Swimming should be prescribed to improve health, says expert

Medical specialist tells MSPs about the multiple health benefits of swimming

AN EXPERT in the medical benefits of swimming has told an influential group of MSPs how encouraging the population to take up the sport could transform Scotland’s health.

Dr Mark Harper is renowned for his research in the area and was one of a series of guest speakers at an “Everyone Can Swim” event at the Scottish Parliament.

He told some of Scotland’s key political figures how 15% of people in the UK are taking five or more medicines a day, in some cases to deal with the side effects of another medicine and how taking up swimming can act as a medicine in its own right.

Dr Harper, who swam competitively as a Masters swimmer, told the audience: “There is one medicine that everyone should use and its exercise. For a lot of people, swimming is one of the only things they can do. 

“If someone is frail or has a loss of balance, swimming is really the only option. It improves heart and lung health while strengthening joints and lowers diabetes. 

“Swimming, as a life skill and an exercise, can have hugely positive impacts on people’s lives and it’s important that people in Scotland are taught to swim from a young age.”

The event was hosted by Scottish Swimming, which in partnership with Scottish Water delivers the Learn to Swim programme for children – a Framework that is creating Scotland’s “Generation Swim”, as a lasting legacy for the nation.

It has already helped more than 100,000 youngsters to be safer and more confident in the water and aims to reach a further 100,000 by 2025, helping them to unlock long lasting health benefits.

Across Scotland there are 37 National Learn to Swim Framework providers, working across 160 pools, with currently 76,500 children learning to swim each week.

Dr Harper, a Consultant Anaesthetist at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals whose research has focused on cold-water swimming, told the Holyrood audience that one in three adults in England can’t swim, yet 7.5 million take to the water outdoors every year. He cited swimming lessons as the only way to keep people safe in the water.

Euan Lowe, CEO of Scottish Swimming, said: “To have an expert of Dr Harper ‘s calibre reinforcing the huge benefits of swimming really helped the message cut through with the audience. 

“All of us at Scottish Swimming share his mission to ensure awareness is raised about the major health advantages that swimming offers, along with the other benefits it can bring to so many lives.”

Brian Lironi, Director of Corporate Affairs with Scottish Water said: “Our drive to create Generation Swim is about leaving Scotland with a long-lasting legacy.

“Teaching children how to be safer and more confident in the water is a first step to unlocking significant health and wellbeing dividends. It was brilliant to hear Dr Harper underline that so emphatically.”

The ‘Everyone Can Swim’ event featured a range of high-profile advocates for the importance of swimming and its impact on safety, health and communities. 

Speakers included popular triple Olympian Hannah Miley MBE; Alan Lynn, former national coach of Scottish Swimming and Head of Performance Development at British Swimming; and Fulton MacGregor MSP, who sponsored the reception.

Dr Harper is a consultant anaesthetist at Sussex University Hospitals in the UK and Kristiansand in Norway. He is a leading expert in the prevention of hypothermia in surgical patients and the therapeutic uses of cold-water adaptation and open-water swimming.

Learn to Swim is a National Framework committed to creating supportive and quality environments in which children can learn to swim regardless of their age, ability, or skill level. It aims to develop competent swimmers, as well as encouraging youngsters to adopt a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle with sport and fun at its heart. 

For more information on the Learn to Swim programme, visit:


Call to scrap ‘spiteful’ Strikes Bill

The TUC has warned that the right to strike of 1 in 5 workers in Britain is at risk because of the UK Government’s Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill. 

New analysis published by the union body yesterday shows that 5.5 million workers in England, Scotland and Wales could be affected by the legislation. Workers in Northern Ireland aren’t subject to the Bill. 

Those 5.5 million workers have their right to strike threatened because – if passed unamended – the Bill will mean that when workers lawfully vote to strike in health, education, fire, transport, border security and nuclear decommissioning, they could be forced to attend work – and sacked if they don’t comply.   

The legislation continues to make it way through parliament, and had a third reading in the House of Lords yesterday. 

The Bill recently suffered heavy defeats in the Lords, as all the opposition amendments laid were voted through, including an amendment to stop frontline workers getting sacked for exercising their right to strike. 

Huge numbers of British workers 

The TUC says the Conservative government must drop the Strikes Bill in its entirety and protect the right to strike. 

And the EHRC recently warned that the legislation could see all striking workers in affected sectors losing their unfair dismissal protection as whole strikes could be deemed illegal. 

The TUC says the Bill should provoke “serious opposition from UK politicians” as it continues its passage through parliament, given the huge numbers set to lose their right to strike.  

The union body says the UK government has failed to come clean about the draconian nature of the Bill – and has accused ministers of “shortcutting” normal scrutiny procedures by “ramming” the Bill through the parliament.   

The Bill will give ministers the power to impose new minimum service levels through regulation.   

But MPs have been given few details on how minimum service levels are intended to operate.  

The House of Lords Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee recently criticised the Bill for giving blanket powers to UK ministers while providing virtually no detail. 

The Bill has faced a barrage of criticism from civil liberties organisations, the joint committee on human rightsHouse of Lords Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee, race and gender equalities groups, employment rights lawyers, politicians around the world – and a whole host of other organisations. 

TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak said: “This Conservative government is threatening the right to strike of as many as one in five workers up and down the country. 

“This is a spiteful Bill. No one should be sacked for trying to win a better deal at work. 

“But this draconian legislation would mean that when workers democratically vote to strike, they could be forced to work and sacked if they don’t comply.    

“It’s undemocratic, it’s unworkable and it’s very likely illegal.  

“Ministers have tried to keep the public in the dark about the true nature of this Bill.  

“They are ramming it through– shortcutting normal parliamentary procedures and ducking scrutiny. And they are giving themselves the power to snatch away the right to strike of five and a half million workers. 

“With inflation still running at over 10%, the last thing workers need is for ministers to make it harder to secure better pay and conditions.  

“It’s time for ministers to protect the right to strike and ditch this Bill for good.” 

Practically Perfect Partnership in Every Way!

Thorntons Solicitors announced as headline sponsor for Poppins-themed CHAS ball

Scottish law firm Thorntons is supporting Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS) as headline sponsor for a second year at the charity’s sixth Rocking Horse Ball this summer.

The prestigious annual event, which will be held at Prestonfield House in Edinburgh on Friday 2 June is known as one of the best and most-loved charity dinners of the year in the capital, selling out months in advance. 

This year’s ball is being hosted by Jess Robinson and will have a Mary Poppins theme,

Thorntons offers a full range of legal services and advice to individuals as well as businesses across the country. 

Di Alton, CHAS’s High Profile Events Manager, said: “We can’t quite believe this is the sixth year of Rocking Horse and we are proud and privileged to have the continued support from Thorntons for a second year. 

“With their very generous sponsorship, we are able to wow our guests from start to finish, creating an incredible and memorable event that will raise vital funds for CHAS. We can’t wait to fly our guests to Number 17 Cherry Tree Lane and we know it’ll be an event that everyone will be talking about for weeks to come.”

Clare Macpherson, Lead Partner at Thorntons in Edinburgh, said: “It’s remarkable and humbling to witness the difference CHAS makes to families across Scotland. We’ve long supported the CHAS Rocking Horse Ball and we’re proud to once again be event sponsors and support their ongoing work.”

The 2022 Rocking Horse Ball, sponsored by Thorntons, raised over £100,000 for the children and families CHAS supports. 

In Scotland, nearly 16,000 children and young people live with life-shortening conditions and CHAS is determined to reach every family who needs its services. 

The charity provides nation-wide hospice services for babies, children and young people with life-shortening conditions at Rachel House in Kinross and Robin House in Balloch while the CHAS at Home service supports families their own homes.
To find out more about CHAS visit www.chas.org.uk

Licensed to Drill

North Sea ‘treasure map’ to grow the economy and unleash the UK’s carbon capture and storage industry

  • Companies licensed to drill in North Sea to report findings to regulator in new powers brought forward in Energy Bill amendment.
  • New powers for regulator will help develop most comprehensive picture yet of UK’s carbon capture and storage potential
  • this will deliver on the Prime Minister’s priorities by helping to attract investment, support as many as 50,000 new jobs by 2030 and grow the economy
  • Energy Bill will also support the scale up of UK’s hydrogen and nuclear power industries

A ‘treasure map’ of what lies beneath the North Sea will be created to help the UK become a world leader in carbon capture and storage.

Companies already at the forefront of this technology and licensed to drill in the North Sea will have to report what they find to the regulator, which will develop the most comprehensive picture yet of the geological area’s make-up.

This information can then be used to unlock the UK’s huge potential by quantifying for investors how much carbon capture and storage could be possible. This could attract more companies to the UK, supporting as many as 50,000 green jobs by 2030, helping to grow the economy and delivering on the Prime Minister’s priorities.

The government intends to bring forward these new powers for the North Sea Transition Authority in an amendment to the Energy Bill, which had its Second Reading in the House of Commons today.

The Energy Bill was introduced to Parliament on 6 July 2022. It will deliver a cleaner, more affordable, and more secure energy system over the long-term for the UK, while liberating private investment in clean technologies.

Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero Grant Shapps said: The UK is in prime position to become a world leader in carbon capture and storage – a whole new industry that could boost our energy security, help cut our own emissions and those of our European neighbours and create thousands of jobs for the future.

“By working with the brightest and best who are already out in the North Sea, we can grow our economy by building the treasure map needed to unlock the full potential of this geological goldmine.”

Minister for the Energy Bill, Nuclear and Networks, Andrew Bowie said: “Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine has laid bare the need to transform our energy system, and our landmark Energy Security Bill will mean homes and businesses across the UK benefit from a cleaner, more affordable and more secure energy system.

“With security at its heart, the Bill is the most significant piece of energy legislation in a decade and puts the UK on the path to cleaner electricity by ramping up carbon storage and our technologies of the future.”

Stuart Payne, North Sea Transition Authority Chief Executive, said: “Carbon storage is essential to reaching net zero, and the industry requires a wealth of reliable information to select sites to store millions of tonnes of greenhouse gases. 

“The NSTA welcomes these new powers to collect this vital data and share it with the industry as it leads the orderly transition and provides thousands of skilled jobs.”

Carbon Capture and Storage involves separating carbon dioxide from industry and storing it safely under the seabed in spaces left by oil and gas extraction. Thanks to the geological make-up of the UK, this country is almost uniquely placed to benefit from this and create a whole new industry.

Estimates suggest that there may be enough space underneath the UK’s oceans – including its old oil and gas fields – to store up to 78 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide – the equivalent to the weight of around 15 billion elephants, and as much carbon dioxide as produced by up to 6 million cars on the road.

As well as helping cut the UK’s own emissions, this potential is believed to be so considerable that this country could also help other nations using carbon capture and storage – including other European countries – by storing their carbon emissions too.

Under plans announced in Parliament today, the government plans to grant the North Sea Transition Authority, as a carbon storage regulator, powers to obtain information and samples from those who have a licence already to store carbon. 

These will give the information needed about the geological features of hidden underground spaces underneath the North Sea that have already been mapped. This will help develop an encyclopaedic knowledge about what lies beneath the waves and confirm the likely scale of the industry this could create, helping to encourage private investment.  

UK government Minister for Scotland John Lamont said: Expanding carbon capture and storage forms a vital part of our Net Zero ambitions. The new measures introduced today will propel that sector forward, while supporting up to 50,000 jobs to benefit Scotland and the whole of the UK.

“Not only will this accelerate our transition to using cleaner, greener energy and enhance our energy security but it will also bring a welcome economic boost to aid our priorities of reducing debt and halving inflation.”

Other forthcoming amendments to the Energy Bill announced by the UK Government today:

  • backing Energy Intensive Industries (EIIs), such as those in the steel sector, by introducing a compensation scheme that will lower the costs they EIIs have to pay to use the electricity grid. This will bring key UK businesses in line with global competitors and help make the UK one of the most attractive places to do business as part of delivering on the Prime Minister’s plan to grow the economy
  • setting out the statutory role of the new nuclear body Great British Nuclear to carry out the long-term mandate the government intends for it in support of the commitment to unleashing the new generation of new nuclear for it to comprise up to 25% of the UK’s energy supply by 2050
  • plans to develop new business models to encourage investment in the transport and storage of hydrogen. This will be key to boosting the UK’s future energy security

Business and Trade Minister Nusrat Ghani said: Energy-intensive industries like steel are hugely important to our economy. This measure will cut costs and help ensure they can bring high-quality jobs and investment into the UK.

“This support will mean that these key industries stay in line with their global competitors, helping deliver on the Prime Minister’s priority to make the UK the most attractive place to do business and grow our economy.”

The Energy Bill first entered Parliament in July last year and commits to providing a cleaner, more affordable, and more secure energy system by:

  • leveraging private investment in clean technologies
  • reforming the UK’s energy system so it is fit for the future
  • ensuring the safety, security and resilience of the UK’s energy system

Stay in Scotland: Continued funding announced on Europe Day

More EU citizens will be supported to remain in Scotland, thanks to renewed funding for the Stay in Scotland campaign.

In partnership with the Citizens’ Rights Project, COSLA and Settled – an independent charity helping EU citizens to stay in the UK – over £200,000 will help vulnerable people apply to the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS).

Migration Minister Emma Roddick said: “On Europe Day, Scotland can proudly celebrate the contribution EU citizens make to our society, culture and economy.

“As we continue to build the case for an independent Scotland within the EU, additional funding for the Stay in Scotland campaign will help ensure EU citizens, particularly those who need assistance with complex applications, get the support they need to gain settled status.

“We’re also urging the Home Office to immediately upgrade everyone from pre-settled to settled status. This would help remove the unnecessary stress and anxiety of being forced to re-apply to the EUSS.”

“Scotland is stronger for its multi-culturalism and our message to EU citizens this Europe Day is clear: you are, and always will be, welcome in Scotland.”

Following the Ministerial Statement on Europe Day 2023 in the Scottish Parliament , Foysol Choudhury MSP said: “As Scottish Labour Spokesperson for Culture, Europe, and International Development, it was important for me to question the Scottish Government on its commitment to introducing a replacement Erasmus + programme on this, Europe Day 2023. 

“After Brexit, the SNP Scottish Government seem determined to remain aligned with the EU, yet in terms of education they have made no progress on a Scottish Education Exchange Programme. 

“Unlike the Labour Welsh Government, the SNP Scottish Government are letting down young people by not providing an appropriate replacement for the European Erasmus+ scheme.  

“The successful Welsh Taith scheme has provided 5,000 exchange opportunities since September 2022.

“When will the Scottish Government stop hiding behind arguments for independence and act now to truly align Scottish priorities with EU practices? 

“The Cabinet Secretary’sresponse to my question was inadequate. 

“Scottish Labour wants to see the SNP make true on its commitment to young people and not to abandon them. 

“Actions speak louder than headlines. 

“Now is the time for the Scottish Government to realign Scottish priorities.”

European Movement in Scotland honours Lord Provost of Glasgow

The European Movement in Scotland (EMiS), the nation’s premier pro-EU campaigning body, is delighted to announce the award of honorary membership to the Lord Provost of Glasgow, Jacqueline McLaren. 

Accepting the award at a Europe Day celebration in the City Chambers the Lord Provost said: “I am delighted to accept Honorary Membership of the European Movement in Scotland. Glasgow is a city proud to have forged strong bonds, alliances and friendships with our European neighbours. We’re twinned with Marseilles, Nuremberg, Turin and with many more links across Europe through our networks and partnership activity.

Today we mark Europe Day, and all it represents: friendship, unity, tolerance, co-operation and peace. All of which Glasgow endorses and will always hold dear. Whilst no longer part of the European Union, we remain faithful and committed friends to our European neighbours.”

Europe Day, commemorated annually on May 9 since 1950, symbolises the EU’s commitment to peace, solidarity, shared values and working together across borders to achieve common goals.

EMiS actively works towards advancing the principles of European integration, advocating for stronger ties between Scotland and the broader European community. Scotland remains a proud European nation and will one day return to the EU, in its own right or as part of the UK.

Glasgow’s recognition as European City of Sport for 2023 has further emphasised the city’s vibrant sporting culture and passion for physical well-being as well as its ability to bring people together through the power of sports.

David Clarke, Chair of the European Movement in Scotland, said: “We are thrilled to award honorary membership to the Lord Provost of Glasgow, a city that embraces the spirit of Europe. Glasgow’s unwavering commitment to openness, cultural diversity, and its vibrant sporting scene make it an ideal symbol of our shared European values.

“We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the Lord Provost and express our sincere gratitude for Glasgow’s ongoing support and involvement in Europe.”

To learn more about the European Movement in Scotland and to join, please visit www.europeanmovement.co.uk/scotland.

New school meals menu online now

Our new school menu is ready to book on ParentPay!

We’ve kept all your favourites and added some new dishes like broccoli and pea pasta in a creamy sauce with garlic bread and butcher’s Scotch Beef mince homemade cottage pie with roast potatoes and cabbage 😋


Announcing … Community Supported Agriculture Veg Boxes!

Members of the Community Supported Agriculture veg box scheme will get a weekly share of the harvest from the Market Garden during the growing season.

If you are interested in becoming a member and getting veg from the farm, please click here to register your interest: http://bit.ly/EACCSAform

You’ll also find more details about the veg boxes from there, and answers to FAQs (and you can chat to us in person at upcoming events).

Community Supported Agriculture is a partnership between farmers and local communities. It is one of the best ways to create a fairer and more regenerative food system. We are excited to start providing veg boxes, and we hope you will join us!





Luxury interior designer and socially conscious tech entrepreneur recognised for creative work

The entrepreneur behind learning platform Kahoot! and an award-winning interior designer involved with some of the world’s most luxurious hotels have been named as the 2023 inductees into Edinburgh Napier University’s School of Arts and Creative Industries Alumni Hall of Fame.

Johan Brand and Karen Hay have been recognised for forging outstanding careers in their fields since completing their studies at ENU. The honour serves as a tribute to their creative talents and recognises their professional achievements.

Based in Oslo and Hong Kong respectively, they will both return to Edinburgh to be formally inducted to the Hall of Fame at a ceremony on Wednesday 31 May at the University’s Merchiston campus.

Reacting to the news, Johan said: “I thought it was a scam email at first! I often think about my time studying at ENU but to know that the University is looking at the thousands of people who studied there, it’s a huge honour.

“I told my colleagues about the award because it’s not just me. Everything I’ve done, I’ve done with others. I may be getting this personal honour but it’s also in recognition of the work the team has done.”

Karen said: “Being inducted into the SACI Hall of Fame means the world to me. It’s a huge honour to be considered for this accolade, and for me it represents all the years of hard work, vision and tenacity, and the risks that I have taken in my career.

“When I started at Edinburgh Napier in 1987 it was still a polytechnic, but it gained the university accreditation and status whilst I was studying. When I graduated in 1991, I graduated with a university degree, so it kind of felt like I had cheated! But the University has grown and continues to grow to be an internationally recognised and respected institution.

“It certainly gave me the foundations on which to start and build my career.”

The SACI Alumni Hall of Fame was established in 2016, with previous inductees including car designer Moray Callum, interior designer Jeanette MacIntyre and political journalist Nick Eardley.

Edinburgh charity’s research funding boost brings new hope to secondary breast cancer patients 

Co-funded study in partnership with Breast Cancer Ireland to investigate screening for disease spreading to the brain 

Edinburgh charity Make 2nds Count is co-funding a new study focusing on the spread of secondary breast cancer to the brain. 

The funding collaboration, in partnership with Breast Cancer Ireland will bring the study to patients with secondary breast cancer across the UK and Ireland. 

The £219,560 grant will enable researchers to investigate screening asymptomatic patients for brain metastases in the hope that early detection will improve survival rates. 

Patients with HER2-positive secondary breast cancer are at much higher risk of the disease spreading to the brain but there is currently no regular screening regime to identify any metastases before symptoms show.  

The HER2-CNS SURVEILLANCE study aims to investigate the feasibility of recruiting HER2-positive secondary breast cancer patients with no signs of brain metastases, conducting an initial MRI brain scan for brain metastases detection and then randomising patients into two groups: one to receive six-monthly MRI brain scans for a year and another who will not receive the additional scans – the current standard. 

Initially, the aim is to recruit 69 patients from six cancer centres across the UK – Liverpool, Birmingham, London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Cardiff – plus one in Dublin in the Republic of Ireland.

The study is expected to last for up to three years and the Co-Chief Investigators are Professor Carlo Palmieri, Professor of Translational Oncology at The University of Liverpool and a Consultant in Medical Oncology at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust in Liverpool, and Dr Sara Meade, a Consultant Oncologist at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust. 

Some preliminary data on the frequency of brain metastases detection in patients having a brain scan with no symptoms will be collected. Qualitative themes will also be embedded into the research which will discuss attitudes towards the study with eligible participants, barriers to recruitment and whether randomisation is a barrier or facilitator to enrolment.

The Sussex Health Outcomes, Research & Education in Cancer (SHORE-C) Group at the Brighton and Sussex Medical School will be responsible for these qualitative research themes. 

Secondary breast cancer claims 1,000 lives each month in the UK – an average of 31 deaths every day.  Make 2nds Count is dedicated to raising awareness of this little-known form of the disease, also known as metastatic, advanced or stage IV breast cancer, which has spread beyond the breast to other parts of the body. It is incurable, although it can be treated, and currently affects around 61,000 people in the UK. 


Professor David Cameron, Chair of the Make 2nds Count Board of Trustees: “Overall, this research will subsequently enable a larger study that will explore the benefits of regular brain scanning for detecting brain metastases early in HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer patients when no symptoms are present. 

“A key driver of Make 2nds Count is the ability to bring fresh hope to secondary breast cancer patients and their families. So we’re thrilled to be able to fund this initial research which we believe could lead to more positive outcomes for greater numbers of patients.” 

Professor Carlo Palmieri, Professor of Translational Oncology at The University of Liverpool, Consultant in Medical Oncology at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre and Co-Chief Investigator of the study: “I am really pleased that we will be able to launch this important research into metastatic breast cancer.

“It will set out to discover if regular brain scanning of those with secondary breast cancer is a viable and useful option when monitoring this cohort of patients. We are very grateful to Make 2nds Count for recognising how useful this research will be.” 

Dr Sara Meade, a Consultant Oncologist at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust and Co-Chief Investigator of the study: “This project is vital to the fight against HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer.

“Early detection of disease in the brain will help to prevent neurological decline and facilitate earlier treatment for our patients. We are incredibly grateful to Make 2nds Count for their support.” 

Aisling Hurley, CEO of Breast Cancer Ireland comments, “As Ireland’s leading breast cancer charity, Breast Cancer Ireland is delighted to partner with Make2ndsCount to co-fund this incredible body of research into brain metastases through the Beaumont RCSI Cancer Centre’s collaboration with the charity and the University of Liverpool.  

“We have always been acutely aware of the benefits of international collaboration in this field, and are proud to have recently launched #MetastaticMatters, an education and awareness campaign specifically focussing on those living with metastatic breast cancer, typically the most challenging area from a scientific research perspective.

“We’re excited to see the impact of this collaboration between some of the finest research experts in the world, and firmly believe that research and information sharing such as this are the best opportunity for scientific breakthroughs in relation to this ever-challenging disease.” 

Open Studios Weekend at Abbeymount Studios

Open Studios Weekend 

Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st May

  • Exciting FREE annual open studios event returns to Out of the Blue Abbeymount
  • Featuring over 30 artists from paintings to photography and mosaics to fashion
  • Meet the makers, watch demonstrations and get the chance to win an original piece of art in a free raffle

Out of the Blue Abbeymount Studios are delighted to be opening their doors to the public again this spring for another exciting Open Studios weekend on Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st May from 12noon – 5pm.  

Come along to see their creative spaces, meet the makers and browse a wide range of original artworks and gifts. Everything is handmade by local designers and makers here in the heart of Edinburgh.

Fine art / painting / ceramics / illustration / animation / mosaics / fashion / textiles / photography

There will be FREE art/craft/animation demonstrations and workshops taking place over the two days, plus a FREE raffle featuring exclusive prizes donated by Abbeymount Studios artists. 

With over 30 artists and creatives taking part, there really is something for everyone. Artists include wildlife painter Kirsten Mirrey whos work for the past five years has focussed on both exotic and endangered wildlife in a highly realistic style. 

Award-winning filmmaker Holly Summerson is one of several animators taking part. Her work includes short films, music videos, projections for events, interactive online art and community workshops. The world of textiles and fashion are also covered with the work of ByJenByre. She specialises in creating one of a kind reimagined fashion from vintage second hand materials.

The poster for the Open Studios weekend was designed by resident children’s print designer Blythe Mackenzie of Little Yellow Scribbles who will also be taking part on the 20th and 21st. Little Yellow Scribbles is a children’s textile brand specialising in vibrant, illustrated textile accessories and clothing.

Out of the Blue Abbeymount Studio Manager Bob Guilianotti says: “We’re delighted to be opening the doors of Abbeymount to the public again for our Open Studios weekend.

“There’s an exciting choice of artists and makers to meet as well as the chance to explore this historic building. It’s a chance to meet our resident artists and makers as they demonstrate their work and discuss their inspirations.” 

Details of the Open Weekend, as well as a list of participating artists and makers can be found on the Abbeymount Studios website.