Doorstep crime initiative: man in Court


One man has appeared in Court and another has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal as part of the ongoing Operation Monarda initiative to tackle the scourge of bogus workmen.

A 23 year old man has been arrested, charged and appeared in court for over 40 bogus workmen offences after targeting a number of residents in Edinburgh.

In total, 14 homeowners in the Currie, Balerno and other areas in the west of the Capital were visited and over-charged for substandard work, which was carried out on their properties.

The man was identified as part of Operation Monarda – a new partnership initiative to tackle doorstep crime across Scotland.

After being detained on Tuesday, he appeared at court the following day in connection with 44 crimes and has been remanded in custody.

Police also seized a number of the man’s assets and have applied for a six-figure sum of cash to be forfeited under Proceeds of Crime legislation.

Another man, aged 47, has also been reported to the Procurator Fiscal in relation to these offences.

Police Scotland, Trading Standards and other partner agencies are assuring the public they are committed to identifying those responsible for doorstep crime and bringing them to justice.

Chief Superintendent Mark Williams, Divisional Commander of Edinburgh City Division said:

“Doorstep crime can affect anyone within our local communities, but we are aware that in particular the over 60’s can be targeted due to a perceived vulnerability.

“Those who commit such crimes, like bogus callers and rogue traders, are extremely convincing in how they approach and interact with potential victims. Anyone can be convinced by the lies these criminals create.

“If you are aware of any suspicious activity taking place at the home of a neighbour, friend or family member then please contact police immediately.”

A spokesperson from Trading Standards Scotland said: “Doorstep crime remains the number one priority for Trading Standards services in Scotland and we are committed to working with our partners to tackle this unscrupulous crime.

“Unfortunately, doorstep crime still remains vastly under reported and we strongly encourage victims, potential victims and their families and friends to report any suspicions they have immediately.”

Please report any suspicious activity to Police on 101, or your local Trading Standards department. If the person refuses to leave your door, or you feel threatened or scared – call 999 and ask for the Police.


Three sought following Glenogle knifepoint robbery


Police appealing for witnesses after a 15 year old boy was robbed at knifepoint on Glenogle Road on Monday afternoon.

The incident took place around 4.45pm when the victim was walking along Glenogle Road towards Stockbridge. As he walked past Glenogle Swim Centre, he was approached by three men.

The first man presented a knife and demanded he hand over his belongings, the victim complied and handed over a quantity of money. The second suspect then lifted a pair of blue and orange Adidas trainers from the victim’s sports bag and the three men then made off towards Brandon Terrace while the victim continued on to Stockbridge.

The first suspect is white, 5ft 10in 5ft 11in, early 20s, skinny, brown shaved hair, clean shaven, black Reebok jogging bottoms, grey canvas shoes.

The second suspect is white, 5ft 9in, skinny, early 20s, black not quite shoulder length hair, acne, clean shaven, dark blue or navy Kappa tracksuit.

The third suspect is white, male, 6ft 2in, heavy build, early 20s, black neat reasonably short hair, stubble, left ear pierced without an earring, and black hoody and tracksuit bottoms.

Detective Sergeant Lynsey Thomson said: “This was an alarming incident for the victim and we are keen to trace anyone who was in the area at the time or recognises the description of the suspects.”

Anyone with information should contact Police Scotland on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Concern grows for missing Drylaw man

missing man

Concern is growing for a young man who has now been missing from his Drylaw home for six days. Blair Davidson, who is 21, has not been seen since last Wednesday.

Blair left his home in Easter Drylaw Place some time after 8.30am to attend an appointment in the Tollcross area – but he has not been seen since.

A spokesman for Police Scotland said: “Blair Davidson is 21 years old, 6ft tall, slim build, short dark brown hair, and usually has facial stubble. He was last seen wearing a dark grey tracksuit, carrying a black ‘Trespass’ rucksack, and also had a maroon tracksuit with him.”

Inspector Graeme Dignan, who is leading the search, added: “I am asking anyone who has seen him, or has information about his whereabouts, to contact Police Scotland on 101 or anonymously through Crimestoppers on 800 555 111.”


Police seek witnesses to Pilton racist attack

Police in Edinburgh are appealing for witnesses after two men were subjected to a racist attack in West Pilton Terrace last night (Monday).

Two 18-year-old men, of Arabian and Pakistani ethnicity, were walking home at around 9pm when they reached the junction with West Granton Road. A group of male youths began to shout racial abuse at the pair before throwing rocks and stones at them.

The suspects then chased both victims into their home address before continuing to throw objects at the house, breaking a front window.

Officers are following a positive line of enquiry to identify a number of those believed to be involved in this attack but are urging anyone who can assist with their investigation to come forward.

Inspector David Happs said: “As a result of being struck by rocks, one of the victims suffered an injury to his arm. In addition the property both men share was also damaged and we are undertaking a thorough enquiry to bring those responsible to justice.

“This incident is being treated as racially motivated and we are keen to hear from anyone who was in the West Pilton Terrace area on Monday evening and witnessed the disturbance or who saw anything suspicious.

“In addition, anyone with any further information relevant to this investigation is also asked to contact police immediately.

“Police Scotland is committed to tackling hate crime in all its forms and the local community can rest assured we are devoting appropriate resources to this investigation and offering all the necessary support to both victims.”

Those with information can contact

Police Scotland on 101

or the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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Mikaeel: mother charged

The mother of three-year-old Mikaeel Kular has been arrested and charged in connection with the death of her son following the discovery of a body in Kirkcaldy, police said late last night.

Rosdeep Kular, who is 33, was detained on Friday night and has now been charged. She is expected to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court tomorrow (Monday).

Assistant Chief Constable Malcolm Graham told press that formal identification of a body found late on Friday night had now taken place and that the investigation continued.

Mikaeel’s disappearance from his Ferry Gait Crescent home was reported to police on Thursday morning and sparked off the biggest missing person search ever seen in the city. Hundreds of local volunteers joined the search for the wee boy, and many of them joined together again to attend a packed memorial service at Muirhouse St Andrew’s church.

ACC Graham said late last night: “During the course of today the investigation into the disappearance of Mikaeel Kular has continued at pace.

Following formal identification, I can now confirm that a 33-year-old woman has been arrested and charged in connection with Mikaeel’s death.

“The woman is expected to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Monday.”

He again thanked rescue teams and the public for their help in the search for Mikaeel.

“I would like to again recognise the overwhelming public assistance that Police Scotland have received during the course of this very complex investigation. This includes his family and friends, with whom our thoughts remain,” he said.

ACC Graham said inquiries were continuing, and went on: “I ask that anybody who has any information that they feel would assist the investigation contacts the police.”

A steady stream of people – including many children – continue to leave tributes in the park close to the wee boy’s home:








Woman – believed to be mother – detained

A body, believed to be that of three year old Mikaeel Kular, has been found in Fife. The news came just before midnight and police also confirmed that a woman – reported to be the boy’s mother – has been detained.

Late last night senior police officer Assistant Chief Constable Malcolm Graham, clearly distraught,  broke the news that everyone had dreaded – but had increasingly anticipated.

ACC Graham said: “The investigation into the disappearance of Mikaeel Kular has been wide-ranging and fast-moving.

“As a result of these inquiries I can confirm that we have recovered the body of a young boy in Fife shortly before midnight. We have informed the family and the investigation continues.

“A person has been detained in connection with the death.

“I would like to sincerely thank everyone who has shown such a fantastic response to the incident in terms of assisting the police with searches and in terms of our appeals for information and coming forward to assist with information.

“Without such vital assistance the police cannot do their job assisting those who live and work in our communities.

“As a result of this development clearly there will now be no requirement for any further help in relation to searches in the Drylaw area.”

For three days of his short life Mikaeel has been the most famous wee boy on the planet, and information about just how, when and why an innocent three year old lost his life will follow over the coming days.

For now, though, North Edinburgh will slowly get back to mundane, everyday life. Instead of joining mass searches, residents will be shopping, going to football games, cleaning windows and a hundred and one other humdrum activities. North Local Office and West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre will return to the normal routine.

But, with the eyes of the world on our neighbourhood, the North Edinburgh community can be very proud of it’s magnificent response to an appeal for help. It’s deeply sad that such an uplifting community effort was unable to help achieve the happy ending we’d all hoped so much to see.

And after Mikaeel, North Edinburgh will never be quite the same place again.


Trinity housebreaker snared during Operation RAC

police (2)Police in Edinburgh have arrested 20 people in the past week in connection with over 50 acquisitive crime offences, including housebreaking as part of the ongoing Operation RAC.

Since Tuesday 7 January 37 housebreaking offences, which took place in the Trinity, Murrayfield, Kirkliston , Grange and city centre areas have been solved and those responsible have been charged or reported to the Procurator Fiscal.

These arrests equate to a 52 per cent solvency rate for all reported housebreakings in Edinburgh over the course of that week.

One of the detected offences relates to the arrest of a 47-year-old man, who was apprehended on Friday 10 January in connection with three break-ins and thefts from addresses in Trinity. A large quantity of jewellery worth £10,000 was recovered and has been returned to its rightful owners.

The man was scheduled to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Monday.

Detective Inspector John Kavanagh said: “Officers across Edinburgh have been carrying out various lines of enquiry of the past week to identify those responsible for housebreaking and acquisitive crime throughout the Capital.

“As a result, 20 people have since been subject to police action and we continue to investigate further to bring more offenders to justice as part of Operation RAC.

“While we are delighted with the number of arrests being made in relation to housebreaking, we are committed to stopping the public falling victim in the first instance and we have taken a proactive approach to providing our communities with crime prevention advice if and when it is required.

“Since Operation RAC began, officers in Edinburgh have issued three times as many crime prevention surveys, which help us identify potentially vulnerable areas and in turn provide those within these areas with information and guidance on safeguarding their homes, businesses and possessions.

“Anyone wishing to complete a crime prevention survey, or who would like more information on crime prevention can contact their local policing team.”

Have you seen Verlaine?


Police Scotland is appealing for information to help trace a woman who was last seen in Edinburgh earlier this month. 

Verlaine Moodley, a 34-year-old Zimbabwean national, has no confirmed home address within the Capital, but is believed to have stayed at various hostels, bed-sits and with friends for a prolonged period of time.

She was last seen in the North of the city on 3 December, and since then she has not made contact with friends or family and concern is now growing for her wellbeing.

Anyone with information that can help trace Verlaine is asked to contact police immediately.

Chief Inspector Richard Horan said: “It is very out of character for Verlaine not to keep in regular contact with her family, who are now growing increasingly worried for her.

“We are conducting enquiries throughout Edinburgh to trace her, but we cannot rule out the possibility she is no longer within the city and may have travelled elsewhere.

“Those who believe they have seen Verlaine since early December, or who have information that can help establish her whereabouts are asked to come forward. Similarly, I would ask Verlaine to get in touch with loved ones, or with police and let us know where you are and that you are safe and well.”

Anyone with information can contact Police Scotland on 101 or alternatively, the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

Witnesses sought to Ferry Road assault

Local police are investigating an assault and robbery which took place on Ferry Road near the Ferry Road Drive junction at around 11.25pm last Friday (20 December).

Detective Constable Sam Gillies, from Edinburgh CID, said: “A 39-year-old man got off a number 37 bus at Ferry Road and crossed towards Ferry Road Drive, where two men were loitering.

“As he approached to pass them one of them demanded his wallet before punching him on the face knocking him to the ground. They both then kicked and punched him on the head and body before stealing money from his pocket.

“The man was left very shaken by the assault but fortunately was not seriously hurt.

“The two suspects are described as white men with Scottish accents aged in their late twenties. One of them was of large build with short hair and the other was of skinny build wearing a grey woollen hat.”

Police would like to speak to anyone who was in the area at the time or who saw anyone matching these descriptions loitering there earlier in the night.

Anyone with information is asked to call 101

or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111



Young mother robbed in her Pilton home

Police are appealing for witnesses after two men burst into the home of a young mother in West Pilton and made off with money on Friday night.

The 23-year-old woman was with her toddler son at an address in West Pilton Green when two men – one of whom was armed with a knife – entered her house at about 11pm on Friday.

Police Scotland said they fled with a small amount of money when the family dog started barking.

The pair were said to be about 16-19 years old and wearing hooded tops.

One was wearing a dark tracksuit with a hooded top and the other was wearing grey tracksuit bottoms, a grey hooded top with a dark band over the shoulders and three white stripes on the sleeves.

Det Sgt Gary Harrison said: “We are appealing for information to help trace the two men who were responsible for this. Neither the mother nor her child were injured during this incident but it was very frightening for them and they are shocked.”

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