The cost of Brexit: Northern & Leith faces losses of £26.5 million

A new publicly accessible database has laid bare the financial impact that leaving the EU will have on areas around the UK, with Edinburgh Northern and Leith facing losses of £26.5 million.                                                                                                                                  Continue reading The cost of Brexit: Northern & Leith faces losses of £26.5 million

Briggs meets with breastfeeding campaigners and NHS Lothian

Tory health spokesman Miles Briggs MSP has met with breastfeeding campaigners from the Edinburgh Breastfeeding Partnership and NHS Lothian, at Holyrood, to discuss improvements that can be made to breastfeeding services across Lothian. Continue reading Briggs meets with breastfeeding campaigners and NHS Lothian

Undercover investigation reveals magnitude of horrifying puppy smuggling trade

The UK’s largest dog welfare charity is calling on the government to take urgent action to stop the illegal importation of puppies into the UK as Brexit approaches. This follows an undercover investigation which exposes the magnitude and ease of trade routes into the UK for European smugglers. Continue reading Undercover investigation reveals magnitude of horrifying puppy smuggling trade

Urology diagnosis and treatment waiting times soar in NHS Lothian

Waiting times for Urology in NHS Lothian have increased dramatically over the last two years. The number of patients waiting more than 6 weeks has increased from 1,640 in June 2016 to 4,467 in June 2018. Continue reading Urology diagnosis and treatment waiting times soar in NHS Lothian

Rowntree Foundation urges Universal Credit reform

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation is urging the government to reform Universal Credit (UC) so families with children can keep more of what they earn. The respected social policy charity is the latest organisation to urge the Westminster Government to rethink the controversial benefit.

Continue reading Rowntree Foundation urges Universal Credit reform