First Minister to meet new Prime Minister in Scotland today

First Minister John Swinney will welcome new Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer to Scotland today.

Speaking ahead of the meeting, the First Minister said: “I was really pleased to have the opportunity to speak to the Prime Minister on his first day in office and to congratulate him and wish him, and his family well.

“I look forward to welcoming the Prime Minister to Scotland where I hope to have constructive discussions with him on our shared priorities for the people of Scotland. This includes eradicating child poverty, growing the economy, prioritising net zero, and ensuring effective public services. 

“I welcome the Prime Minister’s commitment to forge a positive relationship between our governments and for our part, the Scottish Government is committed to working constructively with the UK Government to build a better Scotland.”

WHATEVER your political allegiances. the relationship between the two governments is crucial to the people of Scotland. I’d like to think it will be more constructive than it has been in the recent past – Ed.

Improving gender identity healthcare

Implications of the Cass Review for Scotland

A multi-disciplinary team established to consider how the recommendations in the Cass Review might apply to NHS services in Scotland has submitted its findings to the Scottish Parliament.

A senior clinical team, commissioned by the Chief Medical Officer for Scotland, considered all 32 recommendations of the Cass Review into Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People in NHS England.

The team assessed to what extent they were applicable in the Scottish context, and whether they could be implemented in Scotland’s health service.

Recommendations of the multi-disciplinary team included:

  • a lead senior clinician, preferably a consultant, should take overall responsibility for each young person’s care
  • each care plan should include a full assessment of the child’s needs, both psychological and physical 
  • as elsewhere in the UK, the use of puberty-supressing hormones – commonly referred to as puberty blockers – should be paused until further clinical trials can be undertaken. NHS Scotland will continue to engage in the forthcoming UK study
  • work to design a regional service for children and young people should begin immediately, and services should ultimately be provided as locally as possible, based in children’s health services, with strong links between secondary and specialist services.

The conclusions of the report will now be considered by the Scottish Government – both in relation to how current services should be delivered to ensure service continuity, as well as on how these services should be commissioned in the future to ensure sustainable person-centred care.  

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Professor Graham Ellis said: “The Cass Review was established to make recommendations on how to improve NHS England gender identity services for children and young people. Through this review we have aimed to set out which recommendations could apply to Scotland, and how they might be implemented.

“At the heart of this question are children and young people in distress, and our ambition must remain focused on meeting their needs with holistic, person-centred care as close to home as practical.

“The Cass Review identified the need to ensure that gender identity services for young people are more closely aligned with other areas of clinical practice, and that responsibility for the full range of services required should extend beyond specialist services. This will be essential as we seek to always provide the best possible care.

“In responding to the Cass Review, the multi-disciplinary team looked at the recommendations from a clinical perspective, always remembering that we have a responsibility to make sure that all children and young people grow up safe, respected and supported.”

Health Secretary Neil Gray said: “The Scottish Government welcomes the multi-disciplinary team’s report, which has carefully considered the Cass Review’s recommendations and how they apply to Scotland.

“The conclusions of the report will now be considered and used to improve gender identity healthcare for children and young people. The Scottish Government will update Parliament after summer recess. 

“We remain absolutely committed, not just to ensuring ongoing support is available, but to reforming and improving gender identity healthcare across Scotland.”

Cass Review – Implications for Scotland – letter from Chief Medical Officer Professor Sir Gregor Smith to Convener of the Health, Social Care & Sport Committee.

Cass Review – Implications for Scotland report

Scottish government are ‘duty-bound’ to end corridor care and A&E overcrowding

This is the response from The Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) Scotland as the latest Emergency Department performance data reveals that one in every nine people waited eight hours or more to be seen in A&E last month.

Data released yesterday – Tuesday 2 July 2024, by Public Health Scotland shows in Scottish A&Es in May – one in three patients waited four hours or more, one in nine waited eight hours or more, and one in 21 waited 12 hours or more.

The data also shows long waits have increased significantly since the 2010s.

Since May 2017, for example, the numbers waiting four hours or more has increased by nearly five times, eight hours or more by 21 times, and 12 hours or more by 89 times. Despite attendance only increasing by 0.5% in the same period.

The figures come just weeks after RCEM revealed the shocking reality of A&E overcrowding in the country with figures showing half of Emergency Departments were having to treat people in corridors.

A situation for which the First Minister John Swinney had to offer an ‘unreserved apology’ during First Minister’s Questions on 20 June.

Dr John-Paul Loughrey, RCEM Vice President for Scotland said: “It is right that the First Minister has apologised to people who have been forced to withstand treatment in corridors.

“It is unbearable for the people experiencing this loss of dignity at an already difficult time, and for the medical practitioners caring for them in impossible conditions.

“The data clearly shows that extended A&E waiting times due to overcrowding is not a new issue. It is sadly what A&E staff have come to expect.

“We once again call on the Scottish Government to take action to prevent overcrowding in Emergency Departments and the subsequent need to treat people in corridors by increasing the number of hospital beds and improving social care options so people can leave hospital when they are ready.

“I, personally, am growing weary of the inaction to rectify these longstanding issues and the resulting harms.”

“The government is duty-bound to provide the people of Scotland with safe and dignified emergency care, and now is the time to do so.”

Fairer Funding for Voluntary Sector: Little progress one year on

In April 2023 the Scottish Government committed to fairer funding by 2026. Despite the urgent need within the voluntary and charity sector – one year on there has been little progress.

SCVO’s SHEGHLEY OGILVIE sets out #SCVOPolicy on #FairFunding and what actions are needed:

Last month, after a discussion a few weeks ago with the Clerks of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee, SCVO received the very welcome news that the Committee would focus their Pre-budget scrutiny on voluntary sector funding.

The Committee want, “to examine how the Scottish Government’s approach to fair and efficient funding can contribute to the continued effectiveness of the third sector”, having heard about the funding challenges facing the sector.

SCVO encourage organisations across the sector to respond to the Committee, share experiences of good and bad practice, and support SCVO’s Fair Funding calls.

The inquiry is very much needed.

For almost a decade, the Scottish Government has recognised the need for multi-year funding, committing to longer-term funding for the voluntary sector across multiple government strategies.

In April 2023 the Scottish Government’s policy prospectus New leadership – A fresh start, the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP committed to achieving fairer funding by 2026:

“Working with my Cabinet colleagues, I commit that by 2026 I will have… Progressed Fairer Funding arrangements, including exploring options to implement multi-year funding deals, enabling the third sector to secure the resilience and capacity it needs to support the transformation and delivery of person-centred services for Scotland’s people and support our thriving social enterprise economy”. 

A commitment welcomed by SCVO and organisations across the sector. Similar commitments followed in the Programme for Government (PfG) and the Scottish Budget.

Despite this renewed focus – and the urgent need within the sector- one year on from the policy prospectus, there has been little progress.

Our sector faces unprecedented challenges. Years of underfunding and poor funding practices, and crises such as the pandemic, and the cost-of-living crisis have put the sector under increasing pressure, exacerbating financial and operational challenges – 76% of organisations now experience financial challenges, while the number of organisations reporting that rising costs are having a negative impact on their ability to deliver services continues to grow.

To support voluntary organisations, our staff and volunteers, and the people and communities our sector works with, the Scottish Government must both take action and develop timelines and goals to monitor progress towards fairer funding.

SCVO defines Fair Funding as a long-term, flexible, sustainable, and accessible approach to funding.

To make meaningful progress towards Fair Funding the Scottish Government should:

  • Commit to a longer-term funding model for the voluntary sector across all Scottish Government departments. 
  •  Define multi-year funding for voluntary organisations as a three-year minimum commitment. 
  • Record progress by collecting and publishing what proportion of grants and contracts are delivered on a multi-year basis and accommodate other essential Fair Funding elements. 

To be meaningful and support a sustainable sector, multi-year funding must also recognise and incorporate other essential Fair Funding elements including: 

  •  Flexible, unrestricted core funding 
  •  Inflation-based uplifts 
  • Timely notification and payments
  • Full costs recovery, which includes core operating costs. 

As local councils fund far more voluntary organisations than Scottish government- between a quarter and a third of voluntary organisations receive funding from local authorities- mulit-year funding should also be provided to local authorities, to allow them to enter into multi-year agreements with voluntary organisations. 

Our sector is an employer, a partner, and a vital social and economic actor central to delivering the Scottish Government’s aspirations.

To recognise and support the many contributions of voluntary organisations, their staff, and their volunteers across Scotland urgent progress is needed or the goal of achieving fairer funding by 2026 becomes increasingly unlikely.

As part of the Committee’s Pre-budget scrutiny inquiry the Committee will hold two workshops in Dundee on Wednesday the 21st of August for voluntary organisations who receive funding from statutory funders (such as Scottish Government, health boards, local authorities).

To register your interest contact:

Find out more about SCVO’s Fair Funding work here:

Find SCVO’s engagement with the Scottish Budget process here:

Committee seek views on proposed amendments to the National Care Service Bill

A Holyrood Committee is seeking views on substantial amendments the Scottish Government is proposing to make to the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill.

The Health, Social Care and Sport Committee backed the Bill at Stage 1 (by a majority) but made clear they would seek to carry out detailed further scrutiny of the proposals at Stage 2. This followed the conclusion of a consensus agreement between COSLA and the Scottish Government on shared legal accountability for governance of the proposed National Care Service, which the Scottish Government had indicated would require the Bill to be substantially amended.

Maree Todd, Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport, has now provided the Committee with draft Scottish Government amendments to the Bill and the Committee is keen to find out views on these proposed amendments, ahead of formal Stage 2 proceedings.

One of the key proposed changes to the Bill which the Committee is seeking views on is the creation of a National Care Service Board which would be responsible for national oversight and improvement of social care and social work services.

The Committee is also seeking views on a newly proposed ‘National Care Service strategy’ and substantial reform of integration authorities via amendment of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014.

In a letter to the Committee, the Minister outlines four areas where she says, ‘further work is needed to confirm which legislative approach would best deliver the intended changes.’ These include direct funding, the inclusion of children’s services, the inclusion of justice social work and Anne’s Law, and the Committee is asking for views on each of these areas.

Clare Haughey MSP, Convener of the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee, said: “When a majority of our Committee backed the general principles of this Bill, we made clear we would need to carry out detailed further scrutiny at Stage 2.

“Now the Government has provided a package of proposed draft amendments, we are determined to make sure stakeholder organisations and the public are given an opportunity to comment on these proposed changes.

“Since this Bill was first introduced as a ‘framework Bill’, many of the original proposals have changed. These amendments represent some quite fundamental changes, including the introduction of a National Care Service Board and far-reaching reforms to integration authorities through amendment of the 2014 Public Bodies Act.

“That’s why it’s essential our Committee takes the time to scrutinise these proposals effectively. After we have considered the views received, we intend to take further oral evidence before formal Stage 2 proceedings.

“The evidence we gather will be vital to aid our Committee’s scrutiny of these proposals, and to inform individual Members as they prepare their own Stage 2 amendments to the Bill. We look forward to hearing your views.”

The call for views is open until Friday 30 August 2024.

 Let the Committee know your views

Consultation on crofting reform

Public to help shape plans

People across Scotland are being invited to have a say on how crofting is reformed. A programme of meetings will take place from 3 July to 15 August, stretching from Oban to Shetland.

The consultation, which runs until 2 September 2024, seeks views on a range of proposals for crofting reform. These will help to create opportunities for new entrants, encourage the active management and use of crofts and common grazings, and support rural population.

The crofting system must support effective and sustainable land use.

The consultation seeks the public’s views on proposals on:

  • entry to crofting
  • crofting communities
  • use of common grazings
  • strengthening residency and land use
  • enhanced Crofting Commission powers
  • simplifying crofting

Agriculture Minister Jim Fairlie said: “Crofting has a special place in the cultural heritage of Scotland, and we want it to play its part in our future too.

“We want to ensure that legislation enables and supports the sustainability of crofting, crofters and crofting communities, while allowing for modernisation, innovation, diversification and adaptation to help meet today’s and tomorrow’s climate and environmental challenges.

“Crofting’s place in agriculture and food production will remain at the heart of the system, but alongside these we now see crofting playing an increasing role in tourism, renewable energy generation, forestry, peatland restoration, beekeeping and small-scale horticulture production.

“The consultation proposals range from relatively small technical changes to significant innovations and I would encourage everyone with an interest to respond to the consultation or come to one of the meetings if they are able.”

View the consultation online and view event information: Crofting consultation 2024 – Scottish Government consultations – Citizen Space 

Booking is not required. All events 19:00-21:00, except Tiree (17:00-19:00).

  • 3 July – Kingsmills Hotel, Inverness IV2 3LP
  • 4 July – The Park Hotel, Thurso KW14 8RE
  • 9 July – Macphail Centre, Ullapool IV26 2UN
  • 11 July – Kinlochbervie Village Hall IV27 4RG
  • 17 July – Portree Community Centre, Skye IV51 9BW
  • 18 July – Lairg Community Centre IV27 4DD
  • 22 July – Mid-Yell Hall, Yell ZE2 9BN
  • 23 July – Mareel, Lerwick ZE1 0WQ
  • 29 July – Spean Bridge Community Centre (Village Hall) PH34 4EZ
  • 30 July – Muthu Hotel, Oban PA34 5PZ
  • 31 July – An Talla, Tiree PA77 6UP
  • 12 August – Caladh Inn, Stornoway HS1 2QN
  • 13 August – Talla Na Mara, Harris HS3 3AE
  • 14 August – An Caladh, Balivanich, Benbecula HS7 5LA
  • 15 August – Barra Learning Centre, Castlebay HS9 5XD

Updates to short-term lets licensing scheme approved

Technical changes passed by Parliament

MSPs have backed a range of technical updates to the short-term lets licensing scheme in response to engagement with accommodation operators.

Licensing was introduced in 2022 to provide assurance to guests on safety and quality, such as gas and electrical safety compliance and the suitability of hosts.

The regulations passed by the Scottish Parliament enable:

  • Licences to be transferred to a new host, such as when accommodation is sold
  • Prospective hosts building a new short-term let to apply for a provisional licence before construction is complete
  • Hosts to apply for a maximum of three licence exemptions totalling six weeks in a calendar year

Minister for Housing Paul McLennan said: “Short-term let accommodation is vital to Scotland’s tourism sector and wider economy.

“The short-term lets licensing scheme aims to protect the reputation of responsible operators and ensure the sector is regulated in line with other accommodation such as hotels and caravan parks, giving guests assurance of consistent safety standards. The technical updates to the scheme passed by Parliament were introduced in response to engagement with short-term let operators and the wider tourism industry.

“This will ensure the scheme continues to deliver quality and safety assurance for guests, whilst protecting the needs of local communities.”

CEO of the UK Short Term Accommodation Association Andy Fenner said: “Scotland’s holiday let industry brings in revenue for all kinds of businesses in communities not served by traditional hospitality, and makes the country an attractive destination for the millions of overseas visitors that come every year.

“Improvements, such as the ability to transfer licences and greater flexibility around temporary exemptions should assist in providing more certainty to those who rely on income from tourism.

“We have been working with the Scottish Government on these changes over the past year and appreciate its collaborative and pragmatic approach to addressing feedback.

“We are encouraged by the Government’s commitment to addressing other issues related to the scheme and look forward to working together on identifying further improvements which will boost the competitiveness of our sector in Scotland.”

Circular Economy Bill passed

New powers to increase reuse and recycling rates

Legislation giving Ministers and local authorities the tools needed to increase reuse and recycling rates, as well as modernise and improve waste and recycling services, has been passed.

The Circular Economy Bill will give Ministers the powers to:

  • set local recycling targets, building on the experience of Wales, which has the best recycling rate in the UK
  • set statutory targets for delivery of a circular economy to measure progress in transforming the economy
  • restrict the disposal of unsold consumer goods, to prevent good products ending up in landfill
  • place charges on single-use items like disposable cups to encourage the move to reusable alternatives
  • give local authorities additional enforcement powers, allowing them to crack down on flytipping and littering from cars.

The measures will be underpinned by support and investment, building on the investments already made through the £70 million Recycling Improvement Fund.

Minister for Climate Action Gillian Martin said: “There are huge opportunities in having an economy which makes reuse and recycling the default choice for Scottish households, businesses and the public sector.

“We have already seen businesses creating jobs by turning what we might otherwise throw away into valuable new products and services.

“The measures in the Circular Economy Bill will give local Councils and the Scottish Government the powers needed to support the sustainable use of resources and cut greenhouse gas emissions.

“For people to do the right thing for the planet, it is crucial that everyone experiences a modern, easy to use waste service.

“We will continue to work with local authorities and householders to co-design how these powers are implemented to take account of different circumstances and needs on our journey towards a truly circular economy.”

Progressing post-school reform

A consultation on simplifying funding for universities, colleges and apprenticeships, as well as student support, has opened for views.

Currently, funding is provided by Skills Development Scotland (SDS), the Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS), and the Scottish Funding Council (SFC).

In December, the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Graeme Dey, announced this will be streamlined to help enhance support for young people as part of the ongoing reform programme across the sector.

Yesterday, two options for change were set out:

  • one would see all student support funding delivered through SAAS, including responsibility for further education student support which is currently with colleges and SFC. Responsibility for national training programmes, including apprenticeships, would move to SFC and away from SDS.
  • the other option would see the SFC become the single funding body responsible for student support funding, as well as funding for all national training programmes, including apprenticeships – effectively creating a single funding body for post-school education, research and skills

Work will now be taken forward in consultation with the bodies affected and wider stakeholders, with changes expected for the 2026-27 academic year.

Mr Dey said: “More than £3 billion a year is invested across Scotland’s post-school system. This enables around 500,000 people in any given year to pursue opportunities at colleges and universities, with free tuition benefiting 120,000 students.

“Over the past decade the funding system has become increasingly fragmented with multiple bodies involved in different aspects of provision.

“We are facing the most challenging public spending climate since devolution, and it is vital that investment delivers the greatest impact to support learners. To do that, we must reduce complexities and the options being set out today are an important step towards this.”

Thousands more carers now able to apply for benefit

Carers urged to apply now and get money they’re entitled to

Thousands of unpaid carers in Scotland can apply for a new benefit from today. Carer Support Payment, the replacement for Carer’s Allowance, is now available in Angus and North and South Lanarkshire.

Carers living in these areas are the first to be able to apply for Carer Support Payment since it was introduced in the pilot areas of Perth & Kinross, Dundee City and Na h-Eileanan Siar (Western Isles) in November 2023.

New rules that come into effect today also mean the benefit, paid by Social Security Scotland, is available to more student carers.

Since its introduction, the benefit has been available to carers aged 16-19 in full-time “advanced” education, carers over 20 in full-time education at any level, as well as carers in part-time education.

However, from today, some 16-19-year-old carers in full-time “non-advanced” education, such as school, are also eligible for Carer Support Payment.

In addition, some carers – mostly full-time students – can now have their benefit payments backdated to when Carer Support Payment was first introduced.

The benefit will be rolled out to more local authorities in the next few months and will be available in all of Scotland from 4 November.

Carers who live in areas where Carer Support Payment is not yet available are urged to apply for Carer’s Allowance to make sure they don’t miss out on support.

Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Shirley-Anne Somerville, said: “I’m delighted that more carers in Scotland can now get Carer Support Payment and I urge every carer who is eligible for the benefit to apply as soon as possible.

“I also encourage anyone who thinks they might be eligible to check if they can apply. This includes students studying full-time who are not eligible for Carer’s Allowance.

“The work unpaid carers do is invaluable and I want every carer to get the money they are entitled to.”

Keira Carruthers, 18, will be one of those applying for Carer Support Payment. The Blantyre woman, who has been looking after her dad since she was 13, is due to start an HNC in August.

She said: “People really underestimate how hard it is to be a young carer. Caring for my dad can be difficult if he’s down with an illness or having a bad day.

“Sometimes it’s full-blown medical issues but other days it’s keeping him company and keeping him occupied. Being a young carer while balancing my studies is a full-time job.

“It’s really important that young people, who look after someone, get support while they’re studying. I’ll definitely be applying for Carer Support Payment.”

Carer Support Payment opens for new applications today, 24 June, in Angus, North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire.

From 19 August, it will be available in Fife, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Moray, and North, East and South Ayrshire.

It will be available in the rest of Scotland from 4 November.

Carers can use the postcode checker to see if Carer Support Payment is available in their area.

Carers can also find out more, and apply at