The Centre Livingston set to host an Autumn/Winter style event with a £300 giveaway

The Centre, Livingston will be hosting an Autumn/Winter style event on Saturday, 14th September, 12 – 4pm with local stylist and colour expert, Leigh Maybury, where shoppers can get top tips on key trends this season and be in with a chance of winning a £50 Gift Card to treat themselves.

The free event follows on from the success of Leigh’s first Spring/Summer event in May this year where visitors travelled from around the country for style tips and a colour analysis to find out which shades compliment them the most, and ones to avoid, when it comes to shopping for clothes, accessories and make up.

Leigh, a former Director at the jewellery company, Sella & Dot, qualified at the London College of Style and trained in the art of colour, before launching her own company, Life with Style in 2016. Her aim is to give people the confidence to get out of their comfort zone and try something new, not just on special occasions, but every day.

The event, which will be located near M&S, will give visitors to the shopping mall the chance to get an insight into style trends including animal prints and how to incorporate the season’s key colours, like red and chocolate brown with good neutrals to help build an easy to wear Autumn/Winter capsule wardrobe.

There will also be mini colour analysis sessions on a first come, first service basis, with limited spaces available, and a live ‘Style Talk’ at 1pm and 3pm on dopamine dressing and how to wear bright colours that give you a natural boost and make you feel happy.

Six lucky shoppers will also be in with a chance of winning a £50 Gift Card each to spend on a new outfit on the day.

Leigh said: “I’m delighted to be back at The Centre, Livingston on the 14th September to share my top Autumn/Winter style tips and trends with shoppers.

“Whether it’s an event you are going to or looking for advice on everyday wear, I’ll be able to help you to find exactly what you are looking for in the wide mix of fantastic shops which will make you look and feel great throughout the season.”

Patrick Robbertze, Centre Director at The Centre, Livingston, said: “We are really looking forward to having the expert stylist Leigh Maybury back into the shopping centre this month.

“Our last style event was such a big hit with shoppers who travelled far and wide to get advice on new trends and colours which is why we wanted to host another one which focused on Autumn/Winter key trends, and this time give shoppers the chance to win a Gift Card too.”

Healthier lunchbox ideas

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK:

Healthy Heart Tip: Healthier lunchbox ideas

With the summer holidays at an end, it’s time to think about what to include in your children’s lunchboxes for the new term.

Less than 2% of packed lunches meet the School Food Standards and often offer a less nutritious option than school meals.

Lunchboxes brought from home often include more processed and ultra-processed foods with higher amounts of salt and sugar than school meals. What you choose to include in your children’s lunchboxes can affect their behaviour, concentration and brain function for the rest of the day.

Here, we show you how to pack a nutritious lunchbox ready for going back to school:

Good protein source

Protein is essential for brain and body growth to help kids feel fuller for longer. Fuelling kids’ lunches with protein is crucial for helping them concentrate until the end of the day and supporting their development.

A great way to add protein is by making tuna, chicken or turkey sandwiches or wraps, adding beans and seeds to the lunchbox and including yoghurts.

Fruit and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals and fibre, making them a great way to add colour to a lunchbox. This will help your child meet their five-a-day goal and feel energised throughout their school day.

So, why not include some vegetable sticks and hummus, or add salad to sandwiches, wraps or pitas? An easy way to ensure fruit is eaten from a lunchbox is to make it easy to eat, this might mean peeling oranges or chopping fruit into bite-sized pieces. Add a small squeeze of lemon juice over chopped fruit like apple to prevent it from turning brown.


Wholegrains are a great source of fibre and energy for your child. Wholegrains, along with protein, help keep your child full and give them more energy to concentrate.

Wholemeal bread, wholegrain pasta, crackers or brown rice are some examples of where you can swap white carbohydrates for wholegrain varieties.


Hydration is essential for your body and brain to work effectively. By including a drink in your child’s lunchbox, you’re helping to keep their brain functioning and ensuring they have optimal concentration.

Using an appealing reusable water bottle that your child has picked themselves can help encourage them to drink regularly. If it’s a warm day, you could add a small frozen drink to their lunchbox to help keep its contents cool throughout the day and encourage your little one to drink more.

The MoonWalk Scotland brings sparkle to the streets of Edinburgh!

Scotland’s iconic night time fundraising event, The MoonWalk Scotland, lit up the streets of Edinburgh last night (Saturday 7th September)

Hundreds of women, men and young people wearing brightly decorated bras or colourful “bra t-shirts” set off from Holyrood Park at 11pm, to walk a half or full marathon through the capital, to raise money for breast and other cancers.

Glittering light installations showed MoonWalkers the way, with iconic buildings across the Edinburgh skyline also lit up pink in their honour, including:  Camera Obscura, Lloyds on the Mound, the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Radisson Blu Hotel and the Stamp Office.

Dozens of walkers also took on a walking challenge virtually, in their own areas.

Organised by breast cancer charity Walk the Walk, Scotland’s MoonWalk has raised an incredible £22 million since the event was first staged in 2006.

Funds awarded by Walk the Walk make a huge difference to people across Scotland living with cancer – recent grants have been made to the Beatson Cancer Charity, Ayrshire Cancer Support and Make 2nds Count. 

To register your interest for The MoonWalk Scotland 2025 go to:

Beer and Pubs pour millions into Scotland’s economy but government support urgently needed, says BBPA

  • Scotland’s beer and pub sector contributed more than £2.3 billion in GVA and generated more than £1.4 billion in tax, new British Beer and Pub Association research reveals   
  • Despite huge contribution to country’s finances and communities, taxes and rising business costs mean pubs make just 12p a pint    
  • Industry may have to bear yet more punishing burdens and restrictions  
  • BBPA calls on the Government to be “business friendly” and support Great British beer and pubs to boost economic growth   

Scotland’s beer and pub sector poured more than £2.3 billion in Gross Value Added (GVA) into the economy and contributed more than £1.4 billion in tax in just one year, according to new research by the trade body.   

As a whole, Britain’s beer and pub sector poured more than £34.3 billion in Gross Value Added (GVA) into the economy and contributed more than £17.4 billion in tax in just one year, according to new research by the trade body.   

Latest figures from 2024 Oxford Economics research show GVA contributions were up from the previous contribution of £1.7 billion. 

 These figures demonstrate the sector’s important economic contribution to both their region and the wider national economy, the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) said.    

But despite this, pubs make an average of just 12p on every pint of beer once taxes and costs have been deducted.     

Not only that, but the industry is also facing multiple burdens and restrictions in the form of proposed eyewatering packaging costs and a potential beer garden smoking ban.   

Now the BBPA is calling for a reduction in soaring costs of doing business. It warns the industry needs government support from the Budget to make sure the sector can continue to contribute to the economy and boost the country’s finances.   

The BBPA wants to see a cut in beer duty, business rates reform, and a pledge to keep the 75% business rates relief to ensure that pubs can survive.   

Emma McClarkin, CEO of the BBPA, said: “The Scotland’s sector’s growth will underpin economic growth, which is why if the Government truly is business-friendly, it must recognise that pubs and brewers are shouldering multiple taxes and costs that are squashing growth and could lead to businesses failing.    

“There is no more meat on the bone to cut, which is why it we are calling on the Government reduces the cost of doing business so we can continue to make a massive contribution to the public purse.   

“It is imperative there is a reform in the business rates system which currently penalises bricks and mortar businesses like pubs which pay five times more than their share of turnover.   

“Until then, the vital 75% business rates relief due must be maintained for pubs so that one of the core cost components of doing business can be controlled. In addition, we urgently need to see a cut in beer duty.    

“Our industry is an economic bellwether and when pubs and brewers suffer, the economy suffers. If the Government wants to succeed in its growth mission, it needs to support our beer and pubs which play such a vital role in our communities.”  

The sector is also facing potential eyewatering EPR recycling costs next year – set to be among the highest in Europe – plus increases in energy prices. The trade body has warned that this could lead some brewers to make heartbreaking decisions about whether they can keep making their beer.       

Not only that, but a proposed smoking ban in beer gardens would have a devastating impact on many pubs and affect their viability as businesses. The BBPA is urging Government to reconsider this misguided restriction.  

The industry is one for the most heavily taxed business sectors per pound of turnover in the UK with tax making up 40% of UK brewing turnover and £1 in every £3 spent in pubs.   

Hilary Benn: A new chapter in the UK-Ireland relationship

The Secretary of State signalled the new approach in a keynote speech at the annual British-Irish Association Conference in Oxfordshire

Thank you very much to Dominic and to all of you, for your kind invitation.

And my heartfelt thanks to you Micheál, not only for your warm and extremely wise words, but also for the way in which you have embraced the opportunity we now have for a genuine and lasting reset in the relationship between our two countries. 

It is a privilege for me to be here, for the first time since my appointment as Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.

I’ve only ever been to one other BIA conference, that was two years ago when I was a late substitute for my good friend Peter Kyle. I suspect it was my work as Chair of the Brexit Select Committee that made him think of me. 

And over many years Dominic, you and I have shared many views about the choices the then-Conservative government made about our departure from the European Union, and the consequences of that decision still reverberate – and will continue to do so. 

It was William Faulkner who once said: “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”

But what a remarkable history the BIA has borne witness to, over these past 52 years, as this truly unique annual conference has continued to provide an opportunity for a very wide range of people to come together and reflect on the ties that bind our two countries together. 

Two countries that share so much… history, culture, ideas, politics and friendships. 

And it’s a story that runs like a thread through these islands and through the lives of so many of our families, including my own: on my side, it was an Ulster Scot from Fermanagh who made that journey that millions made across the Atlantic to Ohio which is where my mother came and, on my wife’s side, Irish Catholics from Cork, Mayo and Kilkenny including her grandfather who was born in your constituency.

Now the history of these islands has not been benign. Over the centuries there have been terrible wrongs, great violence, revolution, bitterness but in recent years – reconciliation.

And throughout all that time that thread has remained in place, and it has found new expression in ways that would truly have seemed unimaginable to us in the past.

I must be frank, The Good Friday Agreement was something I never believed that I would see in my lifetime. But I did. We did.

It ushered in an end to three decades of bloody violence, and its founding commitment was to self-determination and the principle of consent. 

Unionists and Nationalists sitting side by side in government. As you said Micheál, the seemingly impossible made possible.

And what happened on that Good Friday 26 years ago was, and remains, an inspiration to many around the world, precisely because it was a triumph of political courage and patient diplomacy over bitter sectarian fatalism. And of compromise over intransigence.

Mo Mowlam’s words during the negotiations still resonate today, she said: 

“Everybody is going to get something. No-one is going to get 100% of what they want. That is the nature of negotiation and accommodation”.

And all of those involved chose to do that in order to get something far more valuable. 

Today the UK and Irish Governments stand on the shoulders of those who negotiated the Agreement. We are the co-guarantors of it and all of us in these islands are its custodians.

The Good Friday Agreement, and the peace and prosperity it has brought to Northern Ireland, is in my view the greatest achievement of the last Labour Government which I had the privilege to serve. 

So let me be absolutely clear. This Labour Government’s commitment to the Good Friday Agreement – in letter and in spirit – is absolute. 

Our support for the European Convention on Human Rights, which underpins the Agreement, is unwavering. 

We will implement the Windsor Framework with pragmatic good faith, not least because we need to do so in order to negotiate a veterinary agreement with the European Union, but also in order to protect the open border on the island of Ireland.

The Prime Minister and the Taoiseach have agreed to hold annual summits as part of a renewed commitment to the strand 3 institutions.

And the Prime Minister and I – indeed the whole Government – will work with all parties and all communities in Northern Ireland to support reconciliation, equality, respect for human rights and parity of esteem. 

Now, the stability of Northern Ireland’s devolved government – a government that can work for all the people of Northern Ireland – is absolutely fundamental to making these things happen.

And I want to pay a warm and genuine tribute to the First and deputy First Ministers – to you Emma and to Michelle – and indeed to the whole Executive, for the positive start that you have made, the impression you have created and I warmly welcome the draft programme for government that was announced this week.

The Executive now has the foundation provided by that programme. It has a needs-based funding formula that was agreed with the previous government, and we are committed to putting in place a longer-term fiscal framework.

But like every government, difficult decisions need to be taken about how to balance the books and raise additional revenue, not least because there are deep-seated deep-seated challenges that Northern Ireland faces.

You highlighted one of those Emma yesterday in your wonderful contribution, the economic inactivity rate which is 27% of the working age population which is 5% higher than the UK as a whole.

The longest health service waiting lists in the UK, a third of patients waiting more than two years for treatment. And only 47% of A&E waits meeting the 4-hour target. 

I think all of us agree that can’t really continue. That is why we are absolutely committed as the government to working with the Executive as it seeks to transform Northern Ireland’s public services. 

It is also incumbent upon all of us to uphold the devolved institutions, to ensure they endure and that they act for all the people in Northern Ireland. 

Now I recognise that mandatory coalition is really difficult, imagine those of us with different political persuasions were having to cope with mandatory coalition in Westminster. But we all know that for over a third of the time since 1998, the institutions have not functioned fully. I don’t think this would be accepted anywhere else.

My feeling is surely the people of Northern Ireland and the political parties and all of us must recognise that what’s happened in the past cannot happen again and were it to occur, our two governments as co-guarantors of the Good Friday Agreement, working with all the parties, would need to find a new way forward. 

Turning to the economy, we should clearly look at the opportunities for the UK and Irish Governments to work collaboratively on projects to help improve growth in Northern Ireland including in its border regions. 

And, while being strong supporters of the Union, this Government and this Secretary of State see no contradiction in also being supporters of North-South cooperation. 

And in that context, I applaud you Micheál for your work in developing and taking forward the Shared Island Programme which you referred to and the Fund, which makes a valuable contribution in so many ways. And when it comes to the all-island economy, and I know this is up for some debate, my feelings are very simple, it is a fact it is a success.

And I don’t quite understand why there should be an argument about somehow denying its existence when so many businesses and livelihoods are sustained by it: the all-island dairy industry, big multinationals, like Lidl, McDonalds, Coca-Cola and so many small and medium-sized businesses which operate on an all-island basis.

On the Windsor Framework, let me be absolutely frank. There have been some very painful moments in the UK-Ireland relationship in recent years.

I bear too many scars from the approach of the previous UK government to our departure from the European Union, but this Government will ensure the smooth flow of goods within the UK internal market.

So, as I have said, we will implement the Windsor Framework in good faith while seeking the maximum pragmatism and proportionality. It is not without its challenges – I think that is probably the understatement of the year – but it is necessary because we do want to do more to improve our trading relationship with the EU, in particular to negotiate a sanitary and phyto-sanitary agreement with the European Union which really would help. I think everybody knows that.

And with a sustained period of stability, political and economic, the opportunities are enormous, not least because of the talent, ingenuity and enterprise that exists right across Northern Ireland, and the unique trading position that Northern Ireland enjoys – what a wonderful opportunity for foreign direct investment – all within the UK internal market.

As I have travelled around Northern Ireland, both in opposition and now in Government and seen some of the world class businesses operating in life sciences, high-tech engineering, making composite aircraft wings and the buses of the future – electric and hydrogen – services and film and television, education – I am struck that all these firms have seen something in Northern Ireland and its people. 

With continued political stability and optimism – and I’m the third speaker at the forum who will say I am an optimist. It is the only way, I don’t know how you can get up if you are not an optimist. We can help others to see the same thing and so encourage them also to invest in Northern Ireland’s future.

Now, the other rift in the relationship in recent years has been over ofcourse how we approach the terrible legacy of the Troubles.

I have met many families who lost loved ones in the most appalling circumstances. I have to be honest with you. I have found it very difficult to listen to their stories. To look them in the eye. To hear about the sheer brutality of the killings. The way some of them were treated afterwards. The search for answers, and the passing of the years without finding them. 

The abandonment by the previous Conservative Government of the Stormont House Agreement, and the unilateral approach taken in the Legacy Act, were wrong. From my first visit to the Wave Trauma Centre, and that had a profound impact on me, many of those families have told me about the deep hurt and upset and anger it has caused them. And it was legislation of course that was rejected by all of the Northern Ireland political parties and by the Irish Government.

It could never be the basis for reconciliation or progress on legacy.

And that is why the Prime Minister and I committed to repeal and replace the Legacy Act.

Now as you know earlier this year its central provision – the conditional immunity scheme – was ruled by the High Court in Belfast to be incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights.

In July, we wrote to the Northern Ireland Court of Appeal to withdraw the previous UK Government’s appeal on ECHR grounds.

I also set out to Parliament our commitment to reverse the Legacy Act’s ban on bringing civil litigation, to propose measures to allow – in the first instance – halted legacy inquests to continue, and to strengthen the Independent Commission on Reconciliation and Information Recovery. 

That body, which is being ably led by Sir Declan Morgan, was deemed by the court to be capable of conducting human rights compliant investigations. It was an important – and often overlooked – finding. 

But I believe that measures to strengthen the Commission, we talked about these yesterday when we met, are also necessary, and I am committed to working with you on this.

Because there is more we can do to address concerns about the Commission’s independence. To strengthen its powers. And to ensure there is the capacity for effective cooperation with the Gardaí over investigations. 

This is the work we have now begun – but its success in the end, all of this legislation will be judged by those families many of us have met, who have waited so long for answers. 

So we are now undertaking a period of consultation with victims and survivors, the Northern Ireland political parties, the Irish Government, veterans and others in seeking to find a practical way forward that can command support, the broadest support across communities in Northern Ireland and beyond. 

I recognise, I am not naïve, that this process will involve difficult conversations, and many stakeholders do, and will hold different views about the best way forward. 

But it is also clear that a resolution to addressing the legacy of Northern Ireland’s painful past will not be reached without a willingness, by all, to listen, to understand the perspectives of others, and in the spirit of Mo Mowlam’s wise words to compromise. 

I also want to acknowledge the dedicated service of the vast majority of police officers, members of the armed forces, and the security services who did so much during the Troubles to keep people in Northern Ireland safe. Also the work of the Police Service of Northern Ireland for their continuing efforts to do the same for communities right across Northern Ireland.

The scenes we saw last month in Belfast, in Derry/Londonderry and in many other parts of the UK, were shocking, there’s no other word for it and we must stand resolutely against senseless violence, intimidation and – let’s be blunt – racism.

I visited three business owners who had been attacked on that terrible day. I saw the Café that was burnt out. Three people that come to Northern Ireland to make their lives, to make it their home specifically targeted because of who they were. 

The Prime Minister and I had the opportunity three weeks ago to convey our thanks directly to some of the officers of the PSNI who were injured when standing up to that violence, when we visited the PSNI training college in Belfast. It was a great honour to be able to do so.

The similarities with the scenes we saw in Dublin last year are hard to ignore. 

The willingness of far-right thugs and online agitators to whip up hatred and spread misinformation online pose a shared threat, but I know it is a threat which I know our two governments, with the Executive, will continue to face down together.

There are other areas in which the UK and Irish Governments can do more.

Not only because it is in our mutual economic interest, but in these febrile and uncertain times, we have shared values, and a shared commitment to democracy and the rule of law.

And given our geography, and the ties of friendship and kinship that bind us, look at the opportunities.

Just to take one example, energy infrastructure, cooperation on energy resilience, climate – where are both blessed with huge potential for more renewable wind power – and investment in Northern Ireland by GB Energy, which in turn will support the Shared Electricity Market.

And given increasingly uncertain geopolitics of the world, and I agree with every word you said about the threat to the international order which created out of the actions of the second World War and which has stood us in reasonable good stead is being undermined by people and political forces, it also makes sense to collaborate further on security. 

The UK has a range of world-class capability and we will continue to work with Ireland as we together grapple with threats like cyber security, terrorism, organised crime and the threats posed by Russia and other states to the security of our nations.

On a much happier note, the UK-Ireland Euros in 2028 will allow us to celebrate our nations working together to put a once-in-a-generation footballing spectacle before a worldwide audience, although I must admit that at 5pm precisely this evening that co-operation will temporarily be suspended as Ireland take on England at the Aviva stadium.

So, in conclusion there is a lot for us to do.

Northern Ireland stands at a crossroads.

And the sense I get is that the vast majority of people just want to move forward to embrace a better future.

So let us be bold, let us get on with it and let us take inspiration from those who did make the impossible possible 26 years ago. 

Thank you very much.

The Prime Minister met Taoiseach Simon Harris at Farmleigh House in Dublin yesterday (7 September)

The Prime Minister met Taoiseach Simon Harris at Farmleigh House in Dublin yesterday (Saturday 7 September). 

The Prime Minister thanked the Taoiseach for his invitation, noting that this was the first visit of a UK Prime Minister to Ireland in five years. 

Both leaders shared their personal commitment to an ambitious reset of the UK and Ireland’s relationship. They noted the existing ties between our two countries, but agreed they wanted to go even further – in particular on trade and investment to help boost growth and deliver on behalf of the British and Irish people. 

In that vein, they agreed to host the first UK-Ireland summit in March next year, which will take forward co-operation in key areas of mutual interest such as security, climate, trade and culture. 

They both strongly condemned recent scenes of violent disorder in England and Ireland and agreed to deepen their collaboration on how we tackle the spread of the online misinformation which fuelled the thuggery. 

They also looked forward to watching the Republic of Ireland vs England Nations’ League football match in the evening. (England won 2 – 0).

Wrap-around support for families

£1.57m for five new place-based partnerships to tackle child poverty

Innovative approaches to providing families with locally-based wrap-around support will be backed in five more areas as part of £1.57 million of additional investment this financial year.

The Fairer Futures Partnerships will ensure services are integrated to help families where and when they need it. The partnerships will build on the learning from three pathfinder projects in Dundee, Glasgow and Clackmannanshire.

In Dundee and Glasgow these have seen key-workers helping at-risk families and ‘walking alongside’ them until the right services or support have been identified and provided, and changing the way services are offered.

In Clackmannanshire activities have focused on supporting the community around the child, using schools as anchor points for breakfast clubs, after-school childcare, holiday provision, food services, childcare support and transportation to support holistic child development and family wellbeing .

The five new partnerships are in Inverclyde, North Ayrshire, East Ayrshire, Aberdeen and Perth and Kinross.

Speaking ahead of a debate on Eradicating Child Poverty in the Scottish Parliament, Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “Eradicating child poverty is the Scottish Government’s single greatest priority, but this relies on the contribution of many partners.

“Five additional ‘Fairer Futures’ partnerships within local authorities will now be established.

“We know families will only be able to thrive if they have access to the right support at the right time. Designing services around people’s needs means they work better for low-income families, for example to help maximise their incomes, support parents into work and improve the overall wellbeing of families.

“We want to work together with local government to deliver our shared priorities, which include tackling child poverty, to embed this model of whole family support with the potential for this to continue to be expanded further over time to more parts of the country.” 

Nigerian Eatery Celebrates Five-Year Anniversary with Weekend Festivities

Bongou Cafe, Edinburgh’s cherished Nigerian eatery, will commemorate its fifth anniversary this weekend with a celebration and a series of exciting culinary developments.

The event, set for Saturday, 7th and Sunday, 8th September, will be a vibrant tribute to the authentic flavours and warm hospitality that have made Bongou a standout destination in the heart of Edinburgh’s historic city centre.

All proceeds from sales will be donated to local charity Soul Food, which provide hot, delicious and freshly prepared meals while also offering respite and support to anyone dealing with the challenges of homelessness, poverty or loneliness in Edinburgh.

Originally starting as a barbecue catering business in Nigeria in 2014, Bongou was brought to Edinburgh by founder Tosin Moemeke in 2018. Tosin aimed to infuse Edinburgh’s food scene with the vibrant flavours of Lagos, Nigeria. This vision laid the foundation for the cafe, which has since become a community favourite known for its bold, Lagos-inspired street food.

Since opening its doors in 2019, Bongou Cafe has become synonymous with “Lagos in a Flatbread Sandwich,” offering unique flatbread sandwiches with house-made bread, fillings, and sauces made from “Tatashe” (red bell peppers) and “Rodo” (scotch bonnet chillies). Bongou’s mission has always been to introduce the rich, diverse flavours of Lagos to the local community, a vision they continue to pursue five years on.

Tosin, Bongou Cafe’s founder, says, “It’s been an incredible five years. We started with a simple idea to bring the bold, exciting flavours of Lagos to Edinburgh, and the reception has been overwhelming.

“Our customers have become like family. As much as we cherish our journey so far, we’re eagerly looking forward to the future and the many culinary adventures ahead. That’s why we’re kicking off our sixth year with an unforgettable party.”

The anniversary weekend will debut a new pastry and dessert counter, featuring favourites like the spicy beef pie and pineapple crumble cake. Bongou continues to offer a warm, friendly, and homely setting while serving consistently delicious food to delight its patrons.

Starting in September, Bongou Cafe will collaborate with local chefs to blend Nigerian cuisine with other African culinary traditions. Details of these collaborations, which will unfold throughout the year, will be announced soon.

The weekend festivities will also mark Bongou Cafe’s new opening hours, now extending to both Saturdays and Sundays.

This change responds to popular demand, allowing more food enthusiasts to experience its unique dishes and fall in love with Nigerian food and hospitality.

For more information, visit:

Hit and run on The Wisp: Police appeal

POLICE are appealing for information following a serious crash in Edinburgh yesterday (Saturday, 7 September, 2024).

Around 2.10pm officers were called to the collision involving a white van and a pedestrian on The Wisp.

The pedestrian, a 31-year-old woman, was taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh where she remains in a serious but stable condition.

The van failed to stop and was seen making off in the direction of Old Dalkeith Road and Ferniehill Drive.

The road was closed while investigations were carried out and reopened around 6.15pm.

Enquiries are ongoing to trace the van and driver and officers are appealing for witnesses.

Road Policing Constable Andrew Crothers said: “It’s vital we trace the van involved in this incident and I’m appealing to the public for help.

“Were you in the area at the time and witnessed what happened? Did you see a white van in the Old Dalkeith Road or Ferniehill Drive areas? If so, please come forward.

“I’m also appealing to anyone with a dashcam, private CCTV or doorbell cameras to please review your footage and bring anything you think may be of significance to our attention.”

Anyone with information is urged to contact Police Scotland on 101 quoting reference 1978 of 7 September. Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Make music at Granton Castle Walled Garden!

Our piano from Pianodrome is waiting for new players! 🎹

Try it out in the packing shed – Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays 2-4 pm. 🎵










Voters call on new Labour MP to deliver Climate and Nature Bill

Labour MP for Edinburgh South West, Dr Scott Arthur, has a golden opportunity to introduce a crucial new law to tackle the climate and ecological emergency – the Climate and Nature Bill – following his success in the Private Members’ Bill ballot at Westminster.

Local resident Naomi Schogler welcomed Dr Scott Arthur MP’s success in the 2024 Private Members’ Bill ballot: “We’re delighted that Dr Scott Arthur, our local Labour MP – someone who’s spent their life working on climate and nature solutions – can now make his Climate and Nature Bill a reality.

“Scott Arthur has been a vocal champion of the crucial Climate and Nature Bill since before his election in July. Soon after arriving in Westminster, Scott Arthur hit the ground running, hand-delivering a letter alongside 40 other MPs to No.10 in July, calling on the new Labour Government to support the CAN Bill.

Given that Dr Arthur has spent his working life focussing on the use of nature-based solutions to mitigate climate-induced flooding—now that he’s won the ‘MP’s lottery’—we’re absolutely delighted that Scott will become the hero we need. The person who will ensure that the UK Government has a serious, science-led plan—to get to the root causes of the climate-nature crisis—via the CAN Bill.

Scott’s leadership of the CAN Bill campaign fills me, and many, many other local voters, with hope. At last, we will have a law that means we end fossil fuel production and all the damage that comes with it. That we end the pollution of our waterways, rivers and seas. That we restore our damaged countryside and protect our wildlife. That we bring about a truly just transition to a fairer, greener, future.

“It’s not often that a backbench MP like Scott gets to change the law of the country. Now, Dr Scott Arthur can do just that: he can change history. Thank goodness Scott topped the Private Members’ Bill ballot.”

Thursday’s ballot, which 458 MPs entered, saw 20 MPs’ names drawn, enabling them to introduce their own bills in the House of Commons.

Private members’ bills are public bills brought forward by MPs who are not Government Ministers. A ballot takes place at the start of every parliamentary session to determine who will be able to do so.

20 MPs’ names were chosen at random from the ballot, with Edinburgh South West’s Labour MP—Dr Scott Arthur—drawn in the sixth position.

This means the bill Dr Arthur introduces has one of the strongest chances of making progress in Parliament. Thirteen Fridays in each parliamentary session allocated to debating these bills, and Scott Arthur’s bill—as his name was drawn in the top seven of the ballot—is guaranteed a full day’s debate.

The Climate and Nature Bill, if passed, would require the Government to deliver a joined-up strategy to tackle the intertwined climate and ecological emergency.

This means integrating existing, siloed climate and biodiversity plans—and aligning the Government’s targets with the UK’s international commitments to (1) limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, and (2) halt and reverse nature loss by 2030. Neither of these essential targets are currently locked in UK law.