Heart of Scotland appeal

The Heart of Scotland appeal is seeking volunteers to help raise funds for pioneering research in to the prevention, treatment and cure of heart disease, Scotland’s biggest killer.

41 people a day die from cardiovascular disease in Scotland, and the Heart of Scotland Appeal are searching for individuals and groups to become Pace Makers and carry their message to all corners of the country.

The Heart of Scotland Appeal, launched by national charity Heart Research UK, features a striking t-shirt and four coloured badges designed by acclaimed Scottish fashion designer Christopher Kane, each with their own unique message: Live, Life, Brave, Care.

The appeal has been backed by a host of Scottish stars, including David Moyes, KT Tunstall, Rory Bremner, Amy Macdonald, Val McDermid, Jane McCarry and Iain Glen.

Big names from Scottish politics have also got involved, with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and the Secretary of State for Scotland, the Rt Hon David Mundell pledging their support.

The Heart of Scotland Appeal are looking for people based all across the country to become Pace Makers to help sell these badges and raise money to be spent in Scottish hospitals and universities.

Sheena Forsyth, from Dumfries, became the very first Heart of Scotland Pace Maker. “I myself had open heart surgery due to issues with my heart valves,” she said.

“My sister has atrial fibrilation (irregular heart beat) and high blood pressure, my mother passed away from a stroke and my father had a massive heart attack.

“Scotland is known to have a bad record, especially where I am in the central belt, there’s a lot of heart disease.

“I got involved with the Heart of Scotland appeal because people need to get talking about heart-related illnesses. Stress, eating properly and not knowing about risks, there’s a lot of things that we need to get talking about.”

Sheena has committed to supporting the Heart of Scotland appeal by taking a box of badges and sharing them with her friends, family and colleagues and asking for donations.

Samantha Wells, Heart of Scotland lead said: “This appeal is all about improving the lives of people living in Scotland. We want this appeal to reach every corner of Scotland, Highlands and Islands, lowlands, coast and country, and we need your help to do so.

“We want everyone in Scotland wearing a badge and helping to keep those we love around for longer. The fact is, you are almost twice as likely to die from coronary heart disease in Scotland than you are in the South-east of England. This needs to change and we need Scotland’s help.”

If you would like to know more about the Heart of Scotland appeal, or become a Pace Maker, please email heartofscotland@heartresearch.org.uk, or call 0113 234 7474.

Get involved at heartofscotland.org.uk


More Traffic Misery – Part 312

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