Capture Edinburgh’s wonderful living landscape

Not too late to enter photography competition


There’s still time to enter the Edinburgh Living Landscape photography competition, but hurry – the deadline for entries is Friday 11 September!

Senior Development Officer Lindsay Grant of the city council’s Parks and Greenspace service explained: “Our first Edinburgh Living Landscape photography competition was launched at the end of July. The idea is to collect images that show off the city’s natural beauty and how they can be enjoyed.

“We’re calling on Edinburgh’s budding photographers to capture our floral meadows in bloom for the chance to win great prizes, including membership to the Scottish Wildlife Trust, exclusive prizes from Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh, a professional photography workshop, 6 month membership to Edinburgh Leisure and  tickets to the Usher Hall’s Sunday Classics concert series.

“To enter, we are asking the public to submit a photo of one of Edinburgh’s Living Landscapes and the finalists’ images will be posted on the Edinburgh Outdoors Facebook page for a public vote to select the winner.

“The closing date is Friday 11 September at 6pm and then people will be asked to ‘like’ their favourite image between the 16 and 23 September on the Edinburgh Outdoors Facebook page. The photograph with the most ‘likes’ will then be chosen as the winner.”

So there you  have it – get snapping!

Edinburgh Living Landscape photography competitionell

How to change the world … in Edinburgh!

New documentary tells the story of the birth of Greenpeace

greenpeace film

My old mate Dave Woods has alerted me to a film made by his friend Jerry Rothwell he describes as ‘wonderful – it is a fabulous thing.’ High praise indeed … ‘How To Change The World‘ premieres at The Cameo  on Wednesday 9 September at 8pm (also showing at Cineworld Edinburgh and Odeon Lothian Road). 

How To Change The World tells the gripping story of the origins of Greenpeace. A Sundance 2015 award winner, the film draws on stunning unseen footage from the early days of the modern green movement.
In 1971 a brave group of young activists set sail from Vancouver in an old fishing boat. Their mission: to stop Nixon’s atomic bomb tests in Amchitka, a tiny island off the west coast of Alaska.

It was from these humble but courageous beginnings that the global organisation that we now know as Greenpeace was born. Chronicling the fascinating untold story behind the modern environmental movement, this gripping new film tells the story of eco-hero Robert Hunter and how he, alongside a group of like-minded and idealistic young friends in the ’70s, would be instrumental in altering the way we now look at the world and our place within it.

A real-life thriller with larger than life heroes‘ – Huffington Post
Tremendously inspiring, and by turns thrilling, comic, and shocking‘ – Slashfilm
A panel discussion, broadcast live via satellite, follows the screening featuring legendary fashion designer and long-standing Greenpeace supporter Vivienne Westwood, director Jerry Rothwell, Robert Hunter’s daughter Emily Hunter and other special guests to be announced. The event will be hosted by Mariella Frostrup. 
You can check out the trailer here:

The Cameo  Link:

Fire safety message taken to Edinburgh Mela

Thousands see fire safety displays at city music and dance festival


City firefighters joined revellers at the Edinburgh Mela over the weekend to raise awareness of the support available to help the public prevent fires and the tragedies they cause.

Thousands of people enjoyed live music at Leith Links on Saturday and Sunday, making the annual festival an ideal opportunity for Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) crews to share potentially life-saving information.

Watch Manager Steve Scott said: “Our community action teams and crews from Marionville and McDonald Road Fire stations had two great days of engagement with the public.

“We had more than 1,200 people visit the SFRS Mobile Museum and they loved getting dressed-up in fire kit and getting selfies. It’s popular with young and old alike but of course the main drive is making our communities safer.

“All these visitors saw displays that make you very aware of common hazards within the home as well as the steps you can take to prevent them causing a potentially devastating fire.”


The SFRS crews offered free home fire safety visits, which involve local firefighters helping householders identify hazards and taking simple steps to address them.

With early warning known to be vital if a fire does happen, the SFRS crews also check smoke alarms are working and even provide and install the devices if they are found to be needed.

Free home fire safety visits are available from SFRS by calling the freephone number 0800 073 1999, by texting ‘FIRE’ to 80800 or by filling in an online form at

Watch Manager Scott added: “We would much rather take 20 minutes to help someone stay safe than attend a fire that could have been prevented.

“Fire in the home is devastating. Even where no-one is seriously hurt, the loss of cherished possessions, the financial impact and the emotional trauma can all be horrific for those involved.

“We want to hear from anyone who thinks they or someone they know could benefit from some friendly, expert advice and support from their local crews.”

Pictures: Edinburgh Mela


The Prentice Centre’s guid fur a laugh!

With two free fun courses starting in October, The Prentice Centre in Granton Mains is the place to be for fans of Scottish culture this autumn …

francie and josie

‘Guid fer a Laugh’ takes a seriously funny look at Scottish comedy over the years. The course starts on Tuesday 6 October from 6 -8pm and runs for ten weeks (and maybe more if there are calls for an encore!)


slab boys

A bit more highbrow (but only a wee bit!) is ‘An Introduction to the History of Scottish Theatre’. This free ten-week course starts on Monday 5 October from 1.30 – 3.30pm and includes theatre visits.


Both courses are free. To book your place or for further information call The Prentice Centre on 552 0485.

A pure cornucopia of Scottish culture, so it is!

Inverleith Youth Forum: get involved!

INV ypf

Youth Forum Poster

Inverleith Young People’s Forum is starting up again and looking to recruit new members (see poster below).

Interested or like to find out more?

Contact Callum McLeod, Community Learning & Development Worker on 332 6316 or email

Free walking and cycling festival at Inverleith Park

on foot

Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership presents:

Inverleith On Foot and By Bike 

Don’t miss this opportunity to have fun, try new things, get out and about in fresh air, win some great prizes and get fitter!

Sunday 13 September in Inverleith Park, 2.30-5.30.

Finalé of the event is the live screening of the Tour De Britain. Come watch it on large screen in our bike powered cinema!

More info here.

Communities: seize the day!

‘giving communities the power to make their own choices is one of the most effective ways to tackle poverty and address inequalities.’ – Local Government & Community Empowerment Minister Marco Biagi MSP

ian cooke

Development Trusts Association (DTA) Scotland, the national organisation for development trusts, says the introduction of the Community Empowerment Act presents communities across Scotland with an ideal chance to ‘seize the day’ as their rights and opportunities in relation to assets, land and participation increase.

Development Trusts, community groups and representatives who gathered for the Associations’ two-day Annual Conference in Inverness yesterday heard that there has never been a better time for community-led regeneration, as more and more communities look to take control of their future through the acquisition of assets.

Ian Cooke, Director of DTA Scotland (pictured) said: “The introduction of the Community Empowerment Act brings with it ground-breaking opportunities for communities across Scotland in the acquisition, development and management of land, buildings and other physical assets.

“Often driven by the need to save community services and iconic heritage assets, community groups have historically had to work against the odds and with minimum support to take on assets and services.

“However, now, more so than ever before, communities have an opportunity to stimulate sustainable growth and lasting change thanks to favourable policies like the Community Empowerment Act which encourage, support and help resource this kind of community-led activity.

“We would urge that anyone considering taking on an asset, however early the stage, gets in touch with the team at the Community Ownership Support Service to find out how they can help support the process.”

Under some of the notable provisions of the new Act, most of which are expected to come into effect in the summer of 2016, communities throughout Scotland will:

  • Have the right to request to purchase, lease, manage or use land and buildings belonging to local authorities, Scottish public bodies or Scottish Ministers;
  • Have extended Community Rights to Buy Land in Scotland incorporating both rural and urban settings through amends to the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003, and;
  • Have the right to put forward their ideas for how services could be changed to improve outcomes for their community through a participation request. This could include community bodies taking on delivery of services.

In his Ministerial address at the DTAS Conference today, Minister for Local Government & Community Empowerment Marco Biagi MSP is expected to say: “These are remarkable times in Scotland to be an active citizen. We have almost unprecedented levels of participation and engagement from people in communities the length and breadth of the country and the Scottish Government wants to build on the enthusiasm that people have been showing and get them more involved in local decision making, so that we can release at a local level the energy that comes from employing those talents, and allowing communities to guide the changes and improvements that they want to see in their local areas.

“In June this year the Scottish Parliament passed the Community Empowerment Act, the focus of which was to put forward legislation that helps give communities the means and ability to greater control their futures. Communities in the driving seat, that is the aim of the Act.

“We want to go beyond consulting, go beyond engaging and get into the true participation and partnership that is the only way communities can be empowered. We know that giving communities the power to make their own choices is one of the most effective ways to tackle poverty and address inequalities.”

Also addressing conference today will be Rob Hoon, manager of the successful Out of the Blue arts and education trust based in Dalmeny Street.

Entitled ‘Assets, Enterprise & Creativity‘, DTA Scotland’s conference – the organisations’ twelfth – has brought together Scotland’s experts on community-led regeneration, along with the development trusts and community organisations and groups looking to deliver innovation and sustainable change on the ground.

Topping the agenda is ensuring that delegates are aware of the opportunities available to them as a result of the introduction of the new legislation.  Once again a sell-out, the Conference is providing an invaluable forum for the sharing of ideas, experience and good practice.

Join Easter Drylaw residents at September meeting


Live in Easter Drylaw? Do you have any issues or concerns about your local area?  Than why not join other like-minded people and attend the next meeting of Easter Drylaw Residents Association (EDRA)?

Meetings are held on the first Monday of every month from 7 – 9pm in Drylaw Parish Church, Groathill Road North.

The next meeting takes place on Monday 7 September at 7pm. Why not go along and have your say? All welcome!