Empowering Our Communities: a firm step forward on a rocky road

More than one hundred and fifty people from across Scotland attended an ‘Empowering Our Communities’ event organised by the Scottish Government’s Ingage team in Edinburgh yesterday. Continue reading Empowering Our Communities: a firm step forward on a rocky road

300 new finance sector jobs fro Edinburgh

Plans by Australian financial services company Computershare to open a new technology centre of excellence in Edinburgh, creating 300 jobs, have been welcomed by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

The company secured a £2 million grant from Scottish Enterprise and has worked closely with Scottish Development International (SDI) to develop the project.

The expansion plans were announced on the same day SDI annual results were published, which showed 7,839 jobs were secured in Scotland through new and existing investors – an increase of 10% on the previous year.

The First Minister visited Computershare’s new office in the city centre which is being fully refurbished and will open next year. She said: “This announcement, with the creation of 300 highly skilled technology jobs and investment in the city centre, is fantastic news for Edinburgh’s economy.

“Scotland is open for business and continues to be a very attractive location for investment, as evidenced by the recent EY Attractiveness survey, which noted that Scotland was the top UK location for foreign direct investment outside London for the fifth consecutive year.

“Together with the inward investment figures published by SDI, this offers further evidence that we have the skills and expertise to attract and retain global companies like Computershare.”

Stuart Irving, global President and CEO of Computershare said: “As a truly international capital city, Edinburgh has a bright future and is a natural home for a global company. As a growing business we need the skills and hard work we see on offer in this city.

“We are grateful to the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise and Scottish Development International for helping us with our plans and are looking forward to our continued partnership.”

Neil Francis, operations director at SDI, said: “When a company like Computershare chooses to invest in Scotland, it sends a message to the rest of the world that Scotland is a first-class destination.

“We have a clear focus on winning the right kind of investment for Scotland – which is secured because of our skills base, science and research excellence and our connected business infrastructure, and this investment by Computershare is an example of this.

“We’re thrilled to have secured these new jobs for Edinburgh; it’s a ringing endorsement of our offering to international investors and we look forward to working with the Computershare team to help them fulfil their growth ambitions in Scotland.”

Computershare was founded in Melbourne in 1978 and its existing Edinburgh operation was established in 1998, serving locally-based clients and those further afield. From its current base in Edinburgh Park, the company provides relationship management and registry services to around 150 listed companies – from FTSE100 to AIM – many of whom are registered in Scotland.

Could you represent your community?

Become a member of Muirhouse Salvesen Community Council, but hurry – nominations close on Friday!

Community councils have been part of our democratic structures for over forty years, speaking out as a local voices on issues of concern – and you can play your part if you live in Muirhouse or Salvesen by becoming a community councillor.  Continue reading Could you represent your community?

Scrap the Cap, Stop the Evictions: exhibition launch at North Edinburgh Arts

Friday was a frantic afternoon for the women of the All About Me group – the women presented their new film at the Central Halls in Tollcross before getting back across town to screen the film again and launch an exhibition of photographs and memorabilia at North Edinburgh Arts. The events were the latest efforts to publicise the dreadful impact changes to the benefits system are having on families.

The exhibition highlights the actions taken by the group to support friends faced with losing their homes

None of the young women had any experience of political campaigning but over the last six months the women have:

  • Met with politicians and community activists to highlight their plight
  • Protested at council meetings
  • Staged peaceful protests at the North Local Office
  • ‘Occupied’ Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson MSP’s constituency office
  • Made a film with filmmaker George Williamson which eloquenty tells their story and the journey so far.

While the group has won some small victories, another local family lost their home last week. The women are determined: the fight goes on.

See the exhibition at North Edinburgh Arts.

Safety of Scotland’s high rise homes under scrutiny

The safety of Scotland’s high rise tower blocks will be examined by a Holyrood Committee, following the tragedy at Grenfell Tower. The Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Communities Committee will scrutinise accommodation in Scotland’s high rise communities, by expanding an on-going inquiry into housing and building regulations in Scotland. Continue reading Safety of Scotland’s high rise homes under scrutiny

St Columba’s launches summer appeal

St Columba’s Hospice in Edinburgh has today launched its new fundraising appeal – A Summer to Remember. The appeal will raise money for the Hospice, to enable it to reach out further in to the community and support more people across Edinburgh and the Lothians. Continue reading St Columba’s launches summer appeal

Does the NHS deliver safe and quality care?

Views invited on patient care in the NHS

Do Scottish NHS services treat people with dignity and respect, and are adequate systems in place for when things go wrong? These key questions are being asked by Holyrood’s Health and Sport Committee as it launches a call for views today on clinical governance in the NHS in Scotland, as part of a wider inquiry into NHS Governance. Continue reading Does the NHS deliver safe and quality care?