Youth to face court over bus vandalism incidents

A youth has been arrested and charged in connection to Operation Proust, Edinburgh City Division’s response to increased reports of anti-social behaviour aimed at public transport providers.

A 16 year old male was arrested today after he was identified following enquiries into two incident involving Lothian Buses which happened on 11th April on Princes Street and 13th April on Howden Hall Road.

He has been charged with culpable and reckless conduct, vandalism along with threatening and abusive behaviour.

The male will appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court at a later date.

Sergeant Grant Robertson of Howdenhall Police Station said: “We remain committed to tackling this issue and this arrest should act as a warning to others that this behaviour will not be tolerated.

“We ask parents, guardians and any person who works with young people to speak to them about the dangers and consequences associated with this reckless behaviour.

“Anyone with information regarding antisocial behaviour in their area can contact Police Scotland through 101, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111”

Free stop smoking service

Giving up smoking is not something you have to do on your own!

Contact Quit Your Way for free advice and support to help stub out the addiction. With specialist support and medication you are 4 times more likely to be successful in quitting.

Visit and self-refer through the green “click to be contacted” button.


Generosity has increased since lockdown began, research reveals

I think we can all agree the last 12 months have been challenging in so many ways, for people and businesses alike. But one of the most heart-warming parts since the first lockdown was announced has been seeing how many people have pulled together to help those in need.

New research by has shown that people are now looking to give back. thortful analysed Google Trends data since the start of the first lockdown and found that there has been a huge increase in terms like ‘care packages for friends’ and ‘care package ideas’ seeing a 3350% and 250% increase in the last 12 months.

Businesses are also looking to show their appreciation to loyal customers who have continued to support them during these uncertain times, with the search term ‘thank you business cards’ seeing a 400% increase in the last 12 months.

Interestingly, search terms like ‘thank you for your order cards’ and ‘thank you for your purchase cards’ are two breakout queries, indicating this is a growing trend and that businesses want to give back to their customer base.

People’s willingness to give back was also seen during the Mother’s Day period when people donated to thortful’s NHS Charities Together campaign, which raised £130,126.50 for NHS Charities. Thanks to their customers, they were able to smash their target of raising £110,000. .

thortful became the official card company sponsor of the NHS Charities Together during the Mother’s Day period (15th February – 14th March), and pledged £110,000 to NHS Charities Together.

During this period, 5p for every Mother’s Day card sold and £5 from every Rainbow bouquet bought was donated by thortful directly to NHSCT. thortful smashed their target on 15th March 2021 with the total figure now at £130,126.50.

Commenting on the initiative, a thortful spokesperson explained: “It’s great to see how generous and altruistic people have been during this time.

“We are so grateful to all our wonderful customers for helping us raise this huge amount of money. We wanted to show our support and gratitude for all of the NHS staff who have worked tirelessly during the pandemic.”

For the full thank you card range, go to:

PureGym ready to reopen gyms in Scotland next week

PureGym expects 120,000 workouts in Scotland over the course of next week

PureGym, the UK’s largest gym operator, is delighted to be re-opening its 25 clubs in Scotland on Monday 26th April, bringing back affordable fitness to the nation. This follows the successful re-opening of its gyms across England in mid-April, which saw over 1 million workouts at its clubs in the first week alone.

The Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated the importance of maintaining peoples’ health and wellbeing and that gyms are essential community facilities. Gyms have a vital role to play in improving the health of the nation and our members have been hugely excited to get back into their fitness routines, as demonstrated by the strong demand seen in England when PureGym welcomed back members last week.

As well as re-opening its 230 clubs in England last week the business opened 10 brand new sites, demonstrating its commitment to UK expansion at a time when many leisure and retail businesses are shrinking their estates, especially on the high street.

PureGym has ambitions to further increase its gym estate across the UK and have an important role to play in sustaining vibrant high streets as they adapt to new uses. A typical PureGym has 3,000-5,000 members who visit day and night, bringing much needed footfall to the immediate vicinity.

PureGym’s 25 Scottish gyms will re-open under the now well-established TrainSafe protocols which were developed and instigated last year, following close consultation with the gym industry, and are compliant with all Scottish Government Guidelines and the health authorities.

When PureGym was open last year these protocols, which include social distancing, a highly sanitised training environment and controlled access and numbers to ensure social distancing in its already spacious facilities, ensured very low levels of Covid-19 cases in gyms.

There was little or no evidence to suggest the virus was being caught or transmitted in PureGym clubs thanks to the consistent implementation of these procedures which were reviewed hundreds of times by EHOs last year.

Rebecca Passmore, UK Managing Director of PureGym, commented: “After 18 weeks of closure we are absolutely thrilled to be opening up our gyms in Scotland on Monday and expect 120,000 workouts over the course of next week.

“The lockdown has been incredibly tough both for our members and our passionate teams. We have 25 clubs with 105,000 members in Scotland and we know how much they have missed the gym these past few months.

“I know I speak for the whole team in saying we are so excited to be welcoming them back. For millions of people going to the gym is an essential part of their daily health and wellbeing routine and we are committed to ensuring it is a safe and enjoyable experience enabling people to be fitter, healthier and happier.

“We know there is huge appetite to return to the gym in Scotland, both amongst our existing members and the broader population as people want to resume active lifestyles to manage their physical and mental wellbeing. Gyms are great additions to the high street and retail parks and we look forward to welcoming new members and opening more sites as the year progresses.”

Sir Chris Hoy, PureGym Ambassador and Scotland’s 6x Gold Olympian, said: “The pandemic has demonstrated the importance of exercise in protecting the nation’s physical and mental well-being and during this health crisis we have sorely missed the crucial role that gyms play in peoples’ daily routines.

“PureGym’s flexible and affordable proposition makes the gym accessible to everyone – now more than ever gyms will help our society continue to recover and will be vital in the long-term health of our nation.”

Collective Play on Calton Hill

Join us at Collective for a weekend of free, socially distanced, outdoor play and crafty activities for local families and under 12s.

Taking inspiration from Christian Newby’s new large-scale textile work in the City Dome, Collective Play: Warp/Weft invites children and families to take part in creative play and fibre art activities across the site!

Throughout the weekend:

  • Try your hand at weaving with artist and maker Rhona Jack as the City Observatory pillars become a giant loom!
  • Claim your free fibre craft and play pack, designed by Rhona with everything you’ll need to make your own tapestries using recycled materials
  • Visit Christian Newby’s exhibition, Boredom>Mischief>Fantasy
    : learn about the tools Christian used to create his textile work, and see how many different motifs you can spot in the tapestry
  • Explore the history and nature of Calton Hill using our family-friendly trails.

Collective PLAY: Warp/Weft is free, donations welcome, but booking either a morning or afternoon slot via Eventbrite is required.

Every care has been taken when organising this event to ensure the safety of visitors, staff, and to adhere to COVID-19 government guidelines:

  • Pre-booked tickets for a morning or afternoon session will allow us to maintain a safe number of visitors to Collective Play at all times.
  • Materials packs have been carefully packaged using sanitised hands and will be yours to keep after the event.
  • Children and adults will be asked to sanitise their hands before taking part in the giant weaving activity, and numbers will be limited to ensure social distancing.
  • All play will take place outdoors. Collective is based in a large public park, Calton Hill and, after taking part in the on-site activities, we encourage families to take their materials packs out into the park to explore.

Tickets are limited and previous events have sold out so early booking is recommended – all details and booking link are on our website here:

Rhona Jack is a multi-disciplinary artist, living and working in Dundee, whose practice is formed by a combination of sculpture and fibre art, often blurring the lines between art, craft and design.

She graduated from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design in 2017 and is currently a Committee Member of GENERATORprojects.

Recent exhibitions include ‘Wear and Tear’ (Nomas* Projects, Dundee, 2021), ’Women in Print’ (Zane Bennett Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, 2020), Platform (City Art Centre, Edinburgh, 2020), Reduct (Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, 2020), Satellite (Summerhall, Edinburgh, 2018), Inside:Outside and An Isolated Process (both MERZ Gallery, Sanquhar, 2020).

If you have any questions about Collective Play please get in touch:

Everyone Aboard: Scotland’s political leaders urged to commit to expansion of free bus travel

Over 100 organisations from across Scotland have today written to the leaders of Scotland’s political parties, urging them to commit to a radical extension of free bus travel, in a move that they say would have a transformative impact on the lives of people across Scotland’s communities. 

The call has been made as part of the Poverty Alliance’s Everyone Aboard campaign, which asks for their support in extending fre bus travel to under 25s and people on Universal Credit and other low-income benefits. 

The coalition of organisations – coordinated by the Poverty Alliance and including Friends of the Earth Scotland, the Scottish Youth Parliament and Barnardo’s Scotland – are making the call at a time of growing poverty in Scotland, with recent Scottish Government statistics showing over 1 million people in Scotland are now living in the grip of poverty. 

Bus travel will, the letter states, be critical in stemming the rising tide of pandemic-related youth unemployment, with bus travel particularly important for young people and people on low incomes to help them access the labour market. Without this action, the organisations have warned, they “risk being left behind in our economic and social recovery.” 

Peter Kelly, Director of the Poverty Alliance, said: “We are calling on the leaders of Scotland’s political parties to take the bold, far-reaching action to help loosen the grip of poverty on people’s lives. Removing the barrier to transport would be a significant step towards building a Scotland where everyone is included, no matter their income.   

“This move would also help advance gender equality, as women disproportionately rely on public transport to access jobs, healthcare and activities to boost their wellbeing.

“Lone parents, who are predominantly women, would particularly benefit. Expanding the use of public transport will play an important role in reducing Scotland’s emissions and responding to the climate emergency.

“Extending free bus travel is a key way the next Scottish Government can help make Scotland a greener and more just place for us all to live.” 

Mollie McGoran MSYP, Trustee of the Scottish Youth Parliament, said: “Young people and people on low incomes have been some of the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and so must be put at the heart of the recovery.

“That’s why we support the aims of the Poverty Alliance’s Everyone Aboard campaign to provide free bus travel for young people and people on low incomes in Scotland. 

“We believe that Transport Scotland and the Scottish Government should provide funding to support initiatives which make it easier, cheaper, and safer for young people to use active and sustainable travel options.

“Our 2018 national campaign All Aboard found young people feel bus fares are too high. The cost of public transport creates barriers to participation which are denying young people and those on low incomes access to opportunities, and this proposal would be a great step in the right direction.”  

Gavin Thomson, Air Pollution Campaigner, Friends of the Earth Scotland, said: “Transport is the biggest emitting sector in Scotland. To meet our climate change targets, bold action must be taken to promote cleaner forms of travel, like public transport, and lead a just transition away from fossil fuel private car use.  

“Extending free bus travel to all young people under 25 and those on Universal Credit will form an important part of the solution and help ensure no one is left behind as we transform our transport system.

“The upcoming Scottish Parliament election provides political parties an opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to tackling climate change. We must seize it.” 

The full letter can be read here: Everyone Aboard letter to Scotland’s party leaders

Global Travel Taskforce: Travel has its wings clipped by cautious UK Government report

Vague and costly recommendations are not enough to reboot aviation and tourism sectors facing another summer without international travel, says Westminster’s Transport Committee.

Lack of clarity

In an analysis of the Government’s Global Travel Taskforce Report, the  Committee concludes that the Report sets out a framework without the detail required to restart international travel. Where detail is provided, the costs may be disproportionate to the risk and add £500 on to the cost of a family of four travelling to the safest parts of the globe where the vaccine roll-out is comparable to the UK.

This distinct lack of clarity does not offer confidence to industry or consumers to plan, invest or recover from the coronavirus pandemic. It leaves the planned safe restart of international travel on May 17 in jeopardy.

The UK’s aviation and tourism sectors were poised to accommodate the public’s desire to travel for business, study, holidays and to visit loved-ones. The UK [aviation industry] has been one of the hardest hit by the pandemic, according to the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation. Another summer without international travel heralds significant economic adversity.


In its Report, the Committee sets out four clear recommended actions for Government:

  • Populate the traffic-light framework with destination countries by May 1 and announce the details in a statement to Parliament.
  • Explain the criteria and mechanism by which countries will move between risk categories by May 1.
  • Offer an affordable testing regime that supports public health and safe travel for everyone by maximising the role of lateral flow tests and ensuring the provision of affordable polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, where required.
  • Act immediately to reduce waiting times and queues at the UK border, including working bilaterally with partner countries to agree mutual recognition of travel health certification, deploying more staff at the border, processing passenger locator forms before passengers arrive in the UK and establishing an efficient system based on a single digital app to process health certification submitted in a range of languages.

Transport Committee Chair, Huw Merriman MP, said: “The aviation and travel sectors were crying out for a functional report, setting out clear rules and offering certainty. This is not it.

“Where the industry craved certainty, the Government has failed to provide it. For UK citizens seeking to travel to the parts of the globe where the vaccine has been delivered as rapidly as the UK, the cost to families from testing could be greater than the cost of the flights. 

“This is a missed opportunity for the Government to capitalise on the UK’s world-leading ‘vaccine dividend’. How can it be right that hauliers, arriving from parts of the globe where the vaccine roll-out is slow, are able to use cheaper lateral flow testing whilst a trip back from Israel requires a PCR test which is four times as expensive?

“This was an opportunity to provide a global lead with standardised rules on international health certification and promoting app-based technology, making the processes at borders more secure and less time consuming. The urgent situation facing the aviation and travel sectors warrants a clear action plan to green light our travel – and the Government must urgently set it out.”

Rory Boland, Editor of Which? Travel, said: “The government is reliant on factors outside its control in restarting international travel, including high and changing infection rates in many countries, so it’s understandable that it cannot provide clarity on where people can go yet. However, it needs to do a better job of fixing the issues it does control.

“Given the government has now dropped its advice not to book holidays, consumers need clarity on how the traffic light system will work and reassurance that last-minute changes won’t leave them facing thousand pound bills – as they did last summer.

“Test costs remain too high and risk pricing millions out of travel, while the problem of passengers queuing for several hours at border control at some UK airports has been going on for months.

“If people are to travel this summer, whether to see loved ones or on holiday, they need the government to make sure it is affordable and safe.”

Singh 4 Your Supper!

Social Bite launch ‘at home’ boxes with celebrity chef Tony Singh

Homelessness charity, Social Bite, has launched its very first At Home dining box, giving people across the central belt the chance to enjoy delicious, restaurant-quality dishes at home while supporting those who have experienced homelessness.

The Singh 4 Your Supper menu, is in partnership with Scottish celebrity chef and restaurateur, Tony Singh.

The Indian-themed dining box explores a variety of fresh, rich and aromatic flavours and is a delectable feast for two including eight dishes and a selection of sauces.

Priced at just £60, the menu is perfectly portioned for two people, making it ideal for cosy date nights or to enjoy some alfresco dining with friends.

Each box comes with an easy-to-follow preparation, cooking and plating instructions so that you can create great-tasting food from home but food lovers will have to be quick, with only a limited number of boxes available.

Josh Littlejohn MBE, CEO and Co-Founder of Social Bite, said: “It’s been great to work with the incredibly talented Tony Singh to help produce our first ever home dining boxes.

“The menu we’ve created gives people a real taste of India and allows them to enjoy the recommendations of one of the country’s top chefs from the comfort of their own home.

“As the world starts to open back up it’s really important to us that we continue to find new ways for people to support the mission of ending homelessness while also enjoying the easing of restrictions.

“Every box purchased helps us in our mission of providing real jobs, permanent homes and support to help get people back on their feet, as well as the wider mission of ending homelessness.”

Each dish has been lovingly prepared by Tony and the Social Bite team at Social Bite’s Central Kitchen in Livingston.

Chef Tony Singh (above) said: “Social Bite is such an incredible cause so when they asked me to get involved in creating some home dining boxes, it was an easy yes.

“My passion is creating delicious, high-quality food, that can be shared together. But what makes these boxes even more special, is that these will be helping to support Social Bite’s mission of ending homelessness.”

To get your hands on this limited-edition box, you can order online from today – Thursday 22nd April. Boxes can be collected from Social Bite Cafes in Edinburgh and Glasgow city centre, as well as their Central Kitchen in Livingston on the 7th and 8th of May.

The Singh for Your Supper menu includes four main dishes: Kerala King Prawn, Butter Chicken, Aloo Chole and Gulab Jamun for dessert along with four sides: Spiced Fur Fur, Paratha, Jeera Pilau Rice and spiced onions with a selection of sauces; mango, mint, yoghurt and tamarind.

These are all the dishes that Tony would usually cook at home for his family so you can dine like a chef and eat like a Singh!

To order your own home dining box or to find out more information, please visit:

Aldi donates 12,088 meals to Lothian charities over the Easter School Holidays

Local charities in the Lothians helped Aldi donate 12,088 meals to people in need over the Easter school holidays. 

The supermarket paired up its stores with local charities, community groups and foodbanks to donate surplus food, prioritising donations to those focused on feeding children. 

Around 36 tonnes of food were donated throughout Scotland, with more than 61,000 meals, including over 47,500 meals for children, donated to causes supporting families and children in need. 

The donation is part of Aldi’s commitment to donate 10 million meals across the country in 2021, in partnership with community giving platform Neighbourly.  

So far this year, Aldi stores across the UK have already donated more than two million meals to good causes.  

Mary Dunn, Managing Director of Corporate Responsibility at Aldi UK, said: “We’re proud to support good causes in the Lothians, helping them to provide meals to those in need over the Easter period.  

“At a time when more people are experiencing financial hardship and food insecurity due to Covid-19, we are committed to doing what we can to donate more meals in 2021 than ever before.” 

Steve Butterworth, from Neighbourly, added: “The school holidays are often a busy time for the nation’s charities and food banks. I’m sure Aldi’s donation will have been a massive help for so many of these vital organisations.” 

Constitution Reform Group launches a ‘Third Way’ for the future of the United Kingdom

Replace the House of Lords with a National Parliament
– Establish an English Parliament
– Create a UK Central Bank
– Reset the mechanisms of the United Kingdom’s constitution
Protect and maintain this historic and successful Union 
The Constitution Reform Group (CRG) has launched its new Act of Union Bill 2021, which would establish a new political and financial framework for equal cooperation between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The Bill has been launched to initiate a much-needed nationwide conversation on a ‘third way’ for the future of the United Kingdom, to break the restrictive dichotomy of ‘status quo versus independence’ being maintained by regional separatist movements. 

The CRG is calling on all pro-Union political parties to express their support for its core aim, which is to debate, introduce and complete any reform necessary to save the Union.

It is also calling on all separatist movements to confirm publicly whether they would seek to renegotiate the framework of the United Kingdom before supporting its dissolution. 

For the past six years, the CRG has worked with leading constitutional lawyers and experts to draft this extensive legislation, which is comprehensive and internally logical and consistent.

The Bill’s implementation would provide the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom a clearer view of their local autonomy and clearly define the scope and purpose of their cooperation.

It includes options for consideration by Parliament and the electorate to replace the House of Lords with a National Parliament and another to establish an English Parliament.

It also includes provisions to reset the mechanisms of the Union, such as the creation of a UK Central Bank, which would better and more equally serve the interests of all parts of the United Kingdom.

Before Royal Assent, the Bill would be put to the people of the United Kingdom for approval in a referendum. 

Robert Salisbury, Chairman of the CRG’s Steering Committee, said: “The Group is convinced that the break-up of the United Kingdom would be a tragic and fundamental strategic blunder and end an intimate partnership that has been astonishingly successful, culturally and economically, and which has stood as a powerful defence of its people’s values and liberties in a dangerous world.

“If the Union is to endure and prosper, the U.K. must be refashioned, and a new constitutional settlement is a necessary part of that refashioning.” 

The CRG was established after the 2014 Scottish independence referendum to devise a new path for the Union by addressing existing and developing constitutional inequalities between the four parts of the United Kingdom.

Its membership includes former First Ministers of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and senior figures from across the political spectrum, who cooperate with the common belief that the United Kingdom is stronger together.

The Group believes that reform of the United Kingdom’s constitution, although complex, is a significantly more desirable task than negotiating its undoing.
They are therefore trying to raise awareness of the feasibility of a ‘third way’ and of the need for a wider national conversation on what must be done to ensure the United Kingdom stays together as one family. 
Constitution Reform Group Steering Committee:

Marquess of Salisbury KG KCVO PC DL, Chairman
Bim Afolami MP
David BurnsideThe Rt Hon the Lord Campbell of Pittenweem CH CBE QC
Shana Fleming OBE
Joanna George
Daniel Greenberg CB
The Rt Hon the Lord Hain
The Rt Hon Carwyn Jones AM
Sir Andrew Large
Lord Lisvane KCB DL FLSW
Seema Malhotra MP
The Rt Hon the Lord McConnell of Glenscorrodale
David Melding AM CBE
Sir Paul Silk KCB FLSW
The Baroness Stuart of Edgbaston
The Rt Hon the Lord Trimble 

Constitution Reform Group Sub-Committee on Public MoneyMembers include:

Sir Andrew Large (Chairman) – Deputy Governor of the Bank of England and a member of its Monetary Policy Committee from September 2002 to January 2006.
Sir John Gieve KCB – Former British civil servant, Deputy Governor for Financial Stability of the Bank of England and ex officio member of the Monetary Policy Committee, 2006 to 2009.
Lord Macpherson of Earl’s Court GCB – Permanent Secretary to the Treasury, 2005 to 2016.
David Peretz CB – Former Under Secretary for Home Finance and Monetary Policy HM Treasury, Executive Director of the IMF and World Bank, G7 Financial Sherpa, and Chair of Bermuda’s independent Fiscal Responsibility Panel.