YOU’RE HIRED: Soft skills are key, say business leaders


As millions of young people across Edinburgh await their exam results and prepare to enter the world of work, new research from Scottish Gas has highlighted that soft skills and personality are top attributes the majority of Scottish business leaders look for when hiring.

Continue reading YOU’RE HIRED: Soft skills are key, say business leaders

All welcome at Water of Leith clean up

Sunday 31 July 10.30am 1.30 pm


Why not come along to the ANNUAL RIVER CLEAN-UP (trousers and long sleeves to avoid the nettles recommended!) And so why not bring along a packed lunch and/or picnic stuff and sit and enjoy some friendly company after the clean up?

Meet at Canonmills Clock (Next to the bridge at the bottom of Brandon Terrace) at 10.15am



Volunteering opportunities with Move On

Move On logo

Volunteer Mentors Wanted

Would you like to make a positive difference to a young person in need?

Could you help develop the skills and confidence of a vulnerable young person in Edinburgh?

Do you have 2 hours a week to support young people to identify and achieve their goals?

Move On Edinburgh is currently recruiting volunteer mentors for our next training course, and your skills, knowledge and experience are our most valuable resource in engaging some of Edinburgh’s hardest to reach young people.

Our mentoring service matches young people (including those who are; young carers, looked after, accommodated, attending SEBD schools, lacking confidence, socially isolated, offending, engaged in risk taking behaviour, misusing substances etc.) with a volunteer mentor.

The service aims to improve outcomes for vulnerable young people such as increased self-esteem and social confidence, extended social networks and improved employability. The mentors also encourage the young people to focus on employment, training and education opportunities, identifying aspirations, finding out about different options and accessing suitable opportunities.

Our mentors are drawn from all walks of life and we are particularly keen to recruit mentors who have personal experience of the care system or homelessness. Mentors undergo a thorough recruitment, training and induction process, involving taking up references, a mandatory 5 week training course and membership of the PVG (Protection of Vulnerable Groups) scheme.

If you are interested in this volunteer opportunity, please call 0131 558 3740 or email to request an application pack, or visit our website for more information:

PEP needs volunteer drivers

Volunteer for
Make a difference in your local community

PEP buses


D1 required on licence, for more information contact:

Elaine Anderson at Pilton Equalities Project on 315 4466

Driver only POSTER 2014

Donate a night to charity: volunteer at MoonWalk


Walk the Walk is calling on the people of Scotland to swing their tartan and get in the community spirit by volunteering at The MoonWalk this weekend (Saturday 11th June).

The charity needs 1,000 amazing Volunteers to help at the event starting at Holyrood Park. The MoonWalk will see thousands of Walkers pounding the pavements through the streets of Edinburgh wearing decorated bras, as they raise money and awareness to help fight breast cancer.

From marshalling and working in the baggage tent, to handing out space blankets and medals – there is a job for everyone! Whether you’ve got a few hours free, or you are able to help throughout the night, every bit of help makes a huge difference to the success of the event.

Derek Macdonald, 54, from Edinburgh, is volunteering in the baggage tent for the fifth year. He said: “The atmosphere at The MoonWalk is one of great joy for everyone involved. Applauding Walkers, making new friends, and sharing stories and experiences – there is a real sense of community spirit. I don’t really think too much about losing one night’s sleep a year – in the grand scheme of things, people that are taking part in the event have often lost a lot more than me. My message to anyone thinking about volunteering at The MoonWalk would be ‘do it!’. Even if it is for a short time, you are so important to the Walkers, who are making a huge difference to people affected by cancer.”

Walk the Walk is celebrating 20 years of Walking the Walk. The charity has granted millions of pounds towards ground-breaking research across the UK and to help those that have cancer in Scotland

Sign up to volunteer by visiting or calling 01483 741 430

Scottish Gas staff kick off Volunteer Week in North Edinburgh


More than 350 Scottish Gas employees took part in a volunteering challenge supporting local charities and community groups across North Edinburgh yesterday. Continue reading Scottish Gas staff kick off Volunteer Week in North Edinburgh

Sing a song to inspire with the Timebank Temptations

Join the Timebank Temptations on Thursday morning


The Timebank Temptations, founded by the North Edinburgh Timebank, will bring joy to North Edinburgh this Thursday in celebration of Voluntary Arts Week – and they want YOU to join them! Continue reading Sing a song to inspire with the Timebank Temptations

Community transport training with PEP

Community transport training opportunities

with Pilton Equalities Project


Accredited (PATS) Passenger Assistant Training

Friday 12 February 9.30 -2.30 at the PEP Centre

MIDAS training

Accredited Minibus Training – limited places still available for Monday 8 February

For further info contact:

MiDAS PAT’s Publicity (1)