Tackling the nature emergency

Ambition to halt Scotland’s nature loss by 2030

Enhancing water and air quality, protecting and restoring vulnerable marine and coastal ecosystems, and establishing a programme of species recovery are all part of a new plan to make significant progress in restoring nature by 2045.

A new Biodiversity Delivery Plan for 2024-2030 contains over 100 actions to accelerate the pace and scale of efforts to address the biodiversity crisis.

It supports the Biodiversity Strategy, which sets out a strategic vision for a nature positive, net zero future where natural environment loss is halted and restored. Statutory targets for nature will be included in a new Natural Environment Bill to be introduced this Parliamentary year.

Delivery plan actions include:

  • substantially reducing deer densities, protecting 30% of land for nature and developing a nature positive agriculture programme
  • investing in nature restoration – through the Nature Restoration Fund, more than £65 million over this parliament and investing in woodland creation and peatland restoration
  • tackling the indirect drivers of biodiversity loss, particularly engaging and strengthening the connection between people and nature

Launching the plan at Bawsinch and Duddingston Reserve, Acting Climate Minister Dr Alasdair Allan said: “The Global Climate Emergency and the Nature Emergency are twin reinforcing crises: the actions we take to address each are fundamental to our wellbeing and survival as a species. We need a partnership approach to delivery – government cannot do it alone.

“This new Biodiversity Delivery Plan sets out clear actions that government, businesses and individuals can take to protect and restore our precious natural environment for future generations to come.

“The whole of society has a role to play but especially the stewards of our land, rivers, lochs and seas such as farmers, gamekeepers and fishers who have the knowledge and skills to drive the transformation that is needed.

“Biodiversity supports these essential industries – food production needs pollinators and healthy soils whilst, fish and fish farming depend on healthy, thriving seas.”

NatureScot Chair Professor Colin Galbraith said: “We all rely on nature for our survival, and it is everyone’s responsibility to care for it. The Scottish Biodiversity Strategy is Scotland’s response to the nature crisis, and it sets out a clear and comprehensive plan, supported by a series of actions that will help restore nature back to a healthy, thriving state.

“To restore nature across Scotland will take a sustained national effort, but in doing so, we will increase our resilience to climate change and reaffirm our connection with the natural world. This will bring many benefits for the people of Scotland, and we urge everyone to stand up and play their part in creating a net-zero and nature positive future for all.”

Jo Pike, Chief Executive of the Scottish Wildlife Trust said: “We are pleased to see the launch of the long-awaited and much-needed Scottish Biodiversity Strategy and Delivery Plans.

“The Scottish Wildlife Trust believes that a huge effort is needed across the whole of society if we are to realistically tackle the climate and nature emergencies. Alongside the strategy, we welcome the Government’s commitment to develop statutory targets for nature’s recovery in the forthcoming Natural Environment Bill.

“Together, they can help us move closer to realising the ambitions of the many people who have fed into this strategy. However, this will require leadership at all levels, increased resources and a recognition that nature is vital to our economy, our wellbeing and our future.” 

Scottish Biodiversity Strategy to 2045 – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

Strategic Biodiversity Framework Delivery Plan 2024–2030 – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

Scottish Government Nature Restoration Fund (NRF) | NatureScot

Biodiversity – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

Help stop young people being exploited by criminal gangs

Help stop young people in Scotland being exploited by criminal gangs.

County Line gangs are using violence and intimidation to recruit young people into drug networks.

Know the signs of exploitation:

• Change in behaviour

• Signs of assault and/or malnutrition

• Access to numerous phones

• Use of unusual terms e.g. ‘going country’

• Associating with gangs

• Unexplained bus or train tickets

• School truancy or going missing

• Unexplained gifts e.g. clothing, trainers, cash


Asylum seekers: Minister calls for right to work pilot in Scotland

Equalities Minister Kaukab Stewart has called for the UK Government to consider a pilot proposal in Scotland which would give people seeking asylum the right to work in some parts of Scotland.

The Scottish Right to Work Pilot Proposal proposes a number of changes to current UK policy, including enabling the right to work from six months instead of twelve months, and removing restrictions on the types of work they can undertake. Additionally, those on the pilot would have access to support around key topics such as employability and language learning.

A report from the Scottish Government’s independent Expert Advisory Group on Migration and Population, published in December 2023, shows that granting people who are seeking asylum the right to work at an earlier stage could improve their wellbeing and integration, reduce their risk of exploitation, and have longer-term benefits to our economy and public service delivery.

Ms Stewart said: “Scotland has a long history of welcoming refugees and people seeking asylum. We believe that giving people seeking asylum the right to work from an earlier point can have a positive impact on them, their families and our communities.

“This means that following a positive decision they will be better equipped to support themselves and their families. 

“These measures would also enable asylum seekers to integrate more quickly, making a positive contribution to our workforce and economy by reducing the cost and demand on our public services.

“We ask that the Home Office engages with us to take forward this pilot proposal, in collaboration with our partners.”

Scottish Asylum Right to Work Proposal – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

Asylum seeker rights: Letter to UK Government – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

In December 2023, the Scottish Government’s independent Expert Advisory Group on Migration and Population published the report Asylum Seekers – extending the right to work: evaluation, analysis, and policy options.

Edinburgh College: Performing Arts Open Days

🎭🩰🎤 Whether you’re looking to develop your skills and shape your future on the stage or behind the scenes, come along to our Performing Arts Open Days to find out more about courses starting in August 2025! 👯‍♀️💄🎧

– Friday 29 November

– Friday 13 December

– Thursday 19 December

Find out more 👉https://www.edinburghcollege.ac.uk/…/events/pass-open-days


Ferryhill Christmas Fair

Ferryhill Primary School Christmas Fair

Thursday 5th December 6 – 8PM 🎄🎅🏻🤶🏻

We are looking for external stall holders if you are interested please contact the school A.S.P 🎄

We are also looking for raffle prizes and bottles for our stall if you can help please hand them in to our school 🏫🎄🤶🏻🎅🏻

Christmas Community Singalong at Granton Campus

THURSDAY 5th DECEMBER from 6 – 7pm

On Thursday 5th December at 6pm, come join us for a festive evening of carol singing, choir singing and live music performance in the warm and welcoming surroundings of The Hub @ Edinburgh College, Granton Campus.

Free festive treats and mulled wine will be served by Edinburgh College Professional Cookery students to get us in the festive spirit, and there will be live performances from Edinburgh College musicians, with lyrics made available for singalongs for everyone to join in.

This is a free, family-friendly event and all are welcome!

The Hub is fully accessible but if you have any concerns about accessing the event please do get in touch.

This event is run in partnership with Edinburgh College and The City of Edinburgh Council.

Meet Santa in Stockbridge!

LifeCare’s Christmas Fair is back!

But this year we have added an extra ho ho ho … book a slot to meet Santa on Saturday 7th December 11.30am – 2.30pm at our family friendly community hub on Cheyne Street.

£8 (including a small gift) with all proceeds supporting our vital services, call 0131 343 0940 to book in.

See you there! 

Duncan Place ownership transferred to the Leith community

Following years of uncertainty and possible demolition, the asset transfer between the City of Edinburgh Council and the management team and board of trustees of Duncan Place has recently completed.  This firmly places the much-loved community hub in the ownership of the Duncan Place charity for the people of Leith for generations to come.

Duncan Place Community Hub was originally built in 1920 as Leith Academy Technical College & Gymnasium, it transitioned to a community centre in the 70s and has been home to the local artist group, Academy Arts since 1978.

In 2014, the council temporarily closed the building to carry out inspection works into its structural safety, which resulted in permanent closure the following year. The funds were not available for the council to carry out the required works to preserve and restore the building and so it faced potential demolition.

However, various members of the community came together in an attempt to rescue the building for the people of Leith. Duncan Place centre manager, Nicola Lamberton and the five strong board of trustees worked tirelessly over a seven year period to transfer the asset across to the community under the Community Empowerment Bill.

Working closely with the Economic Development team at the council, Duncan Place was able to access various grant funds to deliver the required refurbishment programme for the building.

Between funds awarded from Scottish Government and the Lottery, Duncan Place received in excess of £2.1m to carry out the restoration and refurbishment works to ensure the building was futureproofed for many years to come.

Commenting on the asset transfer, Nicola Lamberton, the manager of the Duncan Place Community Hub charity said: “This is a huge milestone for everyone in the community to know that the future of the hub is secure and it’s owned by the charity for the people of Leith.

“We always recognised the social value that the hub brought to groups and to individuals living in Leith and beyond. This is why we have been so determined over the years to ensure the building was retained in order to continue to support so many amazing organisations and local people.”

Operating as a social enterprise and registered charity, Duncan Place is now home to six organisations that have long term tenancies in place with the community hub using it as their permanent base, these include Duncan Places own space, LGBT Health & Wellbeing, Edinburgh Colleges English for Speakers of Other Languages programme, Kin Collective, Home-Start Edinburgh and AdvoCard.

In addition to these organisations using the hub, there are a further 40 community groups that regularly hire the space to hold their classes and events. Any profit made is used by the Duncan Place charity to offer low cost community activities.

The growing programme of events can be viewed on the charities website:  www.duncanplace.org.

Ben Macpherson, MSP for Edinburgh Northern and Leith added: “Scottish Government provided much of the funding required to deliver the refurbishment programme for Duncan Place Community Hub and I’m delighted to see the building transformed and thriving.

“The model adopted by Duncan Place whereby local charities pay an affordable rent and in return receive a secure tenancy in the area is wonderful. To know that the rents raised ensure financial sustainability for the organisation, as well as enabling the hub to provide low cost community activities is something that I am proud to have supported”.

Councillor Mandy Watt, CECs Finance and Resources Convener, said: “This milestone has been years in the making and we’ve enjoyed seeing Duncan Place brought back into use. Now, the council is giving ownership of the building back to the people of Leith.

“It’s brilliant news for the area and a good example of collaboration and partnership working between the public and voluntary sectors. Everyone from local councillors to group members have supported this project moving forward.

“The revitalised Duncan Place building will not only help to reduce inequality by providing much needed affordable space for events, classes and workshops, it will support jobs and support local people, acting as a true community hub.”

PYCP Festive Pop-Up Shop

Save the date: Saturday 14th December 11 am to 1 pm


Share with your friends and family, come along and pick up some Christmas gifts hand made by staff, children and young people at PYCP.

All profits go back in to running the clubs and groups.

Please note cash payments only.


PY Team.

Seventy per cent of councils in Scotland warn they may be unable to pass balanced budgets

New research from Local Government Information Unit (LGIU) Scotland reveals that 70% of all councils believe they will be unable to pass a balanced budget within the next five years without immediate changes.

The second annual State of Local Government Finance in Scotland, found councils are taking every measure available to balance their budgets including raising council tax, reducing expenditure and increasing fees and charges, sharing services and engaging in commercial activity. However, many councils believe this will still not be enough to prevent the risk of an unbalanced budget.

Nearly every respondent said they believe cuts to services will have a negative impact on quality of life in their council, and over 90% that cuts will increase the risks to vulnerable people. 

The report found satisfaction with the Scottish Government is alarmingly poor across the sector. Not a single respondent said they were happy with the Scottish Government’s performance on delivering a sustainable funding system or considering local government in wider policy decisions.

Respondents representing 84% of Scottish councils, made up of council leaders, CEOs and CFOs said times are increasingly hard for local authorities, with ongoing pressure from the cost of living crisis and inflation adding new burdens on top of long-term challenges: demographic change, financing of Scottish Government priorities, and pressures with recruitment and retention of staff.

With councils’ confidence in the sustainability of council finances critically low, the sector is in favour of widespread reform, including multi-year financial settlements, ending ring-fencing, and reform of council tax.

Councils are optimistic about the role that local government, sufficiently funded and empowered, could have to advance the prevention agenda, tackle local and national shared priorities, deliver services and empower communities.

The report recommends an agreed national convention between Scottish Government and local government to cover procedures and actions that would then be needed to set a balanced budget; enshrining in legislation the principles of the Verity House Agreement, and committing to an annual review by Scottish Parliament covering the key principles.

Some of the medium to long-term recommendations include reconsidering a whole-system approach to funding wider public finances including a review of council tax, the funding formula and increasing the range of revenue-raising options available for councils.

Jonathan Carr-West, Chief Executive, LGIU Scotland, said: “This year’s results make for grim reading about the state of local government finances in Scotland. The message from our second annual State of Local Government Finance in Scotland  builds on last year: we are nearing the point of no return. The report paints a picture of a system under continual and significant strain, with the scale of financial pressures increasing from 2023.

“Local government finances in Scotland are hanging by a thread. However, the thread has not yet broken. Today’s report delivers a stark warning that councils are in a precarious financial position and there is not much time until the sector starts to see potentially catastrophic consequences.

“Change is urgently needed. Councils will soon be unable to balance their budgets, meet their statutory duties, or provide for their communities. We need to change course now before it is too late.

“The challenge now is how do we move from the situation we are in now, to one where councils are able to deliver the transformative impact they are confident that they could deliver.

“Reform is necessary, empowerment will be essential, and trust between Scottish Government and local government – in a critically poor state – must be restored.”

The LGIU asked Scotland’s Council Leaders, Chief Executives and Chief Finance Officers about their experiences trying to run councils in the last financial year, and their views on how councils’ financial sustainability could be assured.

The report highlights concerns COSLA has continually emphasised, most recently through our Invest Locally In Scotland’s Future budget campaign.

COSLA Resources Spokesperson, Councillor Katie Hagmann, commented: “The publication of today’s report by the LGIU highlights the sheer scale of the financial challenges facing our councils

“The fact that 70% of councils in Scotland may be unable to balance budgets in the near future should serve as a warning to all. Additionally, it emphasises the need for the Scottish Government to provide Local Government with an increased funding settlement which is both fair and flexible in 2025/26.

COSLA also welcomes the LGIU’s call for a whole system approach to Local Government finance. 

“This echoes our asks in our ‘Invest Locally in Scotland’s Future’ budget lobbying campaign. Without a clear focus on prevention and upstream investment, along with local flexibility, our councils will be unable to tackle higher demand, in key areas such as homelessness prevention and social care.

“COSLA is calling for the Scottish Government to provide at least £14.5bn in revenue funding and £872m in capital funding in the 2025/26 Budget. 

Meeting this demand would not make up for the cuts councils have faced and felt by our communities in recent years, however it would be a positive step forward in providing fair and flexible funding to meet the challenges outlined in the LGIU report.”

Read about Invest Locally In Scotland’s Future, COSLA’s budget campaign.

Read the full report from LGIU.