Leith Walk: the Cockburn Association view

“It’s hard to see how erasing all the buildings along Leith Walk will preserve or enhance anything. Once heritage is lost it is very hard to replace.”

Leith has always been Edinburgh’s port and still retains a distinctive quality of its own even though it has changed significantly in recent years. It has been reinvented as a lively centre of urban living, a good food destination, and as a hub of creative activity and cultural diversity. Continue reading Leith Walk: the Cockburn Association view

Voice Your Choice: voting event in North West Edinburgh

Voice Your Choice Voting Event NW

Edinburgh’s employability themed participatory budgeting programme has moved into the voting stages and you are invited to attend the voting event in your locality where you can learn more about the employability projects on offer, and vote for those you would like to see become a reality in your locality. Continue reading Voice Your Choice: voting event in North West Edinburgh