NHS staff set to protest over pay this Saturday

My name is Claire McKenzie, I am a staff nurse working in the NHS, Scotland.  I love, love my job! It has taken me a long time to get here. 

I have always wanted to be a nurse from a very young age, but I didn’t go into nursing until I retrained in my 30’S.  My working career started when I was 16 as an office junior, living and working in Newcastle. 

When I was 19 I moved to Scotland to work on a farm as Farm Secretary after attending agricultural collage.  I have worked in various types of administrative roles, working up the ladder and my salary increased accordingly.

When I had my first child, I decided to retrain as a nurse, because I didn’t want to spend the next 40 years working in an office, regretting not fulfilling my dream of becoming a nurse.  I spent the next 4 years in higher education to gain my degree in Nursing.  I have worked up the banding levels and I am now at the top of my level, as are 47% of the nursing work force.

Working as a nurse is rewarding, but it can be punishing, both physically and mentally – I hear people comment: “you chose to become a nurse, why are you complaining?” I did choose this, but want to highlight that, in order to do my job, I need the support from other staff.

But these staff are non-existent as posts have not been filled – in Scotland, 5.6% of nursing and midwifery posts (3,607) remain vacant as per the figures provided in December 2019. 

Wards cannot afford to pay for agency staff (I would like to say at this point agency staff should not be demonised! They have their heads screwed on, knowing their worth and getting paid for it!) unless the ward is running dangerously low on nurses and clinical support staff.   

The Scottish Government’s Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act, scheduled to come into force towards the end of 2020, will place a duty on NHS and social care providers to make sure that, at all times, there are suitably qualified and competent staff working in the right numbers looking after the most vulnerable groups in our society. My question is, how?

As a work force, we are running at full throttle, doing a job of two being paid at 2010 rates but living in a world of 2020 expense.  As a work force, people are having to pick up extra hours, if you work on the bank you are taxed more because this is classed as luxury earnings – this extra money is not for luxury but for necessity! Where is the work life balance?   

When the government announced a pay rise for public sector works, I thought “Yay” recognition at last, only to be very disappointed.  Personally, I do not begrudge the pay rise announcement for others; they are entitled to it, I am however very embittered tha,t as a whole workforce, our efforts have been belittled – not by the public, as 77% support the NHS workers to get a pay rise. 

As stated, we as a workforce are being paid at 2010 rates, living in 2020 being expected to be able to survive paying for the basics.  That’s why as a workforce we are DEMANDING a pay rise, why would anybody take on further work but get paid for less? That’s right, we are the NHS! Enough is enough. 

#NHSworkersayno #NHSpay15

To highlight the disappointment, Nurses have rallied together, creating a Facebook group attracting over 70,000 members from all sectors of the NHS (without official support from the unions) and have organised demonstrations across the UK.

So far approximately 33 have been organised to coincide at 11am this Saturday (8 August 2020). 

The Edinburgh demonstration will take place outside the Scottish Parliament building in Holyrood.


Not My Prime Minister!

Rally at Scottish Parliament 2.30 – 4pm today

This government is promising to crash the UK out of the EU, sell off our NHS, Drive thousands into poverty and support the richest in society.

We the people have to send a message to this new government that they do not have the support of the people.

We are stronger, we will Rise UP, and we will unite against this hate filled and dangerous government.

Please join us at 2:30 PM today to show Boris that the people are against him!

Event hosted by Youth Rise Up and Stand Up to Racism – Scotland

March and rally to remain in the EU




A Tory Prime Minister, with no UK-wide mandate, is planning to take us all out of the European Union, without a deal, threatening our jobs, services and citizens’ rights, on 31October. Scotland voted 62% for Remain in the 2016 referendum, yet our views continue to be ignored.

Crashing out of the EU with no deal is the worst possible outcome – it could wipe £11billion off Scotland’s economy in under a year and lead to job losses of 10-25%. Jobs in the agricultural and manufacturing sectors are most at risk. Millions of EU citizens could lose their rights overnight. There will be shortages of essential drugs and food.

We will also lose sovereignty by becoming subservient to Donald Trump and without real protection from an ineffective World Trade Organisation.

We did not vote for this. The Edinburgh4Europe March and Rally on 21 September, could be our last our chance to show Boris Johnson the strength of feeling in Scotland against him and his chaotic no deal Brexit.

We demand that MPs revoke Article 50 to prevent a no deal Brexit. We must remain in the EU to preserve peace in Europe and to ensure shared action to prevent climate change.

21 September is the United Nations International Day of Peace: https://internationaldayofpeace.org/

Gather in West Parliament Square, outside St Giles Cathedral, at 2pm and march to Holyrood, where we will hear passionate speakers, including:

Joanna Cherry QC MP, SNP

Lord John Kerr, author of Art. 50

Lorna Slater, Co-Leader, Scottish Greens

Ian Murray MP, Labour

Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP, Scottish Lib Dems

Professor Tanja Bueltmann

Madeleina Kay, EU Supergirl

Cathy Wigley, Women4EU

More speakers to be added as they are confirmed …

Bring your placards and banners!

Event organised by Edinburgh for Europe, affiliated to the European Movement in Scotland. Contact ed.activists@euromovescotland.org.uk for more info or to join the Brexit resistance.



STOP THE COUP: Thousands of protesters expected to hit the streets today

  • Hundreds of thousands expected to protest in dozens of locations this Saturday
  • MPs pledge to occupy parliament as constitutional crisis intensifies
  • Mass civil disobedience and disruption on the cards
  • Over a hundred trade unionists call for strike action

Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to take part in protests this Saturday against the Boris Johnson’s move to suspend parliament and ram through his Brexit agenda. Continue reading STOP THE COUP: Thousands of protesters expected to hit the streets today

‘Brexit is based on lies’: hundreds call for People’s Vote

Hundreds of people attended a People’s Vote Let Us Be Heard rally in The Meadows yesterday. Labour MPs Jess Phillips and Ian Murray, and SNP MP Joanna Cherry were joined by a stellar line-up of comedians from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

As well as the MPs, speakers included top comics Andrew Maxwell, Grace Campbell and Fred MacAulay as well as the renowned ‘Brexit Graffiti Granny’, Hazel Jones.  Continue reading ‘Brexit is based on lies’: hundreds call for People’s Vote

People’s Vote: Let Us Be Heard rally at The Meadows this afternoon

Labour MP Jess Phillips and SNP MP Joanna Cherry will join a stellar line-up of comedians at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival for a People’s Vote ‘Let Us Be Heard’ rally in Edinburgh today.

They will be joined by top comics Andrew Maxwell, Grace Campbell and Fred MacAulay as well as the renowned ‘Graffiti Granny’, Hazel Jones. Continue reading People’s Vote: Let Us Be Heard rally at The Meadows this afternoon

HAIR: Love and Peace comes to Edinburgh

Welcome to the ‘Age of Aquarius’. It’s 1967 and HAIR’s hippie ‘tribe’ youngsters in the East Village of New York are yearning to change the world, questioning authority and the American flag. Wild, colourful, sexually liberated and free, they are united in protest and song, under the shadow of the Vietnam War. Continue reading HAIR: Love and Peace comes to Edinburgh