New Chief sets out her vision for policing

Scotland’s new Chief Constable Jo Farrell has outlined her vision to deliver effective policing for communities.

Chief Constable Farrell prioritised threat, harm and risk; prevention, problem solving and proactivity; and the wellbeing of officers and staff so they can deliver for the public.

Speaking at a Scottish Police Authority Board meeting in Edinburgh, the Chief Constable said she would progress a second phase of policing reform to deliver the full integration of Police Scotland while building even closer ties with public services to drive efficiency.

The Service is also reviewing senior posts and corporate services to ensure resources support frontline policing.

Chief Constable Farrell urged government to invest £128m in policing next year to continue reform of policing. She said the establishment of Police Scotland was a successful example of government spending to save, with policing returning £200m to the public purse every year compared to legacy arrangements.

Chief Constable Farrell said: “Reform of policing represented an innovative, ambitious and optimistic response to austerity and Police Scotland is now a national asset known for compassion and high standards.

“A changing, ageing population; a cost of living crisis driving vulnerability and pressure on other services; civil unrest; new laws and increasingly complex investigations all contribute to growing community need and increasing contacts to policing from the public.

“Police Scotland must focus intensely on our core duties and what matters to the people we serve. If what we do doesn’t protect the vulnerable from harm, prevent crime or support our officers and staff, we will challenge that and redirect resources.”

The Chief Constable also said officers must spend less time on mental health calls; in accident and emergency and attending court for trials that don’t happen.

She said: “Policing is determined to play our part in criminal justice reform – to make efficiencies, but more importantly deliver better service for the people we serve.

“We will make appropriate use of direct measures at the lowest end of offending so the entire system can focus on delivering justice in the more serious cases.

“We will work with the Scottish Government and the Crown Office to capture digital evidence, including on body worn video, and share the evidence to support better and quicker court outcomes.

“At the same time, policing must redefine our responsibilities around mental health.

“We must respond to people in crises but policing is not the best agency to provide people living with poor mental health with all the care and support they need and deserve.

“Officers should not routinely be performing welfare checks or sitting in hospital waiting rooms for lengthy periods of time.”

The Chief Constable said £128m including an uplift to capital funding would restart officer recruitment for the year ahead; fund the cost of this year’s 7% pay award for officers and staff and make a credible offer next year; enable a programme of voluntary retirement and redundancy; and rapidly reshape Police Scotland to deliver more savings in years ahead while ensuring effective service.

Chief Constable Farrell added: “Without funding over and above flat cash, we will be unable to recruit police officers in 2024-25. My experience in England is that would significantly impact community policing and proactivity like drugs raids.”

Watch Chief Constable Farrell’s report here.

Scottish Government and Police Scotland launch drug-driving campaign

  • Almost half of drivers drug tested at the roadside were arrested for drug-driving1
  • The Scottish Government and Police Scotland launch drug-driving campaign

The Scottish Government and Police Scotland have launched an enforcement campaign to tackle drug-driving, highlighting the criminal and personal consequences of being found guilty of driving with drugs in your system.

With latest Police Scotland data revealing almost half of drivers drug tested at the roadside were arrested for drug-driving1, the hard-hitting campaign reminds drivers that drug-driving is not worth the risk.

During the festive period Police Scotland will be ready to catch drug-drivers with roadside tests using drug wipes for any motorist they suspect of drug-driving. If the test is positive, drivers will be arrested.

Driving under the influence of drugs, or any other substance such as alcohol, can destroy lives. Drugs can slow down your responses, making a collision more likely. This can lead to severe injuries and even death.

Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs, Angela Constance said: “The consequences of drug-driving can be devastating and those found guilty of breaking the law face a criminal record, a large fine, and up to six months in prison.

“Driving with drugs in your system puts the driver, passengers and other road users at risk of serious injury, or death. The message is clear, don’t take drugs and drive.”

Police Scotland’s enforcement campaign will see an even stronger focus on drug-driving on Scotland’s roads from 1st December, so the chances of being caught are higher than ever.

On average, police encounter 40-50 motorists a week who provide a positive drug wipe. Drivers who provide a positive roadside drug test are arrested and taken to a police station where a blood sample is obtained and sent for further analysis.

A drug-drive conviction is not only a driving offence, it is also a criminal offence. On conviction, drivers could receive a minimum 12-month driving ban; 3-11 penalty points on their licence; a criminal record; up to 6 months in prison and a fine of up to a £5,000. 

Chief Superintendent Hilary Sloan, Police Scotland’s Head of Road Policing said: “We continue to see motorists put others at risk by driving after drinking alcohol or taking drugs, despite repeated warnings about the dangers of drink and drug-driving.

“It doesn’t matter how good a driver you think you are, alcohol and drugs will affect your reactions and your judgement.

“Don’t put yourself or others at risk. You could lose your job, end up in prison or suffer life changing injuries. Think of the impact it could have on your loved ones. You could kill someone.

“If anyone is concerned about a driver’s behaviour, let us know. Help us keep Scotland’s roads safe.”

The new drug-driving advertising campaign highlights how easy it is to catch drug-drivers and features cars being stopped by police with very telling number plates spelling out ‘H1GH’, ‘W1R3D’ and ‘ST0N3D’.

It will run during the festive period on VOD, radio, digital and outdoor channels supported by a PR and social media campaign.

For more information go to or the Road Safety Scotland Facebook and X (formerly known as Twitter) (@roadsafetyscot) pages.

Appeal after peregrine falcon found dead in a trap

Wildlife officers are appealing after a protected bird of prey was found dead in a trap near Balerno, Edinburgh.

The dead peregrine falcon was found around 100 yards from a public path on the edge of a small woodland south of Wester Bavelaw on Thursday, 23 November, 2023.

Wildlife Crime Officer, Detective Constable Daniel Crilley, said: “This protected bird was found in a baited pole trap that is illegal.

“Peregrine falcons are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act and forensic tests are being done as part of our ongoing enquiries to establish the full circumstances.

“We are asking anyone who saw anything suspicious in the area or who has information that could help pour investigation to get in touch.

“If you can help please contact us via 101, quoting incident number 1376 of Friday, 24 November, or make a call anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

More information on wildlife crime can be found on the Police Scotland website:

Charity launches new national housebreaking campaign

Keep your home and loved ones safe

Crimestoppers is today (Tuesday 28th November), launching a new Scotland-wide house breaking campaign with Police Scotland.

The campaign aims to raise awareness of how homeowners and tenants – particularly the vulnerable in our communities – can protect their property by speaking up anonymously if they know of a planned break-in or have witnessed suspicious activity in their area.

In 2021-22, there were 8,489 recorded housebreaking crimes. However, with Christmas fast approaching and the country experiencing a cost-of-living crisis, Police Scotland have warned that they expect an increase in the number of housebreakings.

Crimestoppers is a charity that is independent of the police and takes crime information whilst guaranteeing anonymity – no courts, no witness statements, no comeback. By never asking for personal details, it encourages people to come forward who might otherwise stay silent.

The campaign will supply all Police Scotland Divisions and Community Safety Partners with campaign posters, postcards, and local area banners.

A Scotland-wide social media campaign will enable anyone with information to pass it on completely anonymously and securely via the online form on Crimestoppers website.

Angela Parker, Scotland National Manager for the independent charity Crimestoppers, said: “Housebreaking is not a victimless crime. It’s traumatic to lose valuable and personally important items from your home – and the emotional shock of having your property invaded can also be deeply upsetting. 

“Criminal gangs can target the most vulnerable in communities and our campaign aims to gather information about who is behind house theft.

“When you contact us, we won’t judge or ask any personal details. All we want to know is what you know. We guarantee you’ll remain 100% anonymous. Always.

“If you have any information about people who have recently moved into Scottish communities to sell drugs, please contact Crimestoppers 100% anonymously on 0800 555 111 or visit the charity’s website and fill in the  simple and secure anonymous online form. By working together we can help keep our homes and communities safe.”

Detective Superintendent Andy Patrick, Police Scotland’s Acquisitive Crime Lead said: “Housebreaking is an extremely invasive crime, which can have a devastating impact on victims long after the offence has been committed.

“Police Scotland treats all reports of housebreaking with the utmost seriousness, and we have dedicated teams who specifically investigate such crimes to identify those responsible and bring them to justice.

“Our communities have a vital role to play in preventing housebreaking by taking appropriate steps to safeguard their homes, businesses, and outbuildings, such as garages and sheds. We have a range of useful crime prevention advice available on our website at

“Similarly, I would also encourage the public to report any suspicious activity they witness within their community to police, or should they have information relating to a planned housebreaking, then contact us via 101, or Crimestoppers in complete anonymity. In an emergency always use 999.”

Have you seen this man?

Police Scotland is appealing for information on the whereabouts of 34-year-old Ryan Gandy who went missing from the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh yesterday at around 5pm (Wednesday, 22 November, 2023).

He was last seen at Crewe Road South.

Ryan is described as being around 6ft tall, of slim build with dark receding hair.

He was wearing a blue Nike dry-fit top, black jogging bottoms, dark-coloured trainers, and a black Hoodrich gilet.

He has a tattoo with the word “Katy” on his right arm and scars on both sides of his face.

Officers are carrying out extensive searches and reviewing CCTV in an effort to trace him.

Members of the public are advised not to approach Mr Gandy if they see him but to contact police immediately.

Anyone who knows of his present whereabouts should contact Police Scotland on 101, or in an emergency on 999. Please quote incident number 2515 of Wednesday, 22 November, 2023.

Information can also be passed via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where anonymity can be maintained.

5th November disorder: More Arrests

Eight further people have been charged in connection with bonfire night disorder seen in Edinburgh on Sunday, 5 November.

Two male youths, both aged 15, have been charged in connection with preparing petrol bombs and firing fireworks at police in the Niddrie area.

Six other male youths, all aged between 14 and 16, have been charged in connection with possession of fireworks and associated disorder in the Southhouse/Gracemount areas.

Work remains ongoing to establish the identities of others involved and a number of others have been identified.

Officers continue to appeal to the public to provide any information that can help with ongoing enquiries.

There is a Major Incident Public Portal (MIPP) that allows members of the public to send information directly to the police that can be accessed as follows:

Chief Inspector Kieran Dougal said: “The disorder seen in the capital on bonfire night was completely unacceptable and these charges show our continued commitment to identifying and tracing those involved in the incidents.

“Our investigation continues and I would urge the public to continue to help us with that by reporting any information to 101, or send it to the portal link. Alternatively you can call Crimstoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be given anonymously.”

Greendykes gunshots two weeks on: Can you help?

Officers investigating shots being fired in Edinburgh have revisited the scene two weeks on.

Around 10.15am on Thursday, 2 November, 2023, Police were called to a report of shots being fired at a block of flats on Greendykes Road in the city.

Officers carried out enquiries at the time and identified shots were also fired towards the same building, about 4.30am the same morning.

There were no injuries during either incident, however windows were damaged.

This continues to be treated as a targeted attack.

Yesterday morning, officers from Gayfield CID returned to the area as part of their enquiries.

Detectives spoke to a number of motorists and pedestrians in an attempt to jog their memories and gain additional information that could help trace two people on bicycles in the area around the time of both incidents.

Detective Sergeant Gavin Howat said: “The response from the public has been encouraging and information gained yesterday, and over the last two weeks, will no doubt assist in our enquiry to identify the suspects.

“I am again appealing to anyone who has any information which may assist us and who hasn’t already spoken to police to get in touch.

“Any piece of information, no matter how small, could be relevant.”

Anyone with any information is asked to contact 101 quoting incident 0961 of 2 November, 2023. Alternatively, information can be passed to Crimestoppers anonymously by calling 0800 555 111.

Bonfire Night disorder: More Arrests

POLICE investigating the violent disorder in both Edinburgh and Glasgow on Bonfire Night have arrested a further seven people and identified as least 14 others.

Two arrests had already been made on the night, bringing the total to nine since Sunday, 5 November, 2023.

In relation to the disorder in the Niddrie area, a 31-year-old man and a 24-year-old woman were arrested and charged with fireworks offences and were released on an undertaking to appear in court at a later date.

An 18-year-old man and a 13-year-old boy were also both arrested and charged with culpable and reckless conduct and being in possession of a weapon. The 18-year-old will appear in court at a later date and the 13-year-old was reported to the relevant authorities.

Fourteen others have also been identified for the disorder in the Edinburgh area, and work is ongoing to establish the identities of others.

In Glasgow, a 17-year-old man was arrested and charged with assault and being in possession of a weapon. Two men, aged 16 and 17, were also arrested and charged with assault. Reports will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

Enquiries continue into both incidents and further arrests are expected. We continue to appeal for information from the public with major incident portals set up for both Glasgow and Edinburgh where the public can submit information, including videos and images.

For disorder in Edinburgh there is a Major Incident Public Portal (MIPP) that allows members of the public to send information directly to the police that can be accessed as follows:

For disorder in Glasgow there is a Major Incident Public Portal (MIPP) that allows members of the public to send information directly to the police that can be accessed as follows:

Assistant Chief Constable Tim Mairs, Gold Commander for Operation Moonbeam said: “We are continuing our enquiries into the significant disorder we experienced on bonfire night. These arrests are just the start, and we expect to make more in the coming weeks.

“We took a robust stance, and I am proud of the courage, discipline and professionalism that officers showed in the face of the violence that night.

“A number of our officers sustained minor physical injuries, however we are also aware of the mental impact that dealing with such significant levels of violence can have and will continue to support all officers affected.  Nobody deserves to be injured in this way for doing their job. An emergency worker is also someone’s son, daughter, husband or wife.”

If anyone has any information that can help us in our investigation, then please contact 101 or send it in via the respective portal link. Alternatively you can call CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111 where information can be given anonymously.

Police: Attacks on buses

POLICE have recently received a number of reports of youths throwing objects at buses in the Craigmillar area of Edinburgh. This behaviour is extremely dangerous and has the potential to cause serious injury.

Lothian Buses provide an essential public service. Removing damaged buses from service and diverting public transport from the area has a negative impact on the local community.

Police Scotland will continue to work in partnership with Lothian Buses to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour and identify those responsible.

If you see or know of anyone engaging in this reckless behaviour, please contact police on 101, or 999 in an emergency.

Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Police appeal following fatal crash on Gorgie Road

POLICE are appealing for information following a fatal crash on Gorgie Road yesterday (Tuesday 14 November 2023).

The incident took place around 1.05pm, involving an HGV and a pedestrian.

The pedestrian, a 62-year-old man, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Sergeant Jill Kirkpatrick, from the Edinburgh Road Policing Unit, said: “At this time, our thoughts are very much with the family and friends of the man who died.

“We are carrying out enquiries to establish the full circumstances of this incident and would appeal to anyone who was in the Gorgie Road or Calder Road area around the time of the crash to please come forward.

“If you have any information, or potential dashcam footage, which could assist our enquiries, please call police on 101, quoting incident 1457 of 14 November.”