Young people invited to set out their future hopes for the Scottish Parliament

Young people from across Scotland are being asked to send a letter to the Scottish Parliament setting out their hopes and aspirations for the institution over the next 20 years. Continue reading Young people invited to set out their future hopes for the Scottish Parliament

Holyrood committee backs opt-out organ donation change

The Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee have expressed their support for a bill which would see Scotland move to an organ donation system with consent to donate presumed unless a person opts out. Continue reading Holyrood committee backs opt-out organ donation change

Scottish Budget: “Additional spending on public services”

Budget proposes an extra £2 billion spend

Greens secure extra funding for local government 

The Scottish Government’s budget was passed last night with the support of the Scottish Greens. A last minute deal ensured the minority government got their programme through parliament, but the Budget has been criticised by both the Conservatives and Scottish Labour. Continue reading Scottish Budget: “Additional spending on public services”

Community Council cancelled: activists speaking at tonight’s Localities meeting

Tonight’s Drylaw Telford Community Council meeting has been cancelled as all Inverleith councillors will be attending another meeting – North West Locality Committee is meeting tonight at 6.30pm in the Dean of Guilds Room at the City Chambers.

Two local activists representing Save Our Services North Edinburgh will be  speaking about the impact of the Health and Social Care cuts in a deputation to the Localities Committee.

The meeting is open to the public: go along and support local services if you can!

Short Term Lets: Wightman questions legality of Key Boxes

Scottish Greens housing spokesperson Andy Wightman MSP, whose Homes First campaign aims to better regulate the short-term letting industry, is urging residents in affected areas to check the legality of key boxes that are spreading like wildfire. Continue reading Short Term Lets: Wightman questions legality of Key Boxes

Partial reinstatement of children’s services at St John’s

Paediatric inpatient services in St John’s Hospital will begin to be restored in March, it was announced yesterday. NHS Lothian will reinstate the service from Monday to Friday each week to provide 24-hour services to children in West Lothian. Continue reading Partial reinstatement of children’s services at St John’s

Austerity: Council spending has fallen by half since 2010

  • People living in cities shouldered the equivalent of £386 worth of cuts per head since 2009/10, compared to £172 per person elsewhere
  • Liverpool and Barnsley worst hit by cuts to local government budgets
  • 50% of cities spend more than half their budget on social care
  • The Spending Review must mark the end of local government austerity

Cities have borne nearly three-quarters (74%) of all real-terms local government funding cuts in the last decade despite being home to just 54% of the population, according to Centre for Cities’ annual Cities Outlook 2019 report – the Centre’s annual health check on UK city economies. Continue reading Austerity: Council spending has fallen by half since 2010