Dogs die in hot cars, motorists warned

Dogs die in hot cars warning

Dogs die in hot cars poster

The Scottish SPCA is urging pet owners not to leave their dogs in hot cars as the temperatures rise this summer.

Scotland’s animal welfare charity has also warned that earlier this year a woman from Stirling was convicted after leaving a dog in the boot of her vehicle on a hot day.

Concerned members of the public have already been contacting the charity’s animal helpline after seeing distressed dogs left inside warm cars. The Scottish SPCA is keen to remind the public that they may be risking their dog’s life by leaving it in a hot car for even a short period of time.

Chief Superintendent Mike Flynn said, “Most people know what it’s like to get into a car after it’s been sitting in the sun. It’s unbearable and we immediately roll down the windows or turn on the air conditioning.

“Imagine being trapped inside a hot vehicle wearing a fur coat for minutes, possibly hours, and you are some way to understanding how a dog left inside a hot vehicle feels.

“Many people might not realise that even on warm, cloudy days, cars can effectively turn into ovens and dogs can overheat in minutes.

“Leaving a window open or providing water is simply not good enough. Dogs can’t sweat the way humans do and need to pant to cool down which can lead to severe dehydration and hyperventilation.

“We run our campaign every year but we continue to receive a large number of calls from concerned members of the public each summer and we fear some owners don’t fully appreciate the danger they are putting their pets in.

“In April a 45 year old woman from Stirling was convicted for leaving a dog inside the boot of her car without water for approximately one hour on a hot day. She was banned from keeping animals for five years.

“Tragically the Yorkshire terrier, which belonged to the woman’s father, was diagnosed with heatstroke and died after suffering a cardiac seizure.

“We hope this case serves as a warning to other owners who may be tempted to leave a dog in their vehicle on a warm day. Our advice is to leave dogs at home as it is simply not worth the risk.”

Scottish SPCA posters highlighting the dangers of leaving dogs in hot
cars are available to be displayed in local communities. To request
copies please phone the charity on 03000 999 999 selecting option 5 or

Seeing red over Blue Badge abuse

Additional powers to confiscate badges and tackle misuse


Drivers and passengers who abuse the blue badge scheme could have their badges confiscated through new legislation coming into force at the end of this month.

The blue badge scheme provides an essential service for disabled people by allowing access to parking bays which are normally closer to work, shops and other community services. This parking access often makes the difference as to whether people with mobility problems can live their lives as fully as they can.

The Scottish Government hopes that by providing these additional powers to confiscate badges and cancel lost or stolen badges, people will think twice before misusing them.

Transport Minister Derek Mackay said: “Blue badge misuse is socially unacceptable as it prevents the 228,000 legitimate badge holders across Scotland from accessing the on-street parking concessions to which they are entitled.

“Granting extra powers for local authorities to tackle blue badge misuse and confiscate badges that are not valid or are being used illegally by a third party for their own benefit will allow disabled badge holders to access services in the community and lead independent lives.”

Research conducted by Transport Scotland in 2012 showed that 76% of BB holders would go out less often if they were without their badge. Many also felt they wouldn’t be able to go out at all.

Dennis Robertson, MSP who was responsible for taking the legislation forward, said: “We need this legislation because people think that third party misuse of a blue badge is okay; although it is not. We as a society should not tolerate that.

“When someone misuses a blue badge they do not just take a parking space they deny a parking space to someone with a disability. When that person is denied a parking space they have to return home and might not be able to do what they went into town for.

“People need to understand that by using someone else’s blue badge they are not just taking a parking space they are taking a parking space from a disabled person who is entitled to it.”

Abuse of the scheme reduces the number of on street disabled parking bays and on-street parking spaces available for use by genuine blue badges holders. Local authorities are keen to stamp out the misuse with Parking Enforcement Officers constantly dealing with possible cases of misuse.

Michael Brady, Enforcement Manager City Parking (Glasgow), said: “All of our officers have been trained in blue badge inspection protocol. This not only ensures that those who use their blue badge properly are treated with respect, but also ensures that if we suspect misuse, action will be taken.

“Checking badges is part of the everyday duties of our attendants and every few weeks we will clampdown on areas where we suspect there is a high level of blue badge misuse taking place. Occasionally it comes down to drivers not realising the rules, however there are many who abuse the scheme and we hear the same excuses daily.

“Blue badges should only be used by those people who have been awarded a badge and have a right to the parking concessions. The power to confiscate will be a crucial tool to tackle abuse and protect the parking rights of legitimate badge holders.”

Glasgow’s most common excuses given by those misusing the blue badge are:

  • I have just dropped badge holder off for shopping, doctors, dentist; when that is not the case and enquiries reveal that the badge holder is at home.
  • I am waiting on the badge holder coming from, the doctors, dentists
  • I am doing the badge holder’s shopping
  • I am collecting something for the badge holder / picking up their medication
  • I thought I could use the badge as I will be collecting the badge holder later

For more information on blue badges and the rules and regulations around their use, visit

Motorists: beware scam emails

DVLA warns the public of an email scam that asks drivers to verify their driving licence and vehicle tax details via an online link …


The email, which wrongly claims to have been sent from DVLA, appears to be an attempt to trick drivers into providing personal details. DVLA have NOT sent out an email asking customers to update or verify their details.

We’re aware that some members of the public have received these emails and we strongly advise anyone who receives one of these or any similar email, to ignore it and not to follow the instructions given.

The government, led by Cabinet Office’s Government Digital Service (GDS), will continue to investigate reports of organisations which may be actively misleading users about their services or acting illegally, taking swift action when necessary. By using the online driving licence or vehicle tax transactions on GOV.UK you can be sure that you are dealing directly withDVLA.

You can find the online driving licence and vehicle tax services in the driving licence and vehicle tax sections of GOV.UK.



Success for festive drink drive campaign

‘Don’t risk it’ message hits home over festive holiday period

drink and drive

Police Scotland statistics have today revealed that the ‘don’t drink and drive’ message has been driven home to motorists across the country.

The new lower drink drive limit of 50mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood came into force on 5 December 2014, bringing Scotland into line with much of the rest of Europe.

During a four week festive Drink Drive campaign from Road Safety Scotland (part of Transport Scotland) and the Scottish Government, Police Scotland tested 17,504 drivers for alcohol – an average of 625 drivers each day.

A total of 351 drivers were caught under the influence this year compared to 434 in the same period last year – a 19% reduction.

Police detected one drink driver for every 50 (351 from 17,504) tests carried out compared to one drink driver for every 47 (434 from 20,646) tests carried out in the same campaign period last year. Those caught now face the New Year without a licence, a minimum 20-year criminal record and a fine.

Of those caught drink driving, 20 drivers were detected between the new 50mg limit and the previous limit of 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood. 

And over the period a total of 27 drivers were detected between 6am – 10am, six of whom were between the old and the new limit.

Cabinet Secretary for Justice Michael Matheson, said: “These latest statistics show a 19 per cent decrease in the number of drink drive detections over the festive period, and are testament to the immediate effect that the new lower limit has helped to make our roads safer.

“Scotland is leading the way across the UK with the introduction of a lower drink drive limit, which has backing from experts, road safety campaigners and the majority of the public north and south of the border, as well as bringing Scotland into line with almost every other country in Europe.

“We will continue in our efforts to change driver behaviour in order to make our roads safer, and our advice for the year ahead is simple – drink driving is completely unacceptable and puts lives at risk, therefore the best approach is to avoid alcohol altogether if you intend to get behind the wheel.”

With the Christmas and New Year festivities now over, motorists are being reminded that the message not to drink any alcohol at all before driving and to plan journeys the next morning, remains relevant all year round.

Assistant Chief Constable Bernard Higgins of Police Scotland, said: “The initial campaign may be over, but our work continues and the message remains the same – don’t risk it, don’t take any alcohol before you get behind the wheel and it will help you help us keep people safe.

“The new limit is proving a good deterrent in stopping people from drinking and driving, but it is still unacceptable that 351 people chose to ignore all the advice and warnings and get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. They are not just risking their lives but also those of other road users and pedestrians.

“Make it your New Year’s resolution to never drink and drive and help us keep Scotland’s roads safe.”

The introduction of the new lower limit was supported by a public awareness campaign ahead of the legislation taking effect. This was followed by a high profile social marketing campaign over the festive period across TV, radio, video-on-demand, digital, PR, field activity and partnership working.

The campaign urged members of the public not to drink and drive and advised festive revellers to plan ahead when it came to their travel home from a night out and any journeys in the morning.

The campaign also sought to remind drivers of the tough legal and personal consequences of a drink drive conviction, which include a loss of licence with an automatic 12 month driving ban and a minimum 20 year criminal record.

Although the festive period is now over, Police vigilance will remain at the same level throughout 2015 and the same consequences apply if motorists chose to drink and drive.

Find out more by visiting or the Road Safety Scotland Facebook page or follow@RoadSafetyScot on Twitter.

Did you witness D Mains hit and run?

policecarPolice are appealing for witnesses following a hit and run incident in Davidson’s Mains last Sunday (30 November).

A thirteen-year-old boy was on a push-along scooter in Main Street at around 8.10pm when the collision occurred after the car mounted the pavement. He sustained minor injuries and was taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh for treatment.

The vehicle failed to stop at the scene of the incident and was last seen heading towards the Drylaw area, and anyone who can assist officers with their ongoing enquiry is asked to come forward.

The vehicle is described as a dark-coloured people carrier type similar to a Citroen C4 hatchback.

Inspector Chris Scobbie said: “Fortunately, the boy was not more seriously injured as a result of this incident, but he still required treatment at hospital. The driver failed to stop and we are conducting local enquiries to trace this individual.

“We are keen to speak to anyone who was in the area at the time of the collision and who may have information relevant to this investigation. In addition, I would urge the driver to come forward as soon as possible.”

Anyone with any information regarding these incidents should contact Police Scotland immediately on 101 or through the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Driving licence fees ‘slashed’ from next week

Driving licence fees to be cut by up to a third

driving licenceDrivers will save up to £150 million over the next ten years as the cost of getting a driving licence is slashed, Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander and Transport Minister Claire Perry announced today.

The changes, which follow a recent public consultation, come into force from 31 October 2014. Drivers applying online will see the fee for a provisional driving licence fall from £50 to £34 and online renewals after ten years fall from £20 to £14. The fee for driver tachograph cards – used by businesses to record how far their staff are driving – will fall from £38 to £32.

Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander said: “Giving savings back to the taxpayer is a key element in this government’s drive for a stronger economy and a fairer society. That’s why we’re slashing the cost of getting a driving licence and giving it straight back to young people and businesses, saving £150 million over ten years.”

Transport Minister Claire Perry said:  “The cost of driving, especially for young drivers, can be significant and we are committed to cutting costs where we can. Thanks to DVLA making large scale savings to their running costs, we have been able to cut the cost of the driving licence which will save drivers and businesses £150 million over the next ten years.”

DVLA is reviewing all fees and the reduction in driving licence fees is a result of the first part of this ongoing review. Other fees being considered in the review include vehicle first registrations and duplicate registration certificates.

A million ‘first licence’ applications are processed every year and the fees drop will save new drivers £82.2 million over ten years. Over 77% of these applications are made by 17-24 year olds. In addition 2.1 million photocard licences are renewed every year and the changes will save motorists £61.3 million over a decade.

Businesses make another 85,500 renewals a year and will save £2.44 million over ten years while the cost savings to tachographs will save another £3.58 million over the decade.

Type of licence Current fee New fee online New fee postal application
Provisional licence £50 £34 £43
Renew Photocard licence £20 £14 £17
Driver and Company Tachograph cards £38 Postal service only £32


Ta-ta, tax disc

RoadTaxFrom 1 October, the paper tax disc will no longer need to be displayed on a vehicle windscreen. If you have a tax disc with any months left to run after this date, then it can be removed from the vehicle windscreen and destroyed. This includes customers with a Northern Ireland address, however they will still need to display their MoT disc.

You can apply online to tax or SORN your vehicle using your 16 digit reference number from your vehicle tax renewal reminder (V11) or 11 digit reference number from your log book (V5C)

What this means to you

To drive or keep a vehicle on the road you will still need to get vehicle tax and DVLA will still send you a renewal reminder when your vehicle tax is due to expire. This applies to all types of vehicles including those that are exempt from payment of vehicle tax.

Buying a vehicle

From 1 October, when you buy a vehicle, the vehicle tax will no longer be transferred with the vehicle. You will need to get new vehicle tax before you can use the vehicle.

You can tax the vehicle using the New Keeper Supplement (V5C/2) part of the vehicle registration certificate (V5C) online or by using our automated phone service – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Alternatively, you may wish to visit a Post Office® branch.

Selling a vehicle

If you sell a vehicle after 1 October and you have notified DVLA, you will automatically get a refund for any full calendar months left on the vehicle tax.

Vehicle tax refunds

You will no longer need to make a separate application for a refund of vehicle tax. DVLA will automatically issue a refund when a notification is received from the person named on DVLA vehicle register that the:

  • vehicle has been sold or transferred
  • vehicle has been scrapped at an Authorised Treatment Facility
  • vehicle has been exported
  • vehicle has been removed from the road and the person on the vehicle register has made a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN)
  • person on the vehicle register has changed the tax class on the vehicle to an exempt duty tax class.

Paying vehicle tax by Direct Debit

From 1 October 2014 (5 October if setting up at a Post Office®), Direct Debit will be offered as an additional way to pay for vehicle tax. This will be available for customers who need to tax their vehicle from 1 November 2014:

6 monthly
monthly (12 months tax paid for on a monthly basis)

Provided an MOT remains valid, the payments will continue automatically until you tell DVLA to stop taking them or you cancel the Direct Debit with your bank. Valid insurance should also be in place for vehicles registered in Northern Ireland.

The Direct Debit will be cancelled and payments automatically stopped when you tell DVLA that you no longer have the vehicle, or the vehicle has been taken off the road and a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN) has been made.

When the Direct Debit scheme can’t be used

Paying by Direct Debit will not be available to:

first registration vehicles
fleet schemes
HGVs that pay the Road User Levy (all other HGVs can pay by Direct Debit)

Checking the tax status of a vehicle

You can check the tax status of any vehicle online. This can also be used for rental vehicles.



150 more reasons not to drink and drive

drink and driveMore than 150 drink drivers in Scotland had their motor vehicles seized then sold or scrapped between April 2013 and March 2014, according to figures released by the Crown Office.

An average of three vehicles a week were forfeited by repeat drink and drug driving offenders, first offenders driving or attempting to drive with a high alcohol reading and those who refused to give a sample of breath to the police without a reasonable excuse.

Court Orders for vehicle forfeiture included small hatchback cars, luxury saloons, high performance cars, four-wheel drive vehicles, vans and also a motorcycle. Those of any value were sold at auction by Police Scotland and others were scrapped for their metal value, with all proceeds paid to the Scottish Consolidated Fund.

The Lord Advocate, Frank Mulholland QC repeated his warning, given at the launch of this summer’s drink driving campaign, of the often tragic consequences of the offence. He said: “Drivers whose selfish actions result in the deaths of others when they drive under the influence of drink or drugs bring misery and devastation to families and loved ones throughout our communities. My message is very clear: you will be caught and when you are, you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law”.

He added: “Motorists in Scotland should also be aware of the tough legal and personal consequences of driving while under the influence of drink or drugs, not only could you lose your vehicle but you will receive a minimum 20 year criminal record.”

If anyone suspects someone of drink driving, or attempting to drink and drive, they can contact their local police office on 101 or call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. They can also dial 999 in an emergency.


Driving licence fees set to fall

licenceDriving licence fees are set to fall by up to 32% under plans announced by Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander and Transport Minister Claire Perry.

The proposals are contained in a public consultation on driver licensing fees. The consultation sets out a proposed reduction in driving licence fees of 32% for digital transactions and 15% for paper applications.

As part of the proposals, drivers who apply online for their first driving licence would see the fee drop from £50 to £34. Drivers who renew their licence after 10 years would see the fee drop from £20 to £14. All driver tachograph cards would fall from £38 to £32.

Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander said: “I have been working hard to drive savings across the whole public sector and it’s great to see the benefit of these efficiencies feed through to drivers and businesses pockets. What the DVLA have shown today is that you can do more for less.”

Transport Minister Claire Perry said: “The cost of driving can be significant, especially for new drivers. I’m pleased to say that we are planning to save drivers £18m a year by cutting licence fees, thanks to the DVLA making significant savings to their running costs.”

The proposals are expected to save drivers nearly £18 million and the industry around £2 million every year.

DVLA is currently reviewing all the fees they charge to motorists and the consultation launched today is the first step in this ongoing review. The consultation (document attached below) closes on 25 August 2014.


