Dyslexia support funding to be doubled

Funding for a charity supporting children with dyslexia is being doubled, Deputy First Minister John Swinney has announced. Dyslexia Scotland will receive £200,000 funding in 2017/18 to support their work, which includes a helpline, dyslexia assessments and tutoring.

New tools to help teachers address the needs of pupils with dyslexia are also being developed.

The Addressing Dyslexia toolkit has been revised to make it more accessible and easier to use. The free online resource helps teachers support children with dyslexia and literacy issues.

Free online training courses are also being developed to help teachers identify dyslexia early and improve support for pupils as they learn and when preparing to leave school.

Mr Swinney announced the funding at the launch of the refreshed toolkit yesterday, where he met young  ambassadors for Dyslexia Scotland and the charity’s president, Sir Jackie Stewart.

Mr Swinney said: “It is vital that young people with dyslexia get the support they need so they can achieve their potential. Today I have met young people who show just how much can be achieved with the right identification and support. But we also know there is more to be done.

“That is why we are doubling the funding we provide to Dyslexia Scotland, to support their work in improving opportunities and supporting children and their families.

“To help children get the right start in life, teachers must be properly equipped to identify dyslexia early and provide the right support, which is why we have refreshed our Addressing Dyslexia toolkit, and created new online training tools.”

Sir Jackie Stewart (above) said: “I cannot emphasise how important it is for all teachers – and I mean all teachers – to use this free, comprehensive and informative Toolkit.

“For the sake of the 10-15% of children and young people with dyslexia in Scotland, my hope is that teachers, schools and local authorities actively promote this invaluable guidance and the accompanying online training. My sincere thanks go to the expert working group that has made this possible.

“My own experience at school scarred me for life due to the ignorance of my teacher – and we know that there are still too many young people not being identified and supported today. Therefore, I am delighted and very grateful that the Scottish Government has supported this initiative and that the Deputy First Minister has today announced that the funding to Dyslexia Scotland will be doubled next year.”

The Addressing Dyslexia toolkit was first launched in 2010.

The first of three online training modules – entitled ‘Introduction to dyslexia and inclusive practice’ – has been developed. It will be available on the Addressing Dyslexia, Open University and Dyslexia Scotland websites and through Education Scotland’s digital sites.

Join the Cheyne Gang!

If you have a long term condition that affects your breathing such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), severe asthma orbronchiectasis for example then did you know that singing can have a positive effect on your lung capacity and help you to control your breathing?

The Cheyne Gang is a singing group set up by Practice Nurses based on research that proves the benefits of singing on physical, mental and social health. Our 2 hour sessions are facilitated by a professional voice coach who teaches breathing techniques to help your lung condition and we sing popular songs which you will recognise and which are tailored to your voice and breathing.

Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership is supporting us over the next 6 months with a grant and with this we have been able to move to a more suitable venue.

See our flyer (above) for more details and please feel free to come along to one of our sessions to try it out!

Awareness raising campaign to follow World Cancer Day

Health Secretary Shona Robison has marked World Cancer Day today by reflecting on the strides made in Scotland over the past year to help bring cancer down to size. Ms Robison highlighted recent positive developments made across Scotland – and underlined the government’s continued focus on turning Scotland’s Big C into the ‘wee c’ through awareness and action. Continue reading Awareness raising campaign to follow World Cancer Day

Public Social Partnership events

Edinburgh Wellbeing public social partnership (psp)

“Talk, Share, Plan, Repeat” Coproduction Events

Public Social Partnerships (PSPs) are about people working together to design what services and supports are needed to meet the need of people who have mental ill health, or mental health difficulties, and then building partnerships to deliver the services and supports. There will be two city wide events, the first to capture the main themes and the second to capture work across the city and to begin to make these links. The locality events will be focused more around understanding the needs of that particular community,  opening up local dialogue, and building relationships for future partnership working.

To registers for one/or more events or general enquiries please email: EdinburghPSP@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

  • Locality – North West: 1st Feb, 11 – 2:30, Muirhouse Library
  • City Wide: 8th Feb, 11 – 2:30, tbc
  • Locality – North West: 22nd Feb, 11 – 2:30, Muirhouse Library

Tackling the scourge of food poverty

Sixteen projects across Scotland will share £350,000 to help families access fresh and healthy food, Communities Secretary Angela Constance has announced. It’s the second allocation of money from the £1 million Fair Food Fund which is already funding 20 projects. Continue reading Tackling the scourge of food poverty