Royal National Institute of Blind People: A letter from Santa

Dear Editor,

With the winter nights drawing in, there’s no doubt that Christmas is fast approaching. In the North Pole, Santa and his elves are busy getting ready to give every child a magical Christmas.

Santa is once again expecting to receive millions of letters from children around the world with endless lists of what they’d like to receive in their stockings when the big day arrives.

To ensure children living with a vision impairment in the UK get a reply from Santa, he has teamed up with the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) to make his letters available in accessible formats, including audio and large print.

This year, Santa’s friends at card company Hallmark have also helped him write replies in braille so every child with a vision impairment can read their letter independently.

Last year, the elves sent more than 1,400 letters from Santa to blind and partially sighted children across the UK, helping them experience the same magic of Christmas as sighted children.

If you know a child who has a vision impairment and who would love to receive a letter from Santa, please send their Christmas letter to: Santa Claus, RNIB, Northminster House, Northminster, Peterborough, PE1 1YN. 

Santa can receive letters through his email address. Email by Tuesday 20 December for an email response with a large print attachment. 

Letters can also be requested through RNIB’s website at Postal letters and website requests need to be sent by Friday 2 December.

On behalf of Santa, his elves and all at RNIB, we wish you a Merry Christmas!

Michael Owen

Transport Convener condemns anti-social behaviour on city’s buses

The city council’s Transport and Environment Convener has condemned anti-social behaviour towards Lothian Buses employees.

Councillor Scott Arthur’s comments follow an open letter from Sarah Boyd, managing director of Lothian Buses, which acknowledges an increase in abusive behaviour towards drivers and other customer-facing people, as well as frontline workers around the city. 

Councillor Scott Arthur, Transport and Environment Convener, responded to Sarah Boyd’s letter, saying:It’s extremely disappointing to hear that Lothian Buses’ employees are having to endure abusive and anti-social behaviour.

“These keyworkers work hard to provide a trusted, essential service for the city and it’s appalling that they’re having to put up with this kind of treatment. 
“We’ve pulled through an exceptionally challenging few years together, as a city, and I’m grateful for the indispensable role Lothian Buses played during the pandemic. We should not forget that drivers faced unknown risks everyday getting keyworkers to work.
“The current Europe-wide driver shortage means all bus companies face huge challenges in maintaining their network, but I know the vast majority of people in Edinburgh understand this and will continue to support Lothian Buses by reinforcing a zero tolerance stance on anti-social behaviour.”

Visit Lothian Buses website for information on services.

Black Friday: Resist the frenzy for the sake of the planet, say campaigners

Environmental campaigners say we should resist the shopping frenzy this Black Friday for the sake of the planet.

Tomorrow (Friday 25 November), retail giants like Amazon will be slashing their prices in an attempt to boost their sales – but campaigners are asking people to consider the costs to the environment before they make unnecessary purchases this year.

Surveys have shown that huge numbers of people regret the purchases that are made in the rush of the sales, and that they find it a stressful experience. Smaller retailers with more sustainable, local, personal services find they can’t compete with the artificially low prices of retail giants. Last year, 85% of independent retailers opted out of Black Friday.

Kim Pratt, circular economy campaigner at Friends of the Earth Scotland, said: “Changing our culture of consumption is an essential part of tackling the climate crisis. Saying no to phoney Black Friday deals is an important way in which we, as more informed consumers, can take back power.

“Big retailers pressurise people to buy more in an effort to boost their sales. This drive towards consuming more means that even more resources are extracted from nature, generating climate-wrecking emissions.

“To really tackle over-consumption, governments need to hold big business to account. The Scottish Government is bringing in a circular economy law next year which must force producers and retailers to accept responsibility for their planet destroying single-use products, and to make reuse and recycling cheaper and easier for people.”

The Scottish Government consulted on a new circular economy law earlier this year. A draft of the bill is expected in early 2023. Scotland’s material use is more than double the sustainable limit, and 82% of Scotland’s carbon footprint comes from the products and services we buy.

New Book Club at Granton Library

We have a couple of new evening groups starting up here at Granton Library.

The first is a monthly book group. First meeting next Wednesday 30th November. Please bring a book you’ve read recently for discussion – we will also discuss what sort of group you’d like this to be.

Tea and coffee will be provided. We look forward to welcoming you!

Edinburgh Association of Community Councils AGM tonight

EACC: EVOC Presentation and AGM: 24 November 2022, at 19.00

This will now be a TEAMS screen meeting (with doors open at 18.50). 

We are going to use a facility hosted by CEC Governance Division, with the provision of a Council Returning Officer for the Members’ Board election.  

Please note the Meeting ID and Passcode.

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting (or copy and paste the link to your browser).

Meeting ID: 387 653 264 326
Passcode: P7p2hD

Where asked to sign-in with a screen display name, please adopt the following procedure: 

If you are carrying your council’s vote, please sign in to the Teams screen meeting with a clear CC identifier, preceded by two asterisks and followed by your surname, along the lines of:




If you are not carrying a vote, just sign in as FIRST NAME LAST NAME.

If you have any queries, contact me at:  or 

or call me on 078 1615 2994. 

The event will be recorded.

In attending, you will be giving your permission for the recording to take place.

AGM Agenda:

1. Record of attendance;

2. Minutes of November 2021 AGM submitted for adoption;

3. Record of February 2022 EGM submitted for adoption;

4. Standing Orders (November 2022 revision) submitted for adoption;

5. Chair’s Annual Report;

6. Secretary’s Annual Report;

7. Treasurer’s submission of Annual Accounts to March 2022 for adoption;

8. Any other relevant Office Bearer reports;

9. Consideration of any Motions to be put to the meeting;

10. Demit of current Office Bearers;

11. Election of Community Council members to EACC Office Bearer posts and to panel seats on the EACC Members’ Board;

12. Appointment of an Independent Examiner of the Accounts;

13. Any other competent business, as determined by the Chair;

14. Set date of next AGM and close the meeting.

Ken Robertson

Acting-Secretary, EACC

Flossie is the world’s oldest cat

GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ and Cats Protection have recognised Flossie as the oldest cat living, just weeks before she celebrates her 27th birthday.

The record-breaking status marks a turnaround in fortunes for a cat who was born in the same year as England goal scorer Jack Grealish.

Flossie was signed over to Cats Protection volunteers in Kent and faced an uncertain future, aged 26, after her owner was unable to support the welfare of such an elderly cat.

She was given a new lease of life when the charity matched her to a loving new home with Vicki Green of Orpington, who had experience of caring for senior cats. What Vicki couldn’t have known was that she was giving a home to a record breaker.

Vicki, who is also aged 27, said: “I knew from the start that Flossie was a special cat, but I didn’t imagine I’d be sharing my home with a Guinness World Records title holder! She’s so affectionate, playful and sweet, especially when you remember how old she is. I’m immensely proud that Cats Protection matched me with such an amazing cat.

“She’s deaf and has failing eyesight but none of that seems to bother her. She’s completely with it, loves affection and has a very good appetite. She never turns her nose up at the chance of a good meal, except when she’s snuggled on her favourite yellow blanket.”

Naomi Rosling, Co-ordinator at Cats Protection’s Tunbridge, Crowborough and District Branch said: “We were flabbergasted when vet records showed Flossie to be nearly 27 years old. She’s the oldest cat I’ve ever met; at least 120 in human years. 

“If I’m in such good shape when I’m her age, with someone who does what’s best for me when I need it most, I shall be a very happy lady.”

Craig Glenday, Editor in Chief at GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ said: “We were so excited to hear about the lovely Flossie and celebrate her long life – it’s not every day you come across a cat who has been around since the mid-nineties.

“This is the human equivalent of over 120 years old, which would put her on par with Jeanne Calment, the French supercentenarian who lived to 122 years 164 days and holds the record for the oldest person ever.

“We’re happy to see Flossie settled and enjoying all the home comforts she deserves in her later life. A huge congratulations to Flossie, a highly deserving record-breaker.”

It’s a heartwarming final chapter to the story of a cat that had remained in the same extended family since being homed as a young stray in 1995. Flossie had been living in a colony of cats near a Merseyside hospital, when two workers took pity on them and each homed a cat.

They lived together for 10 years until the owner died and Flossie was taken in by her sister. After another 14 happy years, the new owner also passed away. Flossie was aged at least 24 at that time. For the next three years, Flossie lived with the woman’s son, until his situation led him to make the difficult decision to relinquish the family cat to volunteers at Cats Protection’s Tunbridge Wells, Crowborough and District Branch.

Naomi is confident that the owner acted in the interests of his cat. “It wasn’t an easy decision. He’d promised to take care of Flossie’s needs but, in ways that matter most, that is exactly what he has done. He sought our help when it was in Flossie’s best interests. Responsible cat ownership is when someone thinks about an animal’s needs above their own feelings.”

Flossie has settled well since moving in with Executive Assistant Vicki. “She was loud for the first few nights, because she can’t see in the dark and was a bit confused in her new surroundings, but she sleeps through the night now, snuggled on the bed with me,’ Vicki said. “Our new life together already feels like home for Flossie, which makes me so happy.”

Vicki’s previous cat Honeybun had lived until the age of 21, so she knew what to expect, she said. “Older cats can need particular care and being the oldest living cat, Flossie isn’t any different. She sometimes misses her litter box or needs help grooming herself, but I can help with all of that. We’re in this together.”

Cats Protection created Mature Moggies Days (16 June) to celebrate older cats and recognise their welfare needs. The charity campaigns so that older cats can feel at home in their later years.

Vicki is keen to encourage other potential owners to consider older cats, she said: “I’ve always wanted to give older cats a comfortable later life. All they really want is a comfy bed in a warm loving home and they give so much love in return.

“Cats Protection has a lot of mature cats in need of homes and they don’t need to be high maintenance. All they really want is a cuddle and somewhere warm to sleep. I’m glad that Cats Protection matched me with Flossie; adopting her has been rewarding for us both.”

Life is a ‘Roller-Costa’: Ronan Keating revealed as Costa Coffee’s first ever ‘Director of Love’

·         Costa Coffee has enlisted legendary entertainer and Boyzone star, Ronan Keating as its ‘Director of Love’, to help win the hearts of coffee lovers

·         Keating makes his acting debut in his new role in a comedic film. WATCH:

·         Costa Coffee will declare its love to the nation alongside Keating by giving away millions of free coffees* to new customers

The Nation’s Favourite Coffee Shop, Costa Coffee, today launched a campaign with international pop star, Ronan Keating, to win the nation’s hearts.

Keating, who memorably topped the charts with ‘When You Say Nothing at All’, is using his prowess as a national heartthrob to spread love across the UK as Costa Coffee’s new ‘Director of Love’, giving away millions of delicious free Costa coffees.

Appearing in a light-hearted short film, Keating is on a mission to woo coffee lovers, delivering impromptu serenades and touring Costa Coffee stores up and down the country.

Commenting on his new role, Keating said: “I’m really excited to be joining Costa Coffee for a campaign with love at its heart. It’s fun to play the role of ‘Director of Love’ and I’m excited to give the nation lots of love this festive season, and maybe even help them re-connect over a Costa coffee.

The campaign, which kicked off on Thursday 17th November, will roll out across the UK with a series of ‘declarations of love’ and far-reaching gestures, not least by giving away millions of coffees. 

You can get yours by downloading the Costa Coffee app and signing-up to the Costa Club loyalty scheme between now and 24 November 2022, with millions of free coffees and hot drinks up for grabs.

The ‘free drink’ digital voucher will automatically appear in the apps’ ‘Rewards’ section, which can be redeemed in person at a participating Costa Coffee store. Existing customers will also be able to discover gestures, perks, and rewards with exclusive in-app deals as part of Costa Club.  

Shakir Moin, Costa Coffee Interim CEO said, “Ronan Keating is responsible for some of the greatest love songs of all time, so who better to help us woo customers and shower them with love this festive season?

“We’ll not only be giving millions of barista-crafted coffees away, but we’ll be taking to the streets and even the skies to show Brits how we feel about them. Stay tuned for some big surprises!”

For further information on Costa Coffee’s new campaign, download the Costa Coffee app today. 

To view full terms and conditions and to check if your local store is participating, visit

Service to Empire: First abridged rehearsed reading of Maud Sulter play

Rehearsed Reading: Service to Empire, a play by Maud Sulter

6-7.30pm, Monday 28 November.

Free but ticketed. Online broadcast via YouTube Live.

Book a ticket here

In a unique live broadcast, National Galleries of Scotland present the first abridged rehearsed reading from the play by Scottish-Ghanaian artist Maud Sulter, Service to Empire. Directed and abridged by Adura Onashile and co-curated with Mother Tongue, the reading will be followed by a live Q&A.

Best known as an artist and poet, Sulter wrote Service to Empire, published with her imprint A19, in 2002. In this play she reimagines the relationship between the parents of Jerry Rawlings, the former President of Ghana: his father was a Scot, his mother Ghanaian.

Exploring long-lasting colonial legacies across two continents, Sulter considered her play provided “an incisive observation of the explosive reverberations” of their affair and its impact on Ghana’s former President (in office 1979-2002). Although the play was written 20 years ago, it has never been performed. This reading is long overdue, bringing to light the work of this internationally renowned artist.  

The National Galleries of Scotland collection includes two works by Sulter: Urania from the series Zabat (1989) and La Chevelure (2002) which is currently on display at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery in The Modern Portrait exhibition. 

Through her multi-disciplinary practice Sulter questioned the representation of Black women in art and literature: “I’m interested in absence and presence in the way that particularly Black women’s experience and Black women’s contribution to culture is so often erased and marginalised … it’s important for me as an individual, and obviously as a Black woman artist, to put Black women back in the centre of the frame.”   

Mother Tongue has researched and curated Sulter’s work for several years. In 2018 they were awarded an Art Fund New Collecting Award with Glasgow Museums which resulted in Revisiting Black Artists in Scotland Through New Collecting at Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow 12 March – 3 July 2022, a group show featuring Sulter’s work, with Art Fund support and funded by The National Lottery through Creative Scotland, with generous input from the Estate of Maud Sulter. 

“The Estate is thrilled that Sulter’s words are being brought to life in this spell binding reading directed by Adura Onashile. The estate offers warmest thanks to the director, the cast, Mother Tongue and National Galleries of Scotland for bringing this project to fruition.” The Estate of Maud Sulter.

Adura Onashile, Director said: “It felt really important to me to present this rehearsed reading of Maud Sulter’s only play for the first time. As an interdisciplinary artist her approach to playwrighting is incredibly visual and rich in its scope and rigour.

“It’s been exciting to delve into her vision of a story that is both personal and universal. Although this is  only a rehearsed reading, we hope introducing the work to a wider audience will continue to highlight the breadth of Maud’s vision and inspirations.”

“Maud Sulter’s work was so ground-breaking that even 20, 25, 30 years on from its production,  it feels very much of our present. She was a visual artist, poet, curator and cultural historian amongst other facets of her practice, and it’s important to us that her words are lifted from the page and vocalised making the play accessible to a much larger audience than it’s been able to have to-date.”  Mother Tongue, co-curators.

Sir John Leighton, Director-General, National Galleries of Scotland said: National Galleries of Scotland is delighted to support this vital and long overdue project to stage a reading of Maud Sulter’s play Service to Empire.

“Sulter is an internationally recognised Scottish contemporary artist whose visual and literary legacy is in the process of being rediscovered and reinterpreted by a new generation of artists.

“It is an honour to work with Adura Onashile, a director held in such high esteem in her field. We are grateful to the Estate for their kind co-operation and to our partners, cast and crew for the painstaking care they have taken in representing Sulter’s intentions and making this essential project happen.”

Aldi announces emergency foodbank fund to support charities in Edinburgh and the Lothians this Christmas

Aldi is supporting local charities, foodbanks, and community groups in Edinburgh and the Lothians through its Emergency Winter Foodbank Fund this Christmas.  

The supermarket’s Emergency Winter Foodbank Fund will see it donate £250,000 to help organisations as they prepare to face heightened demand on their services.  

The fund builds on Aldi’s successful partnership with community engagement platform Neighbourly which enables all of Aldi’s 980 UK stores to donate surplus food seven days a week, all year round.  

Aldi will also be introducing new signage in stores this Christmas to help highlight to customers the most in-demand items at foodbanks, as selected by the organisations themselves.  

From early December, shoppers looking to donate to foodbanks should look out for the logo on shelves by certain items, such as baked beans, teabags and toiletries, which can then be dropped at the food donation points located by Aldi’s checkouts.  

Liz Fox, Corporate Responsibility Director at Aldi UK, said: “We know that Christmas is already a particularly challenging time for many, but this year is understandably going to be even tougher for a lot of households.  

“That’s why we’re more committed than ever to doing what we can to give back. We want to make food accessible for all and hope both our additional funding and donation drive will help to make a real difference in Edinburgh and the Lothians.”  

Steve Butterworth, CEO of Neighbourly, added: “The cost-of-living is impacting communities up and down the country and the charities we support are expecting to see demand increase even further over the coming months.  

“Without the support of the public and businesses like Aldi we’d be unable to help those in need. Within our network there are many charities and community groups that will be able to put this funding to good use, to support families that are struggling.” 

Aldi’s latest commitment follows a recent survey of Neighbourly charities which revealed that 72% will need more food items to help with increased demand this Christmas.  

The items that were revealed to be most in-demand, and will be promoted in store to help drive donations this Christmas, included cereal, rice and pasta, tinned food and toiletries.  

Charities and community groups interested in working with Aldi should contact Neighbourly at