Stockbridge is Scotland’s ‘least deprived’ area

The latest update of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) 2020 has been published by Scotland’s Chief Statistician.

Stockbridge is oficially Scotland’s least deprived area and it’s joined in the top ten by Blackhall, marchmont and Morningside.

SIMD is a tool for identifying the places in Scotland where people are experiencing disadvantage across different aspects of their lives. SIMD gives a ranking for each small area, or data zone, which shows how deprived that area is compared to other areas. Changes in the rank for one area may be due to other areas becoming more or less deprived.

The latest figures show:

  • the least deprived area is in Stockbridge in Edinburgh. This represents a change since SIMD 2016, when the least deprived area was in Giffnock
  • the most deprived area is in Greenock town centre. This represents a change since SIMD 2016 and 2012, when the most deprived area was identified as Ferguslie Park, Paisley
  • the area with the largest local share of deprived areas was Inverclyde, with 45% of data zones among the 20% most deprived areas in Scotland
  • Glasgow City has similar deprivation levels at 44%
  • other local authorities with relatively high levels of deprivation include North Ayrshire and West Dunbartonshire at 40% and Dundee City at 38%
  • Na h-Eileanan an Iar, Shetland and Orkney have no areas among the 20% most deprived in Scotland, however, this does not mean there are no people experiencing deprivation living there
  • over half of people on low income do not live in the 20% most deprived areas in Scotland
  • levels of deprivation have fallen in Glasgow City, Renfrewshire and City of Edinburgh compared to SIMD 2016. Glasgow City showed the biggest fall, from 48% of data zones in the 20% most deprived areas in Scotland, to 44%
  • levels of deprivation have increased in Aberdeen City, North Lanarkshire, Moray, East Lothian, Highland and North Ayrshire. None of these increases are greater than 2 percentage points

Scotland’s Chief Statistician, Roger Halliday, said: “I welcome these statistics and the work done to make this complex information more easily accessible.

“I know how widely the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation is used as a vital resource for local planning, by third sector organisations bringing together resources needed to do their great work, and by many others.

“However, we must also focus on the strengths and assets of communities if we are to work together to make Scotland a fair and inclusive place to live.”


A Digital Economy? Not Cashless, But Less Cash

Big Tech must open up data and help fund digital inclusion as UK economy moves away from cash in 2020s, says IPPR

  • New competition powers should compel big digital firms to share their data if they enter personal finance market – to prevent market domination and promote innovation
  • As UK heads to a ‘less cash, but not cashless’ digital economy, UK must step up investment in digital skills and connectivity to meet new inclusion targets

In a comprehensive review of the future of UK payments, the think tank IPPR has set out how the transition to a ‘less cash’, but not cashless, digital economy can be managed to protect the vulnerable and spread digital opportunities widely and fairly.

The digital transition is already happening fast. While in 2008 60 per cent of UK consumer payments were made in cash, this had fallen to just 28 per cent in 2018. The IPPR report cites forecasts that by 2028 fewer than one in 10 payments will be made in cash.

The digital revolution in finance means a shift to a considerably less cash-based digital economy, but the prospect of a fully cashless UK is not on the horizon, argues IPPR. This shift is expected to boost UK productivity and create opportunities for business and consumers, but there is a significant risk that people and areas reliant on cash may be excluded.

Giant tech firms such as Facebook and Amazon are already starting to offer more personal financial services, alongside traditional banks, but the control they could have over huge amounts of people’s data poses significant risks.

The IPPR report argues that as cash use continues to fall and digital payments break new ground, it is critical that policymakers take action to shape the future of UK payments.

To deliver a future that is both more digital and more just, IPPR recommends:

  • Major platforms such as Facebook and Amazon should be required to open up their data upon entry into the personal finance market. New powers should enable the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to impose conditions on market entry for major platforms, including requirement to comply with Open Banking principles and open-source technology. These should include an option to block market entry, including for major technology platforms, where it could lead to consumer detriment, slowing in innovation rates, or excessive market power.
  • Democratising data – Anonymised personal banking and financial service data should be held in a new public data trust, ‘Digital Britain’. This will strengthen competition, promote innovation and prevent monopolistic tech giants dominating the market.
  • Digital Transition Levy worth billions of pounds a year – Reforming the Banking Levy on banks and financial service providers to fund the delivery of digital inclusion schemes against new digital inclusion targets – boosting internet connectivity, strengthening digital skills and fostering innovation that will help people overcome the barriers to the digital economy. The new levy combined with new targets would mean that those who stand to gain most from the digital transition will have some of their gains reinvested in communities that risk being left behind.
  • Bridging the digital divide – More than 8 million UK adults still rely on cash and one in five people do not yet have the digital skills they need to access the digital economy. New targets and investment should be put in place to protect cash access for those who rely on it and to narrow the digital divide across the UK.
  • Protecting long-term access to cash – Between 2017 and 2018 6,243 cash machines have been closed – a 9 per cent drop in a single year. While there are still more UK ATMs in operation than at any point before 2006, this recent rate of decline is a cause for concern. To stem the decline of free-to-use ATMs, business rate rebates should be offered to operators who provide them, and retailers should be incentivised to roll out free cashback services.
  • Creating a new Post Bank – Between January 2015 and August 2019, 3,312 bank and building society branches closed in the UK, equivalent to 55 closures a month. The UK Treasury should oversee the creation of a publicly owned Post Bank with a public service mandate to provide basic banking services to all citizens. It would operate via the existing Post Office network and help ensure the future viability of the Post Office.
  • Championing digital self-employment – The government should develop a digital platform for self-employed workers, so they can better manage payments, streamline tax accounting and apply social security provision. This will not only save them time and boost tax revenues, but also help tackle fraud and financial crime by bringing the informal economy into the system.

IPPR argues that these proposals, amongst others in the report, will deliver a path to a digital economy that delivers not just greater prosperity, but greater economic justice: where more people can access better payments and banking services, data is harnessed for the public good and the most vulnerable people are protected.

The report notes that an increasingly digital economy brings faster payments, more personalised services and greater convenience for digital users. However, if these benefits are only available to digitally savvy people – typically younger people and those with higher incomes – inequality could be embedded into the future of finance, it warns.

IPPR urges the government to seize this moment to prevent all the gains from digitisation flowing to big tech firms and big finance and instead deliver excellent financial services for all, a competitive innovative personal finance market and democratic control of data.

Rachel Statham, IPPR Economic Analyst and lead report author, said: “The future will have less cash. But urgent action is needed to set the UK on course towards an economy that is both more digital and more just.

“By getting ahead now, we can invest the billions needed to get every part of the country ready for a more digital future and protect access to cash where people rely on it. This could see the potential benefits brought by a move away from cash invested to narrow rather than widen inequalities, handing control over from Big Tech and banks to people and communities.

“The move away from cash should only happen as fast as people are ready for, and the benefits of doing so should be shared. By setting new digital inclusion targets at the national, regional and local level, and investing to meet these targets, we can make sure bridge the digital divide and protect cash for those rely on it.”

Carys Roberts, head of the Centre for Economic Justice and IPPR Chief Economist, said: “There are opportunities within reach as the UK economy shifts away from cash and towards digital payments – from productivity increases to preventing fraud and financial crime.

“But there’s also a danger that the shift to digital, if not proactively shaped, will work for some and leave many behind. The government should enable everyone to take part in the digital economy and ensure powerful companies like Apple and Google play their full part in shaping a fairer move away from cash in the UK.”

Jenny Ross, Which? Money Editor, said: “While digital payments have brought great benefit to countless consumers, it is crucial that a balance is found that also protects cash for all those reliant on it – instead of stripping people of this vital payment method.

“With the cash landscape on the verge of collapse, it’s clear that industry alone cannot be relied upon to guarantee withdrawals – so the government and payments regulator must quickly step in with a plan to protect cash against the sweeping tide of bank branch and cashpoint closures.

“Ultimately, the government should legislate to give consumers confidence that they can access cash for as long as it is needed.”

Brave Mum to tackle fear of water in memory of son who drowned 

The brave mother of Christopher Nelson, who sadly passed away in 2015, is to undertake her biggest challenge yet by getting back in the water for the first time since his death. 

Christopher, 24, tragically drowned after falling into a canal in Amsterdam while on holiday in the city with his fiancé.  

 Now, his mother Donna, 49 – who cannot swim and who has had a great fear of water since his death – is set to swim a 20km relay with friends and family in St Mary’s Loch, where her son’s ashes are scattered.  

Donna, who is currently learning to swim by attending adult swimming lessons with instructor Jen Henderson at Lasswade Centre, said: “I’ve not been in a swimming pool since Christopher died.

“Even when I stand in the shower, I can’t put my face under the water. There hasn’t been a morning in the last four years where I’ve stood in the shower and not thought about what happened to my son. 

“It has taken me weeks to put my face under the water at my swimming lessons. I didn’t understand how quiet it was under there – it makes me think, ‘was it quiet for Christopher?’ I hope this challenge will help me find peace somehow.”  

Donna is fundraising for Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity (ECHC), which supports the Royal Hospital for Sick Children – a charity close to the family’s heart.   

She added: “Christopher was a mad sports person as a little boy, so we were on first name terms with the A&E staff at the ‘Sick Kids’ as he had so many sports-related injuries. 

“He was very athletic and used to really inspire me to do things I would never do. He encouraged me to do the Couch to 5K and used to send me music to run to. He was my inspiration for most things in life. He would never believe that I would take swimming lessons, and especially not that I would swim in open water.”  

The grieving mum and her family and friends – also known as ‘’Donna’s Prosecco Posse” or #teamnelson – have so far raised over £30,000 for ECHC by completing a series of fundraising challenges since 2015, including Tough Mudder and a 200-mile cycle.  
Although each new challenge is harder than the last, Donna says she channels her son to give her the strength to complete it.  

She said: “When I complete my challenges, I’m always sobbing my eyes out but also have such a sense of relief. Afterwards, I always look up to the sky and say ‘love you son’ and have a moment with him.  

“I couldn’t think of a bigger challenge than this one but I’m doing it for Christopher, so that his legacy and his name will live on forever. By hook or by crook – I will cross the finish line.”  

Rachel Baxter, Director of Fundraising and Marketing at ECHC, said: “We are enormously grateful to be Christopher’s family’s chosen charity. Donna is hugely admirable and inspiring and we wish her the very best of luck with this new challenge.  

“The money they are raising will have a huge impact on the lives of children, young people and their families and make a phenomenal difference during their time in hospital. We cannot thank the family enough for their incredible continued support.”  

Donna and Christopher’s family and friends will be swimming the 20km on Saturday 16th May in St Mary’s Loch, supported by Steven Nelson (no relation) Founder and Manager/Activities Coordinator of Beyond Boundaries East Lothian and volunteers, who have very kindly agreed to be the Water Safety Crew.  

To support Donna and those taking part in the challenge, donations can be made at: 


Local company achieves Investors in People Platinum accreditation

Warmworks Scotland, managing agent of the Scottish Government’s  national fuel poverty scheme, Warmer Homes Scotland, has achieved the prestigious Investors in People Platinum accreditation.

To have received the highest level accreditation means that Warmworks has become only the second organisation in Scotland to achieve a Platinum award in its first assessment against the standard.

For nearly 30 years, Investors in People has been recognised internationally as a leading people accreditation and Warmworks’ achievement reflects the commitments that the company makes to its employees – leading and inspiring people to achieve great things on a daily basis.

Commenting on the accreditation, Ross Armstrong, Managing Director of Warmworks said: “I am absolutely delighted that Warmworks has been awarded the Investors in People accreditation, Platinum standard. This was our first assessment against the standard and to receive the highest level accreditation is a testament to how we do business.

“I am extremely proud and privileged to be a part of this amazing organisation, one that has already achieved so much in the four years since it was formed. The next step for us is to use our unique, values-driven culture as our starting point for our future growth and development, ensuring that we maximise this platform to build an equally exciting and inspiring future.”

 Ben Macpherson, MSP for Edinburgh Northern and Leith said:  “Warmworks do vital work in my constituency, delivering the Scottish Government’s nationwide energy efficiency scheme and helping to lift many of my constituents out of fuel poverty.

“That’s why I was so delighted when Warmworks received the Investors in People Platinum accreditation. This demonstrates not only their commitment to their employees but also their determination to lead by example as an employer of choice.”

Warmworks, based in Leith, was founded in 2015 and employs around 70 field and office-based employees. It also manages a supply chain of 300+, which cover the length and breadth of Scotland.

£eith chooses on Saturday

Saturday (1st February) will see Leithers flock to the Leith Community Centre in the Kirkgate to cast their votes for their favourite community projects at City of Edinburgh Council’s annual participatory budget event.

Those who live, work or volunteer in Leith will be able to vote for a variety of projects that address specific needs in the community;  the themes in 2020 being food and fighting loneliness.

The £eithChooses Steering group has been working for 10 months preparing for the event which will see £44,624 distributed – 20 local projects will be on hand to display and discuss their work with voters who need to be eight years old.

However, following last year’s popular ‘children’s’ vote, where those under 8 can vote for their choice of ‘best stall’, this will be repeated allowing youngsters to experience voting for the first time.  And, as another innovation, the Citadel Youth Social Media Team will be on hand to record the day.

Sally Millar, Leith Links Community Councillor and member of the Steering Group said: “This is a great fun community day out for finding out about all the brilliant community groups and projects operating in Leith, and for members of the Leith community to have their voices heard about local priorities.”

Cllr Susan Rae, Chair of £eith Chooses, is looking forward to voting day.  She said: “This is the culmination of 10 months’ work by a hugely dedicated, small team of community councillors, community education staff and volunteers, whose knowledge and understanding of the participatory budgeting process is unmatched.

It’s also an immensely enjoyable day when the community really come together, to talk, to network, to learn about each other’s lives and work. Everyone who is anyone in Leith will be in the Kirkgate Community Centre that day, and I am hugely grateful to the £eithChooses team for their commitment.’

Leith’s participatory budgeting event takes place from 11am – 3.30pm.

Morrison Street assault and robbery: Renewed appeal for information

Police are continuing to investigate a serious assault and robbery which took place in the city centre earlier this year.

The incident took place around 3.10pm on Thursday, 2nd January, 2020 within a common close on Morrison Street. A 25-year-old man was assaulted and had his phone stolen.

Officers believe that the males pictured may have information to assist their investigation and anyone who recognises either of them is urged to come forward.

The male (above) in images one and two is white, believed to be about 6′ tall, around 25-years-old and of medium build. He is pictured wearing a full light grey tracksuit, a blue hat and blue trainers.

The male in images three and four is white and believed to be about 5’10″ tall. He is pictured wearing a full grey tracksuit with the hood up and a black gilet over the top.

They were last seen on Gardner’s Crescent heading towards Fountainbridge, Edinburgh.

Police Constable Chris Docherty from Corstorphine CID said: “The victim suffered a serious injury as a result of this attack and was understandably very shaken.

“We are appealing for anyone who can help us locate these men to get in touch with us.”

“Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101, quoting the reference number 1774 of 2 January, or can make an anonymous report through the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Future young leaders to benefit from £1.4 m boost

Scottish youth projects putting young people front and centre of their work are today sharing in £1.4m from the Young Start fund. 

Amongst the 25 projects receiving the dormant account and building society cash is Youth Vision in Edinburgh which receives £76,000 to get young people outdoors taking part in educational activities that boost their physical and mental health.

Young leaders, like 21-year-old committee member, James, will support the planning and delivery of the programme while taking part in training and achieving qualifications.

James, who joined Youth Vision at the age of 13 after experiencing mental health difficulties, said: “Before I joined the project, I was severely depressed. I was having a horrendous time at school and was badly bullied. It wasn’t until much later that I got a diagnosis of Asperger’s and Autistic spectrum disorder, so for a long time I felt quite low and isolated.

“The project is special because it gave me something to put my focus into – I was already quite an outdoorsy person, but the one to one support and skills I learned such as, chopping wood, starting fires, tool safety and gardening, were great things for me to get started with.”

Now on the committee, James attributes much of his personal and career development to the project. He said, “I would never have seen myself as a leader before joining and I certainly would not have seen myself teaching people new skills – let alone enjoying it! It’s important for young voices to heard so we are very excited about this funding.”

Wester Hailes-based About Youth have received £75.000. The group will use the funding to run a programme of youth work activities for young people aged 8-19 living in The Calders area.

This will include three weekly youth groups, holiday activity programmes, outreach projects, training opportunities, and one to one support. The
project will benefit 290 young people and involve 9 volunteers over 3 years.

Also welcoming their Young Start grant today is Sports Futures Trust who will use an award of £76,995 to deliver a youth-led health and wellbeing community programme, for vulnerable children living in the north east of Glasgow.

Led by a team of Young Leaders, this will include physical activities and training opportunities, coupled with nutritional and wellbeing advice for young people and their families.

Welcoming the funding, Project Lead, Jim Boyd, said: “SSF are delighted to receive the Young Start funding for the next two years.  The investment means we can support children and young people to make positive changes in their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing while building better connections with their local community.”

Young Start is delivered by The National Lottery Community Fund and awards dormant bank and building society cash to projects led by and for young people, to help build their confidence and reach their potential.

Announcing the funding, The National Lottery Community Fund Scotland Director, Neil Ritch, said: “I am very pleased to announce this funding, which will help children and young people to have their voices heard while growing in confidence and develop new skills. 

“The Young Start programme creates opportunities for children and young people to achieve their potential and every one of these projects reflects that aim.”

Groups wanting to know more about Young Start should visit or contact 0300 123 7110.

UK NO to Scottish Visa

Proposals for a new Scottish Visa to address depopulation and cut skills gaps were unveiled yesterday by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon – but the initiative was swiftly scuppered by the Home Office, who said that ‘immigration will remain a reserved (to Westminster) matter.” 

The visa proposals have been designed to work with devolution – but the principles and the practical measures proposed could be adapted should Scotland become independent in future.

Under the current constitutional arrangements, the Scottish Government plan would see responsibility for immigration policy split with the UK Government.

Migrants wanting to live in Scotland could choose to apply for a Scottish Visa, or one of the existing immigration routes offered by the UK Government.

Residence in Scotland and maintaining a Scottish tax code would be a requirement for such a visa.

The Scottish Government says these proposals are important and urgent. In contrast to the rest of the UK, all of Scotland’s population growth for the next 25 years is projected to come from migration, and yet new UK Government immigration controls and the end of free movement after Brexit are expected to exacerbate the risk of skills gaps and labour shortages in Scotland.

The First Minister said: “Migration to Scotland supports economic growth and the delivery of public services and helps to address the serious issue of long term demographic change – as well as enhancing and sustaining our communities.

“Yet the latest proposals from the UK Government to control immigration and end freedom of movement would be disastrous for our economy and society and would risk acute labour shortages.

“Migration is an issue which is crucial for our future, but the Scottish Government doesn’t currently have the powers needed to deliver tailored immigration policies for Scotland.

“Devolving immigration powers by introducing a Scottish Visa would allow Scotland to attract and retain people with the skills and attributes we need for our communities and economy to flourish.”

Migration minister Ben Macpherson said: “Scotland’s migration needs are different to the rest of the UK.

“Today Nicola Sturgeon & I launched The Scottish Government’s proposals for a Scottish Visa, & other changes to UK immigration policy that would help us to deliver solutions that better met Scotland’s needs, values & aspirations.”

SNP MSP Gordon MacDonald has also backed proposals for a new Scottish Visa to address the skills gaps in Edinburgh, set to be made worse by Brexit.

Under plans announced by the First Minister, migrants who want to live in Scotland could choose to apply for a Scottish Visa – or one of the existing immigration routes offered by the UK Government.

All of Scotland’s population growth for the next 25 years is projected to come from migration. However, new UK Government immigration controls and the end of free movement after Brexit are expected to exacerbate the risk of skills gaps and labour shortages in Scotland.

Without migration, Edinburgh could face a demographic crisis that could hammer public services like the NHS – with an ageing population leaving Scotland with fewer working-age taxpayers.

A cross-party report by Holyrood’s Finance Committee found that, without additional powers for the Scottish Parliament, Scottish public spending may be put at risk by demographic changes.

Member of the finance committee, SNP MSP Gordon MacDonald said: “Brexit, and the end of freedom of movement, poses a huge risk to our economy and public services in Edinburgh. 

“It is vital for the capitals’s future prosperity that we continue to attract people to live and work here. Migrants make hugely valuable contributions to our economy, public services, and communities – and that must continue.

“The one-size-fits-all approach by the UK government ignores Scotland’s needs and could put our ability to fund public services like the NHS at risk.

“UK government proposals to end freedom of movement and put in place inappropriate salary and skills requirements for all migrants would be disastrous for our economy and society, and would risk acute labour shortages.

“These sensible Scottish Government proposals, in line with other regional migration systems such as in Canada and Australia, would give us the ability to create a system which secures the future prosperity of Edinburgh.

“If the UK government refuse to deliver that plan it will yet again underline the urgent need for Scotland to take these decisions for ourselves.”

You can read the paper here:‬