King’s Speech reaction

Speaking after the King’s Speech, Scottish Secretary Ian Murray said: “This is a King’s Speech which will deliver the change our country needs. It will deliver for all four nations of the UK and all four corners of Scotland. 

“We have a bold and ambitious legislative programme which will ensure we deliver on our mandate. 

“Our plans will deliver growth and jobs for our economy. It will establish GB Energy, a publicly owned energy generation company which will create jobs and cut bills for good, and establish a National Wealth Fund to invest in the industries and jobs of the future.

“The King’s Speech also delivers the biggest transfer of power towards working people in a generation, with new rights on sick pay and redundancy, and better pay. It will ban exploitative zero hour contracts and increase the minimum wage to a real living wage. A better deal for working people, with less insecurity and more money in their pockets, is the first step towards reducing poverty in Scotland and across the UK. 

“We have been clear that we want to reset our relationship with the Scottish Government, and to work together to deliver better outcomes for people.

“Our rail ownership bill will ensure that ScotRail is kept in public hands, and we want to work with the Scottish Government to pass laws that will reduce the availability of addictive vapes to young people.

“We promised change. This King’s speech demonstrates we are rolling up our sleeves and delivering that change.”

Bills which will apply in Scotland:

  1. Renters Rights Bill [only in respect of discrimination against tenants on benefits or with children]
  2. National Wealth Fund Bill
  3. Pensions Schemes Bill
  4. Planning and Infrastructure Bill [some measures]
  5. Employment Rights Bill
  6. Passenger Railway Services (Public Ownership) Bill
  7. Railways Bill 
  8. Bank Resolution (Recapitalisation) Bill
  9. Product Safety and Metrology Bill
  10. Border Security, Asylum and Immigration Bill 
  11. Armed Forces Commissioner Bill 
  12. Digital Information and Smart Data Bill 
  13. Draft Audit Reform and Corporate Governance Bill
  14. Great British Energy Bill
  15. Sustainable Aviation Fuel (Revenue support Mechanism) Bill 
  16. Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill [Reintroduced] 
  17. Draft Equality (Race and Disability) Bill 
  18. Tobacco and Vapes Bill [Reintroduced] 
  19. House of Lords (Hereditary Peers) Bill
  20. Cyber Security and Resilience Bill 
  21. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and International Committee of the Red Cross (Status) Bill
  22. Lords Spiritual (Women) Act 2015 (Extension) Bill
  23. Budget Responsibility Bill
  24. Hillsborough Law [Public Candour] Bill [TBC – territorial extent to be determined]

Scotland’s Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes has reiterated the Scottish Government’s intention to work collaboratively with the UK Government to deliver on shared ambitions for Scotland.

Ms Forbes commented on the King’s Speech: ““The Prime Minister has said he wants to reset the relationship with the Scottish Government, respect the devolution settlement and work constructively together.

“I am pleased to see this approach reflected in the King’s Speech, and we will support the opportunities it presents to improve the lives of people in Scotland.

“I look forward to early and meaningful engagement on UK Bills, including the New Deal for Working People. We have been clear in our opposition to the inappropriate use of zero hours contracts and other types of employment that offer workers minimal job or financial security.

“We also welcome the Tobacco and Vapes Bill being taken forward. This is an important step forward in public health, and a four-nations approach will offer more certainty for businesses and consistency for consumers.

“The priorities of the Scottish Government for the year ahead will be announced in the First Minister’s Programme for Government, when he will set out how we will deliver for communities right across the country.”

Commenting on the King’s Speech, STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer: “Pomp and pageantry aside, this is a more progressive programme for government than we’ve seen after 14 years of Tory mismanagement.

“The New Deal for Working People can be the start of a new chapter for workers. If enacted fully, the New Deal gives rights, security and respect to working people throughout the UK. It must now be delivered in full without delay. It is right this is accompanied by a new industrial strategy council.

“We look forward to working with the UK Government to ensure this body is representative and impactful, creating a minimum floor of working rights across every nation of the UK. It’s further welcome that the UK Government finally seeks to legislate further to end the scourge of race-based pay discrimination – working people of all nationalities deserve nothing less.

“This will, undoubtedly, be aided if the Labour Government sticks true to its pledge and seeks to revitalise the devolution settlement through the Council of the Nations and Regions.

As part of this, we must see further powers devolved to the Scottish Parliament, including powers over employment, migration and more.

The siting of GB Energy in Scotland is very positive.  We hope it will become more than an inward investment tool and will develop a strategy for direct public ownership to deliver the infrastructure and supply chain jobs we so desperately need.

“The commitment to bring railways back into public ownership is a long-standing demand of trade unions who have fought against the carnage brought by privatisation.

“Economic growth is a welcome, central tenant of this government’s mission. But that cannot be done through the exploitation of working people. The Prime Minister has a job on his hands to restore standards and investment to public life and public services. With the Scottish Parliament elections just around the corner, we look forward to him delivering on his pledges for workers in Scotland.

Commenting on today’s King’s Speech Joanna Elson CBE, Chief Executive of Independent Age said: “Today’s King’s Speech outlined the UK Government’s focus on national renewal and it’s important that this renewal reaches the two million older people currently living in poverty across the UK.

“We are pleased to see the UK Government commit to improving private pensions for future older people who are able to save, including better access to small pension pots, but we also need action for the 150,000 pensioners currently living in poverty in Scotland. Ensuring people have enough money to live with dignity in later life is fundamental in a compassionate society and an essential part of social renewal.  

“Right now, we need to see action to increase uptake of social security support for older people on a low income. Currently Pension Credit isn’t received by around a third of older people who should be getting it. In the longer term the UK Government should lead a cross-party review to establish what level of income is needed to avoid poverty in later life and ensure everyone is able to reach it. We are also calling on the UK Government to establish a consistent national social tariff for energy. 

“The Scottish Government can also act to reduce poverty in later life, a key first step would be announcing a plan to reduce pensioner poverty in the Programme for Government – expected in September.    

“Going forward, in both Westminster and Holyrood, it’s essential parliamentarians work towards the aim of making poverty in later life a thing of the past.” 

More than 60 leading local government figures and influential academics came together today for the Saving Local Government Finance Summit to reflect on the legislative commitments in the King’s Speech and to deliberate on how the Government plans to carry out its promises for local government, including devolution and planning reform.

Despite optimism in the air, the consensus at the summit was clear: without significant reforms in funding, particularly for social care, local councils cannot maximise their role in delivering the government’s Five Missions. While not in the King’s Speech for immediate legislative attention, reforming local government funding was considered most pressing, particularly to stem the flow of bankruptcies. 

Reflecting on the King’s Speech, Dr Jonathan Carr-West, Chief Executive, LGIU, said: “The Government’s early local government commitments are positive, and the sector welcomes multi-year funding settlements, the conclusion of competitive bid funding and a more collaborative approach from the new government.

“However, the elephant in the room is what’s not being said: local government funding reform. WIth half of all councils at risk of going bust in the next parliament, now is the time to provide sustainable funding and stem the flow of bankrupt boroughs.”

In reaction to the devolution commitmentsDr Carr-West, Chief Executive, LGIU, said: “The regions must have a say in how devolution is rolled out with bespoke solutions available: what works for Cumbria may not for Chingford.

“And while much attention has been on the role of metro mayors, especially with the introduction of the new council of nations and regions, it is essential that central government listens to other democratically elected local leaders.

“Underpinning any devolution roll-out is trust. Central government needs to trust its local counterpart to do its job. Devolution should also help councils win back the trust of the people they serve so that they can build consensus for difficult and contentious decisions that are increasingly necessary.”

On planning reform, Dr Carr-West said: “The briefings before today have pulled in different directions.

“On the one hand, there were those saying the government will liberate councils, by streamlining the planning process, empowering and working together with local leaders to build new homes where local communities want them.

“On the other hand, there were those who claimed the government aimed to bind councils to unachievable targets imposed by the centre.

“As it is, the details we have now are still limited and we’ll need to see – and contribute to – how the plans develop.  There is a huge opportunity here to open up planning and expand local growth.”

Specifically on social care, Dr Carr-West said: “The funding of social care is a perennial thorn in the side for every government, central and local.

“This is an issue that demands a solution, and although there was no mention of legislative reform in the King’s Speech, the proposed Royal Commission leaves a vital opportunity to reconsider how social care is funded with local government, service providers, and service users as central to the consultation.”

General Election: Change Starts Now?

Campaigning organisation 38 Degrees said: “This is a momentous election. It is a message from across the UK that people want change. But today is not progress – it is just the chance to deliver it. Labour have won big on a message of change. Now they have to make that change real.

Commenting on the result of the General Election, STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “A new dawn has broken. It cannot be a false one. 

“We congratulate Labour on its victory. The new Government can offer hope to workers after 14 years of Tory attacks on our communities, our people and our public services. Through cooperation with the Scottish Government, we can invest in jobs and services.

“The change that the new Prime Minister offered during the campaign must start now. This is day one of his Labour Government. We need decisive action to turn our back on the austerity-driven, public service-slashing, trade union-attacking ways of the Tory past.

“It’s time to rebuild. We will work with the Prime Minister to deliver a progressive Scotland that delivers for working people. He must now deliver for us.”

Responding to the result of the UK general election, David McNeil, SCVO Strategic Director of Development, said: “I would like to offer my congratulations to Keir Starmer on his appointment as Prime Minister.

“There is a pressing need for a more humane politics that puts people and communities first. The new government must move quickly to deliver just that.

Everyday charities, community organisations and faith groups across Scotland deal with the consequences of decisions made at Westminster – on immigration, social security, employment law, the economy and more.

“Our sector holds a wealth of experience in addressing major societal issues. The knowledge we hold should be seen as an asset to policy and practice design from the outset. This is an opportunity that the new UK government must grasp with both hands.

“It is welcome that, over the weekend, the new Prime Minister and First Minister of Scotland met to commit to improving the relationship between the Scottish and UK Governments. It is our hope that this reset in relations will benefit voluntary organisations across Scotland, and the communities and people that they serve.”

Jonathan Carr-West, Chief Executive, Local Government Information Unit said: “As we witness a change of government, we should be proud of our democracy and grateful to the electoral administrators who make it all happen and to all the candidates, winners and losers, who put themselves up for election.

“We offer special congratulations to all the councillors and council leaders entering parliament.

“We know that local government stands ready to work with the new government and we offer a reminder that national success has local foundations. Labour has set out clear missions for government but these can only be achieved in partnership with local democratic institutions. 

“We congratulate the new government and we urge it to set out a new relationship with councils across the country based on genuine collaboration and parity of esteem.”

The Fire Brigade Union said: “Finally, after 14 years of misery, the Tories are gone. Now the work begins to undo the destruction they caused and improve working people’s lives.

COSLA’s President, Councillor Shona Morrison, has written to the new Prime Minister, Sir Kier Starmer and the Secretary of State for Scotland, Ian Murray, following the announcement of the results of the UK 2024 General Election.

Councillor Morrison said: “Firstly, I would like to extend my congratulations to the new Prime Minister, Sir Kier Starmer. Today I have written to the new Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Scotland outlining some of the key issues faced by our local government members and the communities they represent.

“We will welcome opportunities to work closely with the UK Government and Scottish Government as partners to improve the wellbeing of people in our communities, continue on the vitally important journey towards a just transition to net zero, and ensure that those in our communities facing the most difficult challenges are fully supported by their local services.

“Our membership, Scotland’s 32 Councils, are the closest sphere of government to people in our communities, and deliver essential services for those communities every day.

“The incoming Government must listen to local government, take into account of our concerns and expertise, and work in partnership with us to ensure there is fair funding and empowerment to make the most effective decisions for the people we are elected to represent.”

First Minister to stand down

Humza Yousaf ‘indicates intention to resign’ – but not yet

First Minister Humza Yousaf has announced that he will stand down.

Speaking at a news conference at Bute House, Mr Yousaf confirmed: “After spending the weekend reflecting on what is best for the government and country I lead, I have concluded that repairing our relationships across the political divide can only be done with someone else at the helm.

“I intend to stand down as Party Leader. I will continue as First Minister until my successor has been elected, particularly as the Parliament will be debating some incredibly important legislation in the coming days and weeks.

“I cannot tell you what an honour it is being the First Minister of the country I love, the country I am raising my family in, and the only country I will ever call home. I have had the honour of serving in Government for almost 12 years in a variety of roles.

“Although I am sad that my time as First Minister is ending, I am so grateful and blessed for having the opportunity so few are afforded – to lead my country, and who could ask for a better country to lead than Scotland?”

Scottish Conservatives leader Douglas Ross commented: “We knew the best chance of winning a VoNC was in Humza Yousaf himself. That’s why @ScotTories tabled it last Thursday and he’s now jumped before being pushed.

“We saw off Nicola Sturgeon and now Humza Yousaf.

“Now we work to remove this entire rotten SNP Government from office.”

Former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon commented: “I know how big a privilege being First Minister is, but also the toll it can take. I also know what a wrench it is to step aside, even when sure it is the right thing to do.

“Humza has conducted himself with grace, dignity and integrity – both as FM and in the manner of his leaving. I am and always will be proud to call him a friend.”

STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer commented:

Read the First Minister’s official statement in full at: 

First Minister to resign – (

Social care workers demand return of ‘missing millions’

Scotland’s largest health and social care unions protested outside the Scottish Parliament on Thursday to demand the return of the ‘missing millions’ cut from the Scottish Government’s Budget for social care workers.

Information from the Scottish Trades Union Congress’ ‘Missing Millions’ campaign has shown that £38 million of ringfenced funding for maternity, paternity and sick pay for social care workers in Scotland was secretly cut from the latest Scottish Government budget.

Workers from Scotland’s three biggest social care unions, UNISON, GMB and UNITE will protest outside the Scottish Parliament to demand the return of the cash with workers accusing the Scottish Government of “betraying” social care workers.

The ‘Missing Millions’ campaign was launched last week during STUC Congress. A Freedom of Information request has shown that the £38 million cut was pulled directly from the Scottish Government’s Fair Work in Social Care terms and conditions workstream in September 2023.

Commenting, STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “Cutting the budget to improve the terms, pay and conditions of Scotland’s social care workers is, quite frankly, unforgiveable.

“This was a sleekit move from the Scottish Government with no transparency, no accountability and worse, no promise of restoring the funding.

“These were the front-line workers that cared for those most in need during the pandemic. Some even paid with their lives protecting the vulnerable and our communities from the virus.

“For the Scottish Government to cut the dedicated funding that would, in part, seek to implement Fair Work within the sector, with improved sick pay and conditions, is nothing short of betraying the workforce.

“We call on all those who stand alongside our social care workers to join us outside Parliament.

“We’re sending a clear message to all politicians, especially the Scottish Government, that social care workers are demanding a return of the missing millions and a quick U-turn to this ill-judged budget cut.”

STUC backs Usdaw call for action to tackle the growing lack of affordable, flexible and accessible childcare

Retail trade union Usdaw has a delegation of members, reps and officials attending the annual conference of the Scottish Trade Union Congress (STUC) in Dundee, which started on Monday and concludes tomorrow.

Moving the composite motion about childcare, Elaine Dennis – Usdaw delegate said: “In recent years working parents across Scotland have come under huge strain due to the growing lack of affordable, flexible and accessible childcare.

“Undoubtedly, the cost of living crisis has intensified this problem, with women often bearing the brunt. Childcare is not just an equality issue and a trade union issue, it’s key to economic growth and essential to tackling child poverty.

“Despite childcare being so crucial to working families and women’s equality.

“The current system is failing parents who are struggling to find good quality affordable childcare, failing childcare workers, who are often underpaid, and underappreciated, and failing children across Scotland, who are missing out on vital opportunities with one in four living in poverty.

“Most Usdaw members work in lower paid sectors like retail and warehousing; the majority are women, so childcare is a huge issue for our members. The costs of childcare and nursery fees are simply unaffordable for many parents in lower paid jobs and even where free hours are available, the system is complicated and difficult to navigate. Many families don’t know what they are entitled to and many more are left with huge gaps in provision.

“Balancing work with childcare in a sector like retail is not easy and women are often the primary carer. It is so often invisible to employers and managers, yet it shapes working lives.

“We know from supporting many of our women members with children, the effort they put in to making themselves available for work is enormous. It often means getting up very early or going to bed very late and regularly arriving at work on very little sleep.

“It means putting a lot of effort into scheduling childcare around work, creating a complicated patchwork of support. Working out when grandparents, neighbours or older siblings are available to look after young children in the morning, evening or for a few hours after school. This is why good wraparound childcare provisions are so important to working parents.

“We know that many parents work ‘opposite shifts’, with families barely able to spend a minute of quality time together. Workplace policies help and unions do a great job negotiating flexible working agreements that make a real difference to women’s working lives, but women working in part-time, low hours and low paid jobs, who are worried about holding onto them, are often too afraid to ask their employer for help.

“A successful childcare system should enable parents to work the jobs and the hours that they choose to. Instead, it is a barrier to work for those in lower paid jobs.

“It prevents women from progressing, trapping families in poverty and ingraining inequality. We desperately need a childcare system that supports working parents and grandparents, valuing these dedicated workers and supporting families in Scotland.”

Scotland’s 2030 climate goals ‘are no longer credible’

Continued delays to the updated climate change plan and further slippage in promised climate policies mean that the Climate Change Committee no longer believes that the Scottish Government will meet its statutory 2030 goal to reduce emissions by 75%.

There is no comprehensive strategy for Scotland to decarbonise towards Net Zero.

The Scottish Government delayed its draft Climate Change Plan last year despite the 2030 target only being six years away. This has left a significant period without sufficient actions or policies to reach the target; the required acceleration in emissions reduction in Scotland is now beyond what is credible.

Professor Piers Forster, interim Chair of the Climate Change Committee, said: “Scotland has laudable ambitions to decarbonise, but it isn’t enough to set a target; the Government must act.

“There are risks in all reviewed areas, including those with significant policy powers devolved to the Scottish Government.

“Scotland’s Climate Change Plan needs to be published urgently, so we can assess it. We need to see actions that will deliver on its future targets.”

Scotland missed its annual target for 2021. This is the eighth time in the past 12 years that they have missed a target. The only sectors to reduce emissions in 2021 were electricity supply and industry. Most key indicators of delivery progress, such as tree planting, peatland restoration rates and heat pump installations are off track.

There is a path to Scotland’s post 2030 targets, but stronger action is needed to reduce emissions across the economy.

The transport and buildings sectors will require a particularly rapid increase in the rate of emissions reduction to meet the targets set out in the last Climate Change Plan update (2020 CCPu).

  • Buildings. The 2020 CCPu requires emissions from heating buildings to decrease by 71% by 2030, meaning the annual emissions reduction rate must increase by almost a factor of ten. There are welcome bold proposals in the Heat in Buildings consultation, which if implemented could become a template for the rest of the UK. But these proposals must be delivered in practice and the planned rate of decarbonisation will not achieve those promised in 2020.
  • Transport. The 2020 CCPu requires Scotland’s transport emissions to decrease by 44% by 2030, meaning the annual emissions reduction rate must increase by almost a factor of four. Scotland has an extremely stretching target to reduce car-kilometres by 20% on 2019 levels by 2030, but a clear strategy on how this will be achieved is still missing. Practical delivery plans must focus on deploying and improving electric car charging infrastructure – and developing plans for aviation.
  • Agriculture and land use. The 2020 CCPu requires this to decrease by 11% by 2030 – a reversal of recent emissions increases is needed. On woodland creation, Scotland needs to double its recent rate. On peatland restoration a tripling of Scotland’s rate is required to reach its own target, which remains less ambitious than the CCC’s.
  • Engineered greenhouse gas removals. The Acorn carbon capture cluster has received ‘Track 2 status’, which is positive progress for engineered removals in Scotland. But the Scottish Government should assess Acorn’s deployment potential against its own aim to achieve -3.8 MtCOengineered removals by 2030. A feasibility study published by the Scottish Government estimates potential for only 2.2 MtCO2 by 2030 in Scotland.   

This is a crucial time for Net Zero in Scotland. The handling of plans to close the Grangemouth refinery underlines the risk of omitting meaningful dialogue between communities, industry and government and the important role for the Scottish Government in ensuring a just transition towards Net Zero.

Further delay to the Scottish Government’s draft Climate Change Plan will prevent further progress on these strategic issues.

The STUC commented: “This is a hammer blow and cannot go unchecked. It’s the working class who bear the brunt of climate change and a lack of action from government has let them down.

“If the Scottish Government can’t meet their climate targets, then we cannot plan and manage a just transition.”

Commenting on the Climate Change Committee’s new report, which warns that “Scotland’s 2030 climate goals are no longer credible”, Convener of Holyrood’s Net Zero, Energy & Transport CommitteeEdward Mountain MSP, said: “This report is a reality check for us all. Reaching Net Zero means drastic measures need to be taken across all sectors and amongst every community.

“To make this happen, the Scottish Government must lead from the front.

“Clearly insufficient action has been taken to date. We urge the Scottish Government to present, as soon as possible, a coherent and practical delivery plan.”

Holyrood agrees general principles of National Care Service Bill

Bill ‘not fit for purpose’ say unions

Legislation which will see the introduction of a National Care Service for Scotland (NCS) has passed Stage 1 in Parliament.

MSPs have voted for the general principles of the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill which will ensure greater transparency in the delivery of community health and social care, improve standards, strengthen the role of the workforce and provide better support for unpaid carers.

The proposals include establishing a National Care Service Charter, rights to breaks for carers and provisions to enact Anne’s Law so people in care homes have the right to be visited by their families.

Social Care Minister Maree Todd said: “We need long-term, widespread transformation to fix some of the ingrained issues within the system and ensure sustainability for the future. 

“We have spent considerable time working with people with lived experience on how to reform social care for the better. I’m grateful to the thousands of people who have lent their voices and I am determined to ensure the Bill delivers the positive change needed.

“Today’s vote shows that the Scottish Parliament also recognises this and I am grateful to them for bringing us one step closer to this urgent reform.

“This Bill is the biggest public sector reform since devolution and it is our chance to make meaningful change that we all agree is needed to the social care system. I know the people of Scotland will see huge benefits.”

Scotland’s largest trade union bodies have condemned the Scottish Government’s proposed National Care Service Bill as ‘not fit for purpose’ as MSPs approve the legislation at Stage 1.

The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) alongside the three biggest social care unions in Scotland – UNISON, GMB SCOTLAND and UNITE – have written to the Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care Neil Gray outlining their shared concerns on the Bill.

The letter states that social care workers’ concerns have been ‘widely ignored’ by the Scottish Government and that, at this stage of proceedings, the Bill as drafted remains ‘firmly unacceptable’.

Last week the Scottish Parliament’s Health, Social Care and Sport Committee’s report into Stage 1 drew criticism from trade unions who outlined the ‘glaring deficiencies’ of the proposals on costs and operation of the service.

Commenting, STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “It beggars belief that, despite repeated warnings to the Scottish Government, Scotland’s social care workers are still in the dark on the basic fundamentals of the new National Care Service.

“Our social care sector already suffers from insecure conditions and low pay. We cannot risk those weaknesses being carried over into any new system of nationalised care.

“We must see the Scottish Government take seriously the recommendations of the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee’s report into the Bill. This would include improving pay, terms and conditions for social care staff, including a £15 per hour minimum wage. We also need to see Scottish Government guarantees on Fair Work and sectoral bargaining in addition to full sick pay from day one of employment.

“Our social care staff are the lifeblood of our system. We value their work and it’s high time the Scottish Government does likewise.”


Speaking ahead of the Stage 1 debate for the National Care Service Bill in the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 29th February, Councillor Paul Kelly, COSLA’s Health & Social Care Spokesperson, commented: “Councils have expressed significant concerns regarding current National Care Service plans and believe there is still work to do to ensure proposals can meet aspirations.

“In particular, Council Leaders are disappointed in the decision of the Scottish Government to continue to push through legislation where a power will be given to Ministers to delegate children and justice services, despite the potential disruption to services and extensive negotiations and concessions from Local Government.

“Council Leaders remain concerned that such a move risks excessive centralisation of decision-making away from local people and areas. Leaders did agree that COSLA should continue to work closely with Scottish Government to address these concerns.

“COSLA welcomes the progress which has been made in reforming some National Care Service proposals, including that local authorities will continue to play a central role in the delivery of, and accountability for care.

“There is a pressing need to improve people’s experiences of accessing and delivering care in Scotland. Although legislative and governance reform may be part of that, the reality is that national funding decisions – including the proposed council tax freeze which has not been fully funded – will further squeeze local care and social work services which are already under incredible pressure.

“Investment in social care must be seen as a priority which can enhance the wellbeing of people, of society and of Scotland.”

Having passed Stage One, the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill moves into Stage 2 where amendments will be considered by the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee before Stage 3, when the full Parliament makes a final vote on whether to pass the Bill.

Holyrood approves Scottish Budget

Spending plans for 2024-25 approved

The Scottish Budget has been approved by Parliament, ensuring funding can be targeted towards the missions of supporting public services, growing the economy and tackling poverty.

MSPs have passed the 2024-25 Scottish Budget Bill, with spending commitments including:

  • £13.2 billion for frontline NHS boards, over £1.5 billion for policing and nearly £400 million to support the fire service
  • Over £5 billion to help create jobs, support businesses, aid the transition to net zero and fund public transport to provide viable alternatives to car use
  • £6.3 billion for social security benefits, £200 million to help tackle the poverty-related attainment gap and £1.5 million to cancel school meal debt 
  • Over £14 billion for local authorities – the highest settlement yet delivered for local government

Deputy First Minister and Finance Secretary Shona Robison said: “I am pleased that Parliament has approved our Budget, allowing us to enact our spending plans in the face of a deeply challenging financial situation.

“This is a Budget which stays true to our progressive values: investing in services, growing our economy, protecting vulnerable people and tackling the climate emergency.

“We have taken decisions which prioritise funding in the areas that have the greatest impact on the quality of life for the people of Scotland – despite the challenges caused in large part by the UK Government’s failure to invest in public services and infrastructure.

“Our block grant funding from the UK Government has fallen in real terms since 2022-23. Our capital spending power is due to contract by almost 10 per cent in real terms over five years – that’s around £1.6 billion in total, equivalent to the cost of building a large hospital.

“I have written to the Chancellor urging him to change course, using next week’s Spring Budget to increase funding for public services and infrastructure instead of cutting taxes.”

Scotland’s local government umbrella body Cosla fears the Budget will mean more misery for cash-strapped councils.

Budget (Scotland) (No.3) Bill – stage 3 debate: Deputy First Minister speech

Mixed response as 2024-25 Scottish Budget unveiled

‘Targeted funding for people and public services’

A £6.3 billion investment in social security and more than £19.5 billion for health and social care form the heart of the Scottish Budget for next year, alongside record funding for local authorities and frontline police and fire services.

With targeted funding to invest in public services and protect the most vulnerable, the Budget underpins the social contract with the people of Scotland, Deputy First Minister and Finance Secretary Shona Robison told Parliament. She also outlined policies to grow the economy and progress the commitment to deliver a just transition to net zero.

Difficult decisions have been required to prioritise funding for the services people rely on in the face of a deeply challenging financial situation, Ms Robison added.

The 2024-25 Scottish Budget includes:

  • £6.3 billion for social security benefits, which will all be increased in line with inflation. This is £1.1 billion more than the funding received from the UK Government for devolved benefits in 2024-25
  • £13.2 billion for frontline NHS boards, with additional investment of more than half a billion – an uplift of over 4%
  • record funding of more than £14 billion for local government, including £144 million to enable local authorities to freeze Council Tax rates at their current levels
  • more than £1.5 billion for policing to support frontline services and key priorities such as body-worn cameras
  • almost £400 million to support the fire service
  • £200 million to help tackle the poverty-related attainment gap, almost £390 million to protect teacher numbers and fund the teacher pay deal, and up to £1.5 million to cancel school meal debt
  • almost £2.5 billion for public transport to provide viable alternatives to car use, and increased investment of £220 million in active travel to promote walking, wheeling and cycling

The Finance Secretary said: “It is an enormous privilege to present my first Budget. A Budget setting out, in tough times, to protect people, sustain public services, support a growing, sustainable economy, and address the climate and nature emergencies.

“At its heart is our social contract with the people of Scotland, where those with the broadest shoulders are asked to contribute a little more. Where everyone can have access to universal services and entitlements, and those in need of an extra helping hand will receive targeted additional support.

“This Budget is set in turbulent circumstances. At the global level the impacts of inflation, the war in Ukraine, and the after-effects of the pandemic continue to create instability. In the UK the combined effects of Brexit and disastrous Westminster policies mean that we are uniquely vulnerable to these international shocks.

“We cannot mitigate every cut made by the UK Government. But through the choices we have made, we have been true to our values and rigorous in prioritising our investment where it will have the most impact.

“We choose investment in our people and public services. This is a Budget that reflects our shared values as a nation and speaks to the kind of Scotland that we want to be.”


Responding to the Scottish Budget, STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “With Westminster induced pressure on public spending in Scotland, we’re pleased that the Scottish Government has listened to the STUC and introduced a higher rate of tax for those on higher incomes.

“This represents a markedly positive approach which should be recognised. Equally, taking a more proportionate approach to rebates for business speaks to a Government which recognises the importance of the public sector to growing the economy.

“However, the Scottish Government’s Council Tax freeze and its unwillingness to countenance more ambitious tax reform has left a hole it was never going to be able to fill. High-quality, fully funded public services must be at the heart of a well-being economy and we cannot countenance any cuts – spun and packaged up as ‘reforms’ – which act as a barrier to that goal. Government should be under no illusions on this. The continuation of the regressive council tax simply damages our ability to support local government and those most in need.

“It is disappointing to see opposition parties failing to make any demands of government save for calling, impossibly, for more services but lower taxes. To this extent the whole of the Parliament is letting people down. We have to start of using the full powers of our Parliament to deliver tax reforms aimed at wealth and property, reforms which if implemented could raise £3.7 billion tax.”

Responding to the 2024/25 draft Budget, SCVO Chief Executive Anna Fowlie. said: “The draft Budget represents a missed opportunity to set out vital support for Scotland’s voluntary sector – at a time when it is being squeezed by the cost-of-living and running costs crises.  

“While we welcome the Scottish Government’s commitments to move towards Fair Funding for Scotland’s voluntary sector by 2026, there was little evidence of that today.  

“The UK Government delivered a modest but welcome package of running costs support for voluntary organisations in England – as part of the Spring Statement. Today, at the very least, the Scottish Government could have committed to doing the same here in Scotland. The sector is still waiting on any such commitment. 

“While we recognise the challenging financial environment, the sector needs more than warm words and missed opportunities. Just last month the First Minister told assembled voluntary organisations at the Gathering that he’ll move beyond warm words and put money where his mouth is. Today we didn’t see that.  

“We need to see meaningful support for the sector, with urgent progress on Fair Funding to safeguard essential services. We stand ready to support the Scottish Government to deliver that progress.” 

Joanna Elson CBE, Chief Executive at Independent Age: “We welcome the Scottish Government’s greater focus on older people in poverty in today’s Budget. The news that all devolved social security payments, including the Winter Heating Payment, have been uprated by inflation and that the fund for Discretionary Housing Payment has been increased will be a welcome relief to those struggling financially in later life.  

“However, these measures do not go far enough for the 150,000 older people now living in poverty in Scotland, a figure that has risen by a quarter in the last decade alone, now affecting 1 in 7. Today they really needed the Scottish Government to announce a clear, long-term strategy with legally binding targets and ambitions action to tackle pensioner poverty and reverse this frightening trend.  

“Older people in Scotland, including those in financial hardship, urgently need greater representation. We were disappointed that the Scottish Government didn’t use today’s announcement as an opportunity to announce funding for an Older People’s Commissioner.

“A Commissioner would give better representation across policy making and provide a crucial independent voice for people in later life. With 1 in 4 of us projected to be over 65 by 2040, there’s no time to waste. 

“While we welcome the measures announced today that will improve life for older people on low incomes, the Scottish Government need to go further and faster to address rising pensioner poverty in Scotland. Both a long-term solution to financial hardship in later life and an end to older people feeling ignored by those in power is needed. The time is now for Scotland to have a pensioner poverty strategy and an Older People’s Commissioner.” 

Jonathan Carr-West, Chief Executive, LGIU Scotland, said: “With one in four Scottish councils warning that they may be unable to balance their books next year, today’s budget will not offer much reassurance.

“The Verity House Agreement promised early budget engagement, and it promised ‘no surprises.’ This financial settlement does not meet either of those promises or provide councils with the funding they have told us they need. 

“A council tax freeze funded as though council tax were increased by 5% is equivalent to the rises that councils were planning for this year, but it denies them the increase in their tax base and thus undermines their finances next year and for years to come.

“The “additional support” promised all appears to be ring fenced to Scottish Government priorities rather than enabling democratically elected councils to make decisions about priorities in their areas. Again, this goes against the Verity House agreement.

“Before the budget, every council told us they were planning cuts to services, 97% that they were planning to increase charges, and 89% that they would have to spend their reserves. The funding announced in the settlement will not alleviate the need for these biting budget measures.

“The council tax freeze this year will not help residents affected by councils’ inevitable spending cuts and it will not help residents next year, when councils’ spending power is reduced further because their council tax base can’t increase in line with the amount they need. 

“Our recent survey shows just how strong the concerns are across local government. Only one respondent to our survey said they were confident in the sustainability of council finances. Not a single person said they were happy with the progress that had been made on delivering a sustainable finance system.

“Senior council figures widely condemned how limited their involvement in the pre-budget process was, and this funding settlement confirms the suspicions that led to only 8% of respondents believing the Scottish Government considers local government in wider policy decisions. 

Most worryingly, 8 separate councils (25% of all local authorities) warned us that they could be unable to fund their statutory services – the services they have to provide by law. The funding announced today will be no comfort to these struggling councils, who will now have to make even more difficult choices to make up for their funding shortfall. 

For the average resident, this means their life will get more expensive and their services will get worse. For some of the most vulnerable members of society, as councils warned us, it may mean that if nothing changes then there is not enough money to fund the services they rely on. 

“The funding settlement is not enough for councils to provide the services that millions of people across Scotland rely on. More than that though, it demonstrates that annual funding settlements of this type are not the right way to fund councils or to empower councils to tackle their long-term challenges.

“Councils should be given more powers over how they raise and spend their own money. This means ring-fencing and directed spending need to be reduced, as agreed at Verity House, and councils need to be free to set their own council tax.” 

Commenting on the budget, UNISON’s Scottish Secretary Lilian Macer, said: “Today’s budget is a bad day for local services and deals a further financial blow to local councils who are already struggling to balance the books and to deliver the vital services our communities rely on.

“Our public services are on their knees due to years of underinvestment and the Scottish government’s council tax freeze will be a disaster for local services. We need to see investment in public services and a council tax freeze stops investment in public services, in schools and in the NHS.

“The Scottish government had the chance to make big choices to raise more money for Scotland’s public services but while the measures on income tax are welcome, much more could and should have been done. We still have a government boasting of low business taxes at the same time that they are delaying urgent improvements to public services.

“The Deputy First Minister spoke of cutting the public service workforce – people need to be aware that job cuts mean service cuts. What communities across Scotland need is investment, not abandonment.

“While we welcome investment in the NHS, the Scottish government failed to say how this would be targeted to tackling the staffing crisis and ensuring proper funding so the safe staffing act can make the improvements the NHS so desperately needs.

“Given the Scottish government’s commitment to become a fair work nation by 2025, it’s concerning that there was no mention of fair work anywhere in the budget statement, particularly in social care, a sector in crisis.”

Responding to the Scottish Government’s Budget Stuart McMahon, Scotland Director of consumer group CAMRA whose members had been lobbying MSPs asking for a 75% business rates discount to help save pubs and breweries, said: 

“Pubgoers will be deeply disappointed by the lack of help for most of our locals today. Whilst 100% rates relief for hospitality businesses in island communities will be welcomed, failing to pass on extra money from the UK Government to help with business rates for the rest of our hospitality businesses is undoubtedly a blow and puts many of our pubs at risk of permanent closure.  

“Yet again it seems that the Scottish Government just doesn’t understand the importance of our pubs, social clubs and breweries as a vital part of our social fabric – bringing communities together and providing a safe, regulated environment to enjoy a drink with friends and family. Our locals are community hubs that need and deserve help to make sure that they survive and thrive.  

“With reports that pubs are closing at a faster rate here than elsewhere in the UK, Scottish Government ministers urgently need to re-think the decision not to give our locals the 75% discount with business rates bills that pubs south of the border are receiving. The Scottish Government also needs to support consumers, pubs and breweries in the new year by ditching any plans to bring back restrictive bans on alcohol advertising.” 

In response to the Scottish Budget, Stephen Montgomery, Director of the Scottish Hospitality Group said:We are sorely disappointed that the Scottish Government has not delivered new emergency support for Scottish hospitality.

“Unless a hospitality business is located on the islands, this Budget offers no new support to Scottish hospitality to survive the unprecedented challenge of rising costs, inflation, and the legacy of the pandemic.

“The very real implication is that many Scottish hospitality businesses will struggle to survive, and customers will see prices increase. This will be a bitter pill to swallow for thousands of Scottish hospitality businesses, given English hospitality businesses will be benefitting from a 75% business rates discount for the next year. Our attention will now be focused on helping those hospitality businesses survive what will be a very challenging year to come.

“However, we welcome the Scottish Government’s commitment to exploring a long-term, fairer deal for hospitality on business rates. It is a ray of hope in an otherwise disappointing day for Scottish hospitality.

“This is a golden opportunity to deliver a fairer deal for Scottish hospitality once and for all. We have been engaged with the New Deal for Business Group for a number of months and it is time that the Scottish Government’s actions matched their words.

“The Finance Secretary has committed to introducing a long-term, fairer deal for Scottish hospitality at next year’s Budget. We will hold her feet to the fire to make sure she delivers on this promise.”

Scottish Budget 2024-25

Summary of UK Economic and Fiscal Outlook from Office of the Chief Economic Adviser

STUC Women’s Committee calls for tax raising measures to protect public services

  • Investment in public services benefit women
  • While all households benefit from public services – some benefit more than others

Research from 2007-08 found that the average cash benefit to households from public services was more than £21,400 per year – but that those on low and modest incomes gain especially.

Spending on public services is particularly valuable for families with children.

We know that women use and depend upon public services more than men. This is because women are more likely to be on low wages, more likely to experience poverty, more likely to have unpaid caring responsibilities for children, elderly, and disabled people, and far more likely to experience domestic abuse and gender-based violence. Services that support families on low incomes including free school meals and childcare are vital to women in Scotland.

In contrast, men disproportionately benefit from tax cuts, such as cuts to national insurance, as they earn more. Across the UK, 26% of men are classed as high earners, but only 18% of women.iii

As well as being more likely to benefit from receiving public services, women are also more likely to work in public services. In Scotland, 40 per cent of female employees are public sector workers compared to only 23 per cent of male employees.

Research from last year found that a 12% increase in public sector pay would reduce Scotland’s earnings gap between men and women by about 2 percentage points.iv

The STUC Women’s Committee is calling for tax raising measures to be put in place to protect our public services. This includes increases in income taxes for high earners, as well as wealth and property taxes.

Lorna Glen, Chair of the STUC Women’s Committee said: “If the Scottish Government are serious about tackling gender inequality, then they need to invest in our public services.

“STUC’s tax report shows that is within the powers of our parliament – through income and property taxes – to raise £1.1 billion from April next year. Coupled with longer-term wealth, property and aviation taxes, the Scottish Government could raise a further £2.6 billion.

“Rather than threatening cuts to public services, these are the measures that we need to see if we are to reduce gender inequality.

“It is women who both power our public services and depend on them.”

The Scottish Budget will be announced tomorrow.