Community Wealth Building: Zoom event

Dear Colleagues

Please find attached a zoom invitation to a meeting looking at Community Wealth Building.

The meeting will be hosted by Lesley Hinds, Chair of North Edinburgh Arts, with guest speaker Councillor Joe Cullinane, Leader of North Ayrshire Council. Please find attached a link to North Ayrshire’s Community Wealth Building strategy for information prior to the discussion.

I this is of interest, and that you will be able to join the discussion on the 22nd. No registration is needed, simply use the link in the attachment, however it would be useful if you can reply to me in advance if you are going to attend to give me an idea of numbers.

Yours sincerely

Kate Wimpress / Director

North Edinburgh Arts, 15a Pennywell Court, EH4 4TZ        

NEA North Edinburgh Arts is inviting you to a Community Wealth Building meeting, by Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 966 100 4253

Writing the Times: Local writers reflect life under lockdown

North Edinburgh Arts is delighted to be able to share ‘Writing the Times’, new work by Alice Musumba Purves, David Francis, David Pickering, Dawn Pearce, Ferdinand McKay, Mary Graham, Rhona Cameron, Sandra Newby, Sasha Noel, Tracey Anderson.

Writing the Times 2020 DOWNLOAD

Stephanie Knight, who led the Writing the Times project, explained: “‘Writing the Times has been a six week project, with weekly Zoom meetings and continuous emails.

“During the Zoom meetings, we discussed other people’s writing that inspired us, we read our drafts, we considered frameworks, layout, quotes, prologues and epilogues, we discussed how our readers might respond to our writing.

“The project was open to participants and artists who have worked with North Edinburgh Arts Theatre project, and to Yoga Students at North Edinburgh Arts. People self-selected, and this publication demonstrates the commitment and dedication everyone has given to Writing the Times.

“This is published at the time when we would have been witnessing Edinburgh swing into full Festival flourish. Now we plan, reflect and then plan again for another time.”

A limited edition of print copies of Writing the Times will be available in the autumn, and the writers hope to record their stories in the NEA studio to share their work as spoken word – keep an eye on North Edinburgh Arts Facebook page for updates.

The Writing the Times project was supported by a Wellbeing Grant from the COVID-19 SUPPORTING COMMMUNITIES FUND administered by EVOC.

Bike event in MacMillan Square

North Edinburgh Arts and Sustrans are holding a bike locking and safety checking session in MacMillan Square on Friday 28th August from 12:00 – 3:00pm.

Bring your bike along to learn how to check it is safe to ride and how to lock it securely to prevent opportunistic theft.

Numbers are limited to 3 households every 30 minutes. Last demonstration will be at 2:30.

See poster for contact details

North Edinburgh Arts to become community-owned hub

North Edinburgh Arts (NEA) has been granted full community ownership in a community asset transfer from the City of Edinburgh Council. With the additional transfer of a plot of land to the north of the organisation’s venue, NEA is now in a position to lead on the development of an extended creative and community hub for the area, working in partnership with the Council. 

Bringing the organisation, established in 1998, into community ownership and working to extend the facilities will make sure this dynamic community venue is fit for purpose for the next two decades.

New enterprise, workshop, learning space and creative studios are planned, alongside a dedicated youth area, expanded café, and shared atrium all working to complement the Council’s adjoining library and early year’s provision.

NEA carried out extensive consultation to gauge support for the project with 96% of respondents in favour. The organisation offers local residents a place to relax, explore, learn, meet, share, volunteer and have fun in. Last year over 40,000 visits were made to the venue once described by STV as ‘a bright bubble behind Muirhouse shopping centre.’

NEA is based in the heart of Muirhouse and their current venue incorporates two studios, a 96 seat theatre, recording studio, gallery, offices and the pop in community café with children’s play area leading onto a large garden. NEA offers a safe, comfortable and creative space for people of all ages to develop within. 

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic over 30 hours of creative workshops were on offer each week, most with a family focus, alongside a wide range of other events from singing groups to circus skills workshops, exhibitions, community theatre, film clubs, and festival events.

The venue is also home to Muirhouse Link Up, Firstport Social Enterprise, North Edinburgh Drug and Alcohol Centre, and the Tinderbox Orchestra, all working to serve the most disadvantaged children, families and individuals in the North Edinburgh area.

Chair of NEA, Lesley Hinds, said: “NEA has won five national awards in the last six years for place making and creative projects. This new capital project will allow the organisation to flourish, alongside Council provision, and bring a first class facility to Macmillan Square.

“NEA is a special place for the community of North Edinburgh and has been a trusted community anchor providing emergency food and support throughout the COVID lockdown. The granting of the Community Asset Transfer from the Council is the first step on our next exciting journey.” 

Director Kate Wimpress added: “The bright blue NEA building has been a beacon of hope for many throughout the lockdown. Alongside our COVID activity of the last four months we have been working closely with Council colleagues to share and establish our vision of a world class creative hub for the next generation of North Edinburgh residents.

“Today’s endorsement from the Council takes us one step closer to this vision becoming a reality.”

Contact: Kate Wimpress 

Twitter @northedinarts


Pictures: Robin Mair

Help create a community mural

Do you believe everyone in North Edinburgh has the right to feel safe?

Has Black Lives Matter meant something to you, your family, friends or neighbours?

Would you like to be part of a creative way to think about a community that feels safe for all and without racism?

Come and be a part of designing and creating a powerful Community Mural at North Edinburgh Arts.

This is for anyone from any background and any ability. We want everyone to be part of this to create something inspiring. We believe everyone has a creative voice that can make change.

For more info or to get involved, please email or text/WhatsApp 07595 589 343.

Setback for North Edinburgh Arts

North Edinburgh Arts’ plans for McMillan Square in Pennywell received a setback yesterday when city ouncillors rejected their proposals for a community-led hub at the heart of the regeneration area.

North Edinburgh Arts plans had strong community support and Muirhouse Salvesen Community Council submitted a letter of support to the council’s Policy and Sustainability Committee.

Community council chairman Roy Douglas said: “Muirhouse Salvesen Community Council has not been consulted on this and the council have not consulted the community on their plans for at least a year, if not longer.

“The NEA proposal for the last phase of McMillan Square has had extensive consultation and their proposal has wide community support. We therefore support NEA’s community asset transfer bid and their exciting plans for the regeneration of McMillan Square.

“This will ensure visibility for North Edinburgh Arts and the Library, a good building which will attract people to visit McMillan Square.”

Despite community support – and the support of local politicians – councillors failed to back North Edinburgh Arts development bid for consideration under the Scottish Government Regeneration Capital Grant scheme.

While it’s undoubtedly a setback, North Edinburgh Arts will come back and resubmit amended proposals. Board chairperson Lesley Hinds issued the following statement last night:

“Today we learned The City of Edinburgh Council Policy and Sustainablity Committee decided, at this time, not to submit the North Edinburgh Arts development bid for  consideration under the Scottish Government Regeneration Capital Grant scheme.

“North Edinburgh Arts is, of course, disappointed with this outcome. However with the positive support from Councillors and officers at the committee, NEA will continue to work in partnership with the Council and community to deliver a Community Hub, as the final phase for the regeneration of McMiillan Square in Muirhouse.

“North Edinburgh Arts is at stage 2 of both a Community Asset Transfer bid, and related Scottish Land Fund bid to transfer North Edinburgh Arts fully into community ownership, and to enable the organisation to lead on the development of a creative and community hub; much needed by the local community pre-Covid, arguably more in the period to follow, post pandemic.

“NEA has wide support with 96% of local residents consulted fully supporting the plans, alongside cross-party support from local, Scottish and UK elected representatives following briefings early this year, tabling our vision and full business case.

“The Busines Case, architect sketch, and development timetable will be presented again to officers and Councillors over the coming weeks, with NEA working to ensure the next report considered by the Council achieves a positive outcome, for NEA, for McMillan Square, and for our local community.”

Coronavirus: Funding boost for North Edinburgh’s Foodshare Group

North Edinburgh’s Covid-19 Foodshare Group is among the groups to share in the Scottish Government’s £10 million Supporting Communities Fund.

The funding from the Scottish Government’s Supporting Communities Fund will go directly to more than 250 community ‘anchor’ groups, supporting families on lower incomes and older people access lifeline services to cope with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The community groups operate as ‘anchors’, bringing together charities, volunteers, social enterprises and the public sector to co-ordinate the local response and channel support where it is needed. This includes making hot meals, organising grocery and prescription deliveries and providing wellbeing support.

North Edinburgh Arts is a lead organisation in North Edinburgh’s Covid-19 Foodshare Group, which saw a range of local community organisations join together in March to support vulnerable people across Drylaw, Muirhouse, Pilton, Granton and Royston Wardieburn. The group will receive £96,370.

Since the group was established thousands of hot meals, packed lunches, sandwiches and essential supply packs have been distributed across the area in an operation which is now being  introduced in other areas across the city.

The North Edinburgh group has been calling for resources to meet demand for some weeks and this morning’s announcement will enable the group to maintain and expand the vital service they provide.

North Edinburgh Arts chairperson Lesley Hinds said: “I am delighted with the award of funding from the Scottish Government’s Supporting Communities for Covid-19 work in North Edinburgh.

“Over the last several weeks community groups have come together, to deliver over 13,000 food packages weekly, culture packages and supporting vulnerable residents in North Edinburgh. As Chair of North Edinburgh Arts I am proud of the staff and volunteers who have played an important role in the work, as part of North Edinburgh Covid-19 Foodshare Group.”

While the North Edinburgh Arts-led application was the biggest of those allocated in the capital, there were successful applications by Edinburgh anchor organisations all across the city.

Cyrenians (£71,596), Edinburgh City Youth Cafe (£82,713), Edinburgh Community Food (£25,800), Edinburgh Community Health Forum (£56,693), Edinburgh Old Town Development Trust (£27,720) and Out of the Blue (£49,157) all receive funding to tackle the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Communities Secretary Aileen Campbell said: “We know that community groups working in the heart of our communities and neighbourhoods have a wealth of experience in responding to challenges.

“We have seen this through many examples of the incredible response to COVID-19 in the past weeks that have made such a huge difference to so many people. This inspiring work that is already underway in our neighbourhoods is proving essential to our nation’s resilience.

“This funding will be a valuable lifeline for the range of innovative support available for people in our communities, and we are working fast to get that support to where it is needed most.”

The Supporting Communities Fund was announced on 18 March 2020 as part of a £350 million package to help those most affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Up to £10 million is being made available as an initial sum available to support community anchor organisations, and a further allocation of £10 million has been approved to support the second phase of the fund.

List of the community groups that will receive funding.

City says Thank You!

There’s been a great response from the people of Edinburgh to help the city get through the current coronavirus pandemic.

  • Edinburgh Partnership thanks the public and voluntary organisations for all their help so far pulling the city through this pandemic
  • People asked to ‘Think Local and Act Local’ and be good neighbours, where they can
  • To keep essential services running and look after vulnerable people Council constantly monitoring how it deploys its staff

We’d like to thank everyone who has been in touch with the voluntary and public sector to offer their skills and time. We know that many of you are keen to also ‘do your bit’ to contribute to this effort and we would like to thank those of you who are trying to find ways to help your communities.

Your kindness and generosity in these difficult times are a reflection of all that is best about the city we share and the people who call it home.

We need everyone to look out for each other now more than ever and being a good neighbour and taking care of those who need help in your building, street or immediate community is going to help get us through – Volunteer Edinburgh has advice and information on how you can help.

If you are part of an existing or newly formed community group please contact EVOC who have developed a directory and are connecting the amazing community responses across the city.  EVOC is working hard to connect supply and demand of food at a very local and community level.

EVOC is asking people to complete this basic form or email for more information. 

Council Leader, Adam McVey, said: “The voluntary sector is doing an amazing job pulling everyone together and making sure people can help out appropriately following government guidelines. If you are able to help others then please ‘Think Local and Act Local’.

“Where you can, offer support to your wider family, your friends and your neighbours to help ensure that they can receive the essential supplies and medicine that they may need.

Volunteer Edinburgh has a range of information and guidance on how to be a good neighbour safely. At the moment the best thing that most people can do is still to stay at home, limit social contact and follow NHS guidelines. This really is the most important contribution that can be made to the safety and resilience of the city.”

Depute Leader, Cammy Day, said: “To keep essential services running and support those who are vulnerable, we’re constantly monitoring how we deploy our own staff as well. We’re working to identify where our services need help and at the moment we’re relying on our own internal capacity to meet those needs.

“We’ll be monitoring this over the weeks ahead and will work with Volunteer Edinburgh if we think we need the wider community to help us. In the meantime staying safe at home is the best thing people can do. If you can offer more then it really is a matter of thinking local and acting local.

“I want to make sure the local community organisations have a key contact to make sure we have a joined up approach and would urge people to make connect via the EVOC.”

Ella Simpson, Chief Officer of EVOC, said: “I am incredibly proud to be part of the voluntary sector in Edinburgh. They know their communities so well and have been absolutely amazing in their responses to Covid-19.

“As we continue to respond it is vital that we all work together – volunteers, voluntary sector and statutory agencies – to support the most vulnerable people in our communities.”

Paul Wilson, Chief Officer of Volunteer Edinburgh, said: “People’s response to the pandemic has been overwhelming. In every street in Edinburgh people are helping each other, looking out for their neighbours and supporting the vulnerable and those in self isolation.

“Never before has it been more important to give your time, if you are able to, be a good neighbour and look out for each other. More than any other city in Scotland Edinburgh has always been a city of volunteers, of people who helped and I am very proud to live here.

“Please everyone be safe, think and act locally, continue to support your community in the weeks to come and most of all be kind.”

North Edinburgh’s voluntary sector has rallied to the cause with community organisations pulling out all the stops to ensure the area’s most vulnerable residents get food and essential supplies.

Now three weeks into operation there’s a co-ordinated effort to pool community resources and expertise to get supplies to people in Muirhouse,Drylaw Telford, West Pilton, Granton and Royston Wardieburn.

Do you, or someone you know, need food, supplies or other support during this hugely difficult time?

An information sheet with key telephone contact numbers is currently being produced and should be available over the next day or two, but in the meatime  please email me at and I will pass on your details to the relevant area organisers.