New report highlights barriers to health equity for patients living with cancer and/or blood disorders


A new report by the Patients Association, funded by Bristol Myers Squibb, sheds light on the stark health inequities faced by patients living with cancer and/or blood disorders, revealing significant disparities driven by social determinants of health, systemic barriers, and discrimination.

The report also offers recommendations to improve access to equitable healthcare.

The report identifies critical issues such as economic and social factors, mistrust in healthcare services, systemic racism, and lack of joined-up care, all of which exacerbate health inequalities for underserved communities.

The report calls for a patient-centred approach that prioritises shared decision-making to ensure cancer and/or blood disorder patients are treated as equal partners in their care. It also calls for a multi-agency approach to tackle health disparities, aligning national and local strategies, such as NHS England’s Core20PLUS5 framework, to enhance access to early cancer diagnosis.

The report finds that cancer and/or blood disorder patients from underserved communities consistently experience worse health outcomes and lower standards of care. Contributing factors include delays in diagnosis, lower uptake of screening programmes, and mistrust of healthcare systems. Barriers such as low health literacy, cultural insensitivity from staff, and systemic discrimination further hinder equitable access to care.

Patients interviewed for this report highlighted several critical issues, including difficulty navigating healthcare systems and insufficient communication about their rights and available benefits. Many patients reported transportation and medication costs causing financial difficulties.

Organisations working with underserved communities reinforced these findings, emphasising the pervasive mistrust in the health among marginalised communities. This mistrust often results from discrimination, such as delayed diagnoses and unequal access to treatment. LGBTQ+ patients and those with sickle cell disease described particularly hostile or dismissive interactions with healthcare providers.

The report also draws attention to the role of social determinants of health, such as inadequate housing, poverty, and living in a deprived neighbourhood. These factors are closely linked to higher rates of cancer and mortality, as well as reduced access to essential healthcare resources.

Tackling these challenges requires urgent action at both a national and local level. The Patients Association calls on policymakers, healthcare professionals, and community organisations to work together to ensure equitable access to care for all.

Reflecting on the report, Rachel Power, Chief Executive of the Patients Association said: ““Equitable healthcare is an urgent necessity. It is deeply concerning that barriers such as systemic discrimination, financial hardship, and mistrust of the health and care system persist, disproportionately affecting underserved communities.

“Only by addressing these disparities can we achieve a health and care system that provides equality and dignity for all. We call on the government and the health and care system to align national and local strategies, address the social determinants of health, and foster trust between patients and healthcare providers.

“We must work together to close these gaps and build a system rooted in fairness, trust, and accessibility.”

For more information, please contact

Scotland has highest rate of accidental death in the UK, warns new report 

  • People are more likely to die due to an accident in Scotland than anywhere else in the UK – the rate of accidental death is up 57% over the last decade
  • Fatalities on Scottish roads are 46% higher than the UK 
  • Accidents cost the UK £12 billion every year – £6 billion in NHS medical care and £5.9 billion in lost working days
  • The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) has launched ‘Safer Lives, Stronger Nation’, which reveals new data into rising accident numbers and calls on the Government to implement a National Accident Prevention Strategy to save lives, boost the economy and free up capacity in the NHS 

Scotland is home to the highest rate of accidental death in the UK – currently 56% higher than the UK’s overall rate of accidental death and 67% higher than the rate in England, meaning people are far more likely to die in an accident in Scotland than anywhere else in the UK according to a new report* launched by RoSPA, ‘Safer Lives, Stronger Nation’.

As well as the tragic human loss, preventable accidents cost the UK a massive £12 billion every year due to lost working days and medical care. RoSPA is calling on the Government to implement a National Accident Prevention Strategy to save lives, boost the economy and free up capacity in the NHS. 

RoSPA’s new report reveals that the rate of accidental death in Scotland has risen by 57% in the last decade and accidents now take over 2,500 lives each year.

This increase in the number of accidental deaths in Scotland can be seen across almost every type of accident.

Despite positive steps such as the successes of Water Safety Scotland and the Scottish Occupational Road Safety Alliance, the recent abolition of Home Safety Scotland shows that the Government is still not taking a sufficiently robust approach to the nation’s alarming rise in accident rates. 

 Number of accidental deaths in 2022 % rise in accidental death rates, 2013 to 2022 Rate of accidental deaths per 100,000 people 
UK-wide 21,336 Shape42% increase 32 deaths 
England 16,765 Shape40% increase 29 deaths 
Scotland 2,677 Shape57% increase 49 deaths 
Wales 1,206 Shape41% increase 39 deaths 
Northern Ireland 688 Shape56% increase 36 deaths 

Highest likelihood of fatality on Scottish roads 

People are almost twice as likely (46%) to have a fatal transport-related accident in Scotland than elsewhere in the UK. This substantially higher fatality rate in Scotland exists across car users, pedestrians and motorcyclists – with people in cars 166% more likely to be killed in an accident driving in Scotland than they are elsewhere in the UK. Pedestrians are 96% more likely to be killed in Scotland than elsewhere in the UK and motorcyclists are 51% more likely to be killed in an accident on Scottish roads than in the rest of the country.  

Other types of accidental deaths highest in Scotland 

Tragically, Scotland isn’t just home to the highest rates of fatal road accidents – its non-transport fatal accident rate is also more than twice (57%) as high as the rest of the UK. Death from accidental poisoning is 139% higher in Scotland than the rest of the UK. There has been a sharp spike in drug-related deaths in Scotland since the early 2010s, which has one of the highest rates of drug deaths in the developed world, although this has begun to fall in recent years.  

Death from accidental drowning is 59% higher in Scotland than the rest of the UK. This is partly due to ease of access to inland water, which creates more opportunities for drowning but is also compounded by lower water temperatures, making the risk of cold-water shock higher.  

Death from exposure to smoke, fire or flames is 42% higher than the rest of the UK. This rate reflects the higher rate of dwelling fires in Scotland, which has been falling for several years but remains much higher than England and Wales.

Death from accidental fall accounts for 42% of all accidental deaths in Scotland, so the fact that they are almost twice (45%) as likely in Scotland than the rest of the UK is significant. The reasons for this aren’t recorded, but it could be due to rugged terrain and wetter conditions, and potentially higher proportions of people living in flats or apartments.  

Cause of accidental death Rate in Scotland compared to the UK as a whole Rate in Wales compared to the UK as a whole Rate in Northern Ireland compared to the UK as a whole 
All types of accidental deaths 56% higher 22% higher 14% higher 
Transport-related 46% higher 18% higher 34% higher 
Transport accident – car occupants  166% higher 5% higher 88% higher 
Transport accident – pedestrians 96% higher 35% lower 142% higher 
Transport accident – motorcyclists 51% higher 78% higher 20% higher 
Non-transport related 57% higher 22% higher 13% higher 
Poisoning 139% higher 6% higher 10% lower 
Drowning 59% higher 10% lower 71% higher 
Exposure to smoke, fire or flames 42% higher 34% higher 18% higher 
Falls 45% higher 24% higher 37% higher 

Falls are the most common cause of accidental death in Scotland 

RoSPA’s data reveals that like the UK as a whole, falls are the most common cause of accidental death in Scotland (42%), followed by poisonings (40%). 

Most common cause of accidental death in 2022 (UK wide) Most common cause of accidental death in 2022 (Scotland) 
1.Falls – 46% Falls – 42% 
2.Poisonings – 26% Poisonings – 40% 
3.Other – 13% Road traffic / transport – 7% 
4.Road traffic / transport – 7% Other – 5% 
5.Threats to breathing e.g. choking and suffocating – 3% Threats to breathing e.g. choking and suffocating – 2% 
6. Drowning – 1% Drowning – 1% 

Accidents cost the UK almost £12 billion every year 

As well as personal pain and injury, accidents put a huge strain on the NHS, costing at least £6 billion annually in NHS medical care – not including ambulance callouts, surgery or long-term treatment.  

Across the UK accidents led to around 5.2 million bed days, costing the NHS an estimated £5.4 billion last year. In addition, accidents resulted in around 7 million Accident & Emergency (A&E) visits across the UK last year, costing a further £613 million, bringing the total cost of accidents to the NHS to at least £6 billion annually. 

Accident-related injuries are also a drain on the economy and prevent people from working. The combined cost to UK businesses is £5.9 billion, due to lost output and indirect management costs. 

Ten times more working days lost due to accidents than strikes 

Across the UK in 2022/23 7.7 million working days were lost by those who were unable to work after an accident as they’d been admitted to hospital, or by their carers who took time off work to be with them. A further 21 million working days were lost by those who had to attend A&E after an accident.  In total in 2022/23 accidents led to almost 29 million lost working days across the UK – 10 times more than were lost due to strikes (2.7 million lost working days) in the same year. 

RoSPA is calling for the Government to create a National Accident Prevention Strategy to save lives, boost the economy and free up capacity in the NHS.

Read RoSPA’s full report, Safer Lives, Stronger Nation’. 

Steve Cole, Policy, Campaigns and Public Affairs Director at RoSPA, said: “Scotland is facing an accident crisis. It has the worst rates of accidental death than anywhere else in the UK.

“Scots are substantially more likely to suffer a serious accident today than they were 20 years ago. We must take action now to stop further preventable deaths and serious injuries – accidents are avoidable and do not need to happen.

“Even those who have never been involved in an accident are still suffering, as increasing numbers of accidents are choking the UK economy and engulfing the NHS – taking up bed space, money, time and resources that could be directed to other serious illnesses.  

“Our new report revealing the growing numbers and types of fatal and life-changing accidents across the UK unveils a new public health scandal. By implementing a National Accident Prevention Strategy to sit across government departments problems can be tackled at their core, with a joined-up approach to cover all types of accidents – whether they happen at home, on the road, at work or in public.

“For too long we have accepted the economic and social consequences of accidents, and we’re still paying the price. We are calling for a National Accident Prevention Strategy to make Scotland a safer place to live.” 

Dan Evans, Chief Executive at Speedy Hire, said: “We take health and safety extremely seriously, and it is a source of immense pride that we have been recognised for our excellence in keeping colleagues and customers safe.

“For us, colleague safety doesn’t begin and end at the workplace door, which is why at Speedy Hire we take a ‘whole person, whole life’ approach. This has never been more important to do so, as RoSPA’s report reveals people are far more likely to suffer a serious accident at home than they are at work.

“Both the cost of accidents to peoples’ personal lives and to businesses is far too high, so we must act now to keep people safe and support economic growth.” 

Dr. James Broun, Research Manager at RoSPA and author of ‘Safer Lives, Stronger Nation’, said: “Our major review of all accident data uncovers the full scale and true cost of accidents for the very first time. This data is unique; it looks at all types of accidents across the UK, as well as individually across all four nations.   

“Accidents aren’t currently monitored or recorded to the same extent as other health issues, but the findings are alarming. Accident rates across the UK, as well as within England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – are rising steeply.  We’ve brought together this data to reveal the reality of this crisis and to impress upon the Government that action must be taken to reverse rising accident figures.” 

RoSPA are calling for the Government to seize the initiative and create a National Accident Prevention Strategy – a first for the UK. And, because it’s impossible to arrest a crisis like this without a plan, RoSPA propose that the National Accident Prevention Strategy is the specific responsibility of an individual minister without a portfolio. This would enable the minister to treat accident prevention holistically, with the authority to attend the Cabinet and the ability to convene cross-departmental committees. 

The National Accident Prevention Strategy must: 

  • Take a joined-up approach which cuts across departments and provides strategic leadership to guide policy making at national level 
  • Empower individual departments or agencies to craft and implement more detailed policies 
  • Propose ambitious and evidence-led but realistic policy interventions to reduce accident rates 
  • Cover the core sectors directly affecting the UK economy: home, work, product, leisure and transport 
  • Be forward-facing to address emerging challenges, like the climate crisis, the rise of AI and the UK’s ageing population 
  • Address inequalities like deprivation, age, ethnicity and region 
  • Take a four-nations approach to data sharing and collaboration 
  • Strengthen Government’s data collection and publishing processes relating to accidents 

Charity demands change as shock report unmasks hidden cost of abuse

A ground-breaking report from Hourglass, Economic Abuse by Numbers, has exposed the staggering social and economic costs of abuse against older people in the UK, revealing a hidden epidemic of financial exploitation that costs society billions of pounds each year.

Authored by Hourglass, the UK’s only charity focusing on ending the abuse of older people, the report calls for urgent action and funding to protect older victim-survivors. It underlines that their suffering has too often been ignored by policymakers and the public alike. It has been issued as part of the charity’s Safer Ageing Week 2024.

The report details that economic abuse is not just a crime — it is a devastating assault on the dignity, safety, and futures of older people.

Some of the key figures underline how the abuse of older people costs the UK over £16 billion annually, with this figure projected to rise to more than £25 billion per year by 2050 if urgent action is not taken.

Despite the overwhelming scale of the problem, specialist services for older victims receive less than £500,000 annually — less than 1% of the £85 million allocated for all-age domestic abuse services across the UK.

Describing the issue as ‘a crisis hidden in plain sight’ the study explains how older victim-survivors often lose vast sums of money, property, or savings they have spent decades accumulating.

Over the past three years alone, Hourglass has recorded over £53 million in reported financial losses from older victims contacting its 24/7 helpline. Yet, this is just the tip of the iceberg — only 14% of economic abuse cases report financial loss, meaning the true figures are likely far higher.

Shockingly, awareness of economic abuse remains critically low. A recent Hourglass/YouGov survey revealed alarming misconceptions among the public:

  • 26% of respondents in England and Wales do not recognise using a Power of Attorney for personal financial gain as abuse.
  • 32% of respondents in Northern Ireland do not recognise taking items from an older relative’s home without permission as a form of abuse.
  • 29% in Wales and 27% in Scotland do not view attempts to change an older relative’s will as abuse.
  • 16% in England and Scotland do not believe scams targeting older people count as abuse.

Hourglass CEO Richard Robinson, stated: “These figures underline a glaring problem — not only is economic abuse of older people pervasive, but it is also dangerously misunderstood.

“Older victims are being side-lined in policy discussions, and this report makes clear that the UK is failing to meet even the most basic standard of protection.

“The question is not whether we can afford this commitment, but rather, can we afford the alternative? Without ring fenced, long-term funding for specialist services, we are choosing to let economic abuse continue unchecked, to the tune of billions in human and financial cost.

It’s time to end the silence, stand up for older victim-survivors, and demand that the all four governments and assemblies make their protection a priority – on par with any other crisis of abuse.”

The report highlights the stark economic case for investment in specialist services. Hourglass estimates that £300 million annually is required in England and Wales alone to remove the barriers to assistance and build a robust, proactive support system.

With older people contributing over £160 billion annually to the UK economy, the neglect of their safety and well-being is both a moral and economic failure.

Hourglass is calling for ring fenced, long-term funding and a comprehensive strategy to address abuse against older people, ensuring their protection is elevated to the same level of urgency as any other crisis of abuse.

As the Safer Ageing Week 2024 theme demands: Take Note. It is time to stop turning a blind eye to the financial and economic abuse of older people.

This is not only complicity — it is a choice to allow lives to be shattered and billions to be siphoned from an already overburdened system.

The report can be viewed here

The charity is urging those keen to support the charity during Safer Ageing Week to donate by visiting or Text SAFER to 70460 to donate £10.

Texts cost £10 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS.

If you’d like to give £10 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SAFERNOINFO to 70460.

Paid Yesterday, Broke Today: New report by Samaritans Scotland

Today we launch our report ‘Paid Yesterday, Broke Today’.

New research in partnership with @UniStrathclyde investigates the link between employment and financial instability and suicide in Scotland.

Read here:

Age UK: ‘Many old people are not getting the care they need’


The social care system is under significant pressure as the number of vacancies and staff retention continue to be key issues affecting the sector.

As a result, many older people are not getting the care they truly need.

Read our report to find out more:

Further reductions in short-term lets ‘could cost Edinburgh economy £57m’

Warning from the self-catering sector that a punishing regulatory framework will simply cost jobs and do nothing to resolve Edinburgh’s housing crisis

A new independent analysis shows short-term lets make a substantial economic impact in Edinburgh while only making up a tiny percentage of the total number of properties in the city.

BiGGAR Economics, a respected Edinburgh-based consultancy, calculated that the city’s short-term let sector generated £154m in GVA and supported 5,580 jobs in 2023, with guests spending more on local goods and services than the average visitor, particularly in hospitality, tourism and retail sectors.

Jointly commissioned by Justice for Scotland’s Self-Catering and STL Solutions, BiGGAR’s report lays out the economic and fiscal impacts of STLs in Edinburgh, its wider sectoral impact supporting business and tourism activity, and also assesses its effect on housing supply.

The report concludes that the share of secondary lets – properties entirety rented out entirely to guests rather than owner occupied – account for just 0.8% of dwellings in Edinburgh. Moreover, the number of long-term empty properties continues to rise, including in the period after licencing was introduced, with the city remaining a hotspot for empty housing.

The study comes as Edinburgh Council consult on their licensing scheme and the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee will shortly take oral evidence from stakeholders on the Scottish Government’s STL implementation update report.

The key headlines include:

  • The self-catering sector is estimated to generate £154m GVA and supports 5,580 jobs.
  • A decrease in just 0.5% in the number of secondary let properties would have massive ramifications for the local economy, losing £57m in economic activity.
  • Empty properties far exceed the number of short-term lets in the city, with secondary lets making up just 0.8% of dwellings in Edinburgh compared to 4% for empty homes.

While it focuses on Edinburgh, the report will undoubtedly be of interest to other local authorities monitoring the impact of their short-term let regulations.

The findings have been shared with Edinburgh Council and the Scottish Government. The self-catering industry is committed to evidence-based policymaking, ensuring that robust and reliable data underpins public policy affecting the self-catering industry and wider tourism sector.

The industry continues to argue that the Scottish Government’s short-term let regulations have produced unintended consequences for the sector while failing to meet its underlying policy objectives, and Edinburgh’s approach in particular has been beset by three legal setbacks, most recently with the Council’s u-turn on issuing three-month suspensions on licensing applications.

Graeme Blackett, Director of BiGGAR Economics, said: “This independent research has found that the economic impacts of short-term lets will tend to be greater than residential use.

“This is a result of guest spending in the local economy, for example in the hospitality sector. The guest spending supports jobs in the Edinburgh economy, as well as sustaining a greater range of hospitality and other local businesses than would otherwise be the case, contributing to the quality of life for residents.

“The short-term lets sector is contributing at least £154 million to the Edinburgh economy each year. Our research also found that short-term let properties account for only 1.5% of Edinburgh’s housing stock, with secondary lets at only 0.8%, too low a proportion to have a meaningful impact on the local housing market.”      

Fiona Campbell, CEO of the ASSC, said: “This major research study verifies that secondary lets are a huge economic driver for the capital, supporting over 5,500 jobs, and providing a much-needed boost to other local tourism and hospitality businesses.

“It outlines a proper holistic assessment of Edinburgh’s unique housing market, showing that secondary lets only account for 0.8% of housing stock. For us, the message is clear: you can’t solve a housing crisis by producing a crisis in Scottish tourism by decimating local businesses.

“Instead, we’ve got to build our way out and tackle the increasing problem of empty homes. We sincerely hope that this independent study can help refocus the policy agenda and inform the ongoing regulatory discussions.”

Iain Muirhead, Co-Founder of STL Solutions, said: “Short-term lets play a crucial role not only in supporting Edinburgh’s thriving tourism industry, which benefits all residents, but also in accommodating hundreds of visitors each year who come for economically important purposes such as work, festivals, and the education sector.

“We hope that local councillors will take this report into consideration when shaping local policies, especially planning regulations, to ensure a balanced approach is achieved. As the report indicates, overly restrictive measures could lead to the emergence of a black market, undermining the objectives of a well-regulated licensing scheme.”   

Ralph Averbuch, Spokesman for JfSCC, said: “This report clearly demonstrates that full time Scottish Self-Catering operators have never been the issue. Yet we have been hounded as if killing off this vital part of Scotland’s tourism offering would be a magic cure for decades of government missteps.

“Politicians of all colours felt we were useful scapegoats but this economic analysis pinpoints that the problem is population growth and insufficient affordable house building. This problem will never be resolved by attacking a group which makes up less than 1% of Edinburgh housing.

“What’s needed is bold government action on housebuilding. Politicians have pretended that a crackdown on Scotland’s self-caterers is bold. It’s not. It’s been a master class in misdirection.”

Charity urges greater support for those with arthritis

Versus Arthritis, the leading charity supporting those with arthritis and other musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions in Scotland, is marking World Arthritis Day tomorrow (Saturday 12 October) with a call for greater community-based support for children, young people and adults living with arthritis.

Marking the day, Versus Arthritis has published the report, Putting the Pieces Together in Drumchapel, which shows how tackling MSK conditions is about ‘more than just healthcare’ and that support within and by communities is vital in improving the lives of Scots living with arthritis.

A staggering one in three people in Scotland are affected by musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions like arthritis, which includes problems that affect our bones, joints and muscles. Unfortunately, MSK conditions will remain one of the leading causes of disease and injury in Scotland over the next 20 years.

Arthritis is often debilitating, isolating and can dramatically impact people’s quality of life. In fact, those with arthritis are 20% less likely to be in work and around one in five people with arthritis experiences anxiety and depression. The impact can also be felt by businesses, as MSK conditions are the third most common cause of sickness absence, with over 20 million working days lost per year.

MSK conditions are also more common in areas of greater poverty, and with Scotland facing some of the worst health inequalities in Europe, according to Public Health Scotland, the challenge is to ensure that care and support across the country is equitable and meets the needs of people locally.

Drumchapel is one such area where there are high levels of deprivation and associated health problems, and where there are gaps in supporting people with arthritis. But crucially, as this report points out, it is also an area of mutual support, community organisation, partnership and networks. There are opportunities to make a real difference.

In line with this year’s World Arthritis Day theme (Informed Choices, Better Outcomes), the conclusion of the Versus Arthritis report is that MSK conditions must be understood in terms of the places where people live, meet and interact, including how they access and use information about support and care.

Alan McGinley, Policy and Engagement Manager Scotland, said: “This Versus Arthritis report highlights that ‘softer services’, such as community and peer support groups, matter greatly, and that alternatives to formal care that support wellbeing are important in living well with arthritis.

“That is why Versus Arthritis is calling for a ‘whole community’ approach in looking after the wellbeing and health of those with MSK conditions. We firmly believe that by ensuring our healthcare services are understood in the context of community networks and support, we can build a future where people with arthritis can live the lives they choose.”

Scottish government urged to heed A&E ‘alarm bells’

The Scottish government must heed the ‘alarms bells’ as new A&E data suggests another very challenging winter ahead.    

That’s the call from The Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) Scotland as new data for Emergency Department performance in August reveals it was the worst August since records began in 2011, for patients experiencing extremely long waits.  

The figures released yesterday (Tuesday 1 October) by Public Health Scotland, show that the number of patients waiting 12 hours or more in August was higher than in any January or February from 2012 to 2022, despite it being a month in summer when Emergency Department performance tends to improve.  

More than a third of people (34.2%) waited over four hours, more than one in 10 (11.3%) waited eight hours or longer, while 4.65% of patients waited over 12 hours in a Scottish ED.  

The data shows long waits have increased significantly since the 2010’s.  

Since August 2017, for example, the numbers waiting four hours or more has increased by six times (6,743 to 39,096), eight hours or more by 37 times (347 to 12,954), and 12 hours or more by 127 times (42 to 5,312). This is despite attendance only decreasing by 0.7% in the same period. 

Dr John-Paul Loughrey, RCEM Vice President for Scotland said: “It once was that the summer months provided some respite from the stresses experienced in Emergency Departments, but those days are long gone.   

“Yet again the figures show the reality of the pressure we have been dealing with this summer, which is on a level with what we would have experienced during the busiest winter months just a few years ago. Overcrowding in our A&Es is now at winter crisis levels all year round.  

“The alarm bells are sounding loudly as winter approaches, and the government must respond.   

“Last week’s Winter Preparedness plan however gives me little hope that they will respond in the ways we have recommended. It lacks any specific measures to address the inevitable spikes in demand for Emergency Care which comes during the colder months, or the lack of capacity in the acute care system as a whole.    

“Once again Scottish people seeking emergency care this winter are facing extreme waits and, for many, the indignity of so called ‘corridor care’. These are not just inconvenient, they are dangerous and potentially life threatening.  

“The Scottish government must bolster its winter planning to ensure that people who need to be admitted to hospital from A&Es can be, without excessive waits, and that when they are well enough to leave there is the necessary social care in place for them to do so.   

“Failure to do so puts us on course for a harmful and incredibly difficult winter which is not what we or our patients want or deserve.”

A graphical representation of the data can be found here.    

The full data set can be found on the RCEM website

Water safety charity issues warning after shocking report shows one child drowns EACH MONTH at home

The Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) has published a Child Drowning Update for 2024 which highlights that in the last four years, on average, at least one child a month drowned at home in England.

This shocking statistic follows earlier findings from the charity, which used data from the National Child Morality Database (NCMD), underlining that child drowning deaths in England have doubled since 2019-20.

Matt Croxall, Charity Director at RLSS UK, said: “We find it heartbreaking to learn that one child a month is drowning at home.

“In a bid to reduce the number of young lives lost, our latest report seeks to help shed light on the factors contributing to child drownings, so that we can help more families be aware of the risks and stay safe.”

The report highlights that 2 out of 3 drownings that occurred at home did so in the bath, and that most of the children affected were aged under five.

Matt added: “In 86% of child drownings, the child was unsupervised by an adult at the time of the incident. In some cases of bath drownings, the parent had only left the bathroom for a moment, and this emphasises just how quickly and silently a child can drown – in a matter of minutes.”

RLSS UK is keen to change the misconception held by 55% of parents, according to a new survey from the charity*, who believe that they would hear thrashing and a lot of noise if their child was struggling in the bath – which is not the case.

RLSS UK’s survey also revealed that 59% of parents of children under five said they had left the bathroom at least once in the last month whilst their child was in the bath – and for most, this was down to them forgetting something, such as a towel.

Matt continued: “We always advise parents and carers to keep young children within arm’s reach in water. And if you do need to leave the bathroom at all, take the child with you.”

In response to these findings and to dispel harmful myths around bathtime, RLSS UK is launching a brand-new campaign, Splash Safety at your Pad, which will run from 1-31 October 2024.

The campaign seeks to raise awareness among parents and carers of young children about the importance of water safety when at home, with a particular focus on bathtime. As leading experts in water safety education, RLSS UK will share hints and tips to help families enjoy water safely.

Matt said: “We are pleased to introduce our Splash Safety at your Pad campaign, which aims to share important water safety messages with families across the UK and Ireland in a fun and engaging way. We hope this campaign has a positive impact on families with young ones and can help promote fun and safe bathtimes for all children.

“Splash Safety at your Pad launched on Tuesday 1 October so keep your eyes peeled on our social channels for more!”

*Consumer survey (September 2024), geographically representative sample of n=1,003 parents of children under five years from across the UK.

For more information around RLSS UK’s 2024 Child Drowning Update, please visit our website:

For more information or media enquiries, please contact Simrit Mann by emailing or calling 07890 900 508. 

SQA Insight highlights success for Edinburgh pupils

Edinburgh’s pupils continue to be among the best performing in Scotland

Results from the SQA Insight report shows Edinburgh’s learners are performing better than their virtual comparators in 14 out of 15 key measures,  with 7% more pupils gaining at least one Advanced Higher than in other areas in Scotland.

Edinburgh learners are also out-performing their virtual comparators in Literacy and Numeracy for all stages and levels.

A virtual comparator is a sample of students from other areas of Scotland who have similar characteristics to a school’s students.

The news builds on the SQA exam results in August showing levels of attainment for pupils across Edinburgh remaining above those achieved before the Covid pandemic.

Insight provides teachers and lecturers with a summary of how learners have performed in their exams and coursework for each subject at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher level over the past year.

Councillor Joan Griffiths, Education Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said:This has been another positive year for our pupils. I want to congratulate them, as well as all our teaching and support staff. Their hard work has certainly paid off and praise should go to them as well as all the parents and carers who have supported the children.

“I welcome the results from the SQA Insights report. We have invested heavily in improving the skills of our workforce and I am confident that our staff will continue to improve the quality of teaching and learning to meet the needs of the city’s young people.

“Let’s not forget there is no wrong pathway for our young people as everyone’s learner journey is different. School is about ensuring all our young people are able to fulfil their potential by attaining the highest level of achievements possible and by receiving the best possible experience.

“We want all our learners to find their pathways into the world of higher and further education, employment or training and to narrow the gap between those living in different areas of affluence.”

Course reports – written by principal assessors and principal verifiers – are published to give an insight into how learners performed, detailing which areas of the course assessment where learners performed well, and which areas proved to be more demanding.

Principal assessors and other senior appointees are experienced teachers and lecturers who work with SQA to produce the course reports and highlight examples where candidates have performed well in their external assessments.

The reports also contain advice for teachers, lecturers, and training practitioners on preparing learners for the coming year’s assessments, as well as statistical data relating to grade boundaries.