Einstein comes to Muirhouse!

Billboard art at Muirhouse Libraryein

Muirhouse Library welcomed a distinguished guest yesterday when artist Hans Clausen unveiled a billboard poster of  Albert Einstein, with his quote: ‘The only thing you absolutely have to know is the location of the library’. The public art is the first in a series to be created by the Arcadeum project team. Continue reading Einstein comes to Muirhouse!

To me it’s Home: reflections on a community

Premiere – Wednesday 20 April at 7pm

North Edinburgh Arts

To Me It's Home

I hope you will be able to join us here at North Edinburgh Arts on the evening of Wednesday 20 April at 7pm to enjoy the premiere of ‘To Me it’s Home; Reflections on a Community’.

Made by Angelica Kroeger, this short film features many members of our community.

Funded by Urban Union, as part of the Arts Strategy led by NEA, the film is one of the first artworks created by this ongoing programme. It endeavours to capture a lyrical snapshot our community in a time of change. The film lasts just over ten minutes and we will be serving refreshments in the café afterwards.

Kate Wimpress

Director, North Edinburgh Arts

ROOST: ‘Doo’ get involved!

New creative project starts this Thursday evening


Want to see more magpies in Muirhouse? More robins in Royston? More tits in Telford? (We’ll stop there …)

Like to learn to build bird houses?

roost calling


We Call Ourselves the Weirdos!

 Zoo Arts Exhibition opens at North Edinburgh Arts

the opening

Zoo Arts has been exploring the themes of portraiture, the face and masks over the last eight weeks (writes Kirsty Reynolds).

We’ve manipulated, embellished and transformed our faces in our weekly sessions, using them as a base for self expression and character creation. This exhibition is a showcase of some of our experiments involving the face and how we have played with altering it using drawing, collage, costume and photography.

Artists involved in the project are:

Patrick Harvey             Filip Glanowski             Jenny Souter

Aidan Wrubel               Antek Krzos                  Lauren Davis

Caedon Bentino          Amber Walker              Graham Wark

Kitty Yang                     Claire Graham             Sally Price

Jakey Yang                  Anne Chen                   Kirsty Reynolds

Zoo Arts is a weekly art group that welcomes anyone between age 9 -14 on Wednesdays from 4pm-5.30pm at North Edinburgh Arts. Join us!

The exhibition runs until Saturday 23rd April 

meet the artists
The artists in the group shot are: Top L-R:  Kirsty Reynolds (Facilitator) , Lauren Davis (Volunteer) , Filip Glanowski, Claire Graham, Sally Price (Facilitator), Patrick Harvey, Antek Krzos. Bottom L- R: Patrick Harvey, Antek Krzos, Caedon Bentino, Amber Walker, Kitty Yang. Bottom front: Jakey Yang
Photography by Graeme K Cunningham
pop up photo booth amber centre artist

Groundswell Rising: book your place

Groundswell Rising is an inspiring documentary which shows how many communities have suffered and try to fight back against the fracking and unconventional oil and gas industry in America.

The film is being screened, and followed by discussion, in North Edinburgh Arts this coming Friday from 7pm-9.30.

The event is free and will include input from Dr Richard Dixon, Friends of the Earth Scotland, and Prof Andrew Waterson, Professor of Public Health from Stirling University.

To book a place use the Event Brite link below and click to register a place at the North Edinburgh Arts Event.


If you are unable to come ( or even if you can!) please distribute through your networks.

For more info, or if you’ve any questions, please call 07886 887 923.

Best wishes

Our Forth 

A new heart for Pennywell

Green light for £1.5 million Shopping Centre transformation


Muirhouse Shopping Centre is to be transformed through a £1.52 million Regeneration Grant, it’s been announced. The cash will see sections of the run-down centre demolished and replaced to give the area a new ‘civic heart’ (writes Dave Pickering). Continue reading A new heart for Pennywell