Bridging the gap in Scotland’s schools

Bridging the attainment gap between rich and poorer children is the focus of the Scottish Parliament’s Education Committee this year:


The progress being made by the Scottish Government in reducing the educational attainment gap will be explored by the Scottish Parliament’s Education and Culture Committee as it begins a year long piece of work on the issue.

Recent figures show a large difference between the average attainment of pupils in the most and least deprived areas. For example, only 28% of children from poorer families perform well in numeracy, compared to 56% of those from advantaged backgrounds. Children from poorer families are also more likely to leave school early and without a qualification.

The Scottish Government has recently committed to’pick up the pace’ in closing the differences in attainment between children from the most and least disadvantaged backgrounds. The Committee will monitor progress and consider how successfully this commitment is being delivered by all bodies.

Committee Convener, Stewart Maxwell MSP, said: “Ensuring that all Scotland’s children realise their educational potential is something everyone supports. But the persistent and significant differences in attainment suggest many of Scotland’s children may never fulfil their potential.

“The Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning recently made clear that raising attainment in schools is her “number one priority” and there is a great deal of work underway. We want to be clear about the progress being made and what still needs to change. The Committee will be looking for firm evidence that significant and sustainable improvement is being delivered.

“We have committed to looking at this issue over the course of 2015. We are determined to hold the Scottish Government and other bodies to account for their performance on an issue of fundamental importance to pupils and parents across the country.

“We will add further value to the debate by looking at specific issues around attainment in more depth. We intend to make a positive contribution by encouraging public discussion on ideas that could make a real difference to narrowing the gap.”

The Committee’s work on attainment will be in three parts. The first part will involve the Committee holding a series of evidence sessions to explore specific issues that have an impact on attainment:

  • a session on the implications for schools, teachers, and pupils of the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce (the ‘Wood report’);
  • followed by an evidence session looking at how parents and guardians can work with schools to raise all pupils’ attainment, particularly those whose attainment is lowest;
  • finally, the role of the third sector and the private sector in improving the attainment and achievement of all school pupils, particularly those whose attainment is lowest.

Later in 2015, the Committee will plan an inquiry into the attainment of pupils with physical disabilities. The Committee’s work will conclude by taking evidence from the Scottish Government and local authorities on the outcomes achieved by their efforts to improve attainment.

The Committee is now looking for views on the following evidence sessions:

Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce (Wood Report)

  • If the Wood report were fully implemented, what would be the likely impact on attainment in schools and which pupils would benefit most?
  • The report aims to significantly enhance vocational content “without splitting young people off into separate streams at school age”. What would be the disadvantages of such an approach and how could they be avoided?
  • Does the report – which includes a section on improving equalities – place enough emphasis on pupils’ socio-economic inequalities and how these could be overcome?

Role of parents and guardians in helping to raise attainment

  • Do schools always explain clearly to parents how children learn throughout their school years and how parents could help their development?
  • Do schools offer particular support to the parents of pupils from the most disadvantaged communities, in order to improve the attainment of those pupils?
  • Has greater parental involvement in school education through the Parental Involvement Act (2006) led to an improvement in pupil attainment?

Role of the third sector and the private sector in improving attainment and achievement for all school pupils, particularly those whose attainment is lowest

  • What is the scale of the third and private sectors’ involvement in schools, in terms of improving attainment and achievement, and what is the appropriate dividing line between their role and the role of education authorities?
  • Is the full potential of the third and private sectors in helping to improve children’s attainment and achievement being realised?
  • How successful have schools been in reporting on pupils’ wider achievements (i.e. not just examination results) such as those the third sector helps to deliver?

Barratt Homes launch festive food bank support

397_food-bank-292Barratt Homes has set up a foodbank collection point at their regional head office in Edinburgh.

The foodbank, which will operate until 19 December, has been set up in aid of Edinburgh North West and Central foodbanks, part of The Trussell Trust Network which provides food packs to people who are in crisis.

The foodbank collection point has been set up for Barratt employees, family and friends to donate urgently needed goods like coffee, UHT milk, custard, tinned meat and chocolate. The team at Edinburgh North West and Central foodbanks will make several collections from Barratt throughout December before processing the items and delivering to those that are in need.

Alison Condie, managing director Barratt East Scotland said; “With the party season commencing, we felt it was important to give something to those in need and we are delighted to support Edinburgh North West and Central foodbanks.  We’ve had a great response from employees so far and we hope to donate a significant amount of food over the festive period.”

Ewan Walker, operations manager, Edinburgh Food Project, added; “We need to receive over 4,000kg of food each month in order to meet demand and this increases by 50% in the run up to Christmas when we give out extras such as mince pies and selection boxes. We really appreciate large companies like Barratt coming on board, setting up their own collection points.  Not only does it boost food donations, but it raises awareness of our cause with employees.”

Barratt East Scotland’s foodbank collection will run until Friday 19 December.

Barratt Homes


Granton Food Bank: tons of support from Sainsburys customers



Sainsburys Blackhall would like to thank all our colleagues and customers for their support with our weekly collections of food for the Food Bank at Granton Baptist Church.

From January until the end of October Sainsbury customers have helped us distribute 9179kg (nearly 10 metric tonnes) to people and families in food crisis in this area. There were 521 visits to the Food Bank over this period.

Granton food bank said a big thank you again for Sainsburys Blackhall’s support.

Gail, Sainsburys Blackhall

Scottish government commits £100 million to welfare support

‘It is unacceptable that anyone should be living in poverty in a country as wealthy as Scotland’ – Margaret Burgess, Housing & Welfare Minister

beggarMeasures to tackle the impact of Westminster welfare reforms will receive £104 million of Scottish Government support next year, it was announced today.

£8 million will be allocated to funding advice services which support those affected by welfare changes and for the delivery of the Emergency Food Aid Action Plan which helps organisations combat food poverty in Scotland.

Around £35 million will be divided between local authorities to support people affected by the bedroom tax.

£38 million will be allocated to the Scottish Welfare Fund and its delivery. The Scottish Welfare Fund provides a safety net to people in an emergency or a disaster and helps people on low incomes access household goods.

In addition, the Scottish Government is committing a further £23 million funding for the Council Tax Reduction scheme which supports vulnerable people in meeting their Council Tax liabilities.

The £104 million forms part of the Scottish Government’s draft budget for 2015-16.

To date the Scottish Government’s welfare support has:

  • Helped over 100,000 households, including 32,000 families through the Scottish Welfare Fund, between April 2013 and June 2014.
  • Protected over 537,000 vulnerable people from increased Council Tax liabilities, following the UK Government’s abolition of Council Tax Benefit.

  • Helped 71,000 households affected by the bedroom tax, at an average cost of £50 a month.

  • Helped to deliver 72 projects which are supporting 20,000 people through the Making Advice Work programme funded by both Scottish Government and the Money Advice Service.

Announcing the welfare budget allocations ahead of the Welfare Benefits for People Living with Disabilities Debate, Housing and Welfare Minister Margaret Burgess said:

“It is unacceptable that anyone should be living in poverty in a country as wealthy as Scotland.

“We recognise there is still a problem which is why we are taking action and setting aside £104 million in next year’s budget to tackle poverty and inequalities and to help those affected by welfare changes.

“By allocating £38 million to the Scottish Welfare Fund and its delivery, we are making sure that we continue to reach out to those in the most deprived areas of Scotland. This Fund will help families access support and help to buy everyday items that many of us take for granted.

“We are still paying a heavy price for Westminster’s welfare reforms, this investment will help to mitigate the effects of these cuts on some of our most vulnerable households.

“As we have already set out in our submission to the Smith Commission, full responsibility over welfare and social policy is the only way for us to tackle poverty and to create a more prosperous and fairer society.”

New projects to help families tackle money worries

£2.4 million funding to help families deal with debt

Debt-WorriesCommunity projects which will help vulnerable families deal with debt and welfare problems are to benefit from a £2.4 million funding boost. The money will see 16 projects receive significant funding through the Scottish Legal Aid Board’s ‘Tackling Money Worries’ programme.

Local independent advice agency Granton Information Centre is a partner in two Edinburgh initiatives –  with Stepping Stones and Changeworks in Canny Families, which provides help to young families and expectant mothers in North Edinburgh, and the Family Friendly Money Advice project in Leith, a collaboration with NHS Lothian, Citadel Youth Centre, Dr Bell’s Family Centre, the City of Edinburgh Council and Edinburgh Community Food.

See below for the full Tackling Money Worries project list


‘Tackling Money Worries’ support will be focused on low-income families facing a change in their circumstances, as this places them at higher risk of debt and money problems. Among the projects are:

• Eight projects focusing on the birth of a child and early years;

• Two projects focusing on changes to family structure; for example, when a relationship breakdown occurs;

• Six projects focusing on the impact of going through the criminal justice system, including families where someone is in prison or about to leave prison.

There will be direct advice and help for families to deal with crisis debt issues, as well as help with building on their money-management skills to support family life throughout their early years and childhood.

The TMW programme will bring together quality debt advice providers and agencies that are already trusted by families in their community. It will also build lasting and effective connections that will benefit families in the longer-term.

The funding of these projects has been made possible by Scottish Government approval for SLAB to spend up to £2.4m between October 2014 and the end of September 2016 on initiatives related to the Child Poverty Strategy.

This is on top of Scottish Government funds which, in combination with funding from the Money Advice Service, are already supporting 92 grant funded projects.

These programmes were due to end in March 2015, but both funders now intend continuing this funding partnership beyond that date. This would enable extension of help for people on low income in Scotland across a longer period.

Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “In the past week we have seen the publication of a report that laid bare the extent of child poverty in Scotland. This is a totally unacceptable situation in a country as wealthy as ours.

“It is vital that the most vulnerable members of our society are provided with the help and support that they need, at the times in their life when they need it most. The Tackling Money Worries programme will help 16 projects across Scotland deliver this support through a £2.4 million investment.

“We know that the UK Government’s benefit reforms are driving people into poverty and that is why we are investing £81 million in the next financial year to help mitigate the effects of these changes.

“This help is vital but I am clear that we must also work to address the underlying issues of poverty in our society. That is why we have set out the need for Scotland to have full responsibility over welfare and employment powers to the Smith Commission.”

Dr Lindsay Montgomery, Chief Executive of the Scottish Legal Aid Board said: “We are delighted to announce the launch of this new programme of projects. The projects will play an important role in helping find long-term solutions for low-income families struggling with financial difficulties by dealing with their underlying debts.

“They will provide support to some of the hardest to reach families in Scotland who are most at risk of facing complex financial problems. We appreciate the financial support from the Scottish Government for this programme of grants.”



Suffer the little children: one in five Edinburgh children lives in poverty

‘We can and must do better for our children’

ChildPovertyEdinburgh is one of the UK’s most prosperous cities – but more than ONE IN FIVE children in the capital (21%) are living in poverty, according to the latest research.


The Campaign to End Child Poverty (CECP) has today published new figures that provide a child poverty map of the whole of the UK. The figures are broken down by parliamentary constituency, local authority and ward (see report, above). The research was conducted for CECP by the Centre for Research in Social Policy (CRSP) at Loughborough University.

The figures reveal the wide disparity in poverty rates across the UK, between regions and striking variations even within regions. London scores badly – containing ten of the top 20 constituencies with the highest child poverty rates in the UK and 14 of the 20 highest-rate local authorities. However there is variation even within regions: in London, Bethnal Green and Bow has a child poverty rate of 49% compared to just 15% in Richmond upon Thames.

In Scotland, Glasgow has the highest rate of child poverty, with the problem affecting a third of all youngsters in the city. Across Scotland some 220,000 children are living in poverty — a fifth of all youngsters — and campaigners are convinced this total will rise.

CECP is demanding urgent political action at all levels and urges the Westminster government to rethink its tax and benefit policies, claiming these could leave as many as 100,000 more children in poverty by 2020.

They also want local and national housing policies to focus on keeping rent bills down in both the social housing sector and the private rental market.

Chair of End Child Poverty David Holmes said: “These figures reveal just how widely and deeply child poverty reaches into our communities, even those areas generally regarded as well off. Far too many children whose parents are struggling to make a living are suffering as a result and missing out on the essentials of a decent childhood that all young people should be entitled to. We can and must do better for our children.

“Poverty ruins childhoods and reduces life chances. Failing to invest properly in children is a false economy: already child poverty costs the country £29bn each year and in the long run taxpayers will foot an even higher bill for correcting the damage.

“We are calling on politicians of all parties to urgently set out a clear roadmap towards ending child poverty which includes the additional actions needed and the measures by which progress will be tracked.”

CECP Scotland spokesman Neil Mathers said: “It’s important we look behind these figures at what is driving this level of poverty in our country.

“Politicians of all parties, at Westminster and Holyrood, need to act to tackle the root causes of poverty, including low pay and soaring housing and childcare costs. There is nothing inevitable about this poverty. We must build on the good work that is happening in Scotland to support families.”

He went on: “We know there is ambition in Scotland to do more. We now need to act so that all our children have a fair start. We can and must do better for our children.”



The city’s strategic community planning body The Edinburgh Partnership has created poverty and inequality profiles of each of the city’s twelve Neighbourhood Partnerships.

To see the profiles for Forth and Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnerships click on the link(s) below:

Forth NP

Inverleith NP


Poverty: ‘impossible to ignore’

‘children and families in Scotland are suffering’

povertyFamilies across Scotland are being hit hard by Westminster’s changes to the benefit system, according to a new report by the Scottish Government.

The report highlights the impact of changes to benefit uprating already implemented by Westminster since 2010-11. Over the six years to 2015-16, the changes made by Westminster are expected to reduce welfare expenditure in Scotland by around £6 billion.

This will result in families with two children in receipt of Child Benefit being £1,100 worse off over six years.

Mothers claiming statutory maternity pay will lose out on around £330 in 2015-16 as a result of changes to uprating of statutory maternity payment.

Speaking at the Annual Poverty Alliance Conference at Glasgow’s City Halls this morning, Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “It is clear that the UK Government’s benefit reform programme unfairly impacts on some of the most vulnerable members of our society.

“This report also shows there are adverse consequences for women, particularly mothers and their children, who will be hit hardest by Westminster’s welfare cuts.

“Nearly every household in Scotland in receipt of a working age benefit will be affected by plans to introduce a two year benefit freeze. These planned changes will see Scotland’s benefit expenditure reduced by around £300 million in 2017-18.

“These welfare changes do not work for the people of Scotland. Poverty increased in Scotland in 2012-13 for the first time in a decade – an increase that is expected to continue.

“An additional 100,000 Scottish children will be living in poverty by 2020 because of UK welfare reforms and this is before the next round of cuts due in 2017-18.

“This is a direct result of choices made by the UK government – for example, since April 2012, the number of children whose families receive in-work tax credits has decreased by 120,000.

“It is unacceptable that due to the decisions of the UK Government children and families in Scotland are suffering.

“This is why in the Scottish Government submission to the Smith Commission for more powers, I set out the need for Scotland to have full responsibility over welfare powers. Full powers over welfare and social policy will allow us to tackle child poverty and allow Scotland to become a fairer country.

“Full responsibility over tax and national insurance will allow us to create jobs and build a more prosperous Scotland that is necessary to support our ambition for a fairer society.”

The Scottish Poverty Alliance held it’s annual conference ‘No Turning Back: The Future Fight Against Poverty in Scotland’ at the start of Challenge Poverty Week, which runs until 18 October.

Peter Kelly, Director of the Poverty Alliance, said:“We welcome the Deputy First Minister’s contribution to the discussion at our annual conference today. Poverty is the biggest issue Scotland faces, and with one in five children growing up in poverty it is impossible to ignore.

“Today was our first opportunity after the referendum to take stock and look to the future. We are working with our members, our partners on the Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform and groups from across civil society to consider what new powers would mean for Scotland and the fight against poverty.

“We will be using the learning from this event, and our event later in the month on more powers, to consider the implications of further devolution and how any new powers can work alongside existing powers to ensure the eradication of poverty in Scotland once and for all.”

STV Appeal raises over £2.6m for children in poverty

STV Appeal 2014_The Big Live_Lorraine KellyThis year’s STV Appeal has raised an incredible £2,610,427 for children living in poverty in Scotland. Popular presenter Lorraine Kelly revealed the fantastic total live on STV tonight. 

The big finale of this year’s STV Appeal, STV Appeal 2014 – The Big Live, brought together celebrities and fundraisers who have made the STV Appeal 2014 an overwhelming success.

Hosted by Lorraine Kelly from STV’s Pacific Quay studios in Glasgow, the programme was packed with live entertainment including music from Nicholas McDonald, celebrity appearances by Des Clarke and Team Scotland, and inspiring fundraising stories from across the country.

Co-presenter Michelle McManus and Fred MacAuley joined Lorraine in Glasgow, with Sean Batty from RBS Gogarburn in Edinburgh, links to Andrea Brymer at Codonas in Aberdeen, and Nicola McAlley in Inverness.

STV Appeal 2014_The Big Live_Final Total AnnouncedLorraine also made a surprise appearance on stage at the SSE Hydro in Glasgow during Still Gamewhere Jack and Victor got the audience on their feet to text the STV Appeal, raising over £10,000.

Cheques from a range of fantastic STV Appeal fundraising challenges, including freshnlo Pedal for Scotland, Lorraine Kelly’s Shimmy across Scotland and Sean Batty’s Highland Fling, were presented across the country with Lorraine bringing the evening to a close by revealing the total sum raised for this year’s STV Appeal.

The STV Appeal raises money for children and young people affected by poverty in Scotland. 

Lorraine Kelly, presenter and STV Appeal trustee, said: “It has been a fantastic evening here at STV and the perfect way to celebrate the fundraising efforts of this year’s STV Appeal. The incredible amount of money raised tonight and throughout the campaign will make a real difference to the lives of children and young people affected by poverty in Scotland. A huge thanks to everyone who has given generously to this hugely important cause. There is still time to donate for the STV Appeal, so please keep giving!”

Sir Tom Hunter, STV Appeal trustee, said: “Central to the referendum debate was the issue of social justice and poverty. Once again Scots have backed the STV Appeal brilliantly in the full knowledge that every penny raised up to the first one million pounds is doubled by the Scottish Government and then channelled to support young people challenged by poverty and social justice. Not one penny goes to administration; every last penny goes to helping those most in need.  Congratulations to everyone who supported the STV Appeal it’s a fantastic effort from all across Scotland and makes me hugely proud to have co-founded the Appeal.”

Garreth Wood, Trustee of The Wood Foundation, said: “The hard work, commitment and generosity from individuals, communities and businesses means that this fantastic total will go a long way towards helping tackle the poverty crisis facing too many of Scotland’s children. To think that one in five children in Scotland today are living in poverty, families struggling to meet their basic needs, is a particularly difficult statistic to accept and one that, together, we can work to change.

“Over the last year, since The Wood Foundation first became involved with the STV Appeal, it has been a privilege to be involved in events and cheque presentations across Scotland. To witness first-hand the difference these donations are making is overwhelming and to meet some of the inspirational young people who have been affected by child poverty really highlights the key role that local charities play in supporting young people and their families. The Wood Foundation hopes that our continued involvement and contribution to the STV Appeal will make a clear difference to the lives of Scotland’s most vulnerable children.”

Rob Woodward, chief executive of STV, said: “2014 has been an incredible year for the STV Appeal and we have seen some fantastic support from fundraisers all over the country, with everything from charity concerts and quiz nights to bag packing and bake sales taking place to raise money and awareness for children affected by poverty in Scotland.

“The STV Appeal is committed to investing in projects that will make a real difference in their lives and the amazing total of £2,610,427 will go a long way to achieving this. We could not have done this without the support of local communities, corporate fundraisers and STV viewers and we would like to thank everyone who has donated so generously to this year’s STV Appeal.”

STV appeal

Opponents must put differences aside to tackle poverty

Whatever the result of Thursday’s vote, Scotland will still have deep social problems to address and campaigners are urging both sides in the referendum debate to unite to tackle poverty.


As the referendum campaign enters its final few days the Poverty Alliance has called on all sides to maintain the passion and commitment that has been shown through the campaign and to turn it to finding lasting solutions to poverty and inequality in Scotland.

Throughout the referendum campaign issues of poverty and social justice have been central to the debates. Whether on issues of food poverty, low pay, unemployment or child poverty, all sides have stated that they are committed to making real change to create a more socially just Scotland.

On 19 September politicians and activists from both campaigns must begin to find ways of working together to bring people together and tackle poverty.

The referendum has shown that not only is there an appetite for social change, but that more people than ever want their voices to be heard. With more than 100,000 people registering to vote in the last month alone, we need to find ways to ensure that the democratic impulse that many people have experienced for the first time is sustained and turned into genuine grassroots democratic politics, regardless of the outcome of the referendum.

Whatever changes over the coming months and years we are calling now for all political leaders to commit to ensuring that the voices of those who are living in poverty, those who have been the subject of so much debate during the campaign, are genuinely involved and actively shape the new Scotland that will emerge.

A little over three weeks after the referendum the Poverty Alliance will be coordinating Challenge Poverty Week, which will take place from the 12 -18 October.

Poverty Week leaflet

This will be a week of debates and action designed to show what has been done to tackle poverty. It will be one of the first opportunities after the referendum for campaigners to come together to show what they intend to do to address poverty now. We hope campaigners from both sides will get involved in Challenge Poverty Week and show the same enthusiasm for tackling poverty as they have for our constitutional future.

Peter Kelly, Director of the Poverty Alliance, said: “This is an exciting time in Scottish politics and many people will consider the referendum to be the most important election of their lives.

“It is fantastic to see so many people registered to vote and I hope turnout will be high on the day.

“Poverty and social justice has been at the centre of the debate on independence and it been heartening to see so much debate about the type of Scotland we want to live.

“In 2012-13, 16 per cent of people in Scotland were living in poverty, more than 800,000. People on both sides of the debate have agreed that this is unacceptable and that we need to re-think our approach to tackling the problem, whether it is low benefit levels, unemployment or low pay. What the campaigns disagree on is how we best achieve this.

“It has become increasingly clear that the results will be close and it is important that people on both sides of the debate believe their voices will be heard regardless of the result. In particular we must ensure that the voices of those who are rarely heard, those people living in poverty, are taken seriously after the result of the referendum is known.

“Both campaigns must be prepared to set aside their differences and work together for a better Scotland, one where the blight of poverty is effectively tackled.”

Governments ‘must do more’ to address poverty’

Largest UK poverty study calls on governments to tackle rising deprivation


The percentage of households who fall below society’s minimum standard of living has increased from 14 per cent to 33 per cent over the last 30 years, despite the size of the economy doubling. This is one of the stark findings from the largest study of poverty and deprivation ever conducted in the UK.

Other key figures reveal that almost 18 million people cannot afford adequate housing conditions; 12 million people are too poor to engage in common social activities; one in three people cannot afford to heat their homes adequately in the winter and four million children and adults aren’t properly fed by today’s standards.

The Poverty and Social Exclusion in the United Kingdom (PSE) project, led by the University of Bristol and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council [ESRC], has shown that full-time work is not always sufficient to escape from poverty and calls on the Scottish and UK governments to take action.

The report’s findings will be discussed at a conference in Edinburgh.

Researchers from the University of Bristol, Heriot-Watt University, the Open University, Queen’s University Belfast, University of Glasgow, University of Oxford, University of Birmingham, University of York, the National Centre for Social Research and Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency found that:
• About 5.5 million adults go without essential clothing.
• Around 2.5 million children live in homes that are damp.
• Around 1.5 million children live in households that cannot afford to heat their home.
• One in four adults have incomes below what they consider is needed to avoid poverty.
• One in every six (17 per cent) adults in paid work are poor.
• More than one in five adults have had to borrow in the last year to pay for day to day needs.

The PSE standard of living survey results show that more than one in every five (22 per cent) children and adults were poor at the end of 2012. They had both a low income and were also ‘multiply deprived’ – suffering from three or more deprivations such as lack of food, heating and clothing due to a lack of money.

povertyMore than one in four adults (28 per cent) have skimped on their own food in the past year so that others in the household may eat. Despite this over half a million children live in families who cannot afford to feed them properly.

In 93% of households where children suffer from food deprivation, at least one adult skimped on their own food ‘sometimes’ or ‘often’ to ensure others have enough to eat. Women were more likely to cut back than men – 44 per cent of women had cut back on four or more items (such as food, buying clothes and social visits) in the last 12 months compared to 34 per cent of men.

Professor Jonathan Bradshaw, from the University of York, said: “The research has shown that in many households parents sacrifice their own welfare – going without adequate food, clothing or a social life – in order to try to protect their children from poverty and deprivation.”

payday loansWages are low and working conditions are bad in many parts of the UK. One in every six (17 per cent) adults in paid work are poor – they suffer from both a low income and cannot afford basic necessities.

For a large number of people, even full-time work is not sufficient to escape from poverty. Almost half of the working poor work 40 hours a week or more. One third of adults currently in employment (35 per cent) are in ‘exclusionary work’ – in poverty, in low quality work and/or have experienced prolonged periods of unemployment in the last five years.

Nick Bailey, from the University of Glasgow, said: “The UK government continues to ignore the working poor; they do not have adequate policies to address this growing problem.”

Although more people today see a range of public services as ‘essential’ than in 1999, including libraries, sports centres, museums, galleries, dentists and opticians, the use of many services has declined since 1999 primarily due to reduced availability, cost or inadequacy.

Professor Glen Bramley, from Herriot-Watt University, said: “It is worrying that in the 21st century more than 40 per cent of households who want to use meals on wheels, evening classes, museums, youth clubs, citizens’ advice or special transport cannot do so due to unavailability, unaffordability or inadequacy.”

The findings will be discussed at an Edinburgh conference which has been jointly organised by the PSE team and the Scottish government.
