Guttied: celebrating Sapotaceae

Nature Mother of Invention exhibition at the Botanics


It’s been dubbed ‘the most important plant family you’ve never heard of’ and visitors to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) can discover just how much we have relied upon Sapotaceae for everything from plimsolls and golf balls to intercontinental communication – and continue to exploit it with advancements in skin care and miracle sweeteners.

Even the iconic hornbill bird has a place in Nature Mother of Invention, the major exhibition in the John Hope Gateway.

With an underlying premise that creativity and invention do not flourish in isolation, the exhibition uses Sapotaceae to explore the ongoing fascination for life enhancing – and life-sustaining – products that have influenced the world since Victorian times.

The main vehicle for this fun and informative excursion is the “gutty” or, to be accurate, several pairs of gutties as remembered particularly, if not fondly, by individuals who had the cheap plimsolls forced upon them as young children.

This is an exhibition brimming over with “human” stories to engage all ages, as RBGE tropical botanist and Sapotaceae expert Dr Peter Wilkie explained: “This is a large family of trees and shrubs, first brought to the attention of Europeans in the mid-17thcentury and the latex produced by these plants is a good example of the innovation and – the implications – that come from exploitation (and over exploitation) of nature. The basis of the ‘gutty’ was not the natural rubber of today but gutta-percha, the latex produced by trees of the genus Palaquium, from the family Sapotaceae. Unlike the elastic natural rubber, gutta-percha is malleable when heated and retains its shape when cooled.

“As a result it has been useful for a wealth of objects both ornamental and utilitarian – from the aforementioned plimsoll to dental filler and jewellery. However, probably the greatest impact on the modern world has been as the basis for under-sea telegraph cables laid from 1857 to allow intercontinental telecommunications and, more recently, the internet.

Other members of the Spapotaceae family featuring in the exhibition range from Shea butter from the Vitellaria paradoxa tree to Argan oil from kernels of the argan tree, endemic to Morocco and miracle berry – Synsepalum dulcificum – the fruit that, when eaten, causes sour foods such as lemons and limes to taste sweet. Interactive piece include an invitation to try your hand at Morse code.

Gimme shelter: Inverleith’s young people decide!

drylaw play park

The Inverleith YOU(th) Decide votes have been cast and counted, and the top three projects suggested by local young people are:

Bouncy castle and a sheltered area in Drylaw Park, plus educational, social and recreational trips for children and young people.

Keep an eye on Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership’s website for updates

Question Time event to focus on Social Justice

TUESDAY 22 MARCH 6 – 8pm



QT Tue 22 March

Power to the People talks Human Rights tonight

human rights

North Edinburgh’s Power to the People group is hosting a session to discuss human rights tonight in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre tonight. Continue reading Power to the People talks Human Rights tonight

We all need Friends – even Parks and Houses!


The sun is shining, summer is on its way and life in the northern hemisphere re-emerges (writes Bill Rodger).  Among the green shoots to know about are: Continue reading We all need Friends – even Parks and Houses!

Robin’s at Royston Wardieburn


Robin McAlpine, director of The Common Weal – a vision for a better Scotland, is speaking at an event organised by the Power to the People group taking place this morning at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre.

The event runs from 10am – midday: it’s free, no booking necessary – all welcome!

For more information visit the Living In Harmony Facebook page, e-mail Luke Campbell at or call Lynn McCabe on 552 5700 – email

book of ideas



Power to the People: double event this week


Please see below publicity advertising  two information and discussion sessions being hosted by the Power to the People group this  week. Continue reading Power to the People: double event this week

Celebrate International Women’s Day at Royston Wardieburn

TUESDAY 8 MARCH 10am – 1pm


IWD rwcc

YouthTalk this Friday

Friday 11 March 12.30 – 3pm

St Stephen’s StockbridgeYouth Talk 11Mar

Organised by Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership and Community Learning & Development, YouthTalk is an opportunity for young people living in the Inverleith Ward to have their say on improving their neighbourhoods. BE HEARD! 

Get together, make a difference on International Women’s Day

 IWD rwcc

I am writing to  invite you to this year’s International Women’s Day event which takes place next Tuesday (8 March) in Royston/Wardieburn Community Centre, Pilton Drive North. We have decided to combine this year’s event with our third Getting Together Making a Difference event.

As you will see from the leaflet there will be films, poetry, music, stories, discussion and food – all the ingredients  for a nice  get together with friends and neighbours!   We have organised a  crèche for pre-school children to allow as many women as possible to take part.  Please book a crèche place in advance as the crèche is likely to be very busy  (tel 552 5700 or 551 1671).

Registration is at 10am  in the reception area and we will be starting at 10.15  in room F34 upstairs.  Lunch will be served at 1pm.

I would be grateful if you would  forward  the leaflet  to any local  women  you know who might be interested in joining us.


Lynn McCabe (on behalf of the planning group)