Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership to meet on 30 January

The next meeting of Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership will take place on Monday 30 January at 6.30pm in Stockbridge Church, Saxe Coburg Street. Continue reading Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership to meet on 30 January

As one door closes ….

Baba’s Cave closes down – FetLor open day

Baba’s Cave, the store that seemed to stock almost everything, opens for the last time today in Muirhouse Shopping Centre.

The store, which was crammed with everything from air fresheners, buttons and batteries to washing powder, yarn and zebras (okay, maybe no zebras!) closes this afternoon. The boys from Baba’s insist they will be back as part of the area’s ongoing regeneration, but in the meantime everything must go and it’s bye, bye Baba’s!


It’s not all doom and gloom, however – FetLor Youth Club is throwing open it’s doors to the community this afternoon from 1 – 3pm. Call in and see the fantastic new facilities. Fun for all the family!


Botanic Cottage receives Royal approval

An internationally-important seat of learning from the Scottish Enlightenment which fell into dereliction and was painstakingly dismantled to be reconstructed two miles across the ity has received the royal seal of approval. It’s both the oldest and the newest building at the Botanics, and the magnificent Botanic Cottage was officially opened by Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal yesterday.

Saved by a community campaign, the Georgian cottage was reconstructed with the express intention of nurturing public engagement so it was appropriate that those welcoming Her Royal Highness included school pupils and community groups.

Volunteers from the Edible Gardening Project were on hand, as were the community activists who fought for the building to be saved, those involved with the reconstruction and RBGE staff who had roles to play in the venture. Main funders, including representatives of the Heritage Lottery Fund were also introduced.

Lucy Casot, Head of the Heritage Lottery Fund in Scotland, said: “Thanks to players of the National Lottery, Botanic Cottage has a new lease of life. It will be a lively, welcoming hub where young and old, many with more challenges in life than others, can be inspired by these wonderful gardens and collections. We are delighted to have played our part in this project and look forward to seeing Botanic Cottage blossom.”

The Princess was hosted by Regius Keeper Simon Milne MBE who introduced her to key people in the building’s recent history, from its rescue on Leith Walk in 2008 through the wholesale move and traditional rebuild to those who have established it as a new centre for community and education work at the Garden’s Inverleith site.

Mr Milne commented: “The completion of the Botanic Cottage is such a wonderful achievement for everyone involved in getting the building from Leith to Inverleith and bringing it back to life as a focus for education and community work. Today has provided well-deserved recognition to the team and we were all delighted to have had the opportunity to welcome The Princess Royal.”

Young people to help shape the future of their schools


The review into the way schools are run is seeking direct input from those most affected by Scotland’s education system – children and young people themselves, Deputy First Minister John Swinney said during a visit to Broughton High School yesterday.

In September, Deputy First Minister John Swinney announced the start of a major governance review, with the presumption that decisions will be devolved to school level. Underlining the commitment to involve and listen to pupils, the Scottish Government is funding work to gather their perspectives.

Young Scot, in partnership with Children in Scotland and Scottish Youth Parliament, is taking forward the engagement programme, which will secure input from a diverse range of young people with different life experiences – including those from urban and rural settings, in the care system, and who have a disability.

Announcing £60,000 to support this work over the next three months, Mr Swinney met today with some of the 90 pupils taking part in the first engagement session at Broughton High School in Edinburgh. He said: “Our review is about ensuring schools deliver the best outcomes for children and young people, with teachers empowered to make decisions about learning within schools, supported by parents and the local community.

“I’ve committed to listening to teachers, practitioners and partners. It’s also crucial that we seek the views of children and young people – on what works well with their learning and in their schools and where improvements can be made.

“The feedback gathered by Young Scot, Children in Scotland and the Scottish Youth Parliament will make a valuable contribution to the review process, shaping our mission to deliver excellence and equity throughout our education system.”

Louise Macdonald, Chief Executive of Young Scot, said: “Any conversation about the future of schools, education and learning needs to have children and young people at the heart. They are experts of their own experience, and it is vital they are given the opportunity to share their insight and their views about what matters so much for them today and in the future.”

Children in Scotland Chief Executive Jackie Brock said: “We believe that children and young people have the right to influence policy and legislation that has an impact on their lives. Hearing from school pupils about how their experience of education could be improved is a key part of this and we are delighted to be partners in a project with such a strong emphasis on consultation and engagement with our young people.”

Amy Lee Farioli, Vice Chair of the Scottish Youth Parliament, said: “Empowering children and young people to have their say in decisions that affect them is a fundamental right that all children and young people have. It is essential that they are involved in making decisions about their learning and the learning environment. We see activities like today’s event as vital for shaping the positive involvement of young people as equal, meaningful partners in decisions for the future.”


Sainsburys cyclists go the extra mile for chosen charity


Colleagues from Sainsburys Blackhall store recently took part in the BIG BIKE RIDE Challenge, cycling from Nairn to Blackhall and visiting Sainsburys stores on the way. Colleagues from Blackhall were taking part to raise money for our Local Charity of the Year – Health in Mind.

Three local boys from the Davidsons Mains Pipe Band gave their time to pipe the cyclists into store and the 170th Girl Guide company also gave their time to Bag pack for the charity.

Colleagues from Blackhall would like to thank everyone for their support and also the customers who donated.

We have raised a total of £1,700 for our charity, Health in Mind, so far.

Gail, Sainburys Blackhall



Your community needs YOU! – be part of something great!

Community Council nominations open on Monday

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Nominations for Edinburgh’s community councils open on Monday (5 September) and the city council is calling on people passionate about their area to play an active role and be part of something great! Continue reading Your community needs YOU! – be part of something great!

GYC to stage Big Obstacle event

The Big Obstacle, Inverleith Park: Sunday 18 September 

big obstcle

Granton Youth Centre are hosting a 4k charity fun run called The Big Obstacle, which will be held on Sunday 18th of September at Inverleith Park as part of an event with Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership. There will also be a walk and cycle festival on the same day!

This is your opportunity to fundraise for your chosen organisation/charity.

The Big Obstacle will bring the community together and encourage young people and adults to get active and have fun!

All participants will receive a t-shirt, certificate, medal and healthy snack.

Availability is limited and will be on a strictly first come, first serve basis. Both individuals (£5pp) and teams(£20pt) (up to 5 people per team) can register.

Anyone interested please contact and we can give you all the relevant information

The Big Obstacle has been planned and organised by local young people for young people!

If you need anymore information please let me know, also the information is all on our facebook page if you would be able to share that would be great! Thanks

Shelley Cummings

Youth Worker, Granton Youth Centre