Police appeal following assault outside Balmoral Hotel

Police are appealing for information following a serious assault in the city centre.

Around 1.20am, on Sunday (6 February, 2022), a 39-year-old man was walking past the Balmoral Hotel in Princes Street when he was approached by man who was part of a group of people waiting at a nearby taxi rank.

An altercation took place which resulted in the 39-year-old sustaining an injury to his face. The victim attended the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and was released following treatment.

The suspect is in his mid-30s, bald and was wearing dark coloured clothing. He ran off over North Bridge towards the High Street following the incident.

Officers are reviewing any relevant CCTV images for any additional information on the incident or the suspect.

Detective Constable Gary Lipscombe from Gayfield CID said: “Enquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances surrounding this incident. We know the assault was seen by a large number of people who were waiting in a taxi queue and I am asking these people to contact us.

“Your information could important Also, if anyone has any recorded footage from either dash cams or personal devices, please check it as it could provide us with vital details which would assist us in identifying whoever is responsible.”

“Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland through 101, quoting incident number 354 of 6 February, 2022. Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be contacted on 0800 555 111, where you can give your information anonymously.”

CCTV appeal following serious assault in Pilton Drive North

Edinburgh Police have released images of three men they believe may hold information which might assist in relation to a serious assault that occurred on Pilton Drive North at around 2330 hours on 24 November.

Male 1 is described as white, 18-23yrs, average build, short brown hair, wearing blue tracksuit top and bottoms.

Male 2 is described as white, 18-23yrs, average build, short brown hair, wearing a black puffa jacket and dark trousers.

Male 3 is described as white, 18-23yrs, stocky build, red hair and facial hair, wearing grey tracksuit top with black triangle on LHS of chest, grey tracksuit bottoms with black patches to rear of his knees.

Detective Constable William Doughty from Corstorphine CID said: “I would urge each of these three men, or anyone who has information relating to any of these three men depicted in the images to make contact with the Police.

“Members of the public can contact Police Scotland via the 101 non-emergency telephone number quoting incident number 3662 of 24 November 2021.

“Alternatively, calls can be made anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Witness appeal following serious assault in Market Street

Detectives in Edinburgh are appealing for information after a 31-year-old woman was assaulted in the city centre.

The incident happened around 11.20pm on Sunday, 12 December, 2021, on Market Street directly underneath North Bridge outside Waverly rail station.

The woman sustained a serious head injury and was taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh for treatment.

Officers are keen to speak to a man and a woman who were on the street at the time of the assault and then were seen on Jeffrey Street, going towards the Royal Mile.

The man is described as white, in his mid-30s, around 5ft 9ins, of medium build and with short dark hair. He was wearing a cream baseball cap, grey and blue padded jacket and a two tone blue hooded jumper, and blue jeans. He was carrying a plastic orange carrier bag.

The woman is described as white, also in her mid-30s, around 5ft 5ins, and of small build. She was wearing a knee length black padded jacket with the hood up and had small framed glasses.

Detective Constable Gary Lipscombe, from Edinburgh CID, said: “This part of the city was extremely busy at the time of the incident and we are appealing for anyone who was in the Market Street area and believes they may have seen what happened to come forward.

“If the man and woman see this appeal then please contact us. We are also keen to speak with any drivers in the area who may have dash-cam footage that could assist with our enquiries.

Anyone with information should contact police on 101, quoting incident 3829 of Sunday, 12 December, 2021. Alternatively, you can call the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, if you wish to remain anonymous.”

Police renew appeal one week after Gracemount attack

Detectives are continuing enquiries a week on from a man suffering serious injuries after he was assaulted in Edinburgh.

The 32-year-old was attacked by an unidentified man using a bladed weapon outside a Tesco supermarket on Gracemount Drive around 8pm on Thursday, 11 November.

He was later taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh for treatment to serious injuries.

An investigation is ongoing and officers will carry out a visit to the scene of the attack this evening (Thursday, 18 November) to speak to anyone who may have been in the area the previous week.

Detective Inspector Bob Campbell said: “We are grateful to everyone who has helped our investigation so far but this was a busy area near a supermarket and we feel there may be other witnesses we have not spoken to yet.

“The male suspect left the scene after running off down Gracemount Drive before entering a dark hatchback car on Captain’s Drive and driving away.

“I am particularly keen to speak to anyone who may have been in and around Tesco Express Gracemount Drive at the time of the attack or drivers who were on Captains Road, Gracemount Drive and Captains Drive between 7.50pm and 8.10pm on Thursday, 11 November.

“We remain keen to hear from anyone with potential dashcam footage or private CCTV from the Gracemount Drive and Captain’s Drive areas as it could prove vital to our enquiries.

“I would stress that everything in our enquiries so far suggest that this was a targeted attack and there was no wider risk to the public. However, it was a dangerous and reckless act in a busy public area and it is important we identify the man responsible.”

Anyone with information should call police on 101, quoting incident 3297 of 11 November. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, if you wish to remain anonymous.

Police appeal following serious assault in Gracemount

Detectives in Edinburgh are appealing for information after a man was attacked in the Gracemount Drive area. The incident took place around 8pm on Thursday (11 November).

The victim – a 32-year-old man – was seriously assaulted by a man outside Tesco, before making his way into the shop for assistance. He later attended the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh for treatment.

The suspect man was seen to break the window of a car in Tesco’s car park before running from the area and entering a dark hatchback vehicle on Captain’s Drive and driving away.

Detective Inspector Bob Campbell said: “This appears to have been a targeted attack and we do not believe there was any risk to the wider public.

“It took place in public outside a busy shop, with numerous members of the public present, so we are appealing to anyone who witnessed the incident to come forward.

“We’re also keen to hear from anyone with potential dashcam footage or private CCTV from the Gracemount Drive and Captain’s Drive areas last night, as it could prove vital to our enquiries.”

Anyone with information should call police on 101, quoting incident 3297 of 11 November. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, if you wish to remain anonymous.

Police appeal following serious assault in the Grassmarket

Detectives in Edinburgh are appealing for information following a serious assault in the Grassmarket.

The incident happened around 2.20am on Sunday (3rd October), when a 21-year-old man was found injured on the pavement next to the junction of Cowgatehead and Candlemaker Row.

He had sustained a serious head injury and was taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh for treatment.

Detective Constable Gary Lipscombe, from Edinburgh CID, said: “This area was extremely busy at the time of the incident and I am appealing to anyone who can help with our enquiries to come forward.

“Likewise, anyone who was driving in the area and may have das-cam footage that could help is asked to get in touch.

“If you have information please contact Police Scotland on 101, quoting incident 0562 of Sunday, 3 October, or make a call anonymously to the chartity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Police seek information following serious assault in Grassmarket

Detectives are continuing enquiries and appealing for information after a serious assault which took place in the Grassmarket area on Sunday (29 August)

Around 5.45am a 25-year-old woman was with friends near to the junction of Cowgatehead and Victoria Street when she was approached by a group of three men and a woman. An altercation took place which resulted in the woman sustaining a broken wrist.

The victim attended the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and was released after treatment.

Detective Constable Gary Lipscombe of Gayfield CID said: “Enquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances surrounding this incident and I am appealing to any witnesses to come forward.

“We believe the group involved in the assault made off along King Stables Road and I would urge anyone who may have seen a group of three men and a woman acting suspiciously to please get in touch.

“Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland through 101, quoting incident numer 1129 of Sunday, 29 August, 2021.

“Alternatively Crimestoppers can be contacted on 0800 555 111, where anonymity can be maintained.”

Youth charged with attempted murder and serious assault after disturbance in Granton Square

A 17-year-old male youth has been arrested and charged in connection with an attempted murder and serious assault which happened in Edinburgh on Saturday (3 July, 2021).

The incident happened at Granton Square at around 1.10am.

Two men, aged 19 and 21, were found with serious injuries and taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh for treatment.

He is expected to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Wednesday, 7 July, 2021.

Detective Sergeant Mark McGraw of CID in Edinburgh said : “I want to reassure the public that this was an isolated incident and at no point were they at risk.  Enquiries are continuing and I would like to thank the public for the assistance already provided.”

Forth Street attack: Can you help?

Police in Edinburgh are appealing for information following a reported serious assault which took place in the Forth Street area.

The incident took place around 9.50pm on Monday, 7 June, when a 67-year-old man was struck in the face and suffered serious injuries as a result.

The suspect is male, aged between 30 and 40, 5ft 6 with a stocky build and unshaven face. He was wearing a dark beanie hat, hooded jumper, coat and baggy trousers.

Detective Constable Christina Yeoman, of Gayfield CID, said: “This appears to have been a shockingly unprovoked and random attack, which left the victim with multiple serious injuries.

“We’re asking for anyone who witnessed the incident or has any information to please come forward. If you believe you could help our enquiries, call 101 quoting reference 4086 of 7 June. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, if you wish to remain anonymous.”

Youth charged in connection with serious assault in The Meadows

Police in Edinburgh have arrested and charged a 16-year-old male youth in connection with a serious assault in the Meadows area of Edinburgh.

The incident happened around 7.30pm on Saturday, 3 April, in the Middle Meadow Walk area when a 22-year-old man was attacked and seriously injured.

The accused youth appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court yesterday.

Chief Inspector Sam Ainslie, Area Commander said: “This is the fourth arrest and charge in connection with incidents within the Meadows area last weekend.

“ I would like thank the public for their ongoing support and I hope that the swift identifications and arrests provides reassurance that these behaviours will not be tolerated.”

Edinburgh Police said the force is planning “extra high-visibility patrols” this weekend.

Ch Supt Sean Scott said: “This is in direct response to the anti-social behaviour we have seen in recent weeks in our green spaces, but especially the Meadows area, which has been completely unacceptable,” he said.

“The operation this weekend will provide targeted patrols in those areas which have become an issue, to disrupt anyone intent on causing trouble.

“I want to make it clear, this behaviour will not be tolerated, and indeed a number of individuals have now been arrested and charged for various offences connected to last weekend’s incidents.

“We are working closely with the council and are committed to tackling these issues together, both in the immediate future and long-term.”