Heart of Newhaven: May Newsletter

Welcome to your May newsletter
We’re film stars!

We hope the recent filming did not inconvenience you too much. We were excited to see what went on and can’t wait to see the finished result.

The production crew had to set up beforehand of course, replacing the ground floor window grilles that we had taken down and reintroducing grime and dirt that we had cleaned away, not to mention covering up umpteen things that were not in keeping with their vision of a run-down children’s home.

Then of course everything had to be reinstated when they had finished with the actual filming. We were quite exhausted!

We’ll keep you informed once the film is released and we can all see the results.
Building Works Updates
Final Handover 

Findlay Wallace and Tommy Bell from Ashwood’s have finally completed the recent renovation works, and have handed the building back to Judy Crabb (Chair HONC) and Hugo Target (HONC Architect with John Gilberts) as pictured below. 

It will be good to be free of scaffolding and hard hats but it was worth it!
Update on the Heart’s record-breaking Christmas Tree 

Hello to the Heart’s army of knitters. The Christmas Tree Project is making great progress and we are one third of the way there, with lots of squares and decorations being delivered by hand and by post, but we still need you to keep knitting even when the sun tempts you outside. 

We are planning to fireproof the squares and decorations that we already have, towards the end of May. Then in June we need volunteers to come to the Heart and stitch the squares ready to hang on the branches and of course there will be cake and tea for all those involved.

More about this next month. 

On May 11th there is a craft fair at the Eric Liddell centre and we shall be advertising our Christmas Tree.

Please come along with your squares and decorations and support the Eric Liddell 100 celebration. We have been very fortunate to receive a donation from Bailie Gifford to help with our project, so many thanks to that organisation.Happy knitting and crocheting.
Open for Coffee 

The recent Open For Coffee morning on Saturday 13th April, proved a great hit, with some hundred people coming along to enjoy the free food and entertainment.

The Scran Van rolled up to provide free lunches and the food was accompanied by musical performances from the Men’s Shed.

The free bicycle maintenance provided by EZ Bike Tours was also in great demand.
Role-Play teachers wanted

Our Partner, the History of Education Centre is keen to recruit some new role-play teacher volunteers for their Victorian Schoolroom.

The facility on the first floor of the Heart has been proving so popular for visits that new volunteers are needed to help cope.

Volunteers always work in pairs and the most common time to be needed is on weekday mornings.

Training is provided.

If you’re interested, check out their website at histedcentre.org.uk or contact christine.mcderment@heartofnewhaven.co.uk for more information.
Gala Day – Saturday 1st June

Gala Day is fast approaching, when the Gala Queen and Fisher King arrive in the harbour and are met by a parade of fishwives and pirates to be escorted up to the grounds of the Heart for an afternoon of family fun.

This is the biggest local community event of the year, and we need your support to make it the success we all enjoy.

Can you help us serve refreshments on the day? Can you help steward and keep people safe? Can you help us to promote activities that go on at The Heart? i.e give out leaflets, talk to people and get sign-ups to our newsletter?

Contact roger.walpole@heartofnewhaven.co.uk if you’d like to help make the day a success.                                                                                       
Gaze at the stars  

All Together Edinburgh have loaned us a fantastic, professional telescope that we can share with any local groups that may be interested.

Please let us know if you are interested, we would love to hear from you.

Shanty Group

The Dreadnought Shanty Crew was originally started in January 2020 at The Dreadnought Pub and shortly after ran into heavy weather.

They navigated Covid by singing weekly online and then went into dry dock for repairs when their skipper absconded to The Northern Isles!

Now back by popular demand with the barnacles scrubbed off and seeking new recruits,
The Dreadnought Shanty Crew can be found singing on Wednesday lunchtimes from 1-2pm in the Anchor Building.

There are no auditions; apparently all you need is a broad mind and a sense of humour!

Contact jan.brown@heartofnewhaven.co.uk if you’d like further information.

The first session is free and then by donation to cover the cost of room hire.
Jan B Brown, leader of the Dementia Meeting Place and the Dreadnought Shanty Crew
Jan B Brown, leader of the Dementia Meeting Place and the Dreadnought Shanty Crew
Staff Update

You can now meet our caretakers – come and say hello when you come into the Heart .
Mike Gourlay – JohnRobert Townsley – Emmanuel Alor
Coming up soon

Saturday 18th May – Join us at the Heart for a day of free events being organised by the National Film and Television School – 10.30 till 4pm – a day of insight into some of the many creative careers available in film and television.

Three sessions will be delivered by film and TV professionals, including award-winning documentary filmmaker Miranda Stern, animator Ana Songel and sound designer Anya Przygoda.

Book your space through Eventbrite –
What’s On
Regular Sessions

Heart of Newhaven: February News

Welcome to your February newsletter

We hope you have survived the recent cold weather!

Friends and supporters cooried in with us recently, enjoying exploring the ever-improving facilities and meeting our partners and trustees.

Some of them even joined Norma and her knitters as they continue their work on next year’s Christmas tree.

The pile of green squares is growing as are the decorations and we are receiving more and more intimations of participation from all over the country, from London to Inverness, including Conwy North Wales and Southport Merseyside.

Why not join the expanding groups of knitters and natterers and support a good cause?

More information on the website and social media or contact

Dementia funding

We are happy to announce the Heart is one of 12 recipients of recent funding awards from Age Scotland, to “build on the difference we are already making”.
The funding will cover the post of our Dementia Centre Manager for a further 12 months.

We will be open one afternoon a week and continue to co-produce a programme of activities that meets members’ needs and interests as well as develop a programme for family carers.

Watch this space and our social media outlets for further news.

Building repairs

You may have noticed the scaffolding being erected around the Victoria Building towards the end of last month.

This is thanks to part of the grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund award, plus further funding from The Pilgrim Trust, Historic Environment Scotland and The Community Ownership Fund (Department of Levelling Up) involving essential repairs to the roof and windows.

Work is progressing well and we hope it will be complete by the end of March ensuring the old building is waterproof and cosy, not to mention more eco-friendly!

Ukranian cooking

The local Ukranian Community are also running a cooking workshop at the Heart on Saturday 3rd February from 12 till 2pm. Come along and learn how to make Ukrainian dishes!

This time they are making pierogies, also known as varenyky or dumplings, both sweet and savoury kinds, with three kinds of stuffing: mashed potato, sweet cottage cheese, and cherries.

Use the link to book your space:

Ukrainian cooking workshop: sweet and savoury varenyky Tickets, Sat 3 Feb 2024 at 12:00 | Eventbrite

Next Coorie-In

We are very pleased to be able to invite you to our ‘Coorie-In for Winter’ event at The Heart on Monday 5th February, 2 – 3.30 p.m. This is a great opportunity to mingle with our partners and groups to find out what’s on offer here at The Heart and how YOU can get involved!

Come along and browse the information stalls, chat directly with partners and group facilitators, visit the Heritage Suite and the Victorian Schoolroom!

Book now for your summer Victorian experience

One of our very first partners, the History of Education Centre (HEC aka the Victorian Schoolroom) has asked us to let everyone know that they are available for bookings over the summer holidays.

So if you know of a group of adults or children, perhaps a community group or an after-school club, that would like to experience the Victorian Schoolroom and adjacent Victorian Homelife Exhibit, tell them to get in touch with HEC via: histedcentre@gmail.com

Visits normally last around two hours but can be adapted to your preferences.
Check out their website for further details : histedcentre.org.uk

Eyemouth Disaster wall plaques search

If you’ve checked the Heart’s Culture & Heritage blog recently, you will know that our heritage lead, Christine, is looking for information on a series of wall plaques that were created for the families of the 17 fishermen who drowned in the Eyemouth Disaster in 1881.

Read the blog on the website for more details and get in touch with Christine at christine.mcderment@heartofnewhaven.co.uk if you know if any of them still exist.

Your ideas for our oyster mural

Would you like to be involved in creating a mural for our Anchor Building?

Restoration Forth is working with mural artist Natasha Russell to celebrate oyster reintroduction in the Firth of Forth and cultural connections to oysters.

We would love to hear your ideas for how you would like the mural to look and what imagery it could include.

Share your thoughts by filling out this online form:

– https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx… 

or pop into The Heart and submit a drawing or written ideas.

There are paper forms you can pick up with some questions and a space for creative design sharing.

Work with us on our next big heritage project

We are seeking an enthusiastic and experienced project worker (two days per week) to coordinate and deliver a Heritage Lottery Fund funded project: ‘Our Schooldays’- memories and legacies’ – Heritage tales from Newhaven, Trinity and Leith Harbour’.

The post is funded from April 2024 for 18 months and will be based in the Heart. The project will use the heritage of schooldays as a means of bringing people together, enabling participants of all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds to learn more about each other, by sharing experiences and memories.

We are looking for a highly motivated individual with experience of community development work.

Click here to complete the application form.

Contact lynne.porteous@heartofnewhaven.co.uk if you have any questions about the position. Closing date for applications: February 12th, interviews scheduled for 26th February 

Hear About …

Remember to come along to our series of winter talks, Hear About, all on Friday afternoons at 3pm. The next ones will be:

Friday 2nd February – City archaeologist John Lawson on what emerged from the tram extension,

Friday 9th February – Jane Evans on the Newhaven Witches,

16th February – Gillian Gray on Your Heart,

23rd February – archaeologist Rob Engl on the playground excavation.

Check the website and social media for further details.

The talks are free but it’s useful to have an idea of numbers so please advise us at admin@heartofnewhaven.co.uk if you’d like to come along and if you have mobility issues.

Come and enjoy a trip down memory lane

The next meeting of the Reminiscence Group will be at the Heart on Thursday 22nd February. The session runs from 10.30 – 11.30 am. What will be the topic this time? Come and find out.

The sessions will now run on the last Thursday of every month, at the same time, so check your calendars and mark off the days!

Next month

Watch out for the next Leith folk Club event, being held in the Heart on 5th March when the Tannahill Weavers will be stopping by.

Check out their website at www.leithfolkclub.com and reserve your place.

Heart of Newhaven: April Newsletter

Welcome to your April Newsletter

Good news on Funding

We are pleased to report that Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council (EVOC) has generously agreed to fund a new Community Teaching Kitchen at the Heart from their Community Health & Well-being Fund.

The almost £13,000 will pay for a total revamp of the old VPS kitchen and provide a space where community-minded groups involved with the many aspects of food growing and preparation can come together to share their skills.

This will involve a lot of work, so accept our apologies for any disruption, especially around the cafe area, as it might not be completed until after the summer.

If you tasted the food offered by Mwamba at our two Coorie-In events, then you’ll be pleased to know that they have already signified their interest in using the new kitchen once it’s ready.

In the meantime, if you or your group would like to use the space for the benefit of the community, please get in touch with admin@heartofnewhaven.co.uk

Working with us –

Age Scotland
 are also getting involved at the Heart. They are providing the funds for a six-month, part-time position (two days a week) for someone to help organise and run sessions at the Heart for local people living with dementia and their carers.

Applications for the position have now closed, but watch this space for more news as the successful applicant is due to start in June.

We also will be welcoming our new building maintenance officer, Ian White who joins us at the start of May to support all the activities in the Heart.  

VIP visitors

The Heart has been happy to host VIP visits recently, with two local councillors, Councillor Sanne Dijkstra-Downie, Councillor Stuart Dobbin and MP Deirdre Brock being given tours of the site and an introduction to what’s been going on, bringing them right up to date with both our achievements and our future plans.

We look forward to welcoming them back again in the future.

Our reminiscence volunteers are keeping busy.

Those who undertook reminiscence training are now offering drop-in sessions at the Heart once a month, on Wednesday mornings. (Wed 12 April, Wed 10 May, Wed 14 June, Wed 12 July, all from 10.30 – 11.30 am).

It is completely free, open to everyone and all ages and there is no need to book in advance  – just come along to the Heart, take a seat and start chatting!

The aim is to have a different theme each month, with different pictures and objects to get the discussion going. Do spread the word if there is anyone you know who might be interested in coming along – feel free to bring a friend.

For any further information email admin@heartofnewhaven.co.uk

Children and the future of the Anchor Building 

Four Pop-up Play Cafes for carers and children aged 0-7, were held at the Heart in March, led by Froebelian Futures (https://www.froebel.ed.ac.uk/) with the support of various local organisations that support Early Years and families, including Homestart and Stepping Stones.

The aim was to gauge community response and around 200 people, adults and children, passed through the doors on each of the four days.

The feedback, which has all been very positive, is currently being evaluated and will inform our next steps. We will let you know!

Moving forward to August, DaddyDayCare will be opening their doors in the Anchor Building as well.

They are now accepting applications for places, so head to their website for all the details – daddydaycareedinburgh.com


Meanwhile, HONC has not been neglecting the heritage side of things.

Representatives from the Heart and our partners the Victorian Schoolroom attended a consultation meeting organised by the City’s Museums Services held in the new Victoria Primary School last month.

A small but enthusiastic number of attendees put forward their ideas for working collaboratively and the representatives from the City Council will take away their ideas and work on them.

Similarly, we also attended a preliminary meeting of a new venture called the Edinburgh Local Heritage Network, also being led currently by the City’s Archives, Libraries and Museum Services.

The idea is for different heritage groups around the city to collaborate on exhibitions, events and publicity to make more locals as well as visitors aware of the many and differing heritage strands the area has to offer.

Finally, our Warm & Welcoming mornings (Wednesdays and Saturdays) are becoming popular but we really need more volunteers to help welcome and chat to visitors as well as make them a warming cup of tea or coffee.

If you think you could give a couple of hours a week, particularly on Wednesday mornings, please contact admin@heartofnewhaven.co.uk

Remember to check our website and social media pages regularly for what’s happening around the Heart. 

You’ll find the latest courses being run by Ink on Mesh and our bookbinder Cass, as well as the next date for a Leith Folk Club gathering, by clicking What’s On.

By clicking on Culture & Heritage news, you’ll find an appeal for photo identification and a lovely link between the Heart and the Victorian Schoolroom when the great granddaughter of a former pupil came to visit.

P.S. Save the date:

We’ll be hosting a Family Ceilidh on 29th April, so save the date. 

More details to follow on the website / social media.

Heart of Newhaven Community: January News

Happy New Year and Welcome to your January newsletter

We’d like to start this month’s newsletter with a little boasting:

“We just celebrated our daughter’s first birthday at the Heart of Newhaven! What a joy!

The hall was perfect and the team (particularly Kim) couldn’t have been more helpful and accommodating. The building is historic and quirky and we are so privileged to be able to use the facility in our community. If you’re looking for a quaint and wholesome venue to celebrate, the Heart of Newhaven is the perfect spot.”

That is a genuine review left on Google after a successful event held at the Heart. Why not consider it for your special event?  Book here

There are also several regular classes now being held in the Heart. We have Zayna Dance Academy who are running nursery ballet and jazz, jazz and musical theatre classes for ages 5-8 and 8-11, and also some classes for adults. For more info contact zaynadanceacademy@gmail.com or Whatsapp: 07487450778.

If you have young children or are expecting, you might be interested in the regular Pregnancy Cafe events, run by Stepping Stones North Edinburgh. Check out their website at Home – Stepping Stones North Edinburgh

If you enjoy singing, then there is also Newhaven Community Choir  – who practise in the Heart every week.

Some of our tenants are now up and operating as well. Our very own potter, Borja Moronta is beavering away in his top floor studio getting ready for a special exhibition (check out his own website at borjamoronta.com), and the History of Education Centre on the first floor is taking bookings for visits to their newly refurbished Victorian Schoolroom (check their website at histedcentre.org.uk).

Their very first visitors came this month, of course, from Victoria Primary School, who were thrilled to be back on home turf and amazed at the changes that had been made since they left.

There is also a drop-in hand-sewing group being started by Lorna at Ink on Mesh. This is in association with the ‘Stitch an Acorn’ Campaign for Louise Gardiner’s Cape of Courage exhibition at Marchmont House, Duns, later this year.

The sessions will take place at the Heart on Tuesdays from Tuesday 7th February until Tuesday March 28th, 6.15pm – 8.15pm. Just come to the main door.

You can find out more about the project here: 


Lorna is also on the look-out for spare material scraps, sewing kit of any kind or even sewing machines that can be reused, repurposed and re-loved. If you have any such donations, please drop them off at the Heart for her attention or contact her on blessedunrest@aasfour601983


Repair Café                  

Saturday 28th January, 10am-1pm

At The Men of Leith Men’s Shed, Creel Building, Heart of Newhaven Community
Something broken? Why not bring it along to our Repair Café where our volunteers will help you to attempt a repair. The event is free; our goals are to help people to learn repair skills and to save waste and cost.

We can look at any small objects including small electrical items, toys, small furniture, ornaments, indeed anything you value which is broken – come along and give us a challenge!



We’re about to start a new venture at the Heart as well.

The Warm & Welcoming events on Wednesday and Saturday mornings 9 -12 , beginning Wednesday 1st February, will be open with tea, coffee and at very least biscuits. We will be hosting several pop-up events staffed by our partners and Heart residents. Just turn up, have a cuppa and meet them. 

ACE IT will  be running 1:1 advice if you need support with your laptop, phone or tablet: use the free Wifi and get any problems sorted out.

You will also be able to find out more about what’s happening the Heart in the coming months.


Now back to more mundane but very important matters.

We’re currently hiring.

We’re looking for a part-time Buildings Maintenance Officer.

If you’re interested in being part of our small but very important team, read more about it on the website and if you’d like to apply, please send a copy of your CV, a supporting statement describing how you meet the person specification, and a short covering letter to anna.brown@heartofnewhaven.co.uk.

We’re also looking for more volunteers to help with specific tasks.

We need volunteers to help at reception on Wednesday and Saturday mornings when we will be holding our multi-purpose Warm & Welcoming events.

We’d also like to hear from anyone with event organising and/or community fund raising experience.

If you’d like to volunteer in any of those areas, then contact us via the volunteer form on the website.


Finally, make a date to come and visit the Heart on the evening of Thursday 23rd February when we will be holding our second Coorie-In from 7 till 8.30 pm.

Come and meet some of our tenants and partners  and see what the Heart has to offer.

More details in the next Newsletter.

Heart of Newhaven: November news

Welcome to your November Newsletter

Come and coorie-in
Work continues to bring the Heart up to the state where it can open fully to the public, but in the meantime, those of you who missed our Enliven event recently, need not worry.
We’re holding another taster event on Saturday 26th November, from 2 to 4pm.
This is a Coorie-In as winter approaches, where you’ll be able to take part in all sorts of craft activities and visit different parts of the site – the Anchor Building, The Creel Building and the Victoria Building. Different activities will be taking place in each.
Some of our recently trained volunteers will be ready to welcome you to a reminiscence session in the Atrium; The History of Education Centre will invite you to visit the transformed classroom on the first floor which will be the new home of the Victorian Schoolroom; The Men of Leith’s Shed will welcome you to their workshop in the Creel Building and tell you about their new Repair Shop, while the Anchor Building and the old gym hall will host numerous physical activities and craft sessions.

Do come along and see what’s on offer. There will even be food tastings!

Don’t miss it.

Can you help?

If you’ve visited the blog page on the website, you will have seen that there are various questions being posed of you. If you haven’t visited, check it out.

We’re searching for the families of two men who taught at VPS during the First World War. Please do have a look and see if you can help.

The latest blog also features an intriguing find in the Victoria Building. Do you recognise it? It is burned into the floor on the first floor.

Any information about it would be welcome

C&H Blog

Volunteer Day
Those of you who have volunteered to help out at the Heart are being invited to a chat with our Volunteer Coordinator, Bryan, a tour of the site with our Manager, Roger, and maybe even a sandwich or a coffee and cake, on Saturday 19th November, from 11 till 2.

Please register to volunteer via the volunteering page on the website and let us now what activities you would be interested in helping with.

We would like to know by Tuesday 22nd if you will attend the event so that we can get the catering right.


 Finally, we are pleased to welcome the Edinburgh-based youth theatre group Lyra to present our very first public performance in the Heart.

This will be Snowstorm, a charming winter’s tale for children aged 5-8. It will take place on Monday 21st November at 6pm.

Tickets are free but are strictly limited and must be booked in advance.

Email admin@heartofnewhavencommunity.co.uk with Snowstorm in the title, to enquire about availability, and pass the word along to those who might not otherwise have heard about it.
See you soon.

Heart of Newhaven newsletter: It’s Truly Time to Celebrate!

It’s truly time to celebrate

The Heart of Newhaven Community has finally been given the keys to the front door. Current Chair Judy Crabb received the keys from the City of Edinburgh Council on Friday (12/8) so the school site finally belongs to you, the community.

It’s taken a long time. As a reminder, the original Steering Group was set up after public consultation and eventually converted into a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO), registered with OSCR the charity overseer in 2020.

They won the right to purchase the site under the Community Asset Transfer scheme in July 2020 and secured funding for the purchase from the Scottish Land Fund in June 2021.

The school pupils and teachers moved out in December, 2021, but delays originally caused by Covid 19 and then last minute legal hurdles meant that the final transfer could not take place until last week.

Now, it’s all systems go, with volunteers tidying and cleaning and potential users and tenants queuing up to move in and get started.

The History of Education Centre has already moved all its equipment and furniture in and hopes to have the Victorian Schoolroom fully operational by 1st October. Others are keen to follow suit.

First though, there are some necessary health and safety measures to install, IT equipment and communications must be set up and the most urgent repairs to the structure need to be completed.

Once open to the public, the community hub will be offering spaces for intergenerational activities including space for such as theatre groups, choirs and performances of all kinds, rooms for rent for meetings or parties, artists’ studios and small business rooms for rent, a Heritage Suite, much needed early years’ provision in the modern Anchor Building, rooms for the Men’s Shed to carry on their activities and of course a community cafe.

HoNC Chair, Judy Crabb has been involved since even before the first public consultations and is now celebrating with the rest of the Board. “It’s a well known phrase ‘ If it is worth having, it is worth waiting for’ and how true that is as of today,” she says.

“Finally, we are thrilled to announce that HoNC now owns the former Victoria Primary School that from now on will be known as ‘The Heart’.

“A huge thank you to everybody who has helped over the years to bring about this day, volunteers, supporters, members of the community, our funders, Trustees and consultants. Every contribution, big and small, has made a difference.

“Over the next few months we will begin to open up the buildings to all the services and activities that support our themes of culture and heritage, learning and enterprise and improvement in well being.”

Heart of Newhaven June Newsletter

Welcome to your June Newsletter

First of all, we hope you enjoyed the Picnic in the Park on Sunday 19th June in collaboration with the Friends of Victoria Park and the Victoria Park Allotment Holders. There seemed to be hundreds of people there, all having a great time. We hope you caught up with some old friends and made some new ones.

Next in the calendar will be our second Annual General Meeting. This will be held on Saturday 2nd July and members will be receiving their own invitation to attend in person this year, now that Covid restrictions have been relaxed. There will be more details in the members’ invitations.

If you think you are already a member, but have not received the AGM invitation by email in the last few days, please do get in touch with us to check your membership status by emailing admin@heartofnewhaven.co.uk .

Just a reminder that receiving this newsletter does not necessarily mean that you are a member. You might just have signed up to receive the newsletter but not joined as a member.

Check out our website for membership conditions, which are purely geographical. If you live in our area of benefit (there’s a map on the website) then you can become a full member with voting rights.

If you live outside the area then you can still become an associate member but will not be able to vote at the AGM.

Joining is free. If you haven’t joined and wish to, then you can find the form under JOIN on the website.

The Trustees look forward to meeting members in person, many of them for the first time, and discussing our exciting plans for the future.

We would also like to use this newsletter to introduce you to a new member of our team. Bryan McCarthy joins us as our new Volunteer Coordinator.

One of our trustees, Christine McDerment has been on the other end of the volunteering email address up until now, but Bryan has stepped up and answered the call for some help.

Bryan is originally from Cork, Ireland, but moved to Edinburgh five years ago and has been living in Leith while working in criminal justice with Edinburgh City Council. “I have always enjoyed volunteering in my spare time and am excited to put my energy into coordinating the volunteering activities of Heart of Newhaven,” he says.

Now, a reminder: we are looking for volunteers to get involved in reminiscence training.

Sharing family stories is therapeutic and instructive, not to mention enjoyable. If you’re interested in helping to record people’s stories and memories, to then share with the community, then please get in touch. We have secured funding for this, so the training would be free for the participants.

Contact: judy.crabb@heartofnewhaven.co.uk

or Christine.mcderment@heartofnewhaven.co.uk

Remember to check the website regularly for blogs.

The month of May saw a visit to the Scottish Fisheries Museum in Anstruther, with whom we hope to collaborate on exhibitions and events in the future. As well as their regular collection they also offer temporary exhibitions and the current one runs until 19th June.

You can find the blogs, including Culture & Heritage and View From The Chair, under BLOGS on the website.

Heart of Newhaven: February News

In our last newsletter, we warned you that we may not be in the building until well into March, but we’re into February now and we’re full of optimism: after all, that’s only a few weeks away!

You may have wondered about the apparent abandonment of the now vacant school and we had hoped to put some publicity up on the railings to bring the local community up to date with what is really happening in case they are not connected digitally or have been confused by erroneous publicity elsewhere.

This, for various reasons has not happened yet, but rest assured we are moving in soon and we’re raring to go and keen to welcome you all inside as soon as we can.

Meanwhile, while we wait for the keys, we’ve had successful site visits to check on what’s been left behind from the school move, our architects are busy on our “meanwhile use” plans and checks have been carried out on the state of the building and a list of necessary repairs and works, has been drawn up.

Now for some updates.

Restoration Forth

An exhibition is to be held at the John Hope Gateway at the Botanic Gardens February 12 – April 24th. All the community hubs, of which we are one of six, are or will be exhibiting boards promoting what we are each offering.

We are excited to be participating in the project, as it supports each of our three themes, culture and heritage, learning and enterprise and an improvement in wellbeing, linked together by generations working together.

Once we are open, we will be hosting citizen science sessions and exhibitions to raise environmental awareness along the Forth Coastline, including wall hangings, craft creations, pop up banners and printed material plus musical events to compliment the exhibition – something for all ages!

Work on our friendship benches has resumed, with youngsters from the Citadel project beginning work on the decoration next weekend with help from local artist Johnathan Elders.

Watch out for the benches: they might be among the first things we move onto the site!

Our collaboration with the Pilmeny Development Project goes from strength to strength with our Friendship Group increasing in numbers and eliciting some wonderful feedback.

“I have been virtually housebound for the last two years. It is wonderful to get out of the house and just chat to so many people,” says one participant.

If you’d like to get involved, you can email Norma Johnson, our HoNC trustee liaison for this at norma_johnston@hotmail.com.

We wouldn’t have got this far without help and support from the community so do check out our Partners page on the website.

That will give you an idea of all the wonderful partners, individuals and organisations who have generously given their money and their time to support the project as well as acknowledging the many and various grants we have been awarded by different funding bodies.

Heart of Newhaven newsletter

Welcome to your (slightly early) August Newsletter 

And it’s good news all the way.

As some of you may already have heard or read, the Scottish Land Fund (SLF) decision has been announced and we are happy to report that we have secured even more than we had hoped for.

We have been awarded the full cost of the agreed purchase price of the site from the City of Edinburgh Council (CEC), £700,000, and on top of that, we have also been given a further sum to help with some of the start-up costs.

The total amount awarded is £792,000.

First of all, the Board of Trustees would like to convey their thanks to all the volunteers and supporters who have helped us come this far. The community has led this project from the start and will continue to do so. However the hard work is really just beginning. Your support and help will be even more necessary as we move forward.

Here’s what our chairman Rodney Matthews has to say:

The site of Victoria Primary School IS going to be the Heart of Newhaven Community. 

“This time last year the City of Edinburgh Councilapproved our request to take over the school and reduced the valuation price by £85,000 because of what we’ve promised to do, especially for the very young, the elderly, isolated and most vulnerable.  Provided we could pay them£700,000, they would sell the site to the community.    

“The Scottish Land Fund (SLF) has just given us that whole amount – and more!

“This SLF was set up by the Scottish Governmentto help charities just like ours working to improve local communities in the ways we have set out for the site, in order for it to become a vibrant hub of activity of people of all generations working and playing together; as we have often said, ‘the beating Heart of Newhaven.

“All approved. We are now poised to sign two contracts:  one with the SLFand the other with the Councilfor vacant possession of the site on a date yet to be announced, dependent on the completion of building works across the road. When we do get the keys, there will be much work to be done to get the building safe and ready for use, so bear with us. We will go as fast as we safely can.

“There will be plenty of exciting things to share to take us on through the challenge of the months ahead right through the inevitably unknown autumn and winter to come and into the spring of 2022  – when you will really begin to see things happen.”

Get more involved

The Board is looking for three new trustees to bring some new blood into the mix. If you live in the area and would like to become more involved, please check our new web page – Trustees

In the meantime …

Friendship Benches

Men’s Shed have finalised the design and size of the benches and are now completing jigs to help with the construction.  As covid restrictions are slowly being relaxed more men are attending and therefore the work rate will increase. They are hoping that all will be ready by early September. Then the fun part will begin as local youngsters are called on to help decorate them.

So come with us into the future … it’s looking bright!

Heart of Newhaven: Past, Present and Future

Welcome to your July Newsletter. This is a newsletter about past, present and future.

First: the past.

We have been receiving plenty of positive feedback from the Pots of Kindness project. If you remember, this involved pupils from Victoria Primary School potting up edible flowers, herbs and vegetables and distributing them to some of the isolated or elderly members of the community, whose details were supplied by the Pilmeny Development Project (PDP). Recipients have been responding.

“What a lovely idea. It is so nice to be part of this initiative. As you know I am housebound, so it is great that I can still be part of the community while being at home. I loved the beautiful letter I received from the pupil – what a fantastic idea. Thank you,” said one.

Mary from PDP received a phone call once one pack was delivered

“Thank you so much for the plant and letter – I absolutely love it. I am delighted with the wee package and the letter from the pupil was adorable. And the man who delivered the package was really friendly – thank you”.

A few weeks later, the same recipient rang Mary to say “My plant has started sprouting – I have it on my window sill and I check it everyday. It was great getting the instructions on how to help the plant grow. I really am delighted to be part of this project – thank you”.

My spinach has started to grow – I love Spinach and I think I might be like Popeye after this. The letter from the pupil was so sweet – thank you,” said another.

We’re glad it has proved so welcome.

The Present

Our partners at the PDP are organising more volunteer induction sessions so if you would like to get involved, make a note of this date: Saturday 7th August at 11am on Zoom, when you can find out about the different volunteering opportunities available within PDP. Expectations, boundaries and confidentiality will be among the topics for discussion.

Similarly, you can join in the HoNC/ PDP Newhaven Virtual Coffee Group for those living in or around Newhaven on either Mon 19th July at 4pm or Mon 16th Aug at 4pm, both on Zoom.

If you are interested in these events then please contact Norma by Email

Still in the present:

We’re thrilled to tell you that the University of Edinburgh student social media team has included HoNC in the most recent episode of their popular podcast’s third series

The Broadcast is The Broad Online’s podcast and aims to bring local community initiatives to its listeners’ attention. HoNC trustee Judy Crabb and Head of Victoria Primary School Laura Thomson were engaged in discussion on the creation of our intergenerational community centre in the old school in the latest recording.

Lauren Galligan and Jack Liddall were the co-hosts and interviewers. She is the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of The Broad Online. Jack is the Secretary of The Broad and a volunteer with HoNC.

The podcast will shortly be available to listen to on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Podbean. We will share a link to the podcast on the Heart’s social media and website as soon as it is available.


Now on to the future. The Men’s Shed members have been busy at work on our Friendship Benches, which we aim to have ready for Mental Health Day in October. We will be organising painting and decorating days with local artist Johnathan Elders over the summer holidays, so watch this space.

In the immediate future, we await the decision from the Scottish Land Fund on our application for the funds required to make good our promise to buy the school site.

We will pass on the news as soon as we can.

Keep your fingers crossed!