Forty years old but no slowing down: happy birthday, PoLHA!

POLHA 40 Low Res-1

Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) marked its 40th anniversary with a celebration at Hibs’ Easter Road stadium last week. The event was attended by 150 guests including staff, tenants, partners and contractors. 

Established in 1975, the Association has invested over £200m creating over 2,700 good quality affordable homes in the Leith and North Edinburgh areas, and the Association has also assisted over 500 young people into further training and work since the launch of it’s TOiL project in 2005.

To mark this impressive milestone, a “This Is Your Life” style production entertained the guests. This featured old stills of Leith and PoLHA along with a short film highlighting the impact the Association makes on the lives of residents and the community.

On a night to remember there was also an audio featuring Douglas McKay, the very first Chair of the Association, and current Chair Margaret O’ Connor and her predecessor Jack Hunter also took part in live interviews.

Keith Anderson, Chief Executive, said: “As one of Edinburgh’s oldest local housing associations to have reached this milestone is a great achievement.

“Our beliefs are still very much what they were 40 years in that we are committed to building even more high quality affordable homes for people in Leith and North Edinburgh.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported us over the years. Working together we are better able to deliver our ambition which is to make places great for people to live in and to change lives for the better in future.”

Meet Ferry Road’s Dottery Diggers!

‘Bill and Ben’ tackle the tatties!


A group of green-fingered sheltered housing residents have taken to growing their own fruit and vegetables. Seven residents at Port of Leith Housing Association’s St Nicholas Court, on Ferry Road, have become the ‘Dottery Diggers’!

The purpose of the initiative was to get residents active outdoors, gain new skills and grow their own fresh produce which can be used for meals.

The Diggers fundraise to buy their tools, seeds and pots and have already grown tomatoes, strawberries and onions. Two of the residents – John Ross and Bill Smith – have been in charge of growing potatoes.

Maureen Tait, PoLHA’s Sheltered Housing Services Manager, said: “Our residents embrace new initiatives and I’m delighted the fruits of their labour are going down a treat.

“We’ve not had a brilliant summer weather-wise, but through rain or shine, the budding gardeners have been out tending to their produce. The most difficult vegetables to grow have been potatoes, but John and Bill have worked hard and even earned themselves the nickname of Bill and Ben!”

TOiL expands east with funding boost

TOiL aims to match last year’s record of success

apprentices (3)

Port of Leith Housing Association’s (PoLHA) training programme for young people Training Opportunities in Lothian (TOiL) has secured over £200,000 funding which will allow it to expand its services into East Lothian.

The TOiL Programme provides 18 week, paid work experience placements to young, unemployed people alongside in-house training and career guidance. Training placements are with local firms in a variety of sectors and occupations.

The increased funding will enable up to 85 young people to participate in the TOiL Programme in 2015/16. It will also support PoLHA tenants with employability issues through the continued funding of an employabilty officer post. An additional employability officer will also be recruited to take on the role of working with adults who face employment barriers due to disability or ill health.

John Murray manages the TOiL programme. He said: “We are delighted to have received this significant sum of money to continue to support young people into sustainable employment.

“In 2014/15 TOiL supported 76% of trainees into employment, modern apprenticeships or further education against a national average of 44% which is our most successful year to date. It is TOiL’s ambition to deliver a similar level of success with a greater number of individuals this year.”

Skills Development Scotland’s Employability Fund, the City of Edinburgh Council’s Improving Employability Fund and The People and Communities Fund have provided the funding.

Port of Leith sets new homes target: 500 by 2020

26,000 familes on social housing waiting list

More than 200 bids for each new vacancy

building work

Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) is investing £55 million to build nearly 500 new homes in north Edinburgh area by 2020.

PoLHA Chief Executive Keith Anderson said that beyond that date, the future of the development is unclear despite a rapidly increasing demand for homes.

The Association is Leith’s largest social landlord and currently manages over 2,700 properties.

Keith Anderson said: ““Edinburgh continues to have the highest average house prices compared to other cities in Scotland and, combined with stagnating household incomes, is restricting the number of people from becoming home owners, increasing the demand for social housing and for mid market rented housing, as well as open market rented housing.”

In its new five year strategic plan, the Association sets out the challenge facing the city of Edinburgh in terms of the need to increase the supply of housing. The housing list has more than 26,000 registered applicants and demand for social housing remains very high with over 200 bids being received for each new vacancy arising over the past year.

It is estimated that over 1,600 new affordable homes are needed each year for each of the next 10 years to resolve this problem.

Keith Anderson added: “Edinburgh has an acute need and demand for affordable housing now and over the next generation.

“Having explored, over the past three years, new ways to finance development with less reliance on public subsidy, we have come to the conclusion that there are no straightforward alternatives to the traditional mixed funding regime of public subsidy and private finance which will enable rents to remain affordable for people on below average incomes.

“The production of new mid market rented housing in the city has increased over the past two years requiring lower levels of public subsidy. However, it remains unclear whether the current level and volume of subsidy available will enable the delivery of the number of new additional social homes needing to be built.”

As well as investment in new properties, the Association plans to invest a further £8 million in ensuring all its homes meet the required quality standards and including the new Energy Efficiency Standard by the required date of 2020.

MHA welcomes tenants to new homes

MHA12Muirhouse Housing Association (MHA) has announced the completion of the first batch of flats within their latest development. The flats, on Macgill Drive at the end of Muirhouse Avenue, are part of their second development on the old BT Training Ground site.

MHA accepted handover of twelve cottage flats yesterday. The flats are all main door, within a traditional four in a block design, and are all one bedrooms. They are aimed at an older age group and the ground floor flats are fully accessible to wheelchair users.

MHA15The flats benefit from an efficient gas central heating system and reach the Silver Sustainable Standard of energy efficiency. The ground floor flats have a wet floor shower room, and the upper flats have an over bath shower.

All tenants will have access to a shared garden which in the next year will be developed to meet the tenant’s needs. This includes drying areas and amenity space. MHA will maintain the shared garden area and we hope it will be well used as a communal area.

MHA8Of the twelve flats, seven have been allocated to existing tenants of MHA who are either downsizing from family houses or require a ground floor flat due to medical reasons while the remaining five have been allocated to applicants from Edindex.

As a result of twelve new units being built, 19 households have been housed or re-housed to suit their current needs.

MHA10May and Alan Price (above) are among the families on the move. “We have lived at Muirhouse Close for eighteen years – since the houses were built,” May said. “Our family has grown up and moved on now and it made sense for us to move to a smaller home. I really like the new flat and I think this will be great for us; perfect, really.”

MHA1MHA Chairperson Roy Douglas (pictured above with Bank of Scotland’s Douglas Spowart) said: “We’re delighted to welcome our residents to their new homes today and we hope they will be very happy here. Everyone is impressed with the quality of these new flats and of course we will have more to come in the summer. These are exciting times for MHA!”

The second phase of the development also includes some mid-market flats which will be available in July. These two bedroom flats will be marketed by Muirhouse Homes, and are targeted at households in employment who do not require Housing Benefit/Local Housing Allowance. Advertising will start soon locally, and then will be expanded to cover the city.

If you are interested you can register your contact details with MHA and you will then be included in the marketing mailing list. Contact 336-5282 or email

MHa logo


New Year, new funding to tackle homelessness

Government announces £2.3 million to address housing issues

beggarOrganisations which help homeless and vulnerable people find homes and live independently will get a funding boost next year, Housing Minister Margaret Burgess has announced.

More than £2.3 million will be allocated to 32 new and existing projects which make it easier for older and disabled people to live independently, will improve access to housing for homeless people and will support refugee, asylum seekers and new migrant communities.

Projects to benefit from the Housing Voluntary Grant Scheme in 2015-16, include Housing Options Scotland which will receive £242,000 to meet increased demand for its advice services for disabled people, older people and veterans.

Shelter Housing Law Service will be awarded £183,868 to provide specialist legal expertise on housing issues while the Scottish Refugee Council has been granted £130,000 for its work helping refugees adapt to life in Scotland.

Mrs Burgess said: “It is heart-breaking that in a country as prosperous as Scotland some people do not have the support they need to help them live as independently as they can and fulfil their potential.

“I am pleased this £2.3 million fund will be split between organisations that are addressing these inequalities, and supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our communities.

“This Government is clear, we want to provide opportunities for people to flourish and we recognise that a lack of suitable housing can be a major barrier preventing them from achieving their full potential.

“Whether it’s through working with the elderly, veterans, young people or asylum seekers, each of these 32 projects is closing this inequality gap, and tackling prejudice and discrimination.”

Moira Bayne, the chief executive officer of Housing Options Scotland welcomed the funding support. She said: “In 2014 Housing Options Scotland was able to help over 400 disabled people, older people and armed forces veterans to find the Right House in the Right Place.

“None of this would have been possible without the financial support of the Scottish Government.

“Thanks to this funding we have been able to help a wide range of people including a visually impaired teenager in the Scottish Borders who has had his family home extended to maximise his independence and a young former RAF officer with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder who has now returned to live near her son in Morayshire.

“We are absolutely delighted with the funding we have been awarded for 2015. We are mindful of how privileged we are to be offered such support in such difficult times and we look forward to helping many more people in the coming year.”

homelessThe Glasgow Simon Community and Positive Steps are two projects that will receive funding for the first time in 2015.

Through £90,975 funding Positive Steps will give training to men who have a history of re-offending and homelessness.

Cathryn Mill, development officer with Positive Steps said:

“Funding through the Housing Voluntary Grant Scheme will allow Positive Steps to deliver and implement a significant test of change project.

“Dundee in particular suffers from high levels of reconviction rates that present issues related to homelessness.

“The proposed project will target short term persistent offending and the lack of access to secure accommodation. We will also offer targeted support to address offending behaviours.”

The following Edinburgh-based organisations will receive funding in 2015 -16:

Age Scotland £126,250

To provide information and advice to older people to help them maintain their independence.

Bethany Christian Trust £44,000

Funding for homelessness projects including literacy and numeracy, budgeting support, employment and volunteering, and street work.

CRISIS (project 1) £26,000

The project to help improve access to the Private Rented Sector for homeless people in Scotland.

CRISIS (project 2) £52,943

Tenancy support project which works with people in shared housing.

Housing Support Enabling Unit (HSEU) £120,640

Assisting providers in the voluntary, private and registered social landlord sectors.

Move On Ltd £25,000

Project helping young people at threat of homelessness through peer support.

Housing Options Scotland £242,000

Provides tailored housing advice to disabled people, older people and veterans.

SACRO £49,000

Dealing with neighbourhood conflict and promoting positive community relations.

Scottish Churches Housing Action (1) £57,000

Project supporting a range of services and activities including starter packs and befriending networks.

Scottish Churches Housing Action (2) £9,000

Prison leaver peer support project for HMP Edinburgh. Prisoners will be supported through housing, health, training and employment interviews following release.

Scottish Housing & Support Conference £11,000

Funding for annual conference for service users and providers of housing support services.

Scottish Women’s Aid £67,345

Project focusses on homelessness and prevention of homelessness for women who are victims of domestic abuse.

Homeless Action Scotland £164,000

Facilitates national homelessness networks and National Homelessness and Employability co-ordinator.

Shelter Housing Law Service £183,868

To provide access to specialist legal expertise and representation on housing issues across Scotland

Scottish Social Networks (Rock Trust) £30,721

To support the work of the Housing Option Hubs. In particular by raising awareness of the link between positive social networks and prevention of homelessness.

Venture Trust £60,437

Outward bound courses and wilderness training to improve the confidence of homeless young people to develop their independent living skills.

An Audioboom clip of the Housing Minister can be found here:


Improved repairs service at Port of Leith

TB MacKay repairs contract[228034]Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) has agreed a new contract with local company TB Mackay Energy Services Ltd to deliver an improved repair service for its customers.

The service will be fully up and running early next year and will include:

  • Improved response times including emergency repairs attended to within two hours and routine repairs completed within 15 working days;
  • Extended appointment times on Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm and on Saturdays from 8am to 5pm;
  • More flexible appointments with slots for early morning, late morning, early afternoon, late afternoon and evening times;
  • A dedicated repairs phone line and appointments given at first point of call; and,
  • Confirmation that tradespeople are on their way to the appointment and focus on completing repairs first time.

Keith Anderson, PoLHA Chief Executive, said: “We have been working with TB Mackay for a number of years now and this new contract will see them as our repairs contractor for up to an additional 10 years. Our ambition is to provide an improved responsive repairs service which will meet our customers’ needs enabling the team to take action in a swift and efficient way.”

Sean Doherty, Service Director at TB Mackay, said: “We’re delighted to have been re-appointed as PoLHA’s repairs contractor and being able to deliver a better and more efficient service as and when their customers require it.”

POLCATS pounce back!

Polcats1Port of Leith Housing Association’s POLCATs (Port of Leith Community Action Team) are on the prowl again ensuring the local neighbourhood is looking its best! 

Staff from the Housing Association volunteered to spend a day working with some of the residents at their sheltered housing scheme, St Nicholas Court, to turn a couple of rose beds into new vegetable beds ready for planting in the Spring. The roses were replanted elsewhere in the garden which was also given a good tidy up at the same time.

Further assistance came in the form of donations of equipment and materials from Greenfingers.

Claire Ironside, Director of Customer Services at PoLHA, said: “Ensuring Leith and North Edinburgh looks its best is top of our agenda and we’ll be continuing our efforts throughout the local area over the coming weeks and months.”

Port of Leith Christmas Fayres this weekend

Port of Leith Housing Association’s (PoLHA) sheltered housing complexes are hosting their Christmas fayres this weekend.

Jameson Place’s event is taking place tomorrow (Friday 28 November) from 12-2pm and St Nicholas Court’s, on Leith’s Ferry Road, is on Saturday (29 November) from 12-2pm.

There will be an array of stalls including a raffle, tombola and home bakes. Some of the residents have spent time knitting and crafting Christmas gifts and creating gift sets.

The funds raised will go towards supporting activities for residents including day trips, theatre trips, exercise classes and lunch clubs.

Maureen Tait, Sheltered Housing Services Manager, said: “The Christmas fayres are always great fun for the staff and residents and a great chance for us to interact and have a good time with the local community.”


Port of Leith goes gold!

Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) has been awarded a prestigious Investors in People (IIP) Gold Accreditation – the most successful framework for business improvement through people in the UK.

PoLHA goldThe award represents a true commitment to employees and demonstrates a solid foundation of good practice which remains challenging and aspirational for many organisations – and achieving the Gold level puts PoLHA in the top seven per cent of all IIP Accredited clients.

Keith Anderson, Chief Executive at PoLHA, said: “We are delighted to be recognised in this way for the skills and commitment of our staff and Board members to continuous improvement for both its customers and as a great place to work. This has also given us a better understanding of how we can further improve our services in future.”

 Peter Russian, Chief Executive of Investors in People Scotland, said: “This is a fantastic achievement for PoLHA. Investors in People offers a flexible, practical and easy to use business improvement tool designed to help organisations and their people achieve their objectives.”

 PoLHA was also awarded a Bronze re-accreditation from Healthy Working Lives.

The Association’s Healthy Working Lives group is made up of volunteer members of staff and to gain the award they undertook a number of initiatives to support and encourage all staff to adopt a healthier working practice which has led to improved performance and enjoyment in their work.

Margaret O’Connor, Chair of PoLHA, said: “As an organisation, we are committed to getting the best from and giving the best to our people as we know they underpin our success and the service we deliver to our tenants.”