NHS Lothian launches six-year plan for children’s services

handsHealth and wellbeing services for children and young people in Lothian are set to be strengthened with the launch of a pioneering new strategy.

NHS Lothian’s Children and Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which sets out a clear vision, principles and approach to services over the next six years, was unveiled by Aileen Campbell, Minister for Children and Young People at a conference organised by NHS Lothian last week.

The document sets out NHS Lothian’s vision and is the road map for reducing inequalities and improving the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Lothian.

Tim Davison, Chief Executive, NHS Lothian, said: “This strategy is crucial to children’s and young people’s services. It will underpin all the work we do over the next six years and will help to transform services to ensure that the interests and health of children are at the forefront of everything we do.”

The document outlines how the health board will work with children, young people, their families, public, the voluntary sector and local authorities, to improve the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people.

New Sick Kids hospitalSally Egan, Associate Director and Child Health Commissioner, NHS Lothian said: “Every child should have the best start in life and grow up being healthy, safe, confident and resilient. This new strategy puts children and young people at the centre of their care and makes it clear who is responsible for their welfare.

“It comes at a time when we are forming closer working relationships with local authorities to fully integrate health and social care and are also looking ahead to the new Royal Hospital for Sick Children (pictured above).”

Created with the help and input of children and young people and supported by the Children’s Parliament, the ambitious strategy is based around the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and underpins the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.

It aims to tackle three key issues; how NHS Lothian engages with children and young people in their care and treatment, ensuring the health board recognises how children and young people feel, and improving access to health information and health services, which were all highlighted by children and young people during the extensive consultation period.

The strategy sets out plans to:

· Involve children, young people and their families in decisions that affect their health and wellbeing

· Improve the range and quality of healthcare services for children and young people

· Reduce the impact of social circumstances on health

· Ensure disabled children and young people will have their additional needs met

· Increase staff understanding of the needs of the younger population.

toys (2)Minister for Children and Young People,​ Aileen Campbell said: “I’m delighted to help launch this ambitious new strategy. This successfully builds on the NHS services already in place, with a renewed focus on children’s rights and wellbeing to help ensure they and their families can get access to the right help at the right time.

“The Scottish Government’s aspiration is for Scotland to be the best place to grow up and this type of pioneering work will make a real difference to the lives of our children and young people, and ensure they have the best possible start in life.”


NHS Lothian launches six-year plan for children's services

handsHealth and wellbeing services for children and young people in Lothian are set to be strengthened with the launch of a pioneering new strategy.

NHS Lothian’s Children and Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which sets out a clear vision, principles and approach to services over the next six years, was unveiled by Aileen Campbell, Minister for Children and Young People at a conference organised by NHS Lothian last week.

The document sets out NHS Lothian’s vision and is the road map for reducing inequalities and improving the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Lothian.

Tim Davison, Chief Executive, NHS Lothian, said: “This strategy is crucial to children’s and young people’s services. It will underpin all the work we do over the next six years and will help to transform services to ensure that the interests and health of children are at the forefront of everything we do.”

The document outlines how the health board will work with children, young people, their families, public, the voluntary sector and local authorities, to improve the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people.

New Sick Kids hospitalSally Egan, Associate Director and Child Health Commissioner, NHS Lothian said: “Every child should have the best start in life and grow up being healthy, safe, confident and resilient. This new strategy puts children and young people at the centre of their care and makes it clear who is responsible for their welfare.

“It comes at a time when we are forming closer working relationships with local authorities to fully integrate health and social care and are also looking ahead to the new Royal Hospital for Sick Children (pictured above).”

Created with the help and input of children and young people and supported by the Children’s Parliament, the ambitious strategy is based around the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and underpins the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.

It aims to tackle three key issues; how NHS Lothian engages with children and young people in their care and treatment, ensuring the health board recognises how children and young people feel, and improving access to health information and health services, which were all highlighted by children and young people during the extensive consultation period.

The strategy sets out plans to:

· Involve children, young people and their families in decisions that affect their health and wellbeing

· Improve the range and quality of healthcare services for children and young people

· Reduce the impact of social circumstances on health

· Ensure disabled children and young people will have their additional needs met

· Increase staff understanding of the needs of the younger population.

toys (2)Minister for Children and Young People,​ Aileen Campbell said: “I’m delighted to help launch this ambitious new strategy. This successfully builds on the NHS services already in place, with a renewed focus on children’s rights and wellbeing to help ensure they and their families can get access to the right help at the right time.

“The Scottish Government’s aspiration is for Scotland to be the best place to grow up and this type of pioneering work will make a real difference to the lives of our children and young people, and ensure they have the best possible start in life.”


Invite to Health Project’s AGM


You are invited to attend



on Wednesday 12 November 10:30 – 12:30

at Pilton Community Health Project
73 Boswall Parkway, Edinburgh, EH5 2PW

Come along and find out what we’ve done this year and hear more about what we have planned!

Light refreshments will be served

admin@pchp.org.uk or 0131 551 1671

Invite to Health Project's AGM


You are invited to attend



on Wednesday 12 November 10:30 – 12:30

at Pilton Community Health Project
73 Boswall Parkway, Edinburgh, EH5 2PW

Come along and find out what we’ve done this year and hear more about what we have planned!

Light refreshments will be served

admin@pchp.org.uk or 0131 551 1671

Ambulance service launches dementia initiative

3,800 copies of learning resource to be distributed across Scotland

ambulanceScottish Ambulance Service clinicians are set to benefit from a new learning resource on dementia designed and developed by NHS Education for Scotland and the Service itself.

It is essential that ambulance clinicians are able to recognise when a person may have dementia, and that they are are confident of their ability to provide appropriate support, care and treatment. The bespoke resource will help ambulance clinicians to give informed, high quality and person-centred support to people with dementia, their families and carers.

Ambulance clinicians will frequently come into contact with people with dementia, their families and carers as well as people with early signs of dementia who have not had a diagnosis. While recognising the often immediate and time limited nature of their contact, this will have an influence on the impact of the whole care experience for the person with dementia, their families and carers.

Pauline Howie, Chief Executive, Scottish Ambulance Service, said: “This new learning resource is an invaluable clinical support tool that will be issued to every one of our frontline emergency staff, as well as our Patient Transport Service teams.

“People with dementia often face many complex challenges and issues and this initiative, which is enhanced by a number of specially trained ‘Dementia Champions’ within the Service, will help our teams to provide the most appropriate care and treatment for people with dementia and their families and carers.”

Malcolm Wright, NHS Education for Scotland Chief Executive added: “We are delighted to have developed this important resource in partnership with the Scottish Ambulance service. NHS Education for Scotland is committed to providing educational resources and training opportunities for the entire health workforce to support rights-based, and person-centred approaches to the care, support and treatment of people with dementia and their families and carers. This new, targeted resource is a valuable addition to our suite of resources developed as a part of the ‘Promoting Excellence’ work force development programme”.

The learning resource focuses on understanding dementia, effective communication, and providing positive person-centred support. It can be used for individual learning, learning as a group or team, in a facilitated learning event, or in a mixture of all of these approaches.

As well as providing key learning, activities and scenarios are used throughout the learning resource to help encourage exploration and reflection about real practice issues.

Wood you believe it? Community group seeks support

New Caledonian Woodlands needs your vote for Inverleith Park project

plantsNew Caledonian Woodlands has been shortlisted for the Bank of Scotland Community Fund 2014 in the Edinburgh North category – and needs your support!

By encouraging the public to vote, we have a chance to be awarded a grant of up to £3,000 from Bank of Scotland to enable us to continue doing good work in the community.

New Caledonian Woodlands are an Edinburgh-based charity that exist to enhance Scotland’s natural environment, inspire positive environmental behaviour change and improve mental and physical well-being in our community. We deliver a range of projects combining environmental sustainability with education about wider environmental issues, whilst utilising environmental activities to achieve improvements in mental and physical well-being.

Over the course of a year we work with around 100 referred participants and 1000 volunteers in a range of programmes to benefit those struggling with their mental well-being and encourage community ownership of caring for local woodlands.

We educate people about the important role they need to play in a range of environmental issues, from habitat conservation to climate change and carbon footprint reduction.

Participants on our projects work together in a friendly and relaxing atmosphere,
in a setting that benefits individuals in terms of self-esteem growth, learning transferable skills and community involvement.


Currently, our site located in Inverleith Park lacks adequate work space for our mental health participants to carry out their projects and limits the amount of individuals we can work with at any given time. We have plans to greatly enhance the space into an environmentally sustainable facility to accommodate and expand on the various mental health, employability and environmental volunteer projects we currently offer.

Being awarded this grant would help us put some tangible changes into place, the first being an outdoor Iron Age roundhouse to be used as a sheltered area for our mental health participants to hand craft products which they will then go on to sell.

Andy Ross, coordinator and founder of New Caledonian Woodlands, said: “The Bank of Scotland Community Fund could give us an amazing opportunity to build workshop space in our Edinburgh site that meets the needs of our Fruitful Woods and Good Wood mental health and employability projects. An Iron Age roundhouse will be built by our project participants and then used by them as a dry workshop space to carry out a range of activities – from making baskets to wooden spoons to small pieces of furniture. We anticipate that the roundhouse will be used by 80 participants per year from our mental health and employability projects, and will be a part of their recovery journey.”

P5The Bank of Scotland Community Fund was set up to help local people across Scotland have a positive impact at the hearts of their communities by giving grants to 232 local good causes in 58 Scottish communities.

Four good causes in each community have been shortlisted and Bank of Scotland is inviting everyone to vote for the causes they’d most like to support.

Members of the public can vote for their preferred community group on-line, by SMS or Twitter, or in a Bank of Scotland branch from 2 September to 10 October 2014. The local good cause that receives most votes in each community will receive an award of £3,000, with the other groups receiving £2,000, £1,000 or £500 depending on the votes received.

You can find out more about the Community Fund and New Caledonian Woodlands and cast your vote by visiting the Bank of Scotland Community Fund website at:


Voting for the 2014 Community Fund is open until Friday 10 October.


Read between the lines and help to prevent suicide

Read between the lines – that’s the message being promoted by the City of Edinburgh Council during National Suicide Prevention Week.

despairTwo lives a day in Scotland are lost to suicide and the awareness week, which runs from today (Monday September 8), reaches out to the people close to those who are at risk.

Events to raise awareness will take place in shopping centres, libraries and neighbourhood offices in a bid to urge Edinburgh residents to help those who may be suicidal. As well as information stalls, a free showing of A Single Man starring Colin Firth is being held at the Filmhouse on Lothian Road on Wednesday (10 September).

The “read between the lines” campaign promotes the message that if you are worried about someone asking them how they feel can help to save their life – even if they say that they are feeling fine.

Activities kicked off at the weekend with the Choose Life Challenge five-a-side football tournament at Gracemount Leisure Centre. A church service for people whose lives have been touched by suicide took place yesterday in the Augustine United Church.

Councillor Ricky Henderson, Convener of Health, Social Care and Housing, said: “Talking to someone about suicide can make the difference between life and death and this can bring a real sense of relief to people who are struggling with these thoughts.

“Staff from Health and Social Care are actively involved in the Edinburgh Choose Life Steering Group with partner organisations, which supports the Scottish Government’s suicide prevention strategy.

“If you are worried about someone’s behaviour, please read between the lines and don’t be afraid to broach the subject. There are a number of excellent, professional organisations out there that would be happy to help.”

For help and further advice if you are concerned that someone you know might be at risk, contact Breathing Space on 0800 83 85 87 or the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90.


Edible Edinburgh food plan served up in Muirhouse

commfoodLocal growers, food groups, community gardeners and volunteers fashioned up a feast to celebrate the unveiling of the Edible Edinburgh Sustainable Food City Plan at Muirhouse Community Shop on Pennywell Road yesterday.

Developed in consultation with the public, the food plan aims to motivate Edinburgh to develop a healthy and sustainable approach to food, one which will bring social, economic and environmental benefits to the whole community – latest figures show that over two thirds of people across the Lothians eat less than the recommended five portions of fruit and veg a day.

The six-year plan is based on feedback from the public and outlines six distinct themes which need to be addressed in order to achieve its vision of Edinburgh as a sustainable food city. These are: Health and wellbeing, Land use, Environment, Buying food, Economy and Cultural change.

A series of actions have been set out within each theme in order to work towards key outcomes, including more fresh and healthy food eaten, fewer people living in food poverty, the protection of our natural environment and a thriving local food economy.

Efforts will be coordinated by Edible Edinburgh, a cross-sector steering group from the public, private and third sectors, including City of Edinburgh Council and NHS Lothian.

City of Edinburgh Council’s Environment Convener, Councillor Lesley Hinds, who chairs the Edible Edinburgh steering group, welcomed the launch of the plan.

She said: “We are proud to be launching this plan in collaboration with our partners, who have worked with the public to ensure our vision and targets are realistic and relevant for achieving a sustainable food city for all.

“Food is central for everyone in Edinburgh, and there are a great many groups who work tirelessly towards a greener, fairer and healthier city. By building on their efforts we are determined to expand this enthusiasm to residents across the capital.”

commfood2Dr Margaret Douglas, consultant in public health medicine with NHS Lothian, added: “Edible Edinburgh’s vision is of ‘a city where good food is available for all.’ Healthy affordable food is essential for good health but for too many this is not yet a reality. Projects like Pilton Community Gardeners are showing the way by involving local people in growing healthy food and improving the local environment.

“We need change at many levels if the causes of diet-related ill health are to be tackled. Partnerships like Edible Edinburgh can help coordinate public, private, voluntary and community sector action to push for a fairer food city.”

Iain Stewart, Chief Executive of Edinburgh Community Food, said: “Community food groups play a vital role in addressing inequalities by getting local people involved in making good food available locally. At Edinburgh Community Food we support this effort by providing food and health promotion sessions and supplying food projects throughout the city with a range of healthy affordable food products.”

Community gardeners

Creativity’s the write approach for therapy centre

MS Therapy Centre Lothian launches creative writing fundraiser

letter (2)

The MS Therapy Centre Lothian today launched its latest fundraiser – a new creative writing service which will benefit its 200 visitors. MS: My Story will be a series of eight weekly creative writing workshops, specifically designed for people with multiple sclerosis to experiment with writing about their lives.

The groups will be led by a creative writing facilitator who focuses on the therapeutic benefit of writing – not spelling, grammar or literary quality. This means that the content of the writing, no matter how personal, will be treated as important and valuable.

At the end of the eight week series, participants will be given the option to publish a piece of their writing in a small booklet which will then be used to raise awareness of MS and to raise funds for the centre.

Nancy Campbell, Operations Manager at the Centre, said: “Writing is not a substitute for counselling or therapy, but it is a cost-effective, community-based and often enjoyable way to address emotional issues. Putting words down on the page can help people to order their thoughts, perhaps even leading to positive adjustments to their lives. Penning a poem can also create a wonderful sense of achievement.”

To make the initiative possible, the centre is looking for £2,500. Each person that provides funding – ranging from a minimum of £10 to over £500 – will be kept informed of the project’s progress with some being offered the opportunity to take part in a creative writing workshop.

Nancy added: “The yearly cost of providing our current services is around £200,000, which we are able to raise thanks to the kind support of regular donors and fundraisers. However, these running costs mean that we simply cannot draw upon existing support to fund new projects – every penny is needed to maintain our current level of support.

“We are hoping that crowdfunding will help us to find new supporters, interested in pioneering this innovative and exciting way of supporting our clients. The money will cover the fees of the creative writing facilitator inclusive of materials and over an eight week period, the cost of 200 copies of our publication and a launch event.”

To donate please visit http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/MS-My-Story/

The MS Therapy Centre Lothian is a charity providing help and practical therapies such as physiotherapy, complementary therapies and oxygen therapy as well as emotional support and advice.


UK premiere to launch MS Awareness Week


Leith’s MS Therapy Centre is to mark MS Awareness Week 2014 (28 Apr-4 May) by hosting the UK premiere of “When I Walk”, an award-winning film by Jason DaSilva about his life with MS.

The event takes place on Monday (28 April) at the Filmhouse Cinema on Lothian Road at 11am. Tickets are priced at £12.50 and available at www.mstc-lothian.org.uk.

Thirty five year old New Yorker Jason (pictured above) was diagnosed with MS in 2006. He had been on holiday with his family when he suddenly fell down. Unable to get back up, he could no longer ignore the disease which doctors had diagnosed a few months earlier.

Jason tried exercise to help, but after his fall on the beach his mum reminded him he was still able to pursue the things he enjoyed most in life – art and filmmaking – and from that moment he set about set out on a worldwide journey in search of healing, self-discovery and love.

Jason said: “I just want people to relate to it to as a story that is interesting and compelling to watch. And I do hope that for people with disabilities or struggles with illness similar to mine, it will be cathartic for them to see their story on film.”

Nancy Campbell, Operations Manager at the MS Therapy Centre, said: “We are showing the film in the hope it will provide some insight into MS, its symptoms, and its impact. Scotland has the highest incidence of MS in the world and can’t be ignored. “

The MS Therapy Centre Lothian is a charity providing help and practical therapies such as physiotherapy, complementary therapies and oxygen therapy as well as emotional support and advice.www.mstc-lothian.org.uk