Multi service exercise to train new staff to deal with road accidents

The Scottish Ambulance Service, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and Police Scotland held a training exercise in the Borders recently for students and new recruits to practice responding to a road traffic collision (RTC).

The Scottish Ambulance Service, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and Police Scotland held a training exercise in the Borders recently for students and new recruits to practice responding to a road traffic collision (RTC).

The exercise was held at Galashiels Fire Station on the 7th March and Hawick Fire Station on Tuesday the 14th March , with the aim of teaching participants  from each emergency service how to deal with a collision.

The mock exercise – held on the two nights with different groups of attendees – involved a two vehicle, high-speed, head-on collision, and saw different levels of responses.

Paramedic Lee Myers, SAS’s lead for the exercise, said: “This training has been designed around student and new recruit development, as we continue to welcome new staff into the Service.

“The exercise involved dealing with a serious RTC, with Police Scotland, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service attending alongside the Scottish Ambulance Service.

“The participants from all the services did a fantastic job dealing with the incident which included casualties with potentially serious injuries.  We also had approximately 20 Queen Margaret University student paramedics attend on the night and crews dealing with a traumatic cardiac arrest, a roof off extrication, patients being fully immobilised, and much, much more.  

“The three services share an excellent working relationship and this has been a great opportunity to work on improving communication and joint agency working.   I would like to say a huge thank you to all involved for making this training exercise such a success.”

Area Commander Hilary Sangster is the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s Local Senior Officer for Midlothian, East Lothian and Scottish Borders.

She said: “Exercises such as this are important and hugely worthwhile for our firefighters to train to protect our communities alongside emergency service colleagues in a unique and dynamic environment – and also follow several months of planning.

“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved and especially Station Commanders Grant Fraser and Roy Bradley, and our partners for their continued commitment to this multi-agency training.”

Man who died following Granton Crescent disturbance named by Police

Charles Paul, 69, was found with serious injuries after officers were called to a property in Granton Crescent around 11.20pm on Saturday, 25 March, 2023. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

A 36-year-old woman was taken to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary with serious but not life-threatening injuries.

Charles Paul

A 28-year-old man was arrested and charged in connection with the incident. He appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Monday, 27 March, 2023.

Appeal for information following hit and run in Lochend

Police are appealing for information following a hit and run involving a car and a pedestrian.

A man was waking within Lochend Park, around 8.15pm on Sunday, 2 April, 2023, when he was struck by a black Audi.

Emergency services attended and the 21-year-old man was taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh for treatment. The car left the scene prior to police arrival.

Around 8.45pm on Sunday, 2 April, 2023 a black Audi was found on Maplewood Park, with an attempt made to set it alight.

There were no reports of any injuries and the vehicle was uplifted.

Officers believe this vehicle may be linked to the earlier incident.

Acting Detective Inspector Steven Gray from Gayfield CID said: “Our enquiries into both these incidents, which we believe are linked, are ongoing.

“We are appealing for anyone who witnessed the initial crash or a vehicle leaving the scene, who has not already spoken to us to get in touch.

“I would also appeal to anyone with any information on the car in Maplewood Park or who has dash cam footage which may assist us to get in touch.”

Anyone with any information is asked to contact 101 quoting incident 3398 of 2 April, 2023. Alternatively, information can be passed to Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555 111.

Appeal following assault at Hibernian Football Club stadium

Police have released an image of a man they believe may be able to assist them with their ongoing enquiries into an assault which occurred at the Hibernian Football Club stadium at Easter Road in Edinburgh on 7 August 2022.

The man is described as white, with short dark hair and stubble wearing a dark green/brown top.

Police Constable Luke Wilson said: “Officers are keen to speak to the man in the image as they believe he will be able to assist with their enquiries.

“The man pictured or anyone who recognises him, or anyone with any information is asked to contact Police Scotland via 101.

Alternatively, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where you can give information anonymously.”

In reference to a recent elease we issued regarding disorder at the Scottish League Cup final on Sunday, 26 February, 2023, please note:

Ten men have been arrested in connection with the incident.

Eight, aged 18, 18, 20, 21, 21, 24, 25 and 25, have been released on an undertaking.

Two, aged 43 and 21, are to appear at Glasgow Sheriff Court today (Thursday, 30 March, 2023).

A report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

Enquiries are continuing.

Police Scotland supports the event organisers, being the clubs and the football authorities, to create a safe environment for people to attend and enjoy football matches.

These arrests show that such violence and disorder has no place in football and our enquiries continue in order to identify those responsible for the disorder inside and outside of Hampden at this fixture.

We are committed to working with our partners to maximise the safety of all persons attending football fixtures.

A spokesperson for the SPFL said: “We have been working closely with Police Scotland and the Scottish FA to investigate and address the unacceptable behaviour of a small minority of supporters at the recent Viaplay Cup Final.

“We are encouraged by the progress which has already been made and look forward to more of the individuals involved being identified in the near future.”

League Cup Final trouble: CCTV images released

Police have released images of 11 individuals they believe can assist with their enquiries into disorder at the Scottish League Cup final. 

Cup final image 1
Cup final image 2
Cup final image 3
Cup final image 4
Cup final image 5
Cup final image 6
Cup final image 7
Cup final image 8
Cup final image 9
Cup final image 10
Cup final image 11

Officers are continuing to investigate disorder which occurred on the morning of Sunday, 26 February, 2023 outside Hampden Stadium. 

Anyone who may recognise those shown in the images, or who has any information which may assist is asked to contact police by calling 101 and quoting incident number 0933 of Saturday, 26 February, 2023.

Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, where anonymity can be maintained. 

Campaign reminds tourists to drive on the left

A campaign by Road Safety Scotland* and Police Scotland, in partnership with the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (BVRLA), goes live today reminding overseas tourists to Drive on the Left when visiting Scotland.

The campaign was launched at Road Safety Scotland’s Annual Seminar by Minister for Transport Jenny Gilruth, who was joined by Superintendent Stewart Mackie from Police Scotland, Margaret Spiers from Arnold Clark and Bruce Arell from Enterprise Holdings.

Figures from Police Scotland show inexperience of driving on the left is among the most common contributory factors for fatalities involving foreign drivers in Scotland1, with the five most common contributory factors being:

  • Inexperience of driving on the left
  • Failed to look properly
  • Poor turn or manoeuvre
  • Careless, reckless or in a hurry
  • Distraction outside vehicle

The new Drive on the Left campaign sets out to help drivers stay safe as they embark on their journey to Scotland, by sharing useful information about Scotland’s roads, which often differ from other countries, including how to navigate singe-track roads and passing places.

Drivers are urged to stay alert and be well rested to avoid switching to autopilot, which can easily happen when the roads are quiet or a driver is tired, and can cause someone to enter a roundabout the wrong way or turn onto the wrong side of the road at a junction.

Tourists are also reminded that weather conditions can change quickly in Scotland, making it even more challenging to navigate long and twisty roads.

Minister for Transport Jenny Gilruth said:”We want all visitors to Scotland to return safely from their travels. This campaign aims to raise awareness and remind people to drive on the left at all times, which is particularly important after they’ve taken a break or when the roads are quieter.

“Scotland’s roads can be unfamiliar to visitors and that often demands more concentration. It’s easy to switch to autopilot, particularly if you are distracted, tired or driving in bad weather.

“With the recent number of devastating fatalities on the A9, it’s especially important we reach all drivers travelling on Scotland’s roads this summer. Make sure you plan ahead, take regular breaks and know the rules of the road.”

Drive on the Left wristbands and stickers will be distributed through BVRLA to tourists when they collect a hire car, along with a Driving in Scotland information leaflet, which offers practical advice about driving on single-track roads, looking both ways at junctions, speed limits, planning your journey and taking regular rest stops to avoid fatigue. The wristband is available in 8 different languages.

Advice for drivers will also be shared on the Road Safety Scotland social media channels through digital assets and video content.

Louise Blakelock, head of road policing at Police Scotland, said: “Any serious collision on our roads is absolutely devastating and, while it may seem like a simple message, it’s crucial to remind people of the differences of driving in Scotland and how to drive safely when they’re visiting our beautiful country.

“We fully support this campaign and hope it helps to reduce the number of collisions caused by driving on the wrong side of the road.”

Amanda Brandon, Director of Member Engagement at BVRLA said: “This is an important road safety initiative and we are delighted to see so many of our members getting behind it.

“A significant portion of vehicle hires annually are for people needing a car while away from home. Our members are ideally placed to promote the campaign to help keep visitors safe as they set off on Scotland’s roads.

“We are expecting vehicle hire for oversees drivers to increase again this year, so it’s great to see this campaign go live now ahead of the peak tourist season.”

The campaign is supported by partner organisations including VisitScotland, helping to ensure as many overseas drivers as possible are reminded to drive on the left while visiting Scotland.

For more details and for advice about driving in Scotland, visit or the Road Safety Scotland Facebook and Twitter (@roadsafetyscot) pages.

Appeal for information after man found seriously injured in Calder Road

POLICE are appealing for information after a man was found seriously injured in the Calder Road area yesterday (Sunday, 19 March, 2023).

The 30-year-old man was found unconscious in Calder Road underpass around 12.05am.

He is described as white, male, average build, 5ft 10 ins with brown hair. At the time he was wearing jeans, grey hoodie and white Converse trainers. He could have been walking west on Calder Road near to Saughton Mains Avenue.

Detective Sergeant Alan Sharp said: “There is nothing at this time to suggest that any crime has taken place, however we are carrying out enquiries to find out how the man came about his injuries.

“I’d appeal to anyone who saw a man matching the above description walking in the Calder Road, Saughton area, or drivers with dash-cam footage who may have passed him as he was walking home to contact us on 101 quoting incident number 0064 of March 19.”

Police Scotland’s Strategy to tackle violence against women and girls

Police Scotland’s strategy to tackle violence against women and girls was presented to the Scottish Police Authority Policing Performance Committee today.

The strategy is subject to final discussion by the full SPA Board next week.

Based on wide-ranging and unprecedented engagement with the general public, women and girls, survivors of violence, key partners, academics and experts, the strategy builds on the Service’s commitment to improve and future-proof its response.

Proposals within the strategy include:

  • tackling and diverting incel culture through education
  • expanding the use of sexual offences liaison officer (SOLO) led visually recorded interviews (VRI)
  • delivery of trauma-informed training to all police officers and staff

Launching the strategy, Deputy Chief Constable Jane Connors, Police Scotland, said: “We are committed to creating a society where women and girls live free from violence, abuse, exploitation and harassment.

“Women, girls, and men, have shared their experiences, their thoughts and their views on how we can tackle violence, create a service that is responsive to victims and how we prevent violence against women and girls.

“We have listened and their voices and experiences thread through our strategy.

“They have informed and influenced our approach, our commitment to act and to improve how we tackle the sexual violence and domestic abuse that disproportionately affects women and girls.

“We will work with our partners across criminal justice, and support services, to improve the opportunities and support for women to report.

“It is up to us to improve how we respond at that first point of contact. To be compassionate, to listen, to signpost to help, and to ensure women are kept informed from the moment they report.

“We are committed to continually improving the service we provide, to build confidence in reporting and in policing more widely. Our service must be trauma-informed, we will prioritise the needs of victims and survivors.

“As an organisation we are not immune from the sexism and misogyny that is at the root of this violence. Our strategy recognises the work that needs to be done internally.

“Our role is crucial, but policing alone cannot stop violence against women and girls. Our strategy outlines the actions we will take as a service, together with our partners.

“We will continue to engage, to work with our partners, to improve our response and to drive the change needed to end violence against women and girls.”

Access the Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy.

CCTV images released following high value theft at St James Quarter

Police have released images of a man that they wish to speak to as they believe he may have information that can assist with an investigation into a high value theft.

The incident took place around 10am on Wednesday, 1 February, 2023, at Omega Boutique, St James Quarter, Edinburgh.

The man shown in the images is described as being white, about 5ft 8in, average build, 40-50 years old, shaved head, wearing thick dark framed glasses, British accent, wearing a dark khaki green Barbour jacket with hood, dark blue trousers and dark navy trainers.

Police Constable Katherine Mackenzie, from Edinburgh Central Initiative Team, said: “I am asking that the man pictured in the images to make contact with police in order that further enquiries can be conducted. I am also asking members of the public that if they recognise this individual to contact police.

“Anyone with information should call police on 101, quoting incident 0858 of 1 February, 2023. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, if you wish to remain anonymous.”

Have you seen Nancy?

Police are appealing for information to help trace 76-year-old Nancy Bremner, who has been reported missing.

Nancy was last seen in the Torrance Park area of the city around 3pm yesterday (Sunday) and there is significant concern for her welfare.

She is described as being white, 5ft 1 and slim build, with should-length greying hair. When last seen, she was wearing a pink puffy coat, black jeans and black boots. She is known to frequent the Corstorphine area, including shops at Drumbrae, Glasgow Road and Corstorphine Road.

Inspector Kris Harvey said: “As time passes, our concern for Nancy continues to grow and we are asking for anyone who may have seen her, or has any information on her whereabouts to please come forward as soon as possible.

“You can contact police on 101, quoting incident 2160 of 12 March, 2023.”


We can confirm that Nancy Bremner has been found safe and well.

Thanks to everyone who shared our appeal.