Police seek smash and grab thieves

£18,000 Rolex taken in raid

pawnTwo thieves who smashed a pawn shop window to steal an £18,000 watch from its display are being sought by police.

The raid on Duncanson & Edwards pawnbrokers and jewellers, on the corner of Queen Street and Frederick Street, happened at 4.45pm on Monday afternoon.

Staff were inside the shop when the window was smashed but no-one was injured during the incident.

The stolen watch was a Rolex yacht master II 18ct, in white gold.

The two men, thought to be in their 20s, ran off in the direction of Queen Street Gardens West.

The first thief is described as white, of slim build and between 5ft 10ins and 6ft 2ins tall. He was wearing dark/navy cotton tracksuit bottoms, a dark waist-length jacket and a dark beanie hat with a white horizontal line/motif.

The second thief was white, of slim build, about 5ft 10ins to 6ft 2ins tall, with short dark hair, dark beard with thin dark eyebrows, brown eyes and a round face.

If you think you may have witnesses the robbery or have  any information call Police Scotland on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.



Police seek witnesses to Ferry Road petrol station robbery

BP Ferry RoadPolice are appealing for witnesses following an armed robbery at a petrol station on Ferry Road last night.

The incident occurred at around 10pm when a man entered the premises brandishing a handgun. He threatened the lone member of staff and left with three-figure amount of cash.

The man left on foot, travelling towards Ferry Road. However it unknown what direction he traveled along Ferry Road. The member of staff was not injured as a result of the robbery. Police are now eager to trace the male suspect who was responsible for the incident.

He is described as a white man, aged between 35 and 45-years-old. He has a slim build and a ginger/greying goatee and moustache. 

He was wearing a black-hooded top, blue jeans, a brown ¾ length jacket and tab ankle boots. He may have possibly been wearing a grey checked scarf and black gloves and have been carrying a brown leather bag.

Detective Inspector Grant Johnston said:”Thankfully the member of staff was uninjured during this incident, however this was an we are keen to trace the suspect as soon as possible.

“We would ask members of the public to get in touch if they remember seeing anything they believe was connected to the incident in or around the Ferry Road area last night.

“Anyone who can help us identify the man responsible for this robbery is also asked to contact police immediately.”

Those with information can contact Police Scotland on 101 or alternatively, the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Three sought following Iceland robbery

Police probe possible link with robbery at nearby Gregg’s


Police in Edinburgh have launched an investigation after three men robbed a supermarket in Granton on Wednesday afternoon (10 December).

The incident happened at Iceland on West Granton Road around 5.15pm, when the first suspect approached the till with an item to buy. He indicated to the two other suspects, and one of these men reached over and grabbed a three-figure sum of cash from the till.

The three suspects ran from the store in the direction of West Granton Road.

This incident comes after a similar robbery at Gregg’s Bakery on Crewe Road North on Tuesday, around 3pm, which may be linked.

All three suspects are described as white, and around 26 to 27 years old.

The first suspect is described as 5ft 10 in tall, stocky build, wearing a dark coloured hoody, black scarf over his lower face, dark joggers, and white Nike trainers.

The second suspect is described as slim build and wearing a dark hoody, with grey hoody underneath, grey joggers, blue sandshoes.

The third suspect, who took the cash from the till, is described as slim build, gaunt face, and wearing a dark coloured hoody with hood up and grey hoody underneath, dark joggers, light coloured trainers.

Detective Sergeant Lynsey Thomson said: “This robbery was distressing for those who were in the supermarket at the time, and we are keen to hear from anyone who was on West Granton Road around 5.15pm who may have information that can assist. We believe there may be a connection to the robbery at Greggs bakery in Pilton on Tuesday, and if anyone recognises the description of the suspects, they are urged to contact police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

'Tis the season … for mobile phone scams

It may be the season of goodwill, but Police Scotland would like to remind the public that not everyone has goodness in their heart …


Over recent months, there has been an increase in adverts on social media selling sites advertising high price mobile phones.

This scheme requires the victim to forward their mobile phone and a sum of money, in return a new high value mobile phone will be dispatched to you.

The truth is that no mobile phone arrives and you have lost your original phone and a sum of money.

Whilst not trying to undermine the entrepreneurism of sellers, Police Scotland would like to remind the general public that although many use social selling sites safely, use caution in any transaction they intend becoming involved in and do not provide bank details or send any high value items or cash to sellers in advance.

If anyone has any information about the incident they are encouraged to contact Police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111

or online at http://www.crimestoppers-uk.org/

No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to court.

Police seek three men following cycle path robbery

Police have appealed for witnesses after a teenager was assaulted and robbed on Blackhall cycle path on Wednesday evening.

police (2)The 16 year old youth was walking home and joined the cycle path at Wester Coates Terrace when he saw three males standing at the bridge area. He was approached by the trio who then grabbed and punched him to the head and face before stealing his mobile phone and rucksack.

Officers are urging anyone who can assist with their enquiries to come forward.

The first suspect is described as white, late teens, 5ft 10ins tall with a skinny build, gaunt face and a short dark hair. He was wearing a read and white ‘snood’, dark cotton tracksuit, black gloves and spoke with a local accent.

The second and third suspects are both described as white, in their late teens, around 5ft 11ins tall with slim builds and wearing dark cotton tracksuits.

All three wore their hoods up during the robbery.

Detective Constable Chris Harding said: “The young victim was not seriously injured as a result of this incident but is understandably upset at the theft of his belongings. Anyone who remembers seeing any suspicious activity on the cycle path on Wednesday evening is asked to contact police immediately.

“I would also ask that anyone who can help us identify the suspects or who has any other information relevant to our enquiry also gets in touch. Those with information can contact Police Scotland on 101 or call the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Masked men raid family home in Crewe Road South

police (2)Police are appealing for information following an armed robbery in Crewe Road South during the night. Four armed men wearing masks broke into a house just before 2am and attacked a terrified Chinese couple and their ten-year-old son. The raiders – who spoke with Scottish accents – escaped with a four-figure-sum of cash and jewellery.

Police are carrying out inquiries in the area and have increased high-visibility patrols in Craigleith.

Detective Chief Inspector Stuart Houston, who is leading the investigation, said: “The occupants of the house were awoken in the night to four masked intruders, who threatened them with a weapon and demanded cash. This was obviously a terrifying experience for them, and we are looking for any information to help us trace those responsible.

“I would be particularly keen to trace the drivers or occupants of any vehicles that were within the area at the time of the incident.

“We don’t have a clear description of the men as they were wearing masks, but they were all wearing dark clothing, and we are working to establish further details.”

If you have any information please call Police Scotland on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Police seek Comely Bank raider

police (2)Police are looking for witnesses following a foiled raid on a wine shop in Comely Bank last Friday.

The would-be robber, who was wearing a trilby type hat, entered Appellation Wines on Comely Bank Road at around 4pm on Friday and threatened a female shop worker with a metal pole before demanding money. The woman suffered minor injuries as she managed to fight off the thief, who then ran off empty-handed.

The suspect is described as white, aged between 50 and 60, around 5ft 8ins tall with an average build and grey stubble.

If you have any information please contact the police on 101 or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

Three sought following Glenogle knifepoint robbery


Police appealing for witnesses after a 15 year old boy was robbed at knifepoint on Glenogle Road on Monday afternoon.

The incident took place around 4.45pm when the victim was walking along Glenogle Road towards Stockbridge. As he walked past Glenogle Swim Centre, he was approached by three men.

The first man presented a knife and demanded he hand over his belongings, the victim complied and handed over a quantity of money. The second suspect then lifted a pair of blue and orange Adidas trainers from the victim’s sports bag and the three men then made off towards Brandon Terrace while the victim continued on to Stockbridge.

The first suspect is white, 5ft 10in 5ft 11in, early 20s, skinny, brown shaved hair, clean shaven, black Reebok jogging bottoms, grey canvas shoes.

The second suspect is white, 5ft 9in, skinny, early 20s, black not quite shoulder length hair, acne, clean shaven, dark blue or navy Kappa tracksuit.

The third suspect is white, male, 6ft 2in, heavy build, early 20s, black neat reasonably short hair, stubble, left ear pierced without an earring, and black hoody and tracksuit bottoms.

Detective Sergeant Lynsey Thomson said: “This was an alarming incident for the victim and we are keen to trace anyone who was in the area at the time or recognises the description of the suspects.”

Anyone with information should contact Police Scotland on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Robbery at Boswall bakery

Police are investigating a robbery of Gregg’s bakery on Boswall Parkway in the early hours of this morning (Tuesday 7 January.)

Just before 6am the female shop assistant arrived at the premises to open up the store by raising the shutters and unlocking the front door. The two armed males then forced there way in behind her and made demands.

They then proceeded to take an amount of cash from the premises before running off in the direction of Crewe Place. One suspect was then seen getting into a vehicle, which was lost to sight at the junction of Crewe Place and Pilton Avenue.

The first suspect is described as white, 5ft 10in, early 20s, slight build, wearing dark clothing with the hood up and a black balaclava or a scarf covering the face and wearing gloves and with a local accent.

The second suspect is described as white, early 20s, 5ft 8in, slight build, wearing a red hooded top with the hood up and dark body warmer on top, a scarf over his face up to his nose, and with a local accent.

The vehicle is described as a dark hatchback.

Detective Constable Alison Wyllie from Police Scotland said: “This was a terrifying experience for the female assistant who was opening up the shop alone and in the early hours of the morning. We ask that anyone who recognises the description of the suspect or witnessed events unfold, to contact police immediately.”

Anyone with any information should contact Police Scotland on 101 or the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

police (2)


Police seek witnesses to Craigleith assault and robbery

PoliceTapePolice are appealing for witnesses following an assault and robbery on the Inverleith cycle path this morning (Tuesday). The incident happened at around 6.40am near Craigleith Retail Park.

A 30-year-old man was walking along the cycle path behind the Sainsbury’s petrol station when two people approached him. At this time, the victim was pushed from behind before a male struck him to the face and demanded he hand over his possessions. The suspects then made off towards Ravelston with the man’s wallet and police were contacted.

Officers are now urging anyone who can assist with their enquiries to come forward.

The first suspect is described as male, white, around 30-years-old, between 5ft 9ins and 6ft tall and wearing a dark hooded top with light-coloured diagonal stripes and a badge, dark grey cotton bottoms and a black beanie hat. He spoke with an Eastern European accent.

There is no description of the second suspect.

Detective Constable Graham McIlwraith said: “The male didn’t suffer any serious injury but is obviously upset at the theft of his wallet. Despite the early time of this robbery, the area was likely to have been fairly busy with commuters and we are keen to speak with anyone who witnessed this incident. Similarly, anyone who can help us trace those responsible is also asked to get in touch.”

Those with information can contact Police Scotland on 101 or alternatively, the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
