Sporting bodies back children’s charities’ campaign to make sports clubs safer for children

  • Less than four in ten parents* actively sought to understand a sports club’s safeguarding procedures before allowing their child to join
  • Some sports clubs are also not providing parents with information about their safeguarding procedures
  • Scottish Athletics, Scottish Gymnastics and Netball Scotland join together in supporting NSPCC and Children 1st’s Parents In Sport Week (October 5-11)


A group of Scottish governing sporting bodies has backed a joint NSPCC and Children 1st campaign to raise awareness of safeguarding standards in sports clubs and improve safety measures.

Scottish Gymnastics, Scottish Athletics, and Netball Scotland have all pledged their support to Parents In Sport Week, an NSPCC event that runs each year.

New research found less than four in ten parents* actively sought to understand the safeguarding procedures of their local sports/ leisure clubs before signing their child up to take part in practice sessions, matches and competitions.

An online YouGov survey*, conducted on behalf of the NSPCC showed that 38% of parents across the UK actively tried to find out whether basic safety measures were in place before allowing their child to join a club.

Further cause for concern is that 38% of parents* said they had either never received or could not recall whether they had been sent any information about safeguarding measures by their child’s sports/ leisure club once they were a member.

Tackling these issues and encouraging positive parental involvement in youth sports is the aim of the NSPCC and Children 1st’s ‘Parents In Sport Week’, which launches today (Oct 5).

The three Scottish sporting bodies are supporting the annual event, which also calls on parents to make ‘The Sports Parents Promise’ – an online commitment which helps them choose a safer club for their children.

‘The Sports Parents Promise’ also encourages parents to be a positive influence when watching their child’s games from the side lines.

Doc McKelvey, CEO of Scottish Gymnastics, said: “We fully support Parents in Sport week as they play an important part in sport whether taking their child to a club or supporting them through their competitive journey.

“We are committed to providing a safe, healthy, and positive environment for children and young people to enjoy gymnastics and encourage parents and carers to ask ten key questions to find out about the safeguarding procedures in their club.”

Colin Hutchison, Head of Development at Scottish Gymnastics, said: “Scottish Athletics is delighted to support NSPCC Scotland’s ‘Parents in Sports Week’.

“Parents and guardians play a vital role in supporting the development of young people in sport and providing a safe, fun environment for them to learn. We would urge all parents with children in sport to make the Sports Parents Promise.”

Claire Nelson, CEO of Netball Scotland and the Strathclyde Sirens, said: “We have been proud partners of NSPCC Scotland for the past four years and we are delighted to again support the Sports Parents Promise.

“This is a great initiative, and we would urge anyone whose children are involved in sports to sign up. Positive support and involvement from parents helps to build strong and lasting relationships between them and their children.”

Michelle North, Director of the NSPCC’s Child Protection in Sport Unit, said: “Sport is a huge part of childhood with many young people spending countless happy hours practicing and playing and making new friends.

“Checking on a club’s safeguarding procedures before signing up will give parents the peace of mind that their child is in a safe and secure environment.

“That’s why we’re encouraging parents and sports clubs across the country to make our Sports Parents Promise, because it’s essential that everyone plays their part in protecting children and help make every sporting experience a positive one.”

Every sports club and activity provider should have a welfare or safeguarding officer as well as a safeguarding policy and the NSPCC is encouraging every parent to find out who to contact in their children’s sport if they have any questions or concerns.

To keep up to date with the latest news from the NSPCC’s Child Protection in Sport Unit, follow @TheCPSU on Twitter. To support the NSPCC’s Parents In Sport week on social media, follow the campaign using #ParentsInSportWeek2020.

NSPCC lays out six tests to create world-leading laws to protect children online

  • Charity at the forefront of the Online Harms Bill urges UK Government to deliver on Boris Johnson’s determination for ambitious regulation
  • NSPCC sets 11th hour demand for Government: ‘Pass our tests for online regulation so children don’t continue to suffer avoidable harm and abuse’
  • Online sex crimes recorded against children in Scotland surpass five a day; as Ian Russell backs calls for Bill to also tackle suicide and self-harm posts

The NSPCC has laid out six tests the UK Government’s regulation of social media will be judged on if it is to achieve bold and lasting protections for children online.

The charity’s How to win the Wild West Web report, released today, sets out how the upcoming Online Harms Bill must set the global standard in protecting children on the web.

With crucial decisions just days away, the charity is urging the UK Government to ensure it levels the playing field for children, and new laws finally force tech firms to tackle the avoidable harm caused by their sites.

The call comes after figures released by Police Scotland show the number of online sex crimes against children recorded by the force during lockdown (April – June) reached the equivalent of more than five a day – a 20% increase on the same quarter last year.

The pandemic is likely to result in long-term changes to the online child abuse threat, with high-risk livestreaming and video chat becoming more popular. Changes to working patterns, meaning more offenders working at home, could result in a greater demand for sexual abuse images and increased opportunities for grooming.

The NSPCC has routinely highlighted the growing levels of abuse and harm caused to children on social media platforms, and believes the problem has been exacerbated by the fallout from coronavirus.

At the UK Government’s Hidden Harms summit earlier this year, the Prime Minister signalled his personal determination to legislate for ambitious regulation that successfully combats child abuse.

But the NSPCC is worried the landmark opportunity to change the landscape for children online could be missed if this is not translated by the UK Government into law.

The charity has released its six tests ahead of a full consultation response to the White Paper, amid concerns Ministers are wavering in their ambitions for robust regulation.

Regulation must:

  1. Create an expansive, principles-based duty of care
  2. Comprehensively tackle online sexual abuse
  3. Put legal but harmful content on an equal footing with illegal material
  4. Have robust transparency and investigatory powers
  5. Hold industry to account with criminal and financial sanctions
  6. Give civil society a legal voice for children with user advocacy arrangements

The charity believes, if done correctly, regulation could set a British model that leads the world in child protection online.

But in a stark warning, NSPCC CEO Peter Wanless, said: “Failing to pass any of the six tests will mean that rather than tech companies paying the cost of their inaction, future generations of children will pay with serious harm and sexual abuse that could have been stopped.

“Industry inaction is fuelling sex crimes against children and the fallout from coronavirus has heightened the risks of abuse now and in the future.

“The Prime Minister has the chance of a lifetime to change this by coming down on the side of children and families, with urgent regulation that is a bold and ambitious UK plan to truly change the landscape of online child protection.

“The Online Harms Bill must become a Government priority, with unwavering determination to take the opportunity to finally end the avoidable, serious harm children face online because of unaccountable tech firms.”

The six tests are backed by Ian Russell, who has campaigned for regulation since the death of his daughter, Molly, by suicide, after she was targeted with self-harm posts on social media.

Mr Russell, who is due to be made an Honorary Member of Council for the NSPCC this week, said: “Today, I can’t help but wonder why it’s taking so long to introduce effective regulation to prevent the type of harmful social media posts we now know Molly saw, and liked, and saved in the months prior to her death.

“Tech self-regulation has failed and, as I know, it’s failed all too often at great personal cost. Now is the time to establish a regulator to protect those online by introducing proportionate legislation with effective financial and criminal sanctions.

“It is a necessary step forward in trying to reclaim the web for the good it can do and curtail the growing list of harms to be found online.”

The six tests the Government must pass if it is to create game-changing and lasting protections for children online are:

  • An expansive, principles-based duty of care; tech firms should have a legal responsibility to identify harms caused by their sites and deal with them, or face tough consequences for breaching regulation.
  • Tackling online sexual abuse; platforms must proactively and consistently tackle grooming and abuse images facilitated by dangerous design features. There must be no excuses. In the current state of play abuse images have been left online with the excuse that a child’s age cannot be proven, and images signposting abuse are not removed.
  • Tackling legal but harmful content; current Government proposals will see companies set their own rules on legal but harmful content. This is not good enough. The law must compel firms to respond to the harms caused by algorithms targeting damaging suicide and self-harm posts at children and avoid a two-tier system that prioritises tacking illegal content. The danger of harmful content should rightly be balanced against freedom of expression, but focus on the risk to children.
  • Transparency and investigation powers; tech firms currently only dish out information they want the public to see. The regulator must have the power to lift up the bonnet to investigate platforms and demand information from companies.
  • Criminal and financial sanctions; fines are vital but will be water off a duck’s back to some of the world’s wealthiest companies. Government can’t backslide on a named manager scheme that gives the regulator powers to prosecute rogue tech directors in UK law.
  • User advocacy arrangements; to level the playing field there must be strong civil society voice for children against well-resourced industry pressure. Big tech should be made to clean up the damage they have caused by funding user advocacy arrangements.

The NSPCC has been the leading voice for social media regulation and the charity set out detailed proposals for an Online Harms Bill last year, which informed much of  the White Paper.

The Government has said the consultation response will be published in the autumn, with legislation expected to be delivered in the new year.

Protecting Scotland, Renewing Scotland

Programme for Government 2020-21

Ensuring Scotland’s economic, health, and social recovery from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is the focus of this year’s Programme for Government.

Speaking in Parliament yesterday, the First Minister said the Scottish Government would prioritise work to suppress the virus – building on its commitment to COVID-19 testing, contact tracing, and surveillance.

The COVID-19 response will be bolstered with the launch of Protect Scotland, a new proximity tracing app, later this month. The app will add an additional means of notifying people that they may have been exposed to the virus and that they should isolate to prevent onward transmission.

The First Minister also set out the government’s plans for renewal while ensuring a green recovery is at the heart of the economic recovery, with job creation, support for health and wellbeing and work to tackle inequalities all high on the agenda.

A National Transition Training Fund will support up to 10,000 people at risk of redundancy or unemployment. The Scottish Youth Guarantee will ensure every young person has the opportunity of work, education, or training.

A new £100 million Green Jobs Fund will be created while a new Inward Investment Plan will create 100,000 high value jobs over the next decade and boost GDP.

The pandemic has also reiterated the need for a radical rethink of social care. An independent review of the care system will be established to examine how adult social care can be most effectively reformed to deliver a national approach to care and support services. This will include consideration of a National Care Service.

In order to support families, applications for the Scottish Child Payment will open in November 2020, with the first payments to be made in February 2021.

A new £10 million Tenant Hardship Loan Fund will protect people from homelessness by providing interest-free loans for those struggling to pay their rent and there will be a ban on evictions until March 2021.

Other measures include:

  • accelerating the roll-out of Community Treatment and Assessment Centres so more people can receive medical care in their community rather than going to hospital
  • expanding digital access to health care to ensure more people can get the help they need
  • £1.6 billion low carbon funding to secure a just transition to a net zero economy, including a £100 million Green Jobs Fund, investment in heat and energy efficiency and industrial decarbonisation
  • a 20 year vision for energy efficient, zero carbon housing, with access to outdoor space, transport links, digital connectivity and community services
  • £500 million for infrastructure to support active travel
  • bringing 50,000 people into the digital world through the Connecting Scotland programme and creating a world class digital eco-system in Scotland
  • introducing legislation on domestic abuse protection orders and progressing legislation to improve forensic medical examinations for victims of sexual assault

The First Minister said: “The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a profound impact on our health and wellbeing, on business and the economy – indeed, on our whole way of life. That is true here in Scotland, and across the globe.

“Today’s Programme is clear that suppressing COVID is our most immediate priority – and it will remain so for some time. However, it also makes clear that we will not simply hunker down and wait for the storm to pass.

“This Programme for Government sets out plans for a stronger, more resilient and sustainable economy – with a laser focus on creating new, good, green jobs.

“It guarantees opportunities for young people – and refuses to accept that their generation will carry the economic scars of COVID into adulthood.

“It sets out plans to strengthen and reform our public services, including our NHS. And it takes the first step on the road to a National Care Service.

“It promotes equality and wellbeing, with decisive action to combat child poverty. At its heart is the new, game-changing Scottish Child Payment.

“We must treat the COVID-19 challenge not as a brake on our ambitions but as an accelerant – helping us shape a stronger, greener, fairer future.”

STUC welcome National Care Service commitment in Programme for Government, but raise concerns around Fair Work

STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “While we strongly support many of the aspirations in today’s Programme for Government, aspirations aren’t enough and it will take a serious stimulus package to deliver the sort of transformative change being talked about by the First Minister.

“We welcome the First Minister’s commitment to review adult social care and support for a National Care Service. This is a very important development that we have long called for. However, it is deeply disappointing that trade unions representing the workers in this sector have not been offered a seat at the table for any review in order to hold the Scottish Government to account and represent our members.

“Additionally, given the scandal that has unfolded across our care services and the sub-standard employment practices that have been uncovered the Government must commit now to ensuring that the profit motive is removed from any future social care model and Fair Work issues are addressed as an urgent priority.

“We commend the Programme’s ambition of building a green economy. Unfortunately, the level of investment to create a zero-carbon economy is simply too small to meet the scale of the challenge. Supporting workers to upskill and retrain is important, but it counts for little when there is currently a lack of jobs and demand in the green economy.

“We need to see major investment and intervention and would have liked to have seen an extension of public ownership in key areas like transport, construction and energy to ensure that the government’s aspirations can be delivered effectively.

“Where money is invested it is essential that it comes with Fair Work conditionality attached. We are disappointed that the Fair Work agenda and conditionality has not featured more heavily in today’s programme.

“We would also have liked to have seen more commitment to increased funding for local government, which is absolutely vital if we are to ensure services in local communities for our most vulnerable.

“Overall the programme is full of the right ambitions, but it’s too cash tight. We will continue to call on both the UK and Scottish Governments to work together to deliver the level of stimulus our economy so desperately needs as this investment can’t wait for the debate on independence to be resolved.

“Today’s programme has good potential, but we need more investment to ensure real transformative change in our society.”

Joanna Barrett, NSPCC policy and public affairs manager, said: “It is clearly right that Covid-19 recovery, including for children, is at the heart of this year’s Programme for Government.

“Calls to our Childline service from children and young people who had experienced sexual abuse in the home tripled during lockdown. And there was an increase in referrals from our helpline to Scottish agencies, due to parental behaviour, physical and emotional abuse and neglect, during this time.

“It is, therefore, crucial that any efforts to support children recover from the effects of the pandemic, especially those focusing on mental health, include specialist and timely treatment for those who have endured traumatic experiences, such as abuse and neglect.”

Full Programme for Government

Full First Minister statement

Bills to be progressed during this parliamentary session (2020-21):

Budget Bill

Domestic Abuse Bill

Incorporation of United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Bill

University of St. Andrews (Degrees in Medicine and Dentistry) Bill

Defamation and Malicious Publication Bill

Forensic Medical Services (Victims of Sexual Offences) Bill

Hate Crime and Public Order Bill

Heat Networks Bill

Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse in Care) Bill

Social Security Administration and Tribunal Membership Bill

UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Continuity) Bill

Children are ‘hidden victims of coronavirus crisis’

  • More than 480 referrals made by the NSPCC helpline to Scottish agencies in three months following lockdown
  • Parental behaviour, neglect and physical and emotional abuse were the top concerns of adults contacting the helpline
  • Charity calls on Scottish Government to explain in detail how it will aid children’s physical and mental recovery from abuse and trauma suffered during the lockdown

A 40% increase in referrals made to police and local authorities in Scotland by the NSPCC helpline during lockdown highlights how children have been the hidden victims of the coronavirus crisis.

NSPCC Scotland reveals that in April, May and June the helpline made a monthly average of 161 referrals compared to an average of 114 in the three months prior to lockdown.

Last month, Scotland’s Deputy First Minister John Swinney announced plans for young people to return to school fulltime in August, and the NSPCC is today urging the Scottish Government to ensure the recovery plan addresses the full range of children’s needs. This includes ensuring schools are ready to help all children who need it – particularly those who may have suffered abuse, neglect or other traumatic experiences during the lockdown – and investing in children’s social care.

During the past three months, the helpline has heard from more than 22,000 adults across the UK concerned about the wellbeing of a child. 

This is an increase of almost a third (32%) on the monthly average for the three months prior to lockdown, with May seeing 8,287 contacts – the highest number ever made to the adult helpline in a single month on record.

During lockdown, the main issues confronting NSPCC child safety experts were parental behaviour, physical and emotional abuse and neglect.

Around 40% of the total contacts received were referred on to local authorities or the police for further action.

One adult who spoke to the NSPCC helpline during the lockdown said: “I’ve become increasingly disturbed by the noises coming from one of one my neighbours – it’s been getting worse since the lockdown. I can hear the mother shouting and swearing at her two little ones, it sounds vengeful and aggressive.

“Sometimes the mother locks her kids out in the front garden as punishment – last time this happened the youngest was crying hysterically for half an hour, it was awful. Is there anything you can do?”

These figures released by the charity today back up the findings of a research report it recently published – ‘Social Isolation and the risk of child maltreatment in the lockdown and beyond’ –  which underlines how increasing parental and family stress, reductions in protective services and the intensification of pressures on children’s emotional wellbeing caused by lockdown can increase the risk of abuse and neglect.

These traumatic experiences can have a devastating impact on children’s health and wellbeing and can stop children from learning, with the long-term effects following them into adulthood.

However, with the right support young people can recover and be helped to move on with their lives.

Now the charity is calling on the Scottish Government to urgently commit to a children’s recovery plan which sets out how it will:

  • Deliver the long-term investment in children’s services that is needed to provide high quality preventative and therapeutic services for children in every part of the country;
  • Invest in rebuilding support for families with babies and young children who have missed out on the normal support from health visitors during the lockdown;
  • Support multi-agency partnerships of the local authority, NHS and police to work with schools to review support for children known to the designated child protection lead, and identify those who continue to miss class with a plan to understand and address any barriers to a child’s school attendance;
  • Ensure schools are ready to help all children who need it – particularly those who may have suffered abuse, neglect or other traumatic experiences during the lockdown. Schools must be equipped to recognise and respond sensitively to children who have experienced physical or mental harm, trauma or adverse experiences when they return to the classroom. This includes putting in place support for teachers to enable them to support children confidently, including training on child development science and how trauma can manifest in behavioural problems or poor emotional regulation.
  • Support recovery services across health, education and social care, including through the provision of additional investment, to develop a coordinated plan to respond to what is likely to be an increase in need for therapeutic services.

Matt Forde, NSPCC Scotland head of service, said: “The increase in referrals from our helpline during the lockdown highlights how some families have been driven to crisis point and the home has become an increasingly unsafe place for some children.

“It is vital that children are now supported to help them recover from any mental and physical harm that many will have suffered these past few months.

Government’s role is crucial, and it must put in place a detailed recovery plan that makes sure children and young people can receive the expert help they need if they have had difficult or damaging experiences.

Putting children at the heart of recovery planning and taking this action quickly will mean the crisis of the last three months does not scar the childhoods of a whole generation.”  

Deliveroo riders to receive NSPCC training to help spot signs of child abuse

Deliveroo and NSPCC have today announced a new partnership to help children who may be at risk of abuse or neglect in Scotland.

This is especially important during the pandemic as children may be more out of sight than usual. The NSPCC, in a report released last week, revealed how lockdown has increased the risk of child abuse.

The partnership will:

  • Provide hundreds of Deliveroo riders with free, vital training – It’s Your Call – delivered by the NSPCC to help them recognise children at risk of abuse and neglect
  • Raise awareness of the NSPCC Helpline with Deliveroo riders promoting the Helpline number on their delivery bags, so that any adult concerned about a child can call to speak to a trained professional
  • Deliver hundreds of free meals to NSPCC Helpline staff to say thank you for their hard work to keep children safe during COVID-19

During the crisis people who work within their community can play an important role in helping keep children safe and spotting possible signs of child abuse, neglect and domestic violence.

Deliveroo riders, with their role delivering to homes, are well-placed to spot any emerging safeguarding concerns.

The idea of a partnership between Deliveroo and NSPCC was developed when, earlier this year, a rider contacted the NSPCC after becoming worried for a child’s welfare. As a result, action was taken to ensure the child’s safety.

Although the lockdown is easing and some children have returned to school, many children are still spending a lot of time at home and have limited contact with wider support networks.

A new NSPCC report, ‘Isolated and Struggling’, brings together evidence from academics, charities and frontline professionals, and identifies three ways in which lockdown has increased the risk of child abuse, such as a reduction in normal protective services.

In May, the NSPCC surveyed over 2,000 adults in Britain and found that over a quarter (26%) were not confident they would know where to seek help if they thought a child or young person was being abused or neglected.

To combat the issue the NSPCC have temporarily made their ‘It’s Your Call’ course free during the pandemic, as well as expanded and promoted the Helpline in response to the situation, which has now received more than 10,000 welfare contacts.

After receiving their training, Deliveroo Riders will be able to play their part in helping to keep children safe from abuse.

The riders will also promote the NSPCC Helpline number with a sticker on their delivery bags, so that any adult concerned about a child can call this number to speak to a trained professional for advice and support.

Peter Wanless, NSPCC Chief Executive, said: “It is essential that we all play our role in helping to keep children and young people safe.

“Riders and other workers visiting people’s home during the pandemic have the unique opportunity to see or hear things that others may not. Therefore, it is important that they feel confident in knowing what to do if they are concerned about a child. It’s fantastic of Deliveroo to take this positive step with us – together we believe everyone can play a part in keeping children safe.”

Will Shu, CEO Deliveroo, said: “We are so proud of the vital role Deliveroo riders are carrying out during the COVID-19 crisis. As key workers, riders are at the heart of local communities and will be able to play an important role to help keep children safe.”

To show their appreciation Deliveroo will be delivering hundreds of free meals to NSPCC Helpline frontline workers who have been working during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Abdelziz Abdou, Deliveroo rider (above), said: “I am really proud to ride for Deliveroo and have the opportunity to train with the NSPCC and play my part to spot any signs of danger.

“I will also be displaying the NSPCC Helpline number while out riding and hope that this will encourage people to call up and speak to a trained professional. This is a really important partnership and I am pleased to show my support for the NSPCC and all their hard work to keep children safe.”

Over the coming weeks and months, Deliveroo will be encouraging riders across the UK to complete the training and order stickers to support and raise awareness amongst their communities.

The NSPCC Helpline is available for advice and support on 0808 800 5000 or via

The NSPCC has made their safeguarding awareness course, It’s Your Call, temporarily free in response to the pandemic. All other NSPCC safeguarding online training has been discounted, to support people during this time.

Online child grooming offences rise in Scotland

  • NSPCC asks Boris Johnson to publicly commit to having world-leading online harms legislation on statute book within 18 months
  • Social media sites are ‘enabling offenders’ as recorded crimes, which include online grooming offences, rise above 2,500 in five years in Scotland

Crimes of communicating a sexual message to a child have increased by more than 80 per cent in five years in Scotland, the NSPCC has revealed.

New figures obtained via a freedom of information request show that 651 offences of Communicating Indecently with a Child were recorded by Police Scotland in the last year, compared to 354 crimes in 2014/15 – an increase of 84 per cent.

In the year to April 2020, the rise was 12 per cent but the NSPCC is warning there could be a sharper increase this year due to the unique threats caused by coronavirus that are being exacerbated by years of industry failure to design basic child protection into platforms.

The charity is now calling on the UK Prime Minister to urgently press ahead with legislation that would help prevent offenders from using social media to target children for sexual abuse.

An analysis by the NSPCC of data of an equivalent crime from police forces in England and Wales has revealed that Facebook-owned apps were used in 55% of cases, from April 2017 to October 2019, where police recorded information about how a child was groomed.1 This data was not available from Police Scotland.

Emily* was 13 when she exchanged messages and photos with a man she believed to be 15 on Facebook and Snapchat. The man turned out to be 24 and sexually abused her.

Emily’s mum, Wendy*, said: “It’s important for social media to be regulated and for Facebook and Instagram to take more responsibility to keep the people who use their platform safe. All other businesses have a Duty of Care to keep children safe, so why not them?”

In February, then UK Government Digital Minister Matt Warman promised to publish an Online Harms Bill during the current UK parliamentary session following proposals set out in a White Paper.

These proposals set out independent regulation of social networks with potential criminal sanctions if tech directors fail to keep children living in the UK safe on their platforms.

However, frustration is growing at delays to the legislation with a full response to consultation on the White Paper not now expected until the end of the year and concerns we might not see a regulator until 2023.

This has been expressed by the chairs of both the UK Parliament Home Affairs and Digital, Culture, Media and Sport committees, which scrutinise the work of the UK Government departments responsible for online harms.

The NSPCC is calling on the UK Prime Minister to deliver an Online Harms Bill, that sets out a Duty of Care on tech firms to make their sites safer for children, within 18 months.

The charity wants his Government to publish a roadmap that sets out the timescales for a world-leading Bill to go through Westminster as a matter of urgency.

NSPCC Chief Executive Peter Wanless spoke to Boris Johnson at a hidden harms round table last week and highlighted how coronavirus had created a perfect storm for abusers because platforms hadn’t done enough to tackle safety risks going into the crisis. He urged the Prime Minister to ensure there is no unnecessary delay to legislation.

Mr Wanless said: “Child abuse is an inconvenient truth for tech bosses who have failed to make their sites safe and enabled offenders to use them as a playground in which to groom our kids.

“Last week the Prime Minister signalled to me his determination to stand up to Silicon Valley and make the UK the world leader in online safety. He can do this by committing to an Online Harms Bill that puts a legal Duty of Care on big tech to proactively identify and manage safety risks.

“Now is the time to get regulation done and create a watchdog with the teeth to hold tech directors criminally accountable if their platforms allow children to come to serious but avoidable harm.”

NSPCC says The Online Harms Bill should:

  • Enforce a Duty of Care on tech companies to identify and mitigate reasonably foreseeable risks on their platforms, including at the design stage, to proactively protect users from harm
  • Create a regulator that can hand out GDPR equivalent fines – up to 4% of global turnover – and hold named directors criminally accountable for the most serious breaches of their Duty of Care
  • Give the regulator robust powers to investigate companies and request information
  • Create a culture of transparency by legally compelling tech firms to disclose any breaches of the Duty of Care and major design changes to their platforms.

Cyclist takes on NSPCC challenge

A cyclist has pledged to clock up 300km in 30 days to raise money for NSPCC Scotland to help protect children from harm.

David O’Rourke, who took up cycling ventures for charity about six years ago, is completing the challenge in lanes and roads around his Linlithgow home.

All the money raised will go to the NSPCC, which helps protect children from abuse, and has provided a lifeline through its Childline service for hundreds of children in Scotland through the Coronavirus pandemic.

David, 47, said the lockdown had made him think about those, especially children, for whom home was a difficult place to be and that was why he decided this year to support the NSPCC.

Since lockdown, Childline counsellors have heard from children whose parents have lost their jobs and are under growing financial pressure, as well as from young carers struggling to look after their siblings while their parents are ill with Coronavirus symptoms. Some children have talked about experiencing abuse and feeling trapped and isolated.

David, whose cycling challenges have included London to Paris, said: “I started cycling about six years ago to get fitter and to lose weight. I like to pick a charity and have a target, as it makes you get up and go out in the morning. The lockdown for so many people is not a nice thing but one good thing is that you can get out and exercise.”

Speaking about why he chose the NSPCC, David, a team manager at information technology company Atos, said: “When I look back at my childhood, I realise I was really lucky and that not everybody is as fortunate.

“There are kids who live in environments that aren’t very good, and the lockdown will be making life even harder for them, so I decided that I wanted to support the brilliant work of the NSPCC.”

Caroline Renton, Supporter Fundraising Manager for NSPCC Scotland, said: “We’re very grateful to David, as we are to all of those who are raising funds for us during this difficult period, especially when so many of the big fundraising challenges have been cancelled or postponed.

“Throughout the public health crisis, we have been there for children and we continue to be so. Our Helpline experts are there to take calls from any adults concerned about a child and our Childline counsellors are there for children, struggling with a range of issues, including their mental health, family relationships and experiencing abuse.

“Our counsellors are there to listen to them, provide support and guide them to make decisions that are right for them.

“I’d encourage anyone who would like to support us to take inspiration from David and sign up for one of our challenges or come up with a fundraising idea of your own.”

If you would like to help raise funds for the charity:


or visit

Anyone who would like to sponsor David can visit his fundraising page:

Children and young people can contact Childline about any worries by calling 0800 1111 or visiting the site

The NSPCC Helpline is available for advice and support on 0808 800 5000 or via

NSPCC launches campaign to help children in Scotland exposed to harm under lockdown

  • Latest figures from the NSPCC reveal week of April 13-19 saw the highest number of contacts to its helpline this year

With growing concern for the safety of some children during the coronavirus crisis NSPCC Scotland wants more people to know how to get advice and support and where to raise concerns about a child’s wellbeing.

The charity is launching a new TV and advertising campaign today (May 4) across the UK to promote its free and confidential helpline for adults.

The film, which will run on national television and across social media, depicts a helpline expert taking a call from someone concerned for the wellbeing of a neighbour’s child.

The UK Government has provided £1.6m in funding so that the NSPCC can expand its helpline by employing more staff across two sites and raise public awareness of it.

The work comes as the charity publishes the latest data from its helpline which shows that the crisis has exacerbated existing risks for children and created new ones:

  • In the month since lockdown there have been a total of 5,237 contacts to the helpline from across the UK from adults concerned about the wellbeing and safety of a child
  • Of these, 817 contacts were from adults with worries about parents and carers misusing alcohol and other substances, a 22% increase on the four weeks prior to March 23rd
  • Other issues where there has been a double-digit percentage increase in contacts include domestic abuse (10%) and emotional abuse (50%)
  • From April 13th to 19th the NSPCC helpline received 1580 contacts, the highest number in a single week in 2020.

One adult who contacted the helpline in the last month said: “I am concerned about the children who live next door.  Just now I heard the mother screaming and shouting at the child and I heard her say “Shut the **** up!” and there were threats of violence too.

“There is an ongoing situation where the mother invites adults to the family home and there is a lingering of cannabis in the air whilst the children are present.” (Neighbour)

 While schools and social workers remain at the forefront of work to protect vulnerable children, including by supporting them to attend school, expanding the NSPCC helpline and raising its profile will mean more adults will know they can contact our experts with concerns about the safety and wellbeing of any children.

The trained helpline staff can offer advice and make informed decisions about whether further support is potentially needed for a child and their family.

Matt Forde, NSPCC Scotland head of service, said: “One of the big challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic is ensuring that children are safe, now that so much of their everyday lives are hidden from public view.

“It is more important than ever that all of us in society play our part in looking out for those children for whom home is not always the safest place.

“Thanks to this new funding, the NSPCC will be able to reach more adults across Scotland with the message that our helpline is here to provide confidential support and advice if they have any worries about the safety and wellbeing of a child.”

Iona Colvin, Scotland’s Chief Social Work Adviser, said: “Our communities are playing a tremendous role during the COVID-19 pandemic by supporting neighbours and paying special attention to individuals and families who are more vulnerable. 

“The changes to the ways that families are living at this time may put some children at greater risk and also reduce opportunities for children to speak out for themselves.

“Whether you are a family member, friend or neighbour, please be alert to any signs that children might be at risk.  If you have any concerns call the police or local social work department or you can talk it through with the NSPCC.”

Alan Small, Chair of Child Protection Committees Scotland, said: “With the closure of schools and nurseries, the onus of care has now shifted on to neighbours, delivery people, volunteers and the wider community. 

“We’re urging everyone to keep their eyes and ears open for anything amiss. This is even more important at a time when families may be under significant additional stress. If you’re at all worried about a child’s welfare, it’s much better to say something than do nothing.”

Some common signs that there may be something concerning happening in a child’s life include:

  • aggressive or repeated shouting
  • hearing hitting or things being broken
  • children crying for long periods of time
  • very young children left alone or are outdoors by themselves
  • children looking dirty or not changing their clothes
  • children being withdrawn or anxious.

Last year the NSPCC helpline, which has around 100 staff, received 73,000 contacts from people with concerns about a child’s welfare.

It can be reached 24 hours a day by email – – or through its online reporting form. Its team of experts can also be called Monday to Friday 8am-10pm or 9am-6pm at the weekends on 0808 8005000.

All of Us: still here to help in Edinburgh

Help is available for any families struggling in Edinburgh despite the ongoing health crisis, say the city’s Child Protection Committee and NSPCC Scotland.

All of Us was launched earlier this year to help people find out where to get support and advice with parenting or other worries about family life and where to turn if they have concerns about a child.

The campaign is also raising awareness among communities and professionals about the early signs of child neglect and how to help families who are struggling.

It has never been more important that both children and adults have somewhere safe they can turn to if they are worried. That is why Edinburgh’s Child Protection Committee and NSPCC Scotland are doing everything they can to ensure that vital services such as the NSPCC run Childline and various helplines for adults worried about a child can stay open, while also ensuring staff and volunteers have a safe environment in line with government advice.

The partnership wants to help parents and carers, who may be struggling, and signpost them to where they can get advice and support before reaching crisis point.

Carla Malseed, NSPCC Scotland local campaigns manager, said: “We know that looking after a child can be challenging for all parents, and now even more so as we all have to be responsible and stay at home to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus.

“It is so important that people know there is still support out there and that they know where to turn for help.”

Joanna Barrett, Policy and Public Affairs Manager for NSPCC Scotland added: “The entire way we think about child protection has changed in a matter of days and it is encouraging how the Scottish Government has recognised the effects this crisis could have on children at risk of abuse and neglect.

“We all need to play our part by checking in with families however we can and reaching out for support and advice if we have any concerns.”

Jackie Irvine, Chair of the Edinburgh Child Protection Committee, said: “We appreciate these are extremely challenging times for everyone, but protecting young people and supporting families remains a priority for us.

“The need for people to support each other is greater than ever, which we are seeing as communities pull together and show great strength.”

For parenting advice and support visit NSPCC helpline or call 0808 800 5000, weekdays 8am to 10pm and weekends 9am to 6pm. People can also contact Social Care Direct on 0131 200 2324.

To find out more about the campaign visit 

Film based on NSPCC ambassador’s life comes to Edinburgh

Newly released film Sulphur and White, which depicts a man’s journey from childhood abuse to eventual healing, is lauded by Edinburgh campaigner as the drama is screened in the city.

Ruth Moss, who lives in Edinburgh and is an honorary member of the NSPCC Council, praised the film after watching it and meeting David Tait, whose story of trauma to eventual healing is portrayed through the deeply personal screen drama.

The brutally honest yet inspiring film, which shows the impact of child sexual abuse on David’s life, is being screened at Vue Cinema, Edinburgh Omni Centre, on Tuesday (March 17), with 20% of ticket sales going to the children’s charity.

The film about David, an NSPCC ambassador and fundraiser, was directed by BAFTA and Emmy Award nominee Julian Jarrold and written by Susie Farrell. Actors starring in the film include Mark Stanley, Emily Beecham, Dougray Scott and Anna Friel.

Ruth, who met David at the film’s premiere in Glasgow, said: “David spent many years with this as a hidden secret, and I really hope this film encourages people that have gone through similar dreadful experiences to realise that there’s no better time to speak out, even if it’s been a long time since that experience took place.

“This film is powerful, it has impact and it provides a real message. It’s a film that everyone should watch and will come out feeling different from when they went in.”

David, who has raised more than £1.5 million for the children’s charity, said: “I backed Sulphur and White being made because I wanted people to understand the reality of child sexual abuse and the collateral damage it can cause. I also wanted to show people that there is redemption and a future.

“I’m hoping the film will encourage people with hidden pasts to talk about their own problems and it will give them comfort going forward.

“The NSPCC and Childline is such an incredibly important resource for children these days – that they can reach out for help and there is someone there to listen to them and support them.”

Last year, over 500 children and young people in Scotland contacted Childline about sexual abuse. During the same period, Police Scotland recorded more than 5,000 sexual offences against children.

Matt Forde, national head of service for NSPCC Scotland, said: “It is so important that people feel that if they speak out they will be listened to and believed, however much time has passed since the abuse happened.

“We hope that David’s story will give people the courage to do so, and that they will receive the support they need.

“We are also extremely grateful for David’s incredible support and fundraising feats for the charity.”

Since leaving his role as a city trader, David has raised money for the children’s charity by climbing Mount Everest on five occasions and was the first person to complete the North-South traverse. He was awarded an MBE by The Queen for his services to children.

He continues to be a significant figure for the NSPCC, speaking personally about his experiences to raise awareness and champion its work at events throughout of the UK.

Mark Stanley, who plays David on screen, said: “I hope that people watching Sulphur and White will gain some of the insight and understanding that I got from playing this part about the profound impact of child sexual abuse.” 

Sulphur and White in Vue Cinema, Edinburgh Omni Centre on Tuesday (March 17) at 7.30pm.