Mara and Craigroyston kids share stories in the garden


Storyteller Mara Menzies joined Craigroyston Primary P2 children for a storytelling session in North Edinburgh Arts’ beautiful community gardens yesterday. Continue reading Mara and Craigroyston kids share stories in the garden

Outlander author joins stellar line-up for Saltire Society’s first ever virtual literary festival

Diana Gabaldon

Diana Gabaldon (above), author of the hit Outlander series, now a major TV series, will join top authors Val McDermid, Michael Faber, A. L. Kennedy, Vic Galloway, Juno Dawson and Kirsty Logan for the Saltire Society’s first ever virtual literary festival, taking place from 24 – 26 June. Continue reading Outlander author joins stellar line-up for Saltire Society’s first ever virtual literary festival

All welcome at Community Summer BBQ


North Edinburgh Arts

Saturday 18 June 5 – 9pm


A community event celebrating all of the interesting food, music, dance and people who live in our area. There will be children’s activities in the beautiful North Edinburgh Garden, performances from local musicians, dancers and poets. A BBQ with lots of side dishes from around the world. All for £1 per person (a higher donation is very welcome if you want to contribute more!)

A bar will be available.

You are welcome to come in national dress (kilts, saris etc) if you want to!

Tickets £1 from North Edinburgh Arts or Pilton Community Health Project

Continental cafe culture for George Street?

George Street

A vision for George Street is set to be considered by councillors tomorrow. The outcome of a year-long trial to increase pedestrian and cycling provision will be heard by the Transport and Environment Committee on Tuesday.

Members will also discuss a series of design principles for the development of the thoroughfare, drawn up by independent consultant Ironside Farrar.

Amongst the consultant’s proposals to improve the local environment and encourage mixed use of the street are a segregated cycle route, widened pavements and outdoor dining opportunities, while retaining parking and public transport capacity. It is intended that these high level guiding principles could be used to inform and support a fuller, more detailed design.

Transport Convener, Councillor Lesley Hinds, said: “The point of the trial was to create a more accessible, enjoyable atmosphere for all those who use the street.

“By working closely with residents and stakeholders we were able to assess which changes worked and which didn’t. The lessons learned have enabled Ironside Farrar to create a series of all-inclusive design principles, and I look forward to seeing these developed further.”

The concluding report notes the benefit of using a trial approach to help inform design discussions for the project.

In September 2014 the Council introduced a dedicated two-way cycle lane, additional pedestrian space and a one-way traffic system for cars as part of a one-year-trial.

This was used as a starting point for a detailed design discussion, involving regular feedback and suggestions from stakeholders as a means of developing a long-term design for the street.

By using an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) to run the trial, it was possible to make changes based on key learning points as it progressed, in collaboration with the public.

Following the trial, Ironside Farrar drew up design principles based on feedback gathered through more than 1200 on-street interviews carried out during the year, as well as two public meetings and the opinions of a dedicated steering group. This comprised representatives from the New Town and Broughton Community Council, Essential Edinburgh, Cockburn Association, Edinburgh World Heritage Trust, George Street Association and the Council’s Planning and Transport divisions.

Ironside Farrar’s report builds on lessons learned, recognising the need for George Street’s design to enable seasonal, flexible use while focusing on the needs of retail, hospitality and local residents.

Additional proposals, which prioritise pedestrians and cyclists, include an adaptable streetscape, designed to suit seasonal events and festivals held in the street, and fully accessible facilities to address the varying needs of users.

If design principles are approved, a detailed design for the future layout of George Street would be developed.

Read the full report: George Street Experimental Traffic Regulation Order, Concluding Report and Design Principles, on the Council website.

Prime Minister sends Ramadan greetings

The Prime Minister sends his greetings to all Muslim communities for the holy month of Ramadan, in Britain and around the world:

Full Transcript:

It’s the holy month of Ramadan – a time when mosques open their doors, community centres welcome in their neighbours, and even churches and synagogues offer up their spaces as Muslims break their fasts – and people of all faiths and none are often asked to join.

Coventry Cathedral is holding its own multi-faith iftar. In Manchester, they’re combining an iftar with England’s European Championships appearance. And homeless shelters up and down the country are holding ‘Iftars with the Homeless’.

Of course, fasting is what comes to mind when we think of Ramadan. It’s part of the month that really puts Muslims’ faith to the test – especially during these long, warm days.

But there is much more to it.

There is all the energy and money people donate to those who are less fortunate and all the extra time spent in prayer and contemplation.

Uppermost in all our minds this Ramadan are those whose lives have been torn apart by the twin evils of Assad and Daesh, all those families spending this holy month in refugee camps mourning loved ones; yearning to go back to school or work; wondering when they’ll return home again.

Our thoughts – whatever our backgrounds or beliefs – are with them. And we must continue to support the people of Syria and the region, as we work towards a lasting political solution. Because that’s who we are as a country. We won’t walk on by. So this Ramadan, let’s renew our resolve to help those victims.

Let’s continue to come together for iftars and community events. Let’s celebrate the proud, multi-racial, multi-faith democracy we live in. To everyone in Britain and around the world – Ramadan Mubarak.

Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond also wishes all Muslims ‘Ramadan Mubarak’, saying:

This Ramadan, I wish all Muslims, in the UK and around the world, ‘Ramadan Mubarak’.

Ramadan is a time for contemplation, reflection and acts of kindness and charity. Most Muslims will spend this Ramadan with their families, but poverty and conflict are keeping people apart. This includes the millions of Syrians who have been displaced and those in refugee camps.

The UK is acting tirelessly for a resolution to the conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. We will continue to work for a peaceful, secure world and support all those who need our help. I welcome calls for a nationwide truce in Syria during Ramadan and encourage all those with influence to take this opportunity to end the bloodshed.

Ramadan is a time for contemplation, reflection and acts of kindness and charity. Most Muslims will spend this Ramadan with their families, but poverty and conflict are keeping people apart. This includes the millions of Syrians who have been displaced and those in refugee camps.

The UK is acting tirelessly for a resolution to the conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. We will continue to work for a peaceful, secure world and support all those who need our help. I welcome calls for a nationwide truce in Syria during Ramadan and encourage all those with influence to take this opportunity to end the bloodshed.

£10 million worth of funding up for grabs for historic communities across Scotland

 Scotland’s new heritage body launches three-year strategy


Places of historic interest across Edinburgh and the Lothians are set to benefit from a £10 million funding boost from Historic Environment Scotland. Continue reading £10 million worth of funding up for grabs for historic communities across Scotland