Setting the agenda: North Edinburgh's Physical Activity Forum

How can we improve access to open spaces in North Edinburgh?


Looking forward to seeing you at next weeks’ NEPAF meeting where the theme will be ‘How can we improve access to open spaces in North Edinburgh?’ Response to this months’ forum meeting has been really positive; here is the agenda so far: 

  • Presentation, sharing good practice- ‘Friends of Dalmeny Park’- Tom Hoon/Out of the Blue
  • West Pilton Park- Lianne Pipskyj/Clare Symonds PCHP
  • Community Growing- Kate Wimpress/NEAC
  • Informal/structured play on local green/brown sites- Kate Wimpress/NEAC
  • Forth Neighbourhood Partnership Community plan (physical activity priority)- Jim Pattison/FNP
  • Edinburgh Physical Activity and Sports Strategy- Active Lives- Sean Webster/ECC

The meeting takes place on Wednesday 10 December from 2 – 4pm

at Pilton Community Health Project, Boswall Parkway

It looks like it’s going to be a good one, can’t wait! It would be very helpful if we have an idea on numbers so if you could confirm attendance and add any agenda items by this Friday ( 5 December) that would be great!

Lianne Pipskyj (on behalf of NEPAF) 

Development Worker- Physical Activity, Pilton Community Health Project

0131 551 1671

Fire officer warns of stairwell dangers

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service would like to remind tenants to keep their stairwells clear – especially in the run up to Christmas:

common stair

Group Manager Steve Gourlay, the City of Edinburgh Prevention and Protection Manager, said: “We would urge people not to leave rubbish or bins in the common stairwells of tenement blocks. This can be very attractive to fire setters and increases the risk of a fire. Discarded items of furniture and rubbish can produce large amounts of toxic smoke and also impede access for emergency responders.

In Edinburgh, roughly 100 deliberate property fires occur every year with many of these involving combustibles in stairwells – the casualties and damage caused are preventable and we need to reduce them.

“You can reduce the risk of fire for yourself and your neighbours by keeping common stairs clear and free from obstruction and making sure main doors are kept locked.  Steps should be taken to ensure the door entry/intercom system is working.

“I would like to stress the importance of having a working smoke alarm. Every household should have working smoke alarm and test them every week.  We provide free home fire safety visits and fit smoke alarms where required.  If you know someone who can benefit from our service, why not get them to give us a call? It is important that you know what to do if a fire does occur in the stairwell and how to keep safe. We can advise on this as part of the visit.

“If you or someone you know could benefit from a visit, please  join Scotland’s fight against fire and request a visit by calling the SFRS freephone number 0800 0731 999, or by contacting their local fire station.”

A wide range of tips on how to keep yourself and your home safe from fire are available on the SFRS website:


Did you witness D Mains hit and run?

policecarPolice are appealing for witnesses following a hit and run incident in Davidson’s Mains last Sunday (30 November).

A thirteen-year-old boy was on a push-along scooter in Main Street at around 8.10pm when the collision occurred after the car mounted the pavement. He sustained minor injuries and was taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh for treatment.

The vehicle failed to stop at the scene of the incident and was last seen heading towards the Drylaw area, and anyone who can assist officers with their ongoing enquiry is asked to come forward.

The vehicle is described as a dark-coloured people carrier type similar to a Citroen C4 hatchback.

Inspector Chris Scobbie said: “Fortunately, the boy was not more seriously injured as a result of this incident, but he still required treatment at hospital. The driver failed to stop and we are conducting local enquiries to trace this individual.

“We are keen to speak to anyone who was in the area at the time of the collision and who may have information relevant to this investigation. In addition, I would urge the driver to come forward as soon as possible.”

Anyone with any information regarding these incidents should contact Police Scotland immediately on 101 or through the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

One-stop money advice service portal launched

Credit Unions play key role in tackling debt

Debt-WorriesA new Financial Health Service offering a one-stop-shop for money advice services has been launched by Business Minister Fergus Ewing. Scotland’s Financial Health Service website provides links to a range of organisations offering information and advice on debt, managing money, housing, homelessness and ethical lending.

A key part of the new website is a Financial Education module which aims to help people to manage their money to stop any future problems.

The website also allows users to search for their local credit unions and find out about the products offered by them, and to search for approved money advisers.

A new law, the Bankruptcy and Debt Advice (Scotland) Act, which comes into force in April 2015, ensures appropriate debt relief and management and includes mandatory provision of money advice.

Launching Scotland’s Financial Health Service in Edinburgh yesterday Mr Ewing said:

“It is important that we take action to help those people in Scotland who are struggling under the burden of debt. We have developed Scotland’s Financial Health Service because we must ensure that people who need to access debt and budgeting advice, do so easily with credible sources.

“Last year, the Accountant in Bankruptcy’s ‘12 Days of Debtmas’ campaign targeted people who may get into financial trouble over the festive period by using high interest, short-term credit.

“During the six months between October 2013 and March 2014 – during which time the ‘12 days of Debtmas’ and ‘Helping Hand with debt’ campaigns ran – 14,307 new members joined credit unions in Scotland. This is a 4.2 per cent increase in total membership.

“People across Scotland can join credit unions – all sorts of people from all walks of life use credit unions to save and borrow responsibly, and the most successful attract a diverse membership.”

Welcoming the launch Paul Walsh, CEO of CUNA Mutual said: “With the ever widening protection gap continuing to spread – leaving 86 per cent of Scottish residents in trouble if their income was lost – it is vital that the right support is provided to those who become financially vulnerable.

Initiatives like this government website, supporting those shouldering the burden of debt, are imperative alongside the practical credit and protection solutions offered by credit unions throughout Scotland. “The credit union movement in Scotland both funds and protects thousands of Scottish residents and has become a solid part of the Scottish financial community.”

ABCUL Scotland Policy Manager Frank McKillop said: “Since Scotland’s first credit union was founded in 1970, generations of volunteers, directors and staff have been focused on helping people in their communities and workplaces to get on top of – and stay in control of – their finances.

“By encouraging a responsible approach to saving, borrowing and budgeting, Scotland’s credit unions are well placed to play their part in building the nation’s financial health.”

Disability supporters urged to respond to Edinburgh's budget consultation

LCIl logo

Local Disabled People’s Organisation Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living (LCiL) has responded to the City of Edinburgh Council’s (CEC) budget consultation and is encouraging other organisations and individuals to do the same.

CEC budget consultation 2015-16-Nov. 14

The organisation’s full response (see above) , acknowledges the financial pressure under which local authorities are operating but highlights the risks associated with implementing savings proposals which directly impact disabled people, people with long term conditions or older people and/or the organisations supporting them.

Of the council’s 69 savings proposals 25 directly target these services, and taken together represent 32% of the total of the overall suggested savings – almost ONE THIRD.

LCiL argues that  In a tough financial environment disabled people, people with long term conditions and older people are the first ones to feel the impact on their quality of life and on their ability to remain active and visible in their community. Targeting cuts to the very services that support them to live independently, and to remain members of their communities, would just lead to more exclusion and marginalisation, and increase the gap between those who have and who have not.

LCiL’s Chief Executive Florence Garabedian said: “There is still time to change the views of those who have proposed these savings and for CEC to explore the negative consequences which these could have on disabled people – people with long term conditions and older people.

“We urge those who are part of this constituency, and their supporters, to make sure their voices are heard before the consultation ends on 19 December.”

scales 2

The City of Edinburgh Council has published a range of materials about the budget consultation which you can access on the Consultation and Responses Section of the E-library, including:

For further details you can access information on their website at:

For an overview of the budget proposals visit here:

Deadline for responses is: 19 December 2014.

Reminder: Two local consultations this week

You wait for ages on a consultation then two come along at once! Trinity Community Councillor Bill Rodger has sent a timely reminder of two community consultations taking place this week:

Victoria Park allotments

There is to be a Drop in Session tomorrow Thursday 4 December between 4pm and 7pm in the Victoria Park Bowlhouse adjacent to Newhaven Road where Council Officials will be present to explain the proposals for using the third bowling green for small allotments and to answer any questions which you might have.

There are notices in the Park and on the Council’s website but if you think that any of your neighbours might be interested in this please do pass the message on.

Granton Harbour Regeneration

Also on the subject of drop-in sessions, and for anyone who missed the North Edinburgh News ad, there is one planned for TODAY Wednesday 3 December in Granton Youth Centre, 3-11 West Granton Road, between 3pm and 7pm on proposals for the Granton Harbour area.

These include new homes, retail and leisure. Representatives of Granton Central Developments will be present at that one to talk through their plans for the area and listen to any view that the community have before submitting their plans to the Council for planning approval.

Bill Rodger, Trinity Community Council

Youth and Children's work vacancies in North Edinburgh


West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre has vacancies for children’s workers, starting in January. See poster (below) for details:

Youth Work vacancies at WPNC (1)

For further information and an application pack contact Linda Chandler, Clerical Assistant, West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre, 19 West Pilton Grove, Edinburgh EH4 4BY, telephone 0131 551 3194 or email

Closing date for applications is Friday 19 December.


Leith memories brought to life at Hermitage Court

1940s_dancingA book has been launched recounting the dancing memories of seven very special Leithers. ‘Dancing Days’ has been produced by the Citadel Arts Group and tells the stories of Port of Leith Housing Association’s (PoLHA) Hermitage Court residents.

A launch event was held at the complex, with musician Laure Paterson entertaining the residents and Gina Martorelli, one of the contributors to the book, singing Ave Maria.

Suzie Connery who manages the complex, said: “It brought back happy times for so many residents who like to reminisce and it’s lovely getting to hear their stories.”

Dancing Days’ is a collection of memories, not only about going to the dancing in the 1940s, but of school days, work memories and travelling abroad, collected by Citadel Arts Group living memory workers, Laure Paterson and Liz Hare.

The book stars Hermitage Court tenants Irene Graham, Sally Kyles, Robert McCauldlin, Isa MacKenzie, Gina Martorelli, Babs Russell and Chris Whelan.

Citadel Arts Group’s Liz Hare said: “The residents kindly shared their memories and we have collected them into this book which will be a resource for the whole community. Copies will go into local libraries and PoLHA’s other sheltered housing complexes – Jameson Place and St Nicholas Court.”

The project is supported by Tesco Community Awards.


BBBRRRacing: Fancy a day at the beach?

Zoo Arts Extra Beach Day

Forget about the Christmas shopping: stock up on some real happiness!


Sunday 14 December

12 noon from North Edinburgh Arts (or meet us there).

Bring your family and friends for an afternoon of sand, sea, sky, fire, food & art!

All Ages: Children should be with a responsible adult.

There are limited spaces for unaccompanied children, so please book early and sign a permission form if your children want to come by themselves.

Time: 12noon at North Edinburgh Arts, returning approx. 4pm

Cost: Free (a £1 deposit secures your place and your snacks & drinks). Donations welcome.

A pleasant walk from NEA to the small beach on West Shore Road (25 minutes).

ZAE will provide: snacks & hot drinks, fire, extra waterproofs, etc. plus creative materials & activities.

If you prefer not to walk, please meet at NEA to get full directions and maybe even give or receive a lift. If you travel by bus Get the 24 at 12.05 or 12.35 from Pennywell Road to Granton, before West Harbour Road on Waterfront Avenue. The walk from there is less than 10 minutes.

Zoo Arts

Follow Zoo Arts Extra on Facebook here to keep up to date with all of their events

Greens urge fresh approach to tackle obesity

DSCF3121Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and health spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, has urged new Health Secretary Shona Robison to take a fresh approach to tackle obesity and make active lifestyles the norm.

New figures show that 65 per cent of adults in Scotland are overweight, with 27 per cent obese, a rate that has remained unchanged since 2008. The proportion of adults who are physically active to the recommended level has only increased by 2 per cent in a year.

One in eight children spends more than four hours a day watching TV or another screen, and there has been no change in the proportion of adults and children walking or cycling to work and school.

Alison Johnstone MSP said: “People are suffering from poor health and the cost to our NHS is climbing. You only have to look at the situation in Edinburgh where the public funding squeeze threatens cuts to leisure facilities and programmes that help young and old stay active.

“With the appointment of a new Health Secretary we have a chance to turn things around. I will be pushing for the forthcoming Scottish budget to prioritise preventative spending so we invest in walking and cycling infrastructure, leisure facilities and a healthy food culture, all of which will benefit our communities and the public finances.”