Preventing violence against women: we all have a part to play

Everyone has a role in stopping fundamental violations of human rights against women and girls Equalities Secretary, Angela Constance will tell parliament today. Continue reading Preventing violence against women: we all have a part to play

Modern slavery: it could be closer than you think …

Increasing number of potential victims being identified in Scotland

Human trafficking may be closer than most Scots think, a new awareness campaign has revealed. For the first time, the locations where victims of human trafficking have been identified over the last five years have been pinpointed to challenge perceptions that the crime is confined to Scotland’s major towns and cities. Continue reading Modern slavery: it could be closer than you think …

UK steps up to support global fight against slavery and child exploitation


To mark the national day against slavery on October 18, International Development Secretary Priti Patel outlined an increase in support for women and girl refugees in Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon, and for vulnerable people at risk of trafficking on migration routes in North Africa and Europe. The Scottish Government also launched a consultation on human trafficking last week. Continue reading UK steps up to support global fight against slavery and child exploitation

Power to the People talks Human Rights tonight

human rights

North Edinburgh’s Power to the People group is hosting a session to discuss human rights tonight in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre tonight. Continue reading Power to the People talks Human Rights tonight

Power to the People: double event this week


Please see below publicity advertising  two information and discussion sessions being hosted by the Power to the People group this  week. Continue reading Power to the People: double event this week

First Minister: “Workers’ rights are human rights”

First Minister to deliver Jimmy Reid Memorial Lecture


The UK Government’s Trade Union Bill does not reflect the reality of industrial relations in Scotland and does not contain a single proposal that would be passed by the Scottish Parliament, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will say tomorrow. Continue reading First Minister: “Workers’ rights are human rights”

Getting Together, Making a Difference: focus on asylum seekers

RWCC (2)
Womens International Group (WIG) are holding the second in a series of ‘Getting Together, Making a Difference’ events next week.

CLD worker Lynn McCabe, who supports the WIG group, said: “The event is taking place next Thursday (24th September) from 10 – 12.30 in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. This event will be addressing important issues such as home, immigration, asylum and human rights. The centre will be a drop-off point that day for anyone wishing to donate basic supplies to support Syrian refugees stranded in Calais.”

See poster (below) for further information or call Lynn on 552 5700 

WIG event 24 September