Sacha Dench returns to Scotland to meet climate change innovators

UN Ambassador for the Convention on Migratory Species, Sacha Dench visiting Celtic Renewables, Scotland’s first biorefinery plant meeting Martin Tangney OBE, Founder of Celtic Renewables at the new plant in Falkirk.

UN Ambassador for the Convention on Migratory Species, Sacha Dench, touched down in Scotland yesterday as part of her Round Britain climate challenge to raise awareness of the effects of climate change … and shine a light on the innovators working to solve the crisis.

Flying in on an electric paramotor, Sacha flew over the Kelpies before landing nearby and visiting Celtic Renewables – Scotland’s first biorefinery plant – where she met Martin Tangney OBE, Founder of Celtic Renewables, Gillian McKee (MSP), Linlith-Go–Solar, Climate Conscious Entrepreneurs Edinburgh and Fuel Change apprentices and pupils from Larbert High School to talk about their My Carbon Zero Project.

Sacha also met Mark Stewart, Head of Energy, Infrastructure and Sustainability at Johnston Carmichael, Elaine Ford from Planet Rewild and Dr. Murray Collins, CEO of Space Intelligence during her ‘flying visit’.

In June, Sacha began her world record expedition from the host city of COP26, Glasgow. Since then, she has flown across Britain stopping off to talk to people involved in addressing the effects of climate change.  A compilation of these stories will be presented at COP26 the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow in November.

Sacha Dench said: “I am delighted to be back in Scotland and visiting the beautiful capital and surrounds. I am looking forward to meeting people who are truly focused on answers to the climate crisis – not problems – and as such are inspirations to all.

“We’re trying to answer the question: ‘We drove the Industrial Revolution; can we drive the Green Revolution too?  As part of this expedition, we have been investigating how climate change is affecting different regions of the country and showing in a visually stunning and exciting way what is happing to help cut carbon and preserve and restore our environment.”

Professor Martin Tangney OBE Founder of Celtic Renewables said: “We were thrilled to host Sacha here at Celtic Renewables as part of this ambitious round Britain Climate Challenge. 

“In our view, COP26 must move us from justifying “why” we need to tackle climate change, to determining “how”, and Sacha’s expedition shining a spotlight on the people and initiatives helping us achieve Net Zero, is helping set this direction of travel.

“Celtic Renewables firmly believe we are part of the Net Zero future, and in bringing our first plant into operation we will show that low-carbon biotechnology can be both commercially sustainable and environmentally sustainable.  Celtic Renewables is part of a global bio-based economy, and our patented technology can and will play an important role in achieving Net Zero across the world .”

Celtic Renewables patented low-carbon technology converts unwanted and low-value biological materials, such as by-products from whisky distilling, into high-value, low carbon chemicals which can replace petrochemicals currently used in the thousands of products we use every day from cleaning materials to food production.

Councillor Cecil Meiklejohn concluded: “We are honoured that Sacha will take in the view of our world-famous Kelpies as part of her round Britain climate challenge.

“Falkirk Council is committed to working towards Net Zero by 2030 and is a key partner in the recently launched Forth Valley for Net Zero campaign, an initiative which brings public and private sectors together and will highlight all the great initiatives by businesses, educational establishments, and our local communities to help us achieve this target.”

Sacha hopes to succeed in achieving a Guinness World Record for the greatest distance flown by electric paramotor in a 30-day period.

Alex Cole-Hamilton: Lib-Dems say NO to ‘COVID ID cards’

Vaccinations are undoubtedly the route out of this. But vaccine passports are not.”

Scottish Liberal Democrats leader Alex Cole-Hamilton has spoken out against Scottish Government proposals to introduce a vaccine certificate in Scotland.

The Edinburgh Western MSP said: “Next week the Scottish Parliament will vote on SNP/Green proposals to introduce vaccine certification in Scotland.

“For the first time, Scottish People will have to share private medical data with strangers in order to access venues and services. 

“These are COVID ID cards in all but name and the Scottish Liberal Democrats are leading the opposition to their introduction.

“Our hospitality and events businesses see COVID ID cards as a threat to their recovery.

“COVID ID cards will not stop the spread of the virus, reduce case numbers or make up for the week-long delays in contact tracing. There are no time limits on their use and the door will be left open to expand their use in the future. 

“Vaccines are our way out of the pandemic and I urge everyone who can receive a vaccine to get one. But COVID ID cards are illiberal and dangerous precedent and are not part of the answer.”

Have your say on short term lets

The city council is seeking views on a proposal for Edinburgh to be short term let control area.

A public consultation approved by the Planning Committee on 11 August, will run from Friday 3 September for nine weeks, until 5 November 2021.

If, following the public consultation, the Council gives the go ahead and the proposal is approved by the Scottish Government, the new powers would mean all residential properties, which are not an owner’s principle home, being let as STLs in their totality throughout the local authority area would require approval of a ‘change of use’ to a STL from Planning.

The ‘Choices’ consultation responses for our next local development plan, ‘City Plan 2030’, also showed overwhelming support for the council to look at control areas in the Capital.

Around a third of STLs in Scotland are in Edinburgh.  At the moment, in addition to planning applications made for STLs, to establish whether or not planning permission is required for properties where this is disputed, the Council’s enforcement team looks at each case individually, which is a very lengthy and time consuming process.

The introduction of powers to make a control area, follows the Council calling for new legislation to tighten up the control of STLs to help manage high concentrations of secondary letting where it affects the availability of residential housing or the character of a neighbourhood.

Also, it will help to restrict or prevent STLs in places or types of buildings where they are not appropriate as well as making sure homes are used to best effect in their areas.

Generally renting out a room/s in your house or letting your property whilst on holiday would also still be allowed if Edinburgh became a STL control zone.

The Scottish Government is currently consulting on legislation to introduce a new licensing regime next year, which the Council also called for, to address the issues of safety, anti-social behaviour and noise. These issues have all had a detrimental effect on communities as the number of STLs has greatly increased across the city in recent years.

The proposal is that all Scottish councils will have to adopt a STL licensing system by October 2022. In terms of the Government’s proposed new licensing regime, if Edinburgh becomes a control area it will be a mandatory condition of any licensing application to have made a planning application or to have planning permission already when providing accommodation that requires it.

Councillor Neil Gardiner, Planning Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “We’ve worked hard calling for greater controls for short term lets and so it’s great we’re now asking for your views on the whole city becoming a control area.

“This is a positive step forward as Edinburgh has almost a third of all STLs in Scotland and so we need to take action. They’re putting pressure on house prices and rents and taking houses out of supply as well as causing issues such as anti-social behaviour and the hollowing out of communities.

“We’re really keen to hear views from residents in all communities across the city and the industry and we’ll carefully consider all of the feedback you give us before the proposal is finalised as the impact of STLs can be felt in communities across Edinburgh.”

Councillor Maureen Child, Planning Vice-Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “If we do proceed with this approach and it’s approved by the Scottish Government, we’ll be better able to manage the number of STLs in the city.

“Many properties being let out in a control area would automatically require to have ‘change of use’ planning permission in place and I’m pleased the Scottish Government is also proposing that when people apply for a licence we can ask for evidence of that.”

To have your say in the consultation visit

Parents and carers urged to ensure 2 – 5 year olds are vaccinated against flu

Parents and carers of children aged 2-5 are being urged to get their child immunised against flu, particularly as immunity levels may be lower this year. 

Appointment letters are now arriving inviting parents and carers of 2 to 5-year-olds forward for the free flu nasal spray. The spray is a quick and painless way of delivering the flu vaccine to children and won’t give the child flu

The letters will include details on where and when the vaccine will be given.

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Nicola Steedman, said: “Flu can be serious, even for healthy children and young people. That’s why we’re immunising all children aged 2 up to secondary school pupils in S6 against flu this year.

“With public health restrictions in place last year, everybody, including young children were not exposed to the flu virus and are likely to have lower immunity to flu than in previous years. I’d urge all parents and carers to take up the offer of getting the free flu vaccine for their child this year and help stop the spread of flu. The vaccine is safe and offers the best protection we have against flu.”

For more information about the flu vaccine, visit, call 0800 030 8013, or speak to a health or immunisation team, practice nurse, or GP.

If you have to reschedule your appointment, you can find information on doing this in your child’s vaccination letter. 

Strike threat facing schools and cleansing as GMB members reject latest COSLA pay offer

School support staff and refuse workers moved “a step closer” to industrial action yesterday after GMB members rejected COSLA’s latest pay offer.

95 per cent of members who participated in the union’s consultative ballot over the 2021 offer voted to reject an £850 increase for local government staff earning up to £25,000 a year.

The union will now move to a full industrial action ballot of nearly 10,000 members employed in schools and local refuse and cleansing services, increasing the possibility of autumn strikes.

GMB Scotland Senior Organiser for Public Services Drew Duffy said: “COSLA bosses have failed to table to a pay offer that reflects decent value for many workers who have been part of the frontline response to COVID-19.

“The prospect of an increase that would amount to little more than £15 a week extra in the pockets of workers like school cleaners and refuse collectors has been rightly and resoundingly rejected.

“COSLA’s dither and delay means local government staff across Scotland are still mired on pre-pandemic pay rates – there has been no “thank you” for these workers.

“It means the threat of strikes this autumn, disrupting schools and community services like waste collection and street cleansing, is now a step closer.”

Have you seen Walter?


I am sad to report that Police have confirmed that a body discovered in a river behind houses in Harlaw Road in Balerno last night is that of Walter Anderson.

There are no supsicious circumstances and Walter’s family have been informed.


Police are appealing for help to trace an elderly man reported missing in the city. Walter Anderson (84), was last seen in the Clovenstone Drive area around 11pm on Thursday (2 September 2021).

He has not been seen or heard from since and there is growing concern for his welfare.

Walter is described as 5ft 10in tall, of medium build, with brown hair which is partially balding and wears glasses. He is possibly wearing a short navy blue jacket.He is known to frequent the west side of Edinburgh.

Inspector Claire Masterton, of Edinburgh Drylaw Station, said: “Walter has Alzheimers so he may appear confused or lost. We are becoming increasingly concerned for his welfare and are keen to find him as soon as possible.

“I would urge anyone who may have seen Walter to contact us as soon as possible.”Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident 1204 of 3 September.


Officers are carrying out enquiries in the Currie area of Edinburgh following a sighting of Walter walking Westwards on Lanark Road West on CCTV images around 5am on Friday, 3 September, 2021.


Following further enquiries, the most recent sighting of Walter Anderson is now of him walking on Bavelaw Road in the Balerno area of Edinburgh around 7am on Friday, 3 September.

He remains missing and enquiries are ongoing to trace him.Anyone with information can call 101, quoting incident 1204 of 3 September.

Music to Your Ears: celebration as Bross Bagels teams up with Jackpot Peanut Butter

Two pioneering food brands have joined forces to shine a light on grassroots music venues, while celebrating a classic food combination of bagels and peanut butter.

This weekend, (Saturday 4th – Sunday 5th September), Bross Bagels will reveal the first in a range of limited-edition bagels, which will hero purpose-led brand Jackpot’s unique peanut butter, which ranges from their original to the more creative twists including raspberry, wasabi and cookies ‘n’ cream.

Bross Bagels will launch a new limited-edition bagel every weekend throughout September, with profits from the bagels going towards national charity, Music Venue Trust, which supports and endorses local UK music culture.  The partnership will help raise funds and support for grassroots music venues at a time of need for music, culture, artists, their teams and crew. 

With the aim of celebrating grassroots music venues across the country, each limited-edition peanut butter bagel will be inspired by music and performance and named after a famous song or lyrics. 

The bagels will be available at the Portobello, Leith and Bruntsfield Bross Bagels shops across Edinburgh, every weekend throughout September.

The partnership aims to celebrate a classic food combination, while shining a light on grassroots music culture, a sector that has like many, been significantly impacted by the pandemic.  The collaboration is a unique celebration of culture, music and independent venues, subjects close to the hearts of both brands.

Jackpot Peanut Butters will also be available to buy in all Bross Bagels shops throughout September, with a donation from the sale of each of the limited-edition bagels and Jackpot Peanut Butter pots going toward Music Venue Trust. 

Launched in 2015, Jackpot Peanut Butter is an all-natural, traditional American peanut butter made in the UK – not dissimilar to Bross Bagels, who present authentic Montreal style bagels, made in Edinburgh.

The limited-edition bagels will kick off tomorrow (Saturday 4th September) with the (I can’t get no) Satay-Faction a sesame seed Bross bagel filled with hot smoked salmon, Jackpot Peanut Butter, Bross’ infamous frickles, shrettuce, fresh chilli, coriander, and Mama Bross’ rock sauce.

Since the brand launched in 2017, Bross Bagels has been committed to working with other independent brands who are equally dedicated to their craft, and traditional production methods, while giving them a modern twist.

Commenting on the latest collaboration, Bross Bagels founder Larah Bross said; “We’re always looking for ways to work with other brands who have a similar commitment to their craft that we do.  When we came across Jackpot Peanut Butter, we felt there was a real synergy in our purpose, passions and love of good food and music that bring people together.

“Bross Bagels was founded on the joy of sharing foods that conjure up memories.  For me growing up, there was nothing that couldn’t be fixed with a bagel – especially a peanut butter and jelly bagel!  We all have our comfort foods – and they’re comforting because food connects us to one another. 

“Music conjures up the same sense of memory, belonging and connection, which is why we’re proud to be supporting both Jackpot and the Music Venue Trust.  And we had a hole lot of fun creating the new bagel recipes and names!”

Rupert Leigh, Creator and MD of Jackpot Peanut Butter said; “Bagels and Peanut Butter is a winning combination, as are music and food.  Never has there been a more important time to support grassroots music venues, and we’re thrilled to be able to work in collaboration with Larah and the Bross Bagels team to continue to support and nurture the culture of music.

“The sale of the bagels and Jackpot peanut butter pots will be donated to the Music Venue Trust, helping to support that next generation of music makers and fans – helping them grow and continue to entertain, and will highlight the need to look after and invest in our music culture.” 

For more information visit