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The North Edinburgh community will discuss a worrying rise in the number of racist incidents at this afternoon’s Living in Harmony forum at Spartans Community Football Academy. Continue reading Rise in racist incidents sparks community action
The Pilton-based Community Organisation for Racial Equality (CORE) is to close. Formerly the BCDP (Black Community Development Project), the project which grew out of the Muirhouse Anti-Racism campaign of the early 1990s will be formally wound up at an extraordinary general meeting in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on 29 August.
At it’s height CORE was one of the most influential community-led equality organisations in the country – growing from humble beginnings in a room in Craigroyston HIgh School to staging prestigious conferences in Edinburgh’s International Conference Centre – but funding issues and financial struggles over recent years has forced directors to seek closure of the organisation.
Chairperson Dr Fernando Almeira Diniz confirmed that CORE has been experiencing financial problems for some months, but said that the Board will not be making any statements at this stage. “I am sure that you will see that we cannot do anything which could be regarded as pre-empting what might happen at the EGM”, he said.
CORE’s EGM will be held at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on Wednesday 29 August at 6pm. Following the formal business procedures it’s planned to have a general discussion – ‘an opportunity to reflect on the achievements of CORE /BCDP, followed by a Community-led discussion about ways of engaging BME Communities in developing future provision of public services in North Edinburgh.’
For further information, or if you plan to attend, please contact Adil Ibrahim at CORE, email adil@coregb.org.uk by 25 August.