Starting Next Week: Free bike repair sessions at Fresh Start Garden

There will be FREE bike repair sessions at Fresh Start Garden – Inchgarvie Court every Wednesday in July run by Dr Bike.

Weds 3, 10, 17, 24 July from 2.00-4.30pm

Pllease spread the word!

Updates to short-term lets licensing scheme approved

Technical changes passed by Parliament

MSPs have backed a range of technical updates to the short-term lets licensing scheme in response to engagement with accommodation operators.

Licensing was introduced in 2022 to provide assurance to guests on safety and quality, such as gas and electrical safety compliance and the suitability of hosts.

The regulations passed by the Scottish Parliament enable:

  • Licences to be transferred to a new host, such as when accommodation is sold
  • Prospective hosts building a new short-term let to apply for a provisional licence before construction is complete
  • Hosts to apply for a maximum of three licence exemptions totalling six weeks in a calendar year

Minister for Housing Paul McLennan said: “Short-term let accommodation is vital to Scotland’s tourism sector and wider economy.

“The short-term lets licensing scheme aims to protect the reputation of responsible operators and ensure the sector is regulated in line with other accommodation such as hotels and caravan parks, giving guests assurance of consistent safety standards. The technical updates to the scheme passed by Parliament were introduced in response to engagement with short-term let operators and the wider tourism industry.

“This will ensure the scheme continues to deliver quality and safety assurance for guests, whilst protecting the needs of local communities.”

CEO of the UK Short Term Accommodation Association Andy Fenner said: “Scotland’s holiday let industry brings in revenue for all kinds of businesses in communities not served by traditional hospitality, and makes the country an attractive destination for the millions of overseas visitors that come every year.

“Improvements, such as the ability to transfer licences and greater flexibility around temporary exemptions should assist in providing more certainty to those who rely on income from tourism.

“We have been working with the Scottish Government on these changes over the past year and appreciate its collaborative and pragmatic approach to addressing feedback.

“We are encouraged by the Government’s commitment to addressing other issues related to the scheme and look forward to working together on identifying further improvements which will boost the competitiveness of our sector in Scotland.”

Scotland’s International Yoga Day 2024

Scotland’s International Yoga Day was celebrated on 22/06/2024 at The Kelvin Hall Art Gallery, Argyle Street, Glasgow.

This annual celebration of Yoga is a unique event hosted by The Scottish Hindu Foundation, previous years event being held at Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh. International Yoga Day falls on the Summer solstice recognised by the United Nations as a day of health and wellbeing.

This year Scotland’s Yoga Day began with traditional Vedic recitation to bless the proceedings and participants. Maintaining tradition the attendees were then witness to a Bharatnatayam recital dedicated to Lord Shiva performed by Mrs. Manimegalai Arun invoking the spirit of rejuvenation, wellbeing and positivity for the soul.

The opening ceremony had three guest speakers Mary Morgan, Chief Executive of NHS Scotland, Dr Shalini Kakar and Shri Amit Kumar Chaudhary from the Vice Consul of the Indian Consulate in Scotland.

Mary Morgan spoke eloquently about the benefits of Yoga citing numerous studies clearly showing the holistic benefits yoga can have on both physical and mental health and wellbeing.

She went on further to expand on the request to address, prescribing yoga addering the request by stating Yoga outreach fosters community and inclusivity, especially in underserved areas. Social prescribing connects individuals to non-medical support, enhancing holistic health and well-being through community resources.

Dr Shalini Karkar’s delivered address titled “Yoga and Health” expanded on the relationship between Yoga and Health. She stated Yoga promotes holistic well-being, addressing physical, emotional, and mental health.

Articulating that Yoga effectively treats conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, anxiety, and depression. Going on to cite studies showing yoga programs reducing healthcare costs and improving health outcomes. Initiatives like the one in Edinburgh provide accessible yoga in deprived areas.

Introducing yoga in schools and as social prescriptions can enhance public health, reduce GP and A&E visits, and lower NHS workload. Sharing her own personal experience affirms yoga’s transformative health benefits.

Shri Amit Kumar Chaudhary, Vice Consul of India, commended Scotland’s International Yoga Day for its significant role in promoting health and community well-being.

He highlighted the Ministry of Ayush’s dedication to advancing yoga as a holistic health system, emphasising its numerous benefits. The Vice Consul shared that the ministry runs similar successful programs and is enthusiastic about collaborating with Scotland.

He assured that the Ministry of Ayush is ready and willing to share resources and expertise, fostering a global exchange of knowledge. This partnership aims to enhance the effectiveness of yoga initiatives, benefiting individuals and communities in Scotland and beyond.

The event featured multiple live yoga demonstrations and lessons led by trained instructors and teachers, attracting enthusiastic learners from diverse cultures and backgrounds. Participants actively engaged in learning various yoga practices, reflecting the inclusive and universal appeal of this ancient Indian tradition. The sessions highlighted the physical, mental, spiritual, and overall health benefits of yoga, making it accessible to everyone seeking its transformative power.

Yoga, as demonstrated at the event, is highly adaptable and can be suited for all ages and ability levels. This flexibility ensures that everyone, regardless of their physical condition, can benefit from yoga. Examples of the yoga styles showcased included Vinyasa Flow Yoga, known for its dynamic and fluid movements; Hatha Yoga, focusing on postural alignment and breathing; and Seasonal Yoga Flow, which adapts practices to the changing seasons.

Therapeutic Yoga was also featured, emphasising healing and recovery, while Body Clock Flow aligned practices with the body’s natural rhythms. Breathing workshops taught participants the art of pranayama for mental clarity and stress reduction. Chair Yoga made the practice accessible to those with limited mobility.

Other highlights included The Art of Living sessions, Laughter Yoga to boost mood and immunity, Kadampa Buddhist Meditation for mindfulness, Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) for vitality, and Vedic and divine mantra chanting for spiritual enrichment. These diverse offerings underscored yoga’s comprehensive approach to health, uniting body, mind, and spirit, and making its benefits available to all.

This event was organised by volunteers at The Scottish Hindu Foundation and made successful by all their hard work and dedication to putting Scotland on the global Yoga map. The community came together supported by the wonderful Yoga Teachers that led their classes with professionalism and respect for the Hindu roots of Yoga. We look forward to a bigger success in our next Scotland International Yoga in 2025. 

The SHF wishes to extend their heartfelt thank you to all the sponsors and supporters that made this event successful. 


Scottish Hindu Foundation

Unit 3, Morris Park, 37 Rosyth Road

Glasgow G5 0YE




X (former Twitter) – @SCOTHINDUFDN



The Royal Scots commemorate fallen comrades from the Far-East Conflict

80th Anniversary of the Battle of Kohima

At 10:30 on Saturday 29 June 2024 The Royal Scots Regimental Association will lay wreaths and conduct a memorial service at Lauriston Castle, Edinburgh (EH4 6AD), to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Kohima and the Regiment’s role in one of the defining battles of the Second World War.

Regimental records show that between 4 April and 22 June 1944 1st Battalion The Royal Scots lost a total of 89 men – their names will be read out during the ceremony.  A further 200 were wounded, many seriously, in the intense fighting around Kohima.  

The Battle of Kohima was one of the most bitterly fought battles of the Second World War and a pivotal moment in the war against Japan in the Far East.  

The success of the British 2nd Division (including theRoyal Scots) and the Indian 5th Division ensured the safety of British India and turned the tide against Japanese forces in South East Asia.

On Saturday 29 June 2024 The Royal Scots contingent will form up in the Lauriston Castle car park at 10:30 and will march the short distance to the Royal Scots Memorial Garden behind a piper and their Association Standards.

All others are welcome to congregate at the Garden.  The service will commence at 10:50 and will be conducted by Reverend Ian May, the Padre of The Royal Scots Regimental Association.  

The wreath laying will be led by Brigadier George Lowder, President of The Royal Scots Regimental Association.

Malcolm Warrack, son of Lt Col Morren Warrack who fought at Kohima with the regiment, said: “A group of Royal Scots Veterans felt very strongly about the lack of some form of local memorial specifically for their fellow soldiers who did not come back from the Burma Campaign and Kohima in particular.

“George Rogers, Ian Henderson and Morren Warrack co-ordinated the preparation and creation of this Memorial Garden in the 1990s.  

“They spoke often about the “Forgotten Army” in the Far East so it is particularly fitting that 80 years later on 29th June 2024 we remember them.”

Brigadier Lowder added: “The Royal Scots feel very strongly that we should mark the battle of Kohima which witnessed some of the fiercest fighting of the war.

“Some Royal Scots who took part in crucial battles to delay the German advance to Dunkirk in May 1940 subsequently found themselves in the Far East where the war continued for a further 3 months after victory in Europe was declared in May 1945.  Many made the ultimate sacrifice; we will remember them.”

Local Charities to benefit from Morrisons’ £1 Million Community Fund

In celebration of Morrisons 125th Anniversary, the Morrisons Foundation is delighted to launch the ‘Community Spaces Fund’.

The fund will see 125 charities receive a share of £1 million with grants of up to £8,000 each to enhance community spaces and local facilities, helping them to make a difference for many more years to come.

To benefit from the fund, charities need to be recommended by one of the supermarket’s Community Champions.  Each Morrisons store has a Community Champion whose role it is to support local good causes that are close to customers’ hearts. 

Until the 13th July Community Champions will be looking for suitable charities to be considered for support from the fund.

Tess, Community Champion at Edinburgh Gyle said: “The Community Spaces Fund is a great opportunity for local charities to bid for funding that could improve our community

“There are lots of community spaces and facilities that would benefit from this funding boost. It will be a difficult choice to make, but I’m excited about the positive impact this fund will make.”

Recommended charities will be invited by their local Morrisons Community Champion to submit an application by 14th July, with the £1 million given away to the final 125 successful applicants being held at the end of August.

David Scott, Morrisons Foundation Trustee said: “Morrisons has always sought to give back to the communities it serves. So it’s fitting that as Morrisons celebrates 125 years, the Morrisons Foundation is launching this special fund which will improve community spaces and local facilities up and down the country.”

The Morrisons Foundation was set up by Morrisons supermarket in 2015 and awards grants for charity projects which help improve people’s lives.  Since launching, over £41 million has been donated to hundreds of charities across England, Scotland and Wales.

Circular Economy Bill passed

New powers to increase reuse and recycling rates

Legislation giving Ministers and local authorities the tools needed to increase reuse and recycling rates, as well as modernise and improve waste and recycling services, has been passed.

The Circular Economy Bill will give Ministers the powers to:

  • set local recycling targets, building on the experience of Wales, which has the best recycling rate in the UK
  • set statutory targets for delivery of a circular economy to measure progress in transforming the economy
  • restrict the disposal of unsold consumer goods, to prevent good products ending up in landfill
  • place charges on single-use items like disposable cups to encourage the move to reusable alternatives
  • give local authorities additional enforcement powers, allowing them to crack down on flytipping and littering from cars.

The measures will be underpinned by support and investment, building on the investments already made through the £70 million Recycling Improvement Fund.

Minister for Climate Action Gillian Martin said: “There are huge opportunities in having an economy which makes reuse and recycling the default choice for Scottish households, businesses and the public sector.

“We have already seen businesses creating jobs by turning what we might otherwise throw away into valuable new products and services.

“The measures in the Circular Economy Bill will give local Councils and the Scottish Government the powers needed to support the sustainable use of resources and cut greenhouse gas emissions.

“For people to do the right thing for the planet, it is crucial that everyone experiences a modern, easy to use waste service.

“We will continue to work with local authorities and householders to co-design how these powers are implemented to take account of different circumstances and needs on our journey towards a truly circular economy.”

Have you seen Michael?

POLICE are appealing for the assistance of the public in sharing our appeal and tracing 79-year-old Michael Connolly who is missing from Seton Sands Holiday Park.

Michael, who is from Lochore, was last seen at the park around 6pm last night (Wednesday, 26 June, 2024).

He is described as around 5ft 8ins in height and of slim build with grey hair which is balding and stubble. When he was last seen he was wearing a blue jumper and blue t-shirt with black trousers and walking shoes.

Inspector Kenny McKenzie said: “We are extremely concerned for Michael’s safety and wellbeing.

“Searches and enquiries are ongoing to trace him as soon as possible to ensure that he is safe and well.

“I would urge anyone who has seen him or has any information regarding his whereabouts to contact us as soon as possible on 101 quoting reference number 3275 of 26 June.”

Regulator intervenes to strengthen governance at international aid charity

Penny Appeal has been subject to extensive regulatory scrutiny resulting in an Official Warning

The Charity Commission has closed its regulatory compliance case into Penny Appeal, and set out its findings and ongoing expectations of the charity’s trustees.

Penny Appeal was set up in 2008 to provide poverty relief, emergency aid and healthcare across Asia and Africa. The charity also works in the UK to help homeless people and women who have experienced domestic abuse.   

The Charity Commission opened a compliance case into Penny Appeal in June 2020 following several complaints and concerns raised about how the charity was being managed. Concerns included failure to manage perceived conflicts of interest, poor record keeping and inadequate management of major supplier contracts. 

The Charity Commission has reviewed evidence supplied by the charity’s trustees and is satisfied that progress has been made to improve the charity’s governance and management. However, it has been made clear to the charity’s trustees that there is still further work to do.  

The Commission’s announcement follows last week’s publication by the Fundraising Regulator, which detailed findings of its investigation into Penny Appeal’s compliance with the Fundraising Code of Practice.

Earlier this year, the Information Commissioner’s Office issued the charity with an Enforcement Order over its marketing activities.

The Charity Commission has now closed its case, setting out its expectation that the charity’s trustees act upon recommendations by all three bodies. 

Official Warning  

The Charity Commission issued an Official Warning on 29 September 2023 after several meetings with the charity’s trustees and an inspection of the charity’s records and financial accounts. It found that the charity failed to maintain proper trustee meeting minutes to record decisions in relation to the purchase of a property, consideration of an unsolicited offer received to buy a property as well as decisions around retaining and redeveloping a property.

The charity failed to review a contract with its major supplier, thereby failing to act in the charity’s best interests. The regulator also found that the charity had failed to manage a perceived conflict of interest relating to its relationship with its major supplier.  

Impact of regulatory intervention 

Through its intervention, the regulator has secured several improvements to the charity’s governance. This includes advising the trustees to appoint a minute taker and to record conflicts of interest, which they have evidenced. The trustees have set dates to review third party contracts, and have appointed an external consultant to review the charity’s existing contracts and advise it on best practice. The charity will also terminate its contract with the major supplier that caused a perceived conflict of interest. 

The trustees have mainly complied with the actions required of them and the Commission notes and welcomes their commitment to complete the outstanding actions promptly. 

The trustees have been advised to make further improvements to the quality of meeting minutes. They must also promptly complete an outstanding review of governance and contractual relationships and arrangements with third party organisations established overseas, which forms part of an internal action plan set by the charity’s solicitors.   

The Commission has now closed its compliance case and is monitoring the charity’s progress. It has informed the charity that any failure to complete the outstanding actions or failure to comply with any action required by the Information Commissioner’s Office and/or the Fundraising Regulator may also result in further regulatory action. 

Tracy Howarth, Assistant Director for Casework at the Charity Commission, said: “Improvements have been made at Penny Appeal after several years of engagement about a series of weaknesses and shortcomings in the charity’s governance.  

“This is a charity which receives significant support and donations from the public – it is extremely important that its governance is fit for purpose.  

“The actions already taken have strengthened how the charity is run, and we are following up on the outstanding actions, which the trustees have assured us will be promptly addressed.”

How to get a good night’s sleep


GETTING regular sleep can be the key to having stronger bones and healthier joints, a leading expert has said. 

Dr Taher Mahmud, a consultant rheumatologist at the London Osteoporosis Clinic, says people often underestimate the importance of sleep in maintaining bone health. 

He said: “I treat hundreds of patients each year suffering with bone or joint issues, and there is always one area they commonly overlook – sleep. Many of us sacrifice sleep in favour of productivity, but the truth is that getting enough rest can profoundly affect our overall well-being. 

“While many people focus on diet and exercise as part of their health routine, sleep is equally crucial, and it plays a pivotal role in maintaining physical and mental well-being.

“It also plays a critical role in factors as wide ranging as a healthy immune system to weight loss. 

“Quality sleep is not just beneficial—it’s essential for those managing conditions like osteoporosis and arthritis and plays a significant role in their prevention.” 

Six health benefits of sleep

  1. Enhanced Cognitive Function

One of the most important benefits of sleep is its impact on cognitive function. When you sleep, your brain consolidates memories and processes information from the day. This leads to improved learning, problem-solving skills, and overall mental clarity. Without enough sleep, your cognitive abilities can become impaired, affecting your performance at work or school.

  1. Boosted Immune System

Sleep plays a vital role in supporting your immune system. During sleep, your body produces cytokines, a type of protein that helps fight infection and inflammation. Getting enough rest can help your body defend against illnesses such as the common cold and flu. On the other hand, chronic sleep deprivation can weaken your immune response, making you more susceptible to getting sick.

  1. Weight Management

Believe it or not, sleep also plays a role in weight management. Lack of sleep can disrupt the balance of hormones that control appetite, leading to increased cravings for unhealthy foods. Additionally, sleep deprivation can slow down your metabolism, making it harder to lose weight. By prioritising sleep, you can support your weight loss goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Emotional well-being

Sleep has a significant impact on emotional well-being. When you are well-rested, you are better equipped to handle stress and regulate your emotions. On the other hand, sleep deprivation can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and depression. Getting enough rest can improve your mood, increase your resilience to stress, and enhance your overall emotional health.

  1. Combating Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis, characterised by weakened bones, can be influenced by sleep patterns. Poor sleep quality and duration can increase cortisol levels, a stress hormone that can negatively impact bone density. Additionally, insufficient sleep can impair the body’s ability to repair and build bone tissue, exacerbating the risk of fractures.

  1. Helping to manage the pain of arthritis 

Sleep is crucial for managing pain and inflammation for those with arthritis. Poor sleep can heighten the perception of pain and lower pain thresholds, making arthritis symptoms more severe. Moreover, a lack of restorative sleep can lead to increased fatigue, reducing the ability to manage daily activities effectively.

Practical Tips for Better Sleep

We all know sleep is important, but for many the problem is how to get better sleep. But instead of worrying about a lack of sleep, Dr Mahmud has practical tips for better sleep which can be incorporated into a daily routine. 

  1. Establish a Routine. A sleep schedule, even on weekends, can help regulate your internal clock allowing you a structured sleep and making sleep a habit to which your body responds. 
  2.  Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment. Light is the most important factor affecting sleep. It plays a central role in regulating circadian rhythm, the body’s internal clock. Make sure your bedroom is dark, quiet and cool. It is also worth investing in a comfortable mattress and pillows. 
  3. Limit screen time. The blue light emitted from electronic devices suppresses the body’s release of melatonin, the hormone which makes us feel drowsy. For better sleep, avoid screens for at least an hour before bed.
  4. Mind Your Diet: Avoid caffeine and heavy meals close to bedtime. Even six hours before you go to bed, caffeine can have a negative impact on your sleep.
  5. Consciously wind down: Winding down before you get into bed can help you sleep and help you avoid tossing and turning as you try to drift off.  Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or gentle yoga before bed.

Garden Centre invites families to enjoy a Teddy Bears’ Picnic

Dobbies, the UK’s leading garden centre, is inviting families to roll out the picnic blanket and gather around this summer as it unveils its brand-new event at the Edinburgh store, Teddy Bears’ Picnic, where children get to make their very own teddy bear keepsake to take home.

This interactive 90-minute session, taking place during the summer holidays, is designed for families with children aged 3-10 years old and is taking place in the afternoon on Saturday 27 July, Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 August at the Edinburgh store. Families with younger children can also get involved and enjoy the picnic experience.

Dobbies’ Teddy Bears’ Picnic allows kids to have a go at building their very own teddy bear to take home. Children will get the opportunity to stuff, fluff and name a teddy bear of their choice, with a teddy birth certificate to mark the occasion. 

Dobbies’ colleagues at the Edinburgh store will uncover tales of bear adventures at the storytelling corner, gathering everyone around for a group reading, and host a variety of games and activities inspired by teddy.

Kids will also get to tuck into their own picnic box that comes with the choice of a cheese, ham or tuna sandwich, a drink and selection of snacks. Adults can enjoy cake and a hot drink as part of the experience.

Sarah Murray at Dobbies developed this event and is looking forward to welcoming children of all ages along to the Teddy Bears’ Picnic at the Edinburgh store.

She said: “This brand-new event is a great opportunity for kids to come together and experience the wonderful joy that comes with making their very own teddy bear to take home. Children will also enjoy a picnic experience, filled with food, fun and storytelling.

“We’re encouraging families cosy up and get comfy by bringing their own picnic blankets, beach towel or cushions.”

Tickets are priced at £15.99 for over 3s and £7.99 for under 3s, adult tickets are priced at £7.40. Creating your own teddy bear is only suitable for children over three years old, and under 3s are encouraged to bring their own favourite teddy.

For more information on Dobbies’ Teddy Bears’ Picnic, visit: