follow-up investigations to identify those involved and responsible. Additional officers will continue to be deployed over the coming days to support local divisions.”

Dispersal Zones remain in place until midnight tonight.

Nine disperal zones now in place for bonfire season

This year nine dispersal zones have been authorised in Edinburgh to combat antisocial behaviour and disorder over the bonfire period. The zones will be in operation between 2pm and midnight from today (Wednesday 4th) to Saturday 7th November.

Under the Antisocial Behaviour (Scotland) Act 2004, police have a Power of Dispersal within the designated zones authorised by Superintendent David Robertson.

This means that we can instruct any people in groups of two or more who are congregating and behaving in an antisocial manner to disperse, and if they do not live there to leave the zones, and then not to return for up to 24 hours. If they do return, they can be arrested.

The nine zones are Muirhouse, West Pilton, Portobello, Loganlea, Saughton, Gorgie, Gilmerton, Moredun and Southhouse.

They will be in place from 2pm today (Wednesday 4 November) until midnight on Saturday 7 November.

Maps have been published on local police social media.

Police launch Operation Crackle

Nine disperal zones in place for bonfire season

Police in Edinburgh have launched their annual campaign to keep the public safe during the period between Halloween and Bonfire Night.

Operation Crackle will see local officers throughout the Capital out on patrol during evenings and weekends to deter antisocial and criminal activity involving fireworks and keep communities safe from disorder and damage.

Halloween and Bonfire Night weekends are typically some of the busiest times for police, not only in Edinburgh, but across the city, and as always a partnership approach is being taken by the division.

Working alongside the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and City of Edinburgh Council, officers have been engaging with young people through school inputs and social media to highlight the risks associated with fireworks and the consequences of getting involved in any forms of crime using these items.

In addition, police have conducted joint patrols with council environmental wardens and SFRS personnel to carry out environmental audits and identify any debris or materials that could be used to start bonfires.

When found, these items have been removed.

While working to ensure the safety of the public within the city, Operation Crackle also looks to preserve the safety of all emergency service workers deployed during the coming weekends.

A zero tolerance approach towards violence and threatening behaviour is being taken and everyone is urged to act responsibly if handling fireworks.

Supporting Operation Crackle, Police Scotland’s national initiative, Operation Moonbeam is again in place to support local divisions with a range of additional and specialist resources.

These additional officers can be used if public disorder and violence takes place requiring a more robust response.

Dispersal zones will be in operation across Edinburgh again this year in an attempt to combat antisocial behaviour and disorder over the bonfire period.

This is the third year dispersal zones have operated across the city. The zones will run between 2pm and midnight on Wednesday 4th November to Saturday 7th November.

The areas covered by the zones include Muirhouse, West Pilton, Portobello, Loganlea, Saughton, Gorgie, Gilmerton, Moredun and Southhouse.

The dispersal zones enable police to instruct groups of two or more people who are congregating and behaving in an antisocial manner in these areas to disperse. Those who fail to comply, or fail to stay away for up to 24 hours, can face arrest.

Police are asking parents and guardians to have frank conversations with young people in their care and remind them to behave in a manner that does not put themselves, or others, at risk of harm.

Unlike previous years, organised Bonfire Night events have all been cancelled as a result of COVID-19. Police patrols will take place across the city to identify illegal bonfires, as well as deal with any breaches of current Scottish Government coronavirus restriction legislation.

Chief Inspector David Happs, who is leading on Operation Crackle, said: “We know that the vast majority of those who purchase fireworks do so in order to enjoy Bonfire Night responsibly. However, a small minority use the Halloween and Bonfire Night period to get involved in disorder and commit acts of violence and damage.

“Let me make it clear, that such behaviour is not acceptable and if you are involved in criminality involving fireworks, you can expect to be arrested. If not on the night, then as we carry out follow-up inquiries.

“I know many people will be really disappointed that they are unable to attend organised events this year, but I would urge everyone to be mindful of existing guidelines and legislation aimed at stopping the spread of COVID-19. Please do not do anything that puts you in breach of the current restrictions.

“For the past three years, we have been able to call upon additional specialist national resources to assist local officers. Once again, these officers are available if they are needed and I’m grateful to have them as an operational consideration.

“We want everyone to have a great Halloween and Bonfire Night, but please enjoy these events responsibly and help us keep you, and everyone else, safe throughout.”

Kenny Rogers, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Local Senior Officer for the City of Edinburgh, said: “This Bonfire Night will be a different experience for many of us.

“We know that many organised public displays have been cancelled due to COVID-19 and that some may consider private use of fireworks in their gardens.

“We would urge caution over the private use of fireworks and remind people that these items can pose grave dangers.

“If you are planning on using fireworks in a private setting, please familiarise yourself with our Fireworks Code before purchasing. It is designed to help keep you and your loved ones safe.

“I would like to stress that this is our busiest night of the year and that we must maintain a capacity to respond to emergencies.

“Last year we saw a large spike in deliberate fire-setting and this can divert firefighters away from genuine emergencies, where lives may be at risk.

“We do take a zero-tolerance approach to fire-setting and will work with police to identify those responsible, but we also realise it’s a very small minority of people involved.

“Ultimately, I would urge those who are marking Bonfire Night to help us by reading all safety advice before using fireworks and by helping protect Scotland’s emergency services.”

“For more information visit our fireworks safety page at ww.firescotland.gov.uk/your-safety/fireworks-safety.aspx

Councillor Amy McNeese-Mechan, Chair of Edinburgh Community Safety Partnership said: “Protecting our communities from harm is a priority for us all in the Edinburgh Community Safety Partnership and we will continue to work with our partners to prevent anti-social behaviour in the lead up to Bonfire Night to ensure that Edinburgh remains a safe place for its residents.

“It’s important that we all look after each other. Fly tipping during the Bonfire and Fireworks season can be a major cause of fire and we ask that if anyone sees fly tipping or notices an area where there is a build-up of refuse or combustible material to please let the council know.”