Granton Gasholder moves forward to next phase of development with £1.24 million grant

Granton’s last remaining gasholder will be transformed following a £1.24 million award from the Scottish Government’s low carbon Vacant and Derelict Land Investment Programme.

Councillors at the Development Management Sub-Committee on 25 January approved planning permission for the next stage of redevelopment of the iconic Granton Gasholder.

Today, it was also announced that the project’s application to the Scottish Government’s Vacant and Derelict Land Fund has been approved. This will tie in with the overall programme of delivery and will secure up to £1.3m of further grant funding to take this stage of the works forward.

As the restoration of the Gasholder frame continues, work will begin in Autumn 2023 on public realm improvements to the surrounding land.

Ultimately, the goals of the restoration are to ensure development of the surrounding sites can take place whilst opening up the area to create a multifunctional public space that can be used and enjoyed by residents and visitors alike.

Community Wealth Minister Tom Arthur said: “Neglected sites are often found in more disadvantaged settings and can become no-go areas or hamper community development. By targeting long-standing vacant and derelict land we can ensure that investment reaches the areas that need it most.

“The Vacant and Derelict Land Investment Programme helps attract private investment to locations which have lain dormant for years. It also supports low carbon developments, helping Scotland reach net zero by 2045 and grow an economy that is greener, fairer, and more prosperous.

“This green space development at the Granton Gasholder will bring a significant boost for the community and enhance wider regeneration. I look forward to seeing the completed project.”

Council Leader Cammy Day said:I am delighted that councillors have recently approved planning permission for the exciting high quality open space element of the redevelopment to the historic Granton Gasholder.

“The restoration of the Gasholder frame is already underway through funding provided by the Council and the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund. With today’s announcement that we’ve been successful in our bid to the Scottish Government’s Vacant and Derelict Land Fund, we’re now able to progress our plans for creating an exciting public space which will see this iconic structure breathe new life into Granton Waterfront.

“This important development represents our plan to transform the structure, the centrepiece of our £1.3bn regeneration of Granton Waterfront, into a visitor destination with high quality open space for everyone to enjoy.

“The wider regeneration is about using brownfield land to develop a sustainable 20-minute neighbourhood its residents will be proud of. It will be an area where people live in affordable, environmentally friendly homes, have excellent transport and active travel links, and access open and green space, arts, sports, and culture. Restoring the Gasholder is the first step in unlocking the wider regeneration.”

A derelict site once central to the Clyde’s shipbuilding industry will be transformed following a £2.4 million award from the low carbon Vacant and Derelict Land Investment Programme.

The Govan Graving Docks were used for final painting and repair of vessels but have lain empty for 40 years. The Scottish Government award to upgrade a riverside walkway and create green space by 2025 is intended to help attract business investment, reverse biodiversity loss and habitat decline and create a visitor attraction.

Further restoration of the historic dockyard will see it used for repairing heritage vessels, while a footbridge linking the site to neighbouring visitor destinations including the Glasgow Science Centre is planned once private sector funding is secured.

It is one of 15 transformational schemes sharing £10 million in 2023-24 from the Programme. Other successful projects include:

  • Creation of a community learning campus on the site of a former Midlothian colliery
  • decontamination and redevelopment of former military land at Cromarty Firth to enable construction of 93 affordable homes
  • reuse of vacant and derelict buildings in Fife as an employment and training hub for rural green jobs and apprenticeships
  • support for community-led food production in Clackmannanshire

Community Wealth Minister Tom Arthur visited the Govan Graving Docks site to meet those behind the project. He said: “Neglected sites are often found in more disadvantaged settings and can become no-go areas or hamper community development. By targeting long-standing vacant and derelict land we can ensure that investment reaches the areas that need it most.

“The Vacant and Derelict Land Investment Programme helps attract private investment to locations which have lain dormant for years, It also supports low carbon developments, helping Scotland reach net zero by 2045 and grow an economy that is greener, fairer and more prosperous.”

Councillor Richard Bell, Depute Leader of Glasgow City Council, said: “The Govan Graving Docks is a unique site in Glasgow, offering both a glimpse of the city’s past and a view into a future where we realise the potential of this remarkable Clydeside location. 

“The very welcome announcement of £2.4 million funding from the Vacant and Derelict Land Investment Programme will allow work to dramatically improve the appearance of the site, create new public green space to be co-designed by the local community, and improve access and connections to Glasgow Science Centre. 

“The support announced today will hopefully act as a catalyst for future funding and the development of further stages in the regeneration of the Graving Docks.”

Projects to receive funding from Stage 2 of the Vacant and Derelict Land Investment Programme for 2023-24:

Lead applicantApplication2023-24 (£)Total Grant Recommended
City of Edinburgh CouncilGranton Gasholder£1,224,410£1,224,410
Clackmannanshire CouncilClacks Community – Growing a new Future£500,000£500,000
Clyde GatewayShawfield Phase 2 – Remediation£200,000£200,000
Fife CouncilRavenscraig Skills Hub£491,582£491,582
Glasgow City CouncilCadder Woods Community Greenspace£521,193£772,700
Glasgow City CouncilCommunity Net Zero Hub£182,276£182,276
Glasgow City CouncilGovan Graving Docks£368,794£2,368,794
Glasgow City CouncilGreening Royston£797,121£797,121
Glasgow City CouncilNorth Maryhill TRA Green Infrastructure£650,000£1,450,000
Highland CouncilCromlet Invergordon£400,000£400,000
Highland CouncilLongman Park£850,000£2,150,000
Midlothian CouncilAll Through Community Learning Campus Shawfair£2,122,000£3,667,000
North Ayrshire CouncilThe King’s Arms Irvine£400,000£600,000
Perth and Kinross CouncilMillhaugh – Phase 1£93,808£93,808
West Dunbartonshire CouncilResidential development at Pappert Bonhill£500,000£1,250,000

£1.6 million to support New Scots

Additional funding has been secured to support work to integrate refugees across Scotland. The £1.6 million in funding will focus on the development of a refreshed New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy, ensuring refugees and asylum seekers are supported to make their new communities their home.

Further projects to receive funding include:

  • small grants to enable wide-scale public engagement across Scotland for the refreshed New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy. This will enable organisations to host engagement events for existing and recently arrived New Scots and ensure barriers to attendance are minimised, including travel and childcare
  • the extension of University of Glasgow’s international research into New Scots integration for Afghan and Ukrainian Nationals, focussing on efforts made by the Scottish Government, local authorities and the third sector to support integration
  • Refugee Festival Scotland – a focal point and celebration of all New Scots in Scotland. This will include providing small grants to organisations to enable them to host events as part of the Festival
  • £500,000 in targeted funding for two of the highest priority areas: ESOL and Employability. The arrival of people from Afghanistan and Ukraine has reinforced the critical importance of employment in allowing all New Scots to rebuild their lives safely and securely thereby reducing the risk of poverty

External Affairs Secretary Angus Robertson said: “Scotland has a long history of welcoming people of all nationalities and faiths, including those seeking refuge from war and persecution.

“While continuing to support all refugees and people seeking asylum, in recent years we have seen two large scale resettlement efforts from Afghanistan and Ukraine, with over 20,000 displaced people from Ukraine alone arriving in Scotland since February 2022 and we have had to move quickly to get people the support they need to settle into their new communities.

“The Scottish Government and our New Scots partners are committed to supporting the integration of refugees and people seeking asylum into our communities and providing the safety and security they need as they begin to rebuild their lives.

“Our compassionate approach to support refugees and people seeking asylum living in Scotland is clear and this vital funding will ensure work can continue to refresh the New Scots strategy to take account of the significant changes in recent years and ensure any key learning is reflected.”

COSLA Community and Wellbeing Spokesperson Councillor Maureen Chalmers said: ““COSLA is really pleased to continue to work with partners to build on the previous work of the New Scots Refugee Integration Delivery Project, to ensure there is a robust and responsive strategy to support all communities seeking protection in Scotland. Local authorities play a key role in integration and supporting their communities, including refugees and asylum seekers.

“This funding therefore gives a much needed boost to integration work and in particular the areas of employment and language, as well as supporting the development of the next New Scots Strategy.”

Scottish Refugee Council CEO Sabir Zazi said: “Successful, well integrated communities need support, both for the individuals seeking safety in Scotland and the local areas receiving them.

“We’re particularly pleased to see funding in place to boost English language support and to help people back into employment. These are two areas that are crucial to integration, both for the individuals and families affected and the communities receiving them.”

UNESCO Chair for Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts at the University of Glasgow Alison Phipps said: “At this critical time for those who have sought refuge and asylum in Scotland the successful securing of extended funds for ESOL and Employability projects is greatly needed.

“This builds on the success of the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy as a world leading internationally acclaimed partnership, built on human rights that allows us to make confident steps towards the launch, by the New Scots Partnership, of a refreshed New Scots strategy.”

the New Scots refugee integration strategy

‘Continued improvement’ in A & E performance as winter pressures ease

Resilience committee holds further meeting

The Scottish Government’s resilience committee (SGoRR) met again yesterday to discuss the challenges facing health and social care this winter.

Chaired by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, the meeting focussed on hospital occupancy, and the measures being taken to reduce levels of delayed discharge and find care placements and packages for those clinically fit to leave hospital.

The most recent A&E statistics have shown a continued improvement in performance, with 70.1% of people being admitted, transferred or discharged within four hours – the best performance since May.

Additional funding has also been made available Health and Social Care Partnerships who have the responsibility of providing care packages for those in their locality, to provide 300 interim care home beds for people who no longer need to be in hospital. So far, 162 people have entered interim care facilities paid for using this additional funding.

The SGoRR meeting was also attended by the Health Secretary, other cabinet ministers, the Chief Medical Officer and senior representatives from NHS boards, COSLA, Integration Joint Boards and the Scottish Ambulance Service.

The First Minister said: “The continued improvement in A&E performance is something to be welcomed, but there is still much work being done on safely freeing up hospital capacity and easing pressures elsewhere in the system. That is why we are continuing to pursue a range of measures to enable people to leave hospital as soon as possible when it is clinically safe for them to do so.

“We remain indebted to the health and social care staff in all parts of Scotland who have continued to do an outstanding job, despite the extra challenges that winter has presented.”

Figures showing the uptake of additional interim care placements and the total number of people in interim care placements.

Education: COSLA seeks urgent talks with Scottish Government following emergency meeting

A COSLA Spokesperson said: “Following an emergency meeting of Leaders today (Friday) Council Leaders have agreed that COSLA approach the Scottish Government seeking urgent further discussions around their expectations for education. There was agreement that Scottish Government expectations cannot be met unless additional necessary resources are provided.

“Council Leaders re-emphasised their great disappointment with the approach taken by Scottish Government on this matter which is neither in the spirit of partnership working nor recognises councils’ legitimate authority to make decisions on the services they deliver on behalf of their local communities.”

“A mandate has been provided to open discussions to consider how the government’s priorities might be delivered, including considerations on the flexibilities and the overall quantum of funding in the Local Government settlement and establish a shared understanding of the best path forward, to achieve our shared objective of closing the attainment gap and maintaining other vital local services.”

“Leaders remain committed to improving attainment and closing the poverty related attainment gap and achieving the best outcomes possible for all young people. Local Government has made good progress in the last few years and have seen the biggest ever decrease in the gap. 

Leaders acknowledge this is down to the partnership working between local and central government pulling together for a shared outcome, which always provides the best opportunity to achieve our ambitions in difficult circumstances.”

The Salaries Committee of the EIS has highlighted that the First Minister has it within her power to bring an end to the current dispute over teacher pay.

This follows a question at First Minister’s Questions in Parliament, where the First Minister said that she “very much hoped” that a resolution to the pay dispute could be reached “soon”.

Commenting following a meeting of the EIS Salaries Committee on Thursday afternoon, where the ongoing dispute over pay dominated the agenda, EIS Salaries Convener Des Morris said, “While the EIS Salaries Committee very much shares the First Minister’s ‘hope’ that a resolution to the pay dispute can be reached ‘soon’, we would also point out that the ability to settle the dispute is very much within the First Minister’s power.

“The only thing that will settle this dispute is an improved offer to Scotland’s teachers, one that is both fair and affordable to them, which will involve additional new money from the Scottish Government.

“This is what was done to settle disputes with other local government workers. It is the First Minister who has ultimate control over the purse strings so, if she wishes this dispute to be settled soon, the First Minister should authorise the Cabinet Secretary and her officials to release the comparatively modest additional funding needed to end this dispute.”

Mr Morris continued, “The truth is, that little or no progress has been made towards an agreement for several months. There are currently no further pay negotiations scheduled within the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT).

“Negotiating meetings through the SNCT have become profoundly frustrating affairs, as Scottish Government negotiators are coming into talks with their hands effectively tied and with no additional money to offer. We have been extremely clear that the current 5% offer on the table – which was itself simply a repackaging of a previously rejected 5% offer – will not be accepted by Scotland’s teachers.

“We have now rejected sub-inflationary 5% offers twice, and underlined this rejection through three days of strike action by most EIS members, so only a fresh offer which is good enough to put to our members for consideration can hope to halt strike action in our schools.”

Mr Morris added, “As ever, the EIS remains ready and willing to re-enter discussions with the Scottish Government and Scottish local authorities to discuss a new pay offer for teachers.

“We are not, however, willing to continue discussing the same offer that has now been rejected by teachers twice. The Scottish Government and COSLA must come up with an improved offer to allow pay discussions to progress towards an agreement that genuinely reflects both the soaring cost of living and the value of Scotland’s teachers.”

SNP MSP Gordon Macdonald welcomes £50 boost to around 27,500 households in Edinburgh

Edinburgh Pentlands MSP Gordon Macdonald has welcomed the news that around 27,500 households across Edinburgh will receive an automatic £50 from the Scottish Government’s new Winter Heating Payment in the coming few weeks regardless of the weather conditions.

The new payment replaces the Cold Weather Payment – a Westminster benefit administered by the DWP – that only paid out when the temperature in Edinburgh fell far enough for an extended period.

This meant many areas across Scotland missed out on any help at all from one year to the next because it was just not cold enough for long enough.

In contrast, the new £50 Scottish payment is guaranteed to be paid to every eligible household regardless of what the weather is like.

Earlier this week, the SNP Scottish Government received the data needed from the DWP to identify everyone in Scotland who is eligible. That data is now going through a quality assurance process to make sure all payments are paid safely and securely.

And the money will be delivered to eligible households later this month and next.

Commenting Mr Macdonald said: “This really is a massive improvement for around 27,500 hard-pressed households across Edinburgh.

“We have replaced the old Westminster payment – which only paid out when the temperature plunged for a sustained period – with a new Scottish payment that is reliable because it is guaranteed every year and does not depend on the temperature turning Baltic.

“It means those in need will get the much-needed extra cash this month or next without having to shiver away at home while hoping the weather stays cold long enough to trigger a payment.

“Last winter, no cold weather payments were made across whole swathes of the country. In total, only 11,000 people in the whole of the country received the cash from Westminster. This year, because of the SNP Scottish Government, around 27,500 households across Edinburgh alone will get an extra £50 to help with the Tory cost-of-living crisis.

“And the total amount paid out by Westminster also varied enormously from year to year. Between 2015 and 2022, an average of only £8.3million was given out in Scotland to an average of 185,000 households.

“The new Scottish benefit will see £20million put into the pockets of 415,000 households in the next few weeks.

“That means around 27,500 households in Edinburgh are guaranteed to receive £50 to help with their bills – regardless of how cold it is.”

Culture minister announces £200k boost for public libraries as project grants awarded

Public libraries across Scotland have been awarded funding to support a series of trailblazing projects, as part of the 2022/23 Public Library Improvement Fund (PLIF).

Announcing the initiatives receiving Scottish Government grants during a visit to Danderhall Library, Culture Minister Neil Gray took the opportunity to highlight the role libraries play in closing the attainment gap, reducing social exclusion and promoting equality of opportunity and reading.

The Scottish Library and Information Council (SLIC), which distributes funding on behalf of the Scottish Government, selected eight initiatives to receive grants from the 2022/23 PLIF, supporting sustainable development and innovation within Scotland’s public libraries.

Culture Minister Neil Gray said: “Public libraries are at the heart of our communities and this year’s awards will go towards a range of projects to further enhance the services they provide.

“I’m also pleased to see that many of the eight projects receiving a share of the £200,000 from the Scottish Government funded Public Libraries Improvement Fund will be delivering their programmes in partnership with other organisations.” 

Joining children from Danderhall Primary School for a storytelling session, Mr Gray spoke about Every Child a Library Member – a new drive to encourage parents across Scotland to introduce children to reading and library use from an early age, while highlighting some of the initiatives underway at public libraries across Scotland.

Available to all public library services in Scotland, PLIF priority was given to applications which support the strategic aims set out in Forward: Scotland’s Public Library Strategy 2021-2025, focusing on ‘People, Place and Partnership’, including an additional support needs training programme in Aberdeen and the creation of ‘Live Well Health’ information hubs across Glasgow.

Other initiatives awarded grants aim to combat social isolation, bridge the digital divide, help close the attainment gap and mitigate the impact of the cost-of-living crisis:

  • Aberdeen City: Building Bridges, Overcoming Barriers
  • Angus: Using the Mobile Library to Grow Community Library Services
  • East Ayrshire: On the Road to Digital Success
  • Glasgow: Live Well Health Information Hubs
  • Glasgow: Connect, Engage, Retain
  • Moray: Digi Bytes and Takeaways
  • North Ayrshire: Off the Page
  • Orkney: Sensory Exploration in Orkney

Pamela Tulloch, chief executive of SLIC, said: “The Public Library Improvement Fund allows services across Scotland to enhance their offering to provide support which benefits the communities they operate in most.

“It allows libraries to lead the way in enriching the sector’s offering and with people, place and partnership at the heart of this innovation, the advantages of library use for people of all ages has never been more clear. And that’s why we’re supporting library use from as early an age as possible with ECALM.”

ECALM is focused on embedding a delivery pathway for library membership at key stages throughout early childhood – birth registration, nursery, and primary school enrolment – to support improved language, literacy and social skills while ensuring that every child in Scotland has access to the valuable learning resources available in public libraries.

For more information on the Public Library Improvement Fund (PLIF), visit: and to find out more about ECALM, visit

PICTURES: Lesley Martin

Reducing emissions from waste

Keeping plastic out of incinerators will help meet climate targets

Stopping plastics from being incinerated is one of the key recommendations of an independent review of decarbonising the treatment of residual waste.

The report follows last year’s independent review of the role of incineration in Scotland, which recommended placing a cap on future capacity and led to Ministers putting restrictions on the development of further incinerators.

Report author Dr Colin Church has made several new recommendations to reduce the carbon impact of residual (or ‘black bag’) waste treatment infrastructure, including stopping plastic from being incinerated in Scotland.

In addition, he has recommended:

  • taking forward policies to reduce plastic production and use
  • promoting source segregation of all plastics, and implementing advanced sorting to remove plastics from black bag waste
  • using the heat from incinerators where possible, for example for homes and businesses

Dr Colin Church said: “Incineration remains a more climate-friendly method of managing residual waste than traditional landfill, and more practical than any other currently available approach.

However, without further action, this advantage will erode over a relatively short time. That is why my second report sets out a series of recommendations to improve the carbon impact of residual waste treatment, of which the most urgent and potentially most impactful is the cessation this decade of the incineration of plastic.”

Circular Economy Minister Lorna Slater said: “I would like to thank Dr Church for this report, which will make an important contribution to ensuring that the management of residual waste in Scotland aligns with our greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.

“Of course, the best way to reduce harmful emissions from our waste is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. That is why we have already banned many of the most problematic single-use plastic products and will soon be presenting a draft Circular Economy Bill to parliament. This will establish the legislative framework to support Scotland’s transition to a zero waste and circular economy.”

Environmental campaigners have welcomed the recommendation that incineration of plastics must end by 2030 in Scotland. The call came as part of an independent review commissioned by the Scottish Government into reducing the climate impact of the country’s incineration problem.

The review makes several recommendations including:

  • the burning of plastic should end by 2030
  • operators should try to include to deploy combined heat and power with incinerators
  • incinerators with potential for carbon capture should be prioritised and the Government should offer more support for carbon capture technology.     

No Scottish incinerators have functioning combined heat and power plants yet despite this being a requirement within 7 years of being granted a permit by SEPA. The end of plastic burning will significantly reduce the carbon produced from incinerators, thereby reducing the need for expensive and risky carbon capture. Campaigners say that other carbon-based waste, such as food, paper and wood waste, should be recycled.

Campaigners previously welcomed the move by the Scottish Government to implement a moratorium on planning permission for new incinerators, following the first report from Dr Colin Church, but say a clear exit strategy from incineration is still needed.

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s Circular Economy Campaigner Kim Pratt said: “Plastics are fossil fuels, so burning them cannot be part of a zero carbon future. That’s why the key recommendation of this review, to ban the burning of plastic by 2030, must be supported and immediately acted on by the Scottish Government.

“Instead of setting out a clear phase out plan, the review suggests incinerators can be made more sustainable by increasing the amount of heat they provide. We know that generating heat from incinerators emits even more climate changing emissions than gas boilers so following this path will ultimately compromise Scotland’s chance of creating a zero carbon, circular economy.

“Once fossil-based plastics are banned from incinerators, their emissions will plummet. Deploying risky and expensive techno-fixes like carbon capture when there are almost no emissions to capture is a waste of time and resources.

“As this review states, heat generation and carbon capture must not be used to justify new incinerators. But Scotland will have more incineration capacity than there is waste to burn by 2027, so Ministers must go further than the recommendations of this review and reduce capacity in line with our climate commitments.

“Incinerators are amongst the largest single sources of emissions so the Scottish Government must create a plan to phase out incineration, plant by plant, and as rapidly as possible if it hopes to meet its own climate targets.”

Dr Church’s report on Decarbonisation of Residual Waste Infrastructure in Scotland

Dr Church’s initial report, Stop, Sort, Burn, Bury, was published in May 2022

Deadline looms for School Age Payment

Families urged to make sure they don’t miss out

Parents and guardians who get qualifying benefits or tax credits and who have a child born between 1 March 2017 and 28 February 2018 are being urged to check whether they should apply for Best Start Grant School Age Payment as this year’s deadline approaches. 

Applications for the one-off payment of £267.65 per child, which can be used for books, bags, clothes and equipment for school, have to be submitted by midnight on the 28 February closing date. 

The Scottish Government introduced automatic payments for Early Learning Payment and School Age Payment in November 2022. Parents and guardians who get Scottish Child Payment will get School Age Payment automatically when their child reaches eligibility and within the School Age Payment window of 1 June to 28 February.

There are some people who don’t qualify for Scottish Child Payment that could be eligible for School Age Payment, including those who get housing benefit.

There may be others who choose not to apply for Scottish Child Payment who can still apply for School Age Payment. There are also parents and guardians who opted out of automatic payments so they could have more control around when they receive this money. All of these people are being urged to check if they could be due School Age Payment and to apply if they do.  

Statistics last week revealed that more than £105.8 million has been paid by Social Security Scotland in the Best Start group of payments – which also includes Pregnancy and Baby Payment and Early Learning Payment. 

Social Security Minister Ben Macpherson said: “If you have a child in the family aged five, or who turns five this month, then you could be eligible for School Age Payment. 

“We are making it easier than ever to apply but we still ask people to check and make sure they know what they are entitled to.

“The Best Start Grant payments, which include School Age Payment, were the first three of our five family payments to be introduced.

“To date we’ve provided more than £100 million across these three payments.

“Making these payments automatic, where we have the information to do so, will enable us to get this money to families at key stages in their child’s development and when they may face additional costs.”

Boosting the social care workforce 

Campaign aims to help fill vacant posts across Edinburgh 

A marketing campaign to support the recruitment of more adult social care workers in Edinburgh has launched this week, to help address the high level of vacancies in the sector.  

The campaign – titled ‘there is more to care than caring’ – will raise awareness of the career opportunities available in adult social care and encourage people to apply. Activity includes radio, outdoor and digital advertising, highlighting the important work done by adult social care workers. 

It is part of the Scottish Government’s commitment to attract more people to work in adult social care, retain existing staff and raise its status as a profession. This builds on a pay uplift for all adult social care staff which guarantees them a minimum of at least £10.90 an hour from this April. 

Social Care Minister Kevin Stewart visited Leuchie House in North Berwick yesterday to see the work it does to support people affected by stroke, multiple sclerosis and neurological conditions. 

Mr Stewart said: “Working in adult social care can be challenging but offers the opportunity to have a hugely positive impact on people’s lives on a daily basis.  

“We are increasing pay, improving terms and conditions in the sector, and developing clear career pathways for the workforce, ahead of the introduction of the National Care Service. This will lead to more rewarding roles for the existing adult social care workforce, and for new entrants to the profession. 

“This campaign highlights that while relevant experience can help, it is core interpersonal skills such as communication, compassion, empathy and respect that are most highly valued.

“If these are skills you possess then adult social care could be the career for you.” 

Community Wealth Building: Scottish Government launches consultation

Views are being sought on ground-breaking proposals to help grow local economies and ensure more money stays in the hands of communities.

The Scottish Government is consulting the public on plans for new Community Wealth Building legislation – the first of its kind in the world – as part of its wider strategy to transform Scotland’s economy.

The consultation, which launched yesterday, will run for 12 weeks and seeks community, business and wider feedback on proposals to:

  • place a legal duty on public bodies such as health authorities and local councils to use the economic levers they have – for example in sourcing goods and services – to support the transformation of local and regional economies
  • promote co-operative, social enterprise and employee-owned businesses to ensure that more wealth which is generated locally stays local
  • create fair work opportunities for local people and those who face barriers to employment
  • ensure land and property are used for the benefit of local communities, business and the environment

Community Wealth Minister Tom Arthur launched the consultation at the Red Lion Inn in Culross, Fife, a community-owned pub and key local employer which aims to reinvest its profits back into the community.

Mr Arthur said: “We want to create an economy which delivers prosperity for all of Scotland’s people and places. Community Wealth Building is about enabling people to have a stake in the wealth that their local economy generates. This is central to our plans to reform Scotland’s economy for the wellbeing of current and future generations.

“While Community Wealth Building has grown in popularity in recent years, legislation has the potential to achieve more rapid benefits for communities, helping both people to earn incomes from fair work and more locally-owned businesses to bid for public sector contracts. Money spent locally is more likely to stay in the local economy and support local jobs.

“This public consultation will inform a Community Wealth Building Bill, which we will introduce to Parliament, to achieve these aims.

“I look forward to hearing a wide range of views on how we can use this process to transform our local economies to become greener, fairer and more prosperous.” 

Fife is one of five pilot areas supported to develop Community Wealth Building action plans.

Fife Council Leader Cllr David Ross said: “We are committed to creating a fairer Fife where we grow the local economy and everyone benefits from the wealth generated within our communities.

“That’s what community wealth building is about.  In Fife, in conjunction with local partners, we are already forging ahead with ground-breaking changes to embed community wealth building so that local people, communities and businesses benefit now and into the future.   

“The pilot programme in Fife has seen us implementing progressive procurement practices that are helping local businesses to bid for public sector contracts, making sure more local people receive the living wage and rolling out innovative training and recruitment programmes to ensure people have access to quality local jobs. Our key partners are all signed up to a charter to deliver change.

“Whilst we have seen this significant progress locally, reform of legislation would provide powers for greater change, and we welcome the opportunity to help shape a future Community Wealth Building Bill.” 

Anyone who wishes to have their say on Community Wealth Building legislation can do so here: