Renewed appeal for missing man Jamie Ross in Edinburgh

POLICE are re-appealing for information on the whereabouts of Jamie Ross reported missing from Edinburgh.

The 29-year-old is thought to have been present in the Howdenhall Road area at around 12.28pm on Tuesday (23 April, 2024).

He is described as white, 5ft 9inches tall with dark hair and bushy eyebrows, blue eyes, and a tattoo of the word DAD on his right hand.

Jamie is believed to have connections across Edinburgh, particularly in the south of the city, as well as in Aberdeen.

Chief Inspector Mark Hamilton said: “Extensive searches and enquiries have been carried out, but Jamie has not yet been traced.

“We are still keeping an open mind regarding his whereabouts. I would again appeal to anyone who knows where he is to get in touch with us.”

Anyone who sees a man matching Jamie’s description is advised not to approach him but to instead contact Police Scotland urgently on 101, quoting incident number 1458 of Tuesday, 23 April, 2024.

Twelve year old boy charged after threatening Morningside shop staff

Following an attempt shoplifting incident in Morningside yesterday (Thursday 25 April) police officers traced a 12-year-old boy who has now been charged with making threats of violence towards staff.

Community Sergeant Jen Macgregor said: ‘Behaving and acting in a threatening and abusive way will not be tolerated by our communities.

“Our officers continue to deal with any reports robustly and work tirelessly with families, schools and partners to deter such incidents.

“Please check in with your kids when they’re out and about to ensure they are safe and not involved in anti-social-behaviour or criminality.’


Police appeal for information to help trace missing man

Police are appealing for any information that could help trace a man who officers wish to speak with urgently.

Jamie Ross, 29, is thought to have been present in the Howdenhall Road area of Edinburgh at around 12.28pm yesterday. He was last seen shortly after near Cameron Toll shopping centre.

Jamie is believed to have connections across Edinburgh, particularly in the south of the city, as well as in Aberdeen.

He is described as white, 5ft9 with dark hair and bushy eyebrows, blue eyes and a tattoo of the word DAD on his right hand. He was last seen wearing a black puffer jacket, dark trousers and grey trainers.

Chief Inspector Mark Hamilton said: “Extensive enquiries are ongoing to trace Jamie with support from specialist officers.

“While Jamie is believed to have connections to the south of Edinburgh we are keeping an open mind regarding his whereabouts at this time and would urge anyone with information to please get in touch.

“Anyone who sees a man matching Jamie’s description is advised not to approach him but to instead contact Police Scotland urgently on 101, quoting incident number 1458 of Tuesday, 23 April, 2024.”

Charlotte Square assault: two men to appear in court

TWO men have been arrested and charged in connection with a serious assault on a 49-year-old man on Charlotte Square on Sunday, 7 April.

The two men, aged 26 and 32 years. are due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court at a later date.

Police would like to thank the public for their assistance with this investigation.

Southhouse incident: Six men charged

Six men have been charged with attempted murder following an incident at Southhouse Square, Edinburgh, in January.

Around 8.35pm on Friday, 26 January 2024, emergency services attended Southhouse Square, following reports of a disturbance involving several men.

One man, aged 25, was found seriously injured and taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. A second man, aged 24, was also injured in the altercation and sought medical treatment.

A black BMW car was also stolen during the incident.

Extensive enquiries were carried out and six men, aged between 20 and 58, were arrested and charged in connection with the incident.

A report has been submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

Detective Sergeant Steven Dick said: “I would like to thank the members of the public who responded to our appeal for information and came forward with information.”

It’ll Cost You! campaign to relaunch this summer

A campaign to deter adults buying alcohol for children aims to build on its success when it is relaunched this summer.

The ‘It’ll Cost You’ initiative has run nationally across Scotland for the last two years and will continue in 2024. Evaluations of the previous campaigns have shown a steady increase in awareness about the implications of supplying alcohol to minors, but it remains a serious issue with 18 detections being made during the course of the 2023 campaign.

It is an offence in Scotland for an adult to buy or attempt to buy alcohol for someone who is under the age of 18. This is known as proxy purchase and can result in a fine, imprisonment or both.

The ‘It’ll Cost You!’ campaign is a collaboration between Police Scotland, the Scottish Alcohol Industry Partnership and Community Alcohol Partnerships and aims to raise awareness of the damaging effects and criminal nature of buying alcohol for under 18s.

This year’s campaign will run from 1 July to 12 August across Scotland.

Superintendent Joanne McEwan, Police Scotland, said: “This campaign showcases the benefits of key partners working together to inform the public of dangers associated with underage drinking, as well as the criminal consequences for supplying those under 18 with alcohol.”

Luke McGarty, Chair of the SAIP Campaigns Group and Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Scottish Grocers Federation, said: “Proxy purchasing is not an easy crime to detect.

“Retailers are essentially the first line of defence and reducing underage drinking and anti-social behaviour linked to alcohol is one we support and ties in with SGF’s position of promoting responsible community retailing.

“We look forward to continuing to work with our partners on the campaign again this year.”

Grahame Clarke, Community Alcohol Partnership Coordinator said: “The campaign gives us an opportunity to carry the ‘It’ll Cost You’ resources and messaging in local communities, highlighting the dangers of buying alcohol for young people.

“We look forward to working with Police Scotland and the Police Scotland Youth Volunteers to make sure that this messaging is carried through all our engagement activity this summer.”

Siobhian Brown MSP, Minister for Victims and Community Safety, said: “I welcome the return of a campaign that successfully illustrates the value of strong collaboration and regular engagement between partners, which help to deliver shared aims to help reduce underage drinking and anti-social behaviour in our communities.”

Investigation into Scottish National Party finances: Peter Murrell charged

PETER Murrell has been charged with embezzlement in connection with the embezzlement of funds from the Scottish National Party.

Mr Murrell, the former Chief Executive of the SNP and the husband of former leader Nicola Sturgeon, announced last night that he has resigned his party membership.

An SNP spokesperson said last night: “While this development will come as a shock, the police investigation remains ongoing and it would, therefore, be inappropriate to make any comment.”


A 59 year old man has today, Thursday, 18 April, 2024, been charged in connection with the embezzlement of funds from the Scottish National Party.

‘The man, who was arrested at 9.13am today and had previously been arrested as a suspect on 5 April, 2023, was charged at 6.35pm after further questioning by Police Scotland detectives investigating the funding and finances of the party.

‘A report will be sent to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service in due course.
The man is no longer in police custody.

‘As this investigation is ongoing we are unable to comment further.

‘The matter is active for the purposes of the Contempt of Court Act 1981 and the public are therefore advised to exercise caution if discussing it on social media.

‘For this reason, Police Scotland has turned off the comments function on this post.’

Sex offender jailed for nine years

Bernard Callaghan has been jailed for nine years for a series of sexual offences which took place in the Fife, Edinburgh and East Lothian areas.

The 53-year-old targeted three women over a 15-year period from 2007 to 2022.

Callaghan was found guilty at the High Court in Edinburgh on Monday, 4 March, 2024, and returned for sentencing today, Wednesday, 17 April.

Detective Sergeant Craig Donnelly from Police Scotland’s Public Protection Unit said: “Bernard Callaghan is a very dangerous individual who is now being held accountable for his despicable behaviour towards the three victims.

“Their experiences will undoubtedly have left a lasting impact however I hope that today’s outcome provides them with some degree of closure and helps them to move on with their lives.

“Police Scotland takes all reports of sexual abuse extremely seriously and we will work with victims to thoroughly investigate and bring perpetrators to justice.

“We would encourage anyone who has, or is experiencing this type of crime, to have the confidence to come forward and make a report to Police Scotland on 101.

“There is no time limit on reporting and no matter when the abuse occurred you will be listened to, you will be supported and together we will bring the perpetrator to justice.”

Groathill accident: Can you help?

Road Policing officers are appealing for information after a pedestrian was seriously injured in a crash on South Groathill Avenue at Queensferry Road South.

The incident, which happened around 7.10am on Wednesday, 17 April, 2024, involved a red and white DAF truck and a pedestrian.

Emergency services attended and a 58-year-old woman, the pedestrian, was taken by ambulance to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Her condition has been described as critical but stable.

The road was closed for around two hours to allow for investigations to take place.

Sergeant Louise Birrell said: “Our enquiries into this collision are ongoing and we would like to ask anyone that was in the area at the time who has not already spoken to us to please get in touch.

“We would also be keen to see any dashcam or private CCTV footage from the area around the time of the crash. In particular, there was a blue BMW X2 which was stationary at the time and may have information which could assist.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland via 101 quoting incident number 0487 of 17 April.

Trinity Crescent incident: Police urge nurse to come forward


Road Policing officers in Edinburgh are continuing their enquiries into a serious crash on Trinity Crescent and are appealing for a specific witness to come forward.

The incident, which happened around 5.50pm on Wednesday, 10 April, 2024, involved a white Citroen Relay van and a 59-year-old male pedestrian.

The man was taken by ambulance to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, where his condition has been described as critical. The driver of the van, a 40-year-old man, was arrested and released pending further enquiries.

Police are keen to speak with a potential witness, a female nurse who came to the injured man’s assistance and left prior to police arrival.

Sergeant Paul Ewing said: “Our enquiries into this collision are ongoing and we are thankful to those members of the public who have spoken with officers to date.

“We are looking to speak to a nurse who we understand assisted at the scene, as she may be able to assist our enquiries further.

“If this was you, or you believe you can help identify her, please come forward.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland via 101 quoting incident number 2772 of 10 April.