STV Appeal cash for Young Carers

Edinburgh Young Carers Project receives £2,000 from STV Appeal 2014.

young carersEdinburgh Young Carers Project (EYCP) was established in 1994 and is the main provider of services to assist young carers to cope with the stress and complexities of their family situation.  The project aims to increase awareness of young carers and ensure they get support through EYCP, schools or in their local communities.

EYCP supports around 150 young carers annually between the ages of five and 20.  The project aims to improve the quality of life of a young carer through helping them maintain a balance between the responsibilities of being a carer and their own needs for time and space for their own personal development through their childhood and adolescence.

The STV Appeal is committed to making a difference in the lives of children and young people living in poverty in Scotland.  Across the country, 220,000 children live in poverty and figures from the Campaign to End Child Poverty show that in Edinburgh it’s actually 21.1% of children – more than one in five.  Edinburgh Young Carers is one of the projects the STV Appeal is supporting in Edinburgh.


 Margaret Murphy, CEO of Edinburgh Young Carers, said: “Young carers often give up a lot through taking on roles and responsibilities caring for a family member and  we seek to provide them with understanding, time off and a chance to be the children they are to develop their social skills and to have fun.

“The generous donation from the STV Appeal will be used to support the 1:1 work EYCP provides for young carers who have difficult caring situations, or who are experiencing a particularly difficult period in their lives. We have found that providing this individual support makes a big difference in helping them to cope.”

Since launch in 2011, the STV Appeal has raised over £8.2 million with 297 big and small grants distributed to projects across all 32 local authority areas in Scotland, providing much needed support to over 37,000 children. The money raised is distributed to provide practical help like food and warm clothes; create opportunities for training and employability; and enable social and emotional support for those who need it most. 

Rob Woodward, STV CEO and trustee of the STV Appeal, said: “The money donated to the STV Appeal remains in Scotland and will help bring about a positive change to the lives of vulnerable children and young people on our doorstep.  With the help of the extraordinary fundraising efforts taking place in communities across the country we have raised an incredible £2.6m in 2014 allowing us to make grants to 297 projects.  We are extremely grateful to everyone who supported this year’s Appeal.”

The STV Appeal 2015 is now well underway with an exciting line-up of fundraising activities planned for the year ahead.

STV appeal

February NEN’s out now!

NEN Feb front pageThe February NEN is with our distributor now and will be delivered over the coming week.

If you just can’t wait to see a copy of your community newspaper, click on the link below for the electronic edition … hope you enjoy it!

NEN February15

Council agrees £22 million Budget ‘savings’

‘It’s a broken council which is failing it’s people and this budget must be rejected’ – Linda Garcia, WIG group


 Councillors have set Edinburgh’s budget after a marathon meeting at the City Chambers yesterday. A raft of deputations from across the city urged the council to reject a budget package of cuts and service reorganisation aimed at saving £22 million this year, but councillors voted to approved the budget.

Leading the deputations was Royston Wardieburn Community Centre’s Women’s International Group (WIG). Royston Wardieburn was the city’s very first purpose-built community centre – it first opened in 1965. Two years ago – after years of hard work by the management committee – a brand new centre was opened, but members fear that all that good work could be undone by proposals to change the way community centres are operated.

WIG’s Anna Hutchison told councillors: “We are very concerned about these proposals. We have achieved a great deal in our Centre in recent years, but there is still a great deal of work to be done and we cannot build on our achievements when everything keep changing.

“Cutting CLD (community learning and development) staff and removing them from centres seems very short-sighted given that the Scottish Government is now requiring all councils to produce a CLD plan stating how they intend to build stronger, more influential and inclusive communities and improve life chances through learning and active citizenship.”

She warned that voluntary management committee members would ‘walk away’ if proposals to change the role of CLD staff in the running of community centres is implemented.

WIG’s Linda Garcia added: “We do not accept the proposed budget. We do not accept the way Edinburgh’s finances are being run. We do not accept that inequality, poverty and powerlessness are inevitable in our communities.

“We have been ‘trained’ to believe that no alternative (to cuts) is possible and that achieving a decent and fair society is just too damn complicated, so best not to try! We do not accept that this is the case. We want a council which puts citizens at it’s heart”.

“We believe that this budget is unacceptable to the citizens of Edinburgh. Unfortunately, despite a string of scandals, the Council seems unable to change. It is a broken Council which is failing it’s people and this budget must be rejected”.

“We demand that you join the campaign to secure additional funding from the Scottish and Westminster governments to safeguard our public services.

“We demand that you support Unite’s campaign to restructure the £1.2 billion debt owed by the Public Works Loan Board – paying £56 million in interest charges each year is completely unacceptable.

“We demand that the Scottish Parliament orders a Public Inquiry to examine the mismanagement of this Council, the numerous scandals and cover-ups by successive administrations.

She concluded: “We demand that you return power to the people.”

The group, joined by supporters in the public gallery, then serenaded councillors with a song! Based on the original Italian partisan song Bella Ciao, WIG’s words are:

The public sector is for the people

Oh bella ciao; bella ciao; bella ciao, ciao, ciao

The public sector is for the people

Not for sale to profiteers.

Oh we are singing for education

 Oh bella ciao; bella ciao; bella ciao, ciao, ciao

We are singing for education

And an equal right to learn.

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer

Oh bella ciao; bella ciao; bella ciao, ciao, ciao

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer,

Unnecessary and unfair.

They cut the funding, they cut the workers

Oh bella ciao; bella ciao; bella ciao, ciao, ciao

They cut the funding, they cut the workers

Ain’t no ‘Big Society’.

Following that musical interlude, WIG were followed by a succession of deputations from across the city, each one urging the city to think again. EVOC, Edinburgh East Save Our Services, Edinburgh Tenants Federation, Edinburgh Trade Union Council, UNITE Edinburgh Not for Profit Branch, Edinburgh Anti-Cuts Alliance, Friends of the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links, UNISON and the EIS: each one advanced powerful arguments – but ultimately each one was unsuccessful as councillors voted to press ahead with the cuts.

Protecting frontline services in Edinburgh for young, old and vulnerable residents was a priority at the budget meeting, according to senior councillors. Investment in roads and pavements, investing in school infrastructure and working towards the redevelopment of Meadowbank Sports Centre and Stadium were other key priority areas. 

Councillors say public opinion expressed during the recent budget consultation helped to influence key decisions as they attempted to balance the city’s books.

Cllr Alasdair Rankin, Convener of the Finance and Resources Committee, said: “Given the financial challenges all local authorities are facing over the next few years, we want to invest in the areas that are essential to Edinburgh and so it is important that the public continue to tell us what is important to them.

“This year we published the draft budget in October and 3,525 people gave us their views – five times the number of responses compared to last year. We also used a new online planner to give respondents the opportunity to express what they feel the Council’s priorities should be. The planner allowed us to show where we will incur costs in 2017/18, to demonstrate the impacts of increasing or decreasing spending in all of our services. This was extremely popular and 1,719 of those people took Edinburgh’s Budget Challenge.

Cllr Bill Cook, Vice-Convener of the Finance and Resources Committee, said: “We used the feedback received during the consultation process to help us make many key decisions such as maintaining funding for homelessness services, not increasing allotment charges and putting an extra £5m towards improving roads and pavements.”

The eight successive year’s Council Tax freeze maintains Edinburgh’s band D rate as the lowest of Scotland’s four major cities. 

The council tax band levels for Edinburgh in 2015/16 will be:

A: £779.33
B: £909.22
C: £1,039.11
D: £1,169.00
E: £1,428.78
F: £1,688.56
G: £1,948.33
H: £2,338.00

The total revenue budget is £949m for 2015/16. Council Tax funds 25% of this with 75% coming from Government grants and business rates. The total capital budget (including the HRA) is £245m.

Key budget provisions:

Ensuring every child in Edinburgh has the best start in life

– Allocated an additional £5m of capital to support rising school rolls

– More than £4m invested in Early Years Change Fund for services for the very youngest children

Ensuring Edinburgh, and its residents, are well cared-for

– Maintaining funding for commissioned homelessness services

Providing for Edinburgh’s economic growth and prosperity

– Maintaining £1m to continue supporting the Edinburgh Guarantee, helping improve job opportunities for young people

– Support the Strategic Investment Fund with an additional £4.5m

Strengthening and supporting our communities and keeping them safe

– Continuing to invest in community policing

– Allocating an additional £100,000 to each neighbourhood to allow local people to have an even greater say in how their area can be improved

Investing in roads, pavements and cycling infrastructure

– An additional £5m investment in roads and pavements taking the total to £20m

– Commit 8% of the transport revenue and capital budgets for creation and maintenance of cycle infrastructure

Becoming more efficient

– Delivery of procurement transformational efficiencies

– Implementing the Better Outcomes Leaner Delivery (BOLD) programme

– Reducing the head count of the organisation by developing existing staff, revising roles and responsibilities and implementing structural change in the organisation through the ’Organise to deliver’ programme

– Maximising income

– Maximising savings through the rationalisation of the Council’s property estate  

– Reducing carbon footprint and generating income through strategic energy projects

While the council argues that front line services are being protected, campaigners believe city councillors have let the capital down.

One Unite member who attended the lobby said: “This is a sad day for Edinburgh. You might have thought that a Labour-led council, supported by the SNP, would stand up for workers and communities – well, today’s vote shows you can think again. You can’t cut 1200 jobs without it having a huge effect on services and the people who will suffer most are the people in the poorest communities, the people who depend most on council services. People are angry – and rightly so, because these cuts will do real damage. Edinburgh is a rich city, yet our politicians vote through cuts on this scale? It’s shocking – they should be ashamed.”

A member of the Anti-Cuts Coalition added: “Deputation after deputation urged the council to reject this budget but it’s clear the councillors had already made their minds up. They blame Westminster, they blame Holyrood but at the end of the day our councillors have got to take a long, hard look at themselves.

“They have got to make a stand – if local councillors won’t support and fight for their communities, who will?

“Communities are being treated with contempt and remember – these cuts are just the start. We are facing another two years of austerity budgets, with more services slashed and hundreds of jobs lost – and when members of the public wake up to that it will be too late.”

Visit our Facebook page to see a webcast of the Budget meeting

You’ll find pictures of the lobby there too

Ferry Road armed robberies: man to appear in court today

BP garagePolice in Edinburgh have arrested a 39-year-old man in connection with two armed robberies in the Ferry Road area.

Both incidents occurred in Ferry Road, Edinburgh. The first incident took place at a BP Garage on Sunday, January 18, while the second incident was at Scotbet on Tuesday, January 27.

He was arrested at Levenmouth Police Station on Wednesday evening and is now in custody in Edinburgh. He will appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court today (Friday).

Detective Constable Mark Seymour said: “The culprit was identified after we received information following the release of CCTV stills in the media. I would like to thank the public for their assistance with this.”

Local libraries have lots to offer at holiday time

No need to be bored during the school holidays. There are loads of activities at your local library – and they’re all FREE!

Muirhouse Library


Gamesmasters’ Minecraft Monday 16th February 11.30-12.30pm and 2.00-3.00 pm

Music Production for kids Tuesday  17th February 10.30-12.30 Booking advisable

Mural Art Workshop with  Zoo Arts Thursday 19th February  10.30 -12.30 am

Animal Snacks Friday 20th February 2-4.00pm

Jewellery making with the Saturday Art Club 21st February 2.00-4.00 pm.

Granton Library

gr lib

X-box tournament Monday 16th February  and Wednesday 18th February 2.00-4.00pm under 16s

Pancake Party Baby Café Tuesday 17th February for 0-4 years 11am

Pancake Party Tuesday 17th February  5-11 years 2.30-3.30pm

Freemachines Wednesday 18th February 13 to 18 years 5.00-7.00pm Digital art sessions for teenagers in partnership with the Youth Hive

Word Game Fiesta Thursday 19th February 5 to 11 years 2.30-3.30pm

Harry Potter Day Saturday 21st February 5 to 11 years 2.30-4.00pm

Blackhall Library


Seinn – Gaelic songs and rhymes for babies and children Thursday 19th February 10.30 to 11.30 am

The Worst Witch storytime Friday 20th February 5 to 11 years 2.00-3.00pm.

Stockbridge Library


Chinese New Year Lantern Craft Wednesday 18th February 3.30-4.30pm 5 to 11 years

Lego Madness! Super modelling and boredom busting games Friday 20th February 2.30-3.30pm 5 to 11 years

Granton Castle garden group’s growing ideas

Lots of ideas to raise awareness this month, and a chance to push for the safeguarding of the walled garden at the City Chambers!
Our action group is feeling inspired by the enthusiasm of people hearing about this garden for the first time, and offers to help and support our community campaign: see below for draft meeting notes with some dates and events to look out for.

Next Friends Group meeting provisionally on 

Thursday 12th March, 6-7.30
Royston Wardieburn Community Centre
Please send in any points or ideas for the agenda.
A wee image (above) inspired by the history research of Edinburgh’s gardens in the 1600’s.
Kirsty Sutherland, Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden

Work to start on Foot of the Walk junction


The next phase of the Leith Programme is due to get under way on Monday (16 February), focusing on upgrading the junction at the Foot of the Walk.

Contractors MacLay Civil Engineering Ltd, who are carrying out the project on the Council’s behalf, have begun preparing the site for the works, which are expected to take 15 weeks to complete.

Aimed at simplifying and improving the junction, the redesign will see four improved pedestrian crossings installed at the bottom of Leith Walk, Duke Street, Great Junction Street and Constitution Street.

Once fully operational the junction will allow pedestrians to cross more easily than at present, enhancing the overall accessibility of the area in line with the design principles of the Leith Programme.

Councillor Lesley Hinds, Transport Convener, said: “We’ve been delighted with the positive feedback we’ve had on how much the Leith Programme has already transformed the look and feel of Leith Walk and we know residents and businesses are keen to see the Foot of the Walk brought up to a similar standard.

“As always, every effort will be made to keep noise and disruption to an absolute minimum and we appreciate the public’s patience while this next phase of work is carried out.”

Traffic management arrangements have been drawn up in order to minimise disruption to traffic flow as far as possible. Constitution Street will be closed at its junction with Leith Walk for the duration of the works and local access to this area will be via Laurie Street, Queen Charlotte Street or Bernard Street.

Meanwhile, three-way temporary traffic lights will be in operation at the main Leith Walk junction to control traffic flow.

For details of the most up to date information regarding any bus diversions and traffic conditions affecting Leith Walk, members of the public are advised to keep an eye on Lothian Buses’ website or Twitter account as well as @edintravel.

Creative Leith collaborates on ‘Love Leith’ bruncheon

Saturday 14 February 2015, 11.30 – 3.00pm
It’s been a quiet start of the year for Citizen Curator but we are back this month with some interesting new collaborations …
Leith Creative
In partnership with LeithLate we are launching Leith Creative at a very special ‘Love Leith’ Creative Bruncheon in conjunction with Out of Blue Drill Hall.
Leith Creative is a research project investigating the cultural resources and creative industries that make up the wider area. As part of this we have been talking to some of the creative hubs that inhabit Leith, but to find out more we want to hear from individual artists and organisations living, or working, in the area. What are the success you have had or challenges that you face?
To find out more … 
Join us at the Drill Hall on Dalmeny Street for informal networking, where a host of family friendly Bruncheon treats will be available from the OOTB café, as well as live music from local Leith musicians, curated by William Douglas.
This is a free event but booking is appreciated.
If you can’t make it on the day, remember to fill out and share this online survey.
Also remember to check out our new Leith Creative facebook page for future events.
For further details contact
Citizen Curator
Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop
21 Hawthornvale, Edinburgh, EH6 4JT
‘like’ us on Facebook
follow us on Twitter
Citizen Curator is a contemporary arts organisation working with the history and identity of Leith and North Edinburgh. This project is supported by Creative Scotland, the City of Edinburgh Council and the Leith Benevolent Society
Our Leith Creative logo, and soon to come interactive map, is by artist/designer David Lemm. David also has work on display at the Edinburgh Printmakers, until 7 March.


Local groups unite to say: NO CUTS!



Edinburgh Council is planning to cut millions from its budget over the next three years. These cuts will affect all our public services.

We say


to our schools, nurseries, community centres, youth services, libraries, museums, social and day care services.

Join local groups and communities from across Edinburgh to save our services on budget day.

               Thursday 12 February 2015

8.30 am – 9.45 am

City Chambers, High Street.

For transport to and from the Chambers call Royston/Wardieburn Community Centre on 552 5700.                                

Stop the cuts.  Save our Services. Defend public sector jobs.

North Edinburgh is standing together and fighting back.


Womens International Group

Power to the People Group

Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

Battling Spartans leave it late

 … but the Hibs go marching on!

The equaliser

Ally MacKinnon is – The Equaliser!

Two Edinburgh teams will go into Monday’s Scottish Cup quarter-final draw – just. A late, late show at Ainslie Park saw Spartans strike deep into injury time to force a replay at Berwick, while Hibs safely negotiated a potential banana-skin when they comfortably saw off Arbroath at Easter Road. Shock of the round was Rangers tame surrender to Raith Rovers at Ibrox.

Spartans fell behind to an early Berwick goal and were often second-best during a stirring encounter played in front of a full house at Ainslie Park. Just as in the last round, however, the Lowland League saved the best ’til last. Deep into stoppage time Ally MacKinnon fired home a equaliser that sent the crowd into raptures and ensured wee Spartans live to fight another day. The replay will take place on Tuesday 17 February, and it will take another never-say-die performance to see the local lads progress.

Easter Road couldn’t match Ainslie Park for drama on Saturday, although Hibs did have to come from a goal down to dispose of fourth-tier league leaders Arbroath. A well-worked move saw Kieran Stewart open the scoring for the visitors, but Hibs fans’ nerves were soothed when Djedje equalised with a sweetly struck volley just before half-time.

Hibs continued to dominate after the break, although there was a lot of huffing and puffing to little effect. The introduction of McGeogh brought a sense of purpose to Hibs’ already dominant midfield, however, and it was no surprise when the Easter Road men immediately capitalised on their superiority.

Hibs’ second had more than a touch of good fortune about it – a Cummings shot that wasn’t going to trouble the ‘keeper took a wicked deflection off defender Liam Gordon on the hour mark – and the Easter Road men quickly followed up to seal their place in the quarter finals with a Dylan McGeoch strike in 68 minutes. More workmanlike than spectacular, this was a case of ‘job done’; sterner tests await.

It will be Rangers, however, that will make all the Monday headlines – but once again it will be for all the wrong reasons.


Just when you think it really can’t get any worse for Rangers, it gets worse. This Rangers ‘team’ – I use the term loosely – simply couldn’t match an honest Raith Rovers side for determination, energy, effort or endeavour. Barely 11,000 diehard Rangers fans turned up to watch the debacle – these are dreadful times indeed for a once-great club. It’s not funny anymore – even when the coup de grace, the final indignity, is delivered by the oft-ridiculed figure of fun that is Christian Nade.

After today’s showing, the Ibrox Board might consider relocating their Extraordinary General Meeting from the London’s sumptuous Dorchester Hotel to somewhere more fitting with their current status.

Suggestions welcome …

Elsewhere, there were few surprises. Hot favourites Celtic scored early and were never in any danger against Dundee, Falkirk beat Brechin 2-1 and Inverness CT edged a narrow victory at Partick Thistle.  Result of the day was Championship side Queen of the South’s 2-0 victory over Scottish Cup holders St Johnstone with second half goals by Lyle (48) and Reilly (90). On Sunday, Dundee United made short work of Stranraer. Three up at half-time, the Tangerines coasted to an easy victory.

Darts supremo Gary Anderson will help make the draw for the quarter-finals of the William Hill Scottish Cup on Monday afternoon. The current PDC World Champion will be joined by the Scottish FA First Vice-President, Alan McRae and Joe McCallum from competition sponsors William Hill. The draw takes place at 2pm and will be broadcast live on Sky Sports News. You can also follow the draw on the @ScottishFA Twitter feed.

Teams going into the hat are:

Berwick Rangers or Spartans


Dundee United 



Inverness CT

Queen of the South

Raith Rovers