Animals in cities are adapting to climate change, research shows

A new study indicates animal populations living in urban areas show elevated resilience to stressful environmental conditions, with conservation implications.

Published last week in Ecology Letters, the study was conducted by Queen’s University Belfast in collaboration with the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany.

Researchers  tested the adaptability of aquatic species, such as blue mussel and amphipods, found in shorelines in urban environments exposed to high ship traffic, compared with those from a remote protected shore.

An urban area can be described as a human settlement with a high population density and an infrastructure of built environment.

The team exposed the animals from both habitat types to a range of environmental stressors under laboratory conditions.

The treatments, which were events or situations that cause stress, reflected current and predicted environmental conditions in the sea, such as rising temperatures, saltwater changes and increased carbon dioxide.

The research showed animal populations from urban areas, with higher temperatures and greater concentrations of pollutants, demonstrated significantly higher resilience to stressful environmental conditions when compared to their counterparts from protected habitats.

Dr Ross Cuthbert from the School of Biological Sciences at Queen’s, was part of the international team of researchers, he said: “Our findings indicate that the populations of species differ substantially in their susceptibility to stressors associated with urbanisation.

“These results have important conservation implications, however, it remains to be seen whether these adaptations can keep pace with the rate of human-induced environmental changes relating to climate change such as pollution, burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and more.”

Urban habitats are very different from natural habitats and pose new challenges for animals and plants.

The research was led by Dr Elizabeta Briski, a marine biologist at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, she said: “The results show that populations from urbanised habitats tend to be more robust to these environmental stressors and, are already adapting to changing conditions.

“These populations could serve as potential ‘rescue populations’ for endangered populations. At the same time, their greater tolerance to future environmental changes could make it easier for them to conquer new habitats. This makes them potential invasive species that can be spread by human trade and transport between urban centres.”

Dr Cuthbert adds: “Until now, little was known about how populations of the same species evolve in habitats with and without human influence.

“While the tested species do not directly affect human health, if the processes found indeed worsen invasion risks in general, they could exacerbate known health risks from biological invasions, such as through spread of disease.”

The results of the study support the hypothesis that urban habitats can provide important clues about how animals will adapt to future environmental changes.

New research proves woodland wildlife works wonders for wellbeing

The sights, sounds and smells of life in a British woodland have been proven to fill us with joy and boost our wellbeing, groundbreaking new research has revealed.

An overwhelming 90% of more than 10,000 questioned for a study supported by the Woodland Trust said their mood and general wellbeing were boosted by the wildlife in the UK’s precious woodland.

The research identified specific mood-lifting traits found in woods – from spotting a squirrel scurrying up a trunk and hearing a robin’s early-morning song, to witnessing a bird of prey soaring in the sky or feeling the crunch of autumn leaves underfoot.

But worryingly, the research pinpointed huge regional differences, with the majority of wellbeing hotspots found in the South East and parts of Scotland – areas with a higher proportion of woodland, especially ancient and long-established woodland cover.

These locations are rich in the variety of woodland plants, animals and fungi which people reported as being beneficial for their wellbeing, but previous studies have shown that only 7% of Great Britain’s woods are in good ecological condition.

The extensive BIO-WELL research was carried out by scientists at the University of Kent, with the latest research financed by a grant from the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity, the Woodland Trust.

Zoe Davies, Professor of biodiversity conservation at the University of Kent’s Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE), said: “While we know that spending time in natural environments can improve our health and wellbeing, we needed to know which species, or traits of species delivered these benefits.

“This compelling new research proves that nature is good for us and spending time in biodiverse, rich woodland can be a prescription for wellbeing.”

Key findings include:

  • ninety per cent of the representative sample of more than 10,000 people across the UK agreed that woodland biodiversity has a positive impact on their wellbeing
  • the richest woodlands for wellbeing were very unevenly distributed across the UK, with lower wellbeing richness of woodlands in more deprived areas
  • woodland sounds, such as birds singing, the scrunch of fallen leaves or trees rustling in the breeze, were found to stimulate the most wellbeing responses (40.4%)
  • natural processes and behaviours (26.5%), like spring flowers emerging, triggered the second most wellbeing responses, followed by colours (23.7%), textures (7.3%) and smells (2.1%)
  • silver birch topped a list of favourite trees, ahead of horse chestnut and oak
  • blue tit had the most wellbeing benefits of woodland birds, with blackbird and chaffinch following closely behind
  • the hotspots reflect areas where there is a high proportion of woodland cover, especially precious ancient and long-established woodland cover.

Surprisingly, the research found that seasonal differences were irrelevant to the mental health benefits, meaning that, while humans may yearn for sunnier and warmer spring days after a long, bleak winter, a walk in the woods is beneficial in any weather and at any time of year.

Woodland Trust chief executive Dr Darren Moorcroft said: “The Woodland Trust is evidence based. Research like the BIO-WELL findings that we have supported is not only fascinating but vital to underpin what we do as the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity, for nature and people.

“We’re in the grip of a biodiversity and human health crisis, so it has never been more critical to improve the health of people and the planet. Proving that it’s good for us to get out among trees and nature means the next step must be ensuring that everyone in the UK has access to vibrant, nature-rich woodland where wildlife – and people and communities – can thrive.”

Martin Dallimer, Professor of environmental sustainability at Imperial College London, agreed: “If we want people’s wellbeing to improve from spending time in nature, then it is essential to make sure we are maintaining and restoring high-quality forests for wildlife and people.”

Unequal opportunities

Maps produced by the researchers showed strong regional disparity in woodland quality for wellbeing, highlighting the importance of restoring woodland biodiversity – especially in those areas which need it most.

Woodland Trust conservation adviser Sally Bavin explained: “This work shows there is stark geographical inequality across the UK in the opportunity for people to witness thriving woodland wildlife and experience the wellbeing lift that brings. This opportunity should be the right of all.

“The research’s focus on the distribution of woodland quality really fits with the Woodland Trust’s mission to improve the quality of woodlands rather than just the quantity. The research maps will allow us to target conservation efforts where they are needed most.”

Dr Jessica Fisher, research fellow at DICE, said the regional findings were ‘concerning’. She added: “The research suggests visiting a woodland rich in the variety of wildlife that supports human wellbeing is a privilege unequally distributed across society, and furthest from reach for those who could potentially benefit the most.

“Society needs a much better balance of woodland to ensure we can all access the traits that are going to boost our mental health.”

The research drilled down to discover which species were most enjoyed for their wellbeing benefits, including the top 10 favourite trees, other plants, animals and fungi. The top 10 trees were:

  1. silver birch
  2. horse chestnut
  3. pedunculate oak
  4. sweet chestnut
  5. aspen
  6. Douglas fir
  7. rowan
  8. beech
  9. larch
  10. sycamore.

Over three quarters of people in Scotland want child safety checks on new generative AI products

  • Polling shows 77% of the public in Scotland would opt for child safety checks on new generative AI products, even if this causes delays in releasing products.
  • This comes as new NSPCC-commissioned research identifies seven key safety risks to children including sexual grooming and harassment, bullying, sextortion and the proliferation of harmful content.
  • NSPCC calls on Government to slow down artificial intelligence action plans until they have embedded a statutory duty of care for children.

New research commissioned by the NSPCC highlights the different ways that generative artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to groom, harass and manipulate children and young people.

This comes as polling shows that the UK public are concerned about the rollout of AI. Savanta surveyed 217 people from across Scotland and found that most of the public (86%) have some level of concern that “this type of technology may be unsafe for children”.

The majority of the public (77%) said they would prefer to have safety checks on new generative AI products, even if this caused delays in releasing products over a speedy roll-out without safety checks.

The new NSPCC paper shares key findings from research conducted by AWO, a legal and technology consultancy. The research Viewing Generative AI and children’s safety in the round identifies seven key safety risks associated with generative AI; sexual grooming, sexual harassment, bullying, financially motivated extortion, child sexual abuse & exploitation material, harmful content, and harmful ads & recommendations.

Generative AI is currently being used to generate sexual abuse images of children, enable perpetrators to more effectively commit sexual extortion, groom children and provide misinformation or harmful advice to young people.

From as early as 2019, the NSPCC have been receiving contacts from children via Childline about AI.

One boy aged 14 told the service*: “I’m so ashamed of what I’ve done, I didn’t mean for it to go this far. A girl I was talking to was asking for pictures and I didn’t want to share my true identity, so I sent a picture of my friend’s face on an AI body. Now she’s put that face on a naked body and is saying she’ll post it online if I don’t pay her £50. I don’t even have a way to send money online, I can’t tell my parents, I don’t know what to do.”

One girl, aged 12 asked Childline*: “Can I ask questions about ChatGPT? Like how accurate is it? I was having a conversation with it and asking questions, and it told me I might have anxiety or depression. It’s made me start thinking that I might?”

The NSPCC paper outlines a range of different solutions to address these concerns including stripping out child sexual abuse material from AI training data and doing robust risk assessments on models to ensure they are safe before they are rolled out

A member of the NSPCC Voice of Online Youth, a group of young people aged 13-17 from across the UK, said: “A lot of the problems with Generative AI could potentially be solved if the information [that] tech companies and inventors give [to] the Gen AI was filtered and known to be correct.”

The Government is currently considering new legislation to help regulate AI and there will be a global summit in Paris this February where policy makers, tech companies and third sector organisations, including the NSPCC and their Voice of Online Youth, will come together to discuss the benefits and risks of using AI.

The NSPCC is calling on the Government to adopt specific safeguards for children in its legislation. The charity says four urgent actions are needed by Government to ensure generative AI is safe for children:

  1. Adopt a Duty of Care for Children’s Safety

Gen AI companies must prioritise the safety, protection, and rights of children in the design and development of their products and services.

  1. Embed a Duty of Care in Legislation

It is imperative that the Government enacts legislation that places a statutory duty of care on Gen AI companies, ensuring that they are held accountable for the safety of children.

  1. Place Children at the Heart of Gen AI Decisions

The needs and experiences of children and young people must be central to the design, development, and deployment of Gen AI technologies.

  1. Develop the Research and Evidence Base on Gen AI and Child Safety

The Government, academia, and relevant regulatory bodies should invest in building capacity to study these risks and support the development of evidence-based policies.

Chris Sherwood, CEO at the NSPCC, said: “Generative AI is a double-edged sword. On the one hand it provides opportunities for innovation, creativity and productivity that young people can benefit from; on the other it is having a devastating and corrosive impact on their lives.

“We can’t continue with the status quo where tech platforms ‘move fast and break things’ instead of prioritising children’s safety. For too long, unregulated social media platforms have exposed children to appalling harms that could have been prevented. Now, the Government must learn from these mistakes, move quickly to put safeguards in place and regulate generative AI, before it spirals out of control and damages more young lives.

“The NSPCC and the majority of the public want tech companies to do the right thing for children and make sure the development of AI doesn’t race ahead of child safety. We have the blueprints needed to ensure this technology has children’s wellbeing at its heart, now both Government and tech companies must take the urgent action needed to make Generative AI safe for children and young people.”

You can read Viewing Generative AI and children’s safety in the round on the NSPCC website.

A third of Scots struggling with their energy bills are too embarrassed to seek help


More than 30 per cent of Scots struggling with their energy bills have never asked for help, new research has revealed.

A new poll, commissioned by British Gas as part of its independent charitable trust British Gas Energy Trust (The Trust), has found 42 per cent have difficulty managing their energy bills, but 31 per cent have never sought assistance – whether that is by turning to loved ones or seeking professional advice.

It comes as British Gas and British Gas Energy Trust have partnered with the Post Office and local community-based charities to offer free, drop-in events across the UK this winter.

The pop-up events offer 1-2-1 confidential practical support from trained specialists about budget planning, energy debt advice and energy efficiency measures, as well as help with accessing energy debt write-off grants including The Trust’s Individual and Families Fund, and Energy Support Fund.

The next pop-up events are taking place in Edinburgh and Glasgow on the following dates:

  • Wester Hails Post Office – 12th,13th,19th, 20th, 26th and 27th of November (between 11am – 2pm each day).
  • Springburn Way Post Office – 3rd,4th,10 and 11th of December, and 14th, 15th,21st and 22nd January 2025 (between 11am – 2pm each day).

When it came to the reasons why Scots don’t seek support, almost half (40 per cent), thought they wouldn’t qualify, a third (34 per cent) cited stigma or embarrassment and a quarter (26 per cent) said that there’s a lack of information.

A fifth believe there isn’t enough energy advice support out there. And almost a third (31 per cent) are worried about how they are going to keep on top of things this winter.

Abi Robins, Director of Responsible Business at British Gas, said: “We know the colder months can be tough on a lot of people and there isn’t always advice readily available.

“Our British Gas advisors will be on hand to help individuals navigate energy and financial challenges and access the range of support we offer – not only for our customers but also people who use other energy suppliers.

“The pop-ups are just one part of how we are supporting customers this winter. Grants, fund money and energy advice services are available through the Trust – with donations from British Gas topping £200m since 2004 – as well as providing direct support to struggling customers with matched debt repayments and non-repayable credit.”

The study also found rising costs, difficulty managing finances, and fear of disconnection were among the main concerns when it comes to paying energy bills this winter.

When speaking to someone about getting support, 21 per cent would want a face-to-face conversation. But 33 per cent admit they find it difficult to talk about the struggles they face when paying their energy bills.

Of those who have previously got help, 31 per cent used energy provider payment plans, 29 per cent turned to friends or family, 25 per cent used Government schemes, and 21 per cent sought financial advice or counselling.

Over 50 per cent of all respondents think there should be more support programmes to help people managing rising energy costs.

Jessica Taplin, chief executive of British Gas Energy Trust, said: “We know some consumers really want face to face advice, so these pop-ups are just one way we’re helping those already struggling with rising living costs this winter.

“These pop-ups, hosted at post offices across the country, provide free, confidential advice directly to communities to help individuals navigate energy and financial challenges this winter.

“We offer energy debt write-off grants through our Individuals and Families Fund, and Energy Support Fund, both open now, to households facing fuel poverty, among other criteria.

“We’d encourage anyone needing support to come along and find out more at their local pop up.”

Since the partnership between British Gas Energy Trust and the Post Office was established in 2022, there have been 178 in-person pop-ups in 95 locations from Saint Leonards-on-Sea to the Scottish Isles.

Thousands of people have been provided with step-by-step money and energy advice, checking benefits entitlement, and providing energy saving tips as well as follow up appointments for more in depth conversations.

Simon Lambert, Commercial and Operations Director at Post Office, said: “Every week, more than a million energy customers visit our branches to pay bills or top up.

“These pop-ups – held in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leicester, Leeds, Newport and Stockport – are a fantastic way to connect customers with the additional support they may need this winter.”

Additional support available through British Gas Energy Trust includes the Individuals and Families Fund, which is available to British Gas and non-British Gas customers, with grant payments of up to £1,700 available to households in England, Scotland and Wales. This fund is open to applications now.

Additionally, the British Gas Energy Support Fund is available to British Gas customers only who have debts of £250 to £2,000 on their energy account. This fund opened to applications on 4th November.

Groundbreaking research uncovers increasing rate of sexual violence against older people

Hourglass has teamed up with independent researcher Amanda Warburton-Wynn to publish her new research which reveals there were 274 allegations of staff sexually assaulting older patients recorded in just three years.

The research, which is available to read in full on the Hourglass website, follows a study produced in 2021, inspired by the case of Valerie Kneale who passed away due to injuries from a sexual assault in Blackpool Victoria Hospital.

It found that 75 cases of sexual abuse committed by staff were recorded from 2016 to 2021.

This new research, released today has revealed that in just three years, that number has more than tripled.

In comparison to findings from the previous period, even less cases were reported to police, with over a third not reported or closed as ‘No Further Action’.
The research also found that the majority of victims of this sexual violence were not referred to  a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) or specialist services, with a total of 127 victims not referred for support following the abuse.

The perpetrators of this abuse were most frequently found to be nurses or nursing assistants, the majority of victims were female and 85% of alleged perpetrators being male.

The research recommends that better reporting practices would result in improved justice outcomes, alongside a need for specific safeguarding training for staff to spot the signs of abuse, particularly when it comes to older victims.

Hourglass is the only UK-wide charity supporting older victims-survivors of abuse and neglect, operating a 24/7 helpline, unique casework service and specialist local support. The charity warns that the findings of this report is emblematic of the rising epidemic of abuse, which affects a reported 1 in 6 older people in the UK. 

Independent researcher Amanda Warburton-Wynn said: “Whilst I knew this was happening, I didn’t expect to see such a high number of incidents.

“The most surprising thing was the number of incidents being so much higher than last time although over a shorter period. It is a shocking number of incidents against a likely near zero criminal justice response.” 

Veronica Gray, Deputy CEO and Director of Policy of Hourglass said: “The extent of abuse revealed in this research and the lack of response from NHS trusts is shocking and deeply concerning.

“The findings show numerous systemic failures to protect older individuals in hospitals in the first place and even more in the failure to act once the incidents have taken place.

“It is deeply concerning to see so many older victim-survivors not referred to specialist support. Specialist services are a lifeline for older people who have experienced abuse and it’s essential that these services are available and accessible to all those who need them.” 

The charity is urging those keen to support the charity to donate by visiting visiting or Text SAFER to 70460 to donate £10.

Texts cost £10 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS.

If you’d like to give £10 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SAFERNOINFO to 70460.

New research shows alarming relationship between higher UK air temperatures and spikes in drowning

The National Water Safety Forum (NWSF) has released research which shows a concerning relationship between increases in accidental drowning deaths when warmer weather hits the UK – urging people to Respect the Water and stay safe as the weather heats up.  

The two independent pieces of research, one by the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK[1]) and another by Bournemouth University[2] both conclude that significantly more people lose their lives to accidental drowning in the UK during periods of hot weather.

Dr Sam Hills, from Bournemouth University, explains: “The data indicates when UK average maximum air temperatures reach or exceed 25°C, there is a fivefold increase in accidental drowning risk when compared to days with an average of 10°C.

“Analysis also shows three times as many accidental drowning fatalities occur on days when air temperatures reach 25°C or more, when compared to the seasonal average.”

RLSS UK’s analysis also highlights the risk of taking a swim to cool off, as 57% of those who accidently drowned on days exceeding 25°C were swimming, almost three times higher than average[3]. During peak temperatures, the findings also conclude that teenagers and young adults are proportionately more likely to lose their lives.

Speaking about the research, Matt Croxall, RLSS UK Charity Director, commented: “These findings are alarming and reinforce the importance of knowing how to enjoy the water safely, as every year we hear about preventable tragedies in open water when temperatures rise.

“We are sharing this new insight ahead of the coming periods of hot weather to encourage people to have the water safety conversation with loved ones, particularly teenagers and young adults, about how to stay safe near water and to know to call 999 in an emergency.”

Ross MacLeod, RNLI Water Safety Manager added: “It’s well known that people’s behaviour changes during periods of warmer weather, with many heading to open water sites to cool off and enjoy water-related activities.

“The best way to keep yourself and others safe is to visit supervised locations and know what to do in a water emergency.”

Choose a place with lifeguards on duty such as patrolled beaches at the coast, or supervised swimming pools, aquaparks and lakes inland.

If you choose to enter the water somewhere without lifeguards, please stop and think first to assess the dangers, and always stay with other people.

If you find yourself in difficulty in the water remember Float to Live 

  • Tilt your head back with ears submerged
  • Relax and try to control your breathing
  • Use your hands to help you stay afloat
  • It’s OK if your legs sink, we all float differently

If you see someone else in difficulty in the water, remember Call, Tell, Throw

  • Call 999 to get help
  • Tell the struggling person to float on their back
  • Throw them something that floats, such as a life ring, inflatable toy, or bottle

Both research teams worked with the Met Office to use its data, combined with fatality data from the NWSF’s Water Incident Database (WAID).

Chris Walsh, Met Office Head of Warnings and Guidance, added: “Being prepared and aware of the dangers when there’s hot weather is the best way of keeping everyone safe.

“We know many people want to enjoy hot weather, but it’s important everyone knows the advice from RLSS UK and RNLI about what to do if they get in trouble in the water.”

For more Water Safety information, visit to see campaigns from RLSS UK, RNLI and other NWSF partners.

For more information or any media enquiries, please contact Simrit Mann by emailing or calling 0300 323 0096.

Carers Trust Scotland research reveals family carers experiencing unprecedented financial hardship

“All general bills are a worry. It’s crushing to not even be able to afford the most basics in life due to being an unpaid carer.” (unpaid carer responding to the Carers Trust survey)

  • Almost three quarters (74%) of unpaid carers in Scotland are worried about being able to afford energy bills.
  • Almost two thirds (58%) of unpaid carers in Scotland have either had to give up work altogether or reduce their paid hours because of their caring role.
  • One in eight (12%) unpaid carers in Scotland have had to use a food bank.
  • Carers Trust is urging the Scottish Government and the UK Government to provide additional cost-of-living support to unpaid carers now and to develop long-term solution for funding of social care.

A new survey of unpaid carers in Scotland provides a stark assessment of how many of Scotland’s 800,000 unpaid family carers have been plunged even further into financial misery by the cost-of-living crisis. 

The research, undertaken by Carers Trust, the UK infrastructure charity for local carer organisations, revealed that 38% of all unpaid carers have had to give up paid work altogether to provide the dedicated care at home that a sick or disabled relative needs. A further 20% of respondents reported having reduced the number of paid hours they work because of their caring role.

The research, which was responded to by 531 family carers, uncovered the shocking fact that one in eight (12%) unpaid family carers are now using food banks as a result of soaring living costs. In addition:

  • 28% have had to cut back on food
  • 7% have either sold their home or released home equity to pay for essential items
  • 17% have not been able to pay household bills on time
  • 38% have had to cut back on other household items
  • 27% have had to use a credit card to pay for essential household items.
  • 25% have had to borrow money from a friend or a relative
  • 17% have had to take out a loan

One survey respondent said“I am terrified that I won’t be able to pay the bills this winter”.

Responding to a survey question about what essential costs they would no longer be able to afford, almost half (48%) said transport, almost three quarters (74%) said energy bills and over one third (34%) said rent or mortgage costs.

Carer’s Allowance failing to prevent poverty among unpaid carers

The survey also starkly highlighted the inadequacy of Carer’s Allowance, the principal state benefit for unpaid carers.

Currently set at £69.70 per week, providing this is the lowest level benefit of its kind, despite more than one third (34%) of unpaid carers spending 50 hours or more a week caring for a sick or disabled relative.

The Scottish Government does provide a Carer’s Allowance Supplement of £245.70 twice per year to provide additional support to unpaid carers in Scotland.

However, eligibility criteria for Carer’s Allowance benefit are strict: claimants must earn £132 a week or less after tax and must be spending a minimum of 35 hours a week caring for someone.

Over half of all survey respondents said that they do not receive the allowance and, of those who did, 56% of respondents in Scotland said it was not enough to meet their needs as an unpaid carer.

The survey also found that, instead of preventing poverty among recipients, Carer’s Allowance recipients were more likely to be experiencing financial hardship.

  • 58% of respondents receiving Carer’s Allowance said they were struggling to make ends meet, compared to 38% of respondents who don’t receive Carer’s Allowance.

More support needed for local carer organisations supporting unpaid carers

A parallel survey of Carer’s Trust’s UK network of over 120 local carer organisations, who provide services to unpaid carers, has also highlighted the impact of recruitment challenges and funding shortages on their ability to support unpaid family carers. 

48% of services cited fundraising and sustainability as the principal challenge to work supporting unpaid carers, whilst 40% of respondents cited staff recruitment and retention as a challenge – almost twice the level (23%) reported the year before.     

Carers Trust Scotland’s Director Louise Morgan said: “Scotland’s health and social care system relies on the hard work of millions of unpaid family carers. However, the double whammy of lack of financial support and struggling local services means that thousands of unpaid family carers are being pushed into dire poverty. 

‘With little ability to work, unpaid carers simply cannot boost their earnings to meet the cost-of-living crisis. Yet they need to keep the heating on and equipment running to keep their sick and disabled relatives warm and safe.

“The recent Autumn Statement simply did not recognise the extra cost of being an unpaid carer. We therefore need to raise Carer’s Allowance urgently, provide and to add it to the list of benefits qualifying for the additional £900 cost-of-living support payment and provide double payments of Carer’s Allowance Supplement payments to help unpaid carers to pay their rising bills during the cost-of-living crisis.

As a country we’re relying on unpaid carers to keep the health and care system afloat. The least we can do in return is ensure they get a fair deal in return”.

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